import wurl from 'wurl'; import os from 'os'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; const INJECT_CSS_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'inject/inject.css'); const log = require('loglevel'); function isOSX() { return os.platform() === 'darwin'; } function isLinux() { return os.platform() === 'linux'; } function isWindows() { return os.platform() === 'win32'; } function linkIsInternal(currentUrl, newUrl, internalUrlRegex) { if (newUrl === 'about:blank') { return true; } if (internalUrlRegex) { const regex = RegExp(internalUrlRegex); return regex.test(newUrl); } const currentDomain = wurl('domain', currentUrl); const newDomain = wurl('domain', newUrl); return currentDomain === newDomain; } function shouldInjectCss() { try { fs.accessSync(INJECT_CSS_PATH, fs.F_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function getCssToInject() { return fs.readFileSync(INJECT_CSS_PATH).toString(); } /** * Helper method to print debug messages from the main process in the browser window * @param {BrowserWindow} browserWindow * @param message */ function debugLog(browserWindow, message) { // need the timeout as it takes time for the preload javascript to be loaded in the window setTimeout(() => { browserWindow.webContents.send('debug', message); }, 3000);; } function getAppIcon() { return path.join(__dirname, '../', `/icon.${isWindows() ? 'ico' : 'png'}`); } function nativeTabsSupported() { return isOSX(); } function getCounterValue(title) { const itemCountRegex = /[([{]([\d.,]*)\+?[}\])]/; const match = itemCountRegex.exec(title); return match ? match[1] : undefined; } export default { isOSX, isLinux, isWindows, linkIsInternal, getCssToInject, debugLog, shouldInjectCss, getAppIcon, nativeTabsSupported, getCounterValue, };