import { getOptions } from './optionsMain'; import * as asyncConfig from './asyncConfig'; const mockedAsyncConfig = { some: 'options' }; let asyncConfigMock: jasmine.Spy; beforeAll(() => { asyncConfigMock = spyOn(asyncConfig, 'asyncConfig').and.returnValue( mockedAsyncConfig, ); }); test('it should call the async config', async () => { const params = { targetUrl: '', }; const result = await getOptions(params); expect(asyncConfigMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ packager: expect.anything(), nativefier: expect.anything(), }), ); expect(result.packager.targetUrl).toEqual(params.targetUrl); }); test('it should set the accessibility prompt option to true by default', async () => { const params = { targetUrl: '', }; const result = await getOptions(params); expect(asyncConfigMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ nativefier: expect.objectContaining({ accessibilityPrompt: true, }), }), ); expect(result.nativefier.accessibilityPrompt).toEqual(true); });