var path = require('path') var fs = require('fs') var os = require('os') var download = require('electron-download') var extract = require('extract-zip') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var series = require('run-series') var common = require('./common') var supportedArchs = { ia32: 1, x64: 1 } var supportedPlatforms = { // Maps to module ID for each platform (lazy-required if used) darwin: './mac', linux: './linux', win32: './win32' } var tempBase = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-packager') function testSymlink (cb) { var testPath = path.join(tempBase, 'symlink-test') var testFile = path.join(testPath, 'test') var testLink = path.join(testPath, 'testlink') series([ function (cb) { mkdirp(testPath, cb) }, function (cb) { fs.writeFile(testFile, '', cb) }, function (cb) { fs.symlink(testFile, testLink, cb) } ], function (err) { var result = !err rimraf(testPath, function () { cb(result) // ignore errors on cleanup }) }) } function validateList (list, supported, name) { // Validates list of architectures or platforms. // Returns a normalized array if successful, or an error message string otherwise. if (!list) return 'Must specify ' + name if (list === 'all') return Object.keys(supported) if (!Array.isArray(list)) list = list.split(',') for (var i = list.length; i--;) { if (!supported[list[i]]) { return 'Unsupported ' + name + ' ' + list[i] + '; must be one of: ' + Object.keys(supported).join(', ') } } return list } function createSeries (opts, archs, platforms) { var combinations = [] archs.forEach(function (arch) { platforms.forEach(function (platform) { // Electron does not have 32-bit releases for Mac OS X, so skip that combination if (platform === 'darwin' && arch === 'ia32') return combinations.push({ platform: platform, arch: arch, version: opts.version }) }) }) return [ function (cb) { rimraf(tempBase, cb) } ].concat( (combination) { var arch = combination.arch var platform = combination.platform var version = combination.version return function (callback) { download(combination, function (err, zipPath) { if (err) return callback(err) var tmpDir = path.join(tempBase, platform + '-' + arch + '-template') var operations = [ function (cb) { mkdirp(tmpDir, cb) }, function (cb) { extract(zipPath, {dir: tmpDir}, cb) } ] function createApp (comboOpts) { console.error('Packaging app for platform', platform + ' ' + arch, 'using electron v' + version) series(operations, function () { require(supportedPlatforms[platform]).createApp(comboOpts, tmpDir, callback) }) } function checkOverwrite () { // Create delegated options object with specific platform and arch, for output directory naming var comboOpts = Object.create(opts) comboOpts.arch = arch comboOpts.platform = platform var finalPath = common.generateFinalPath(comboOpts) fs.exists(finalPath, function (exists) { if (exists) { if (opts.overwrite) { rimraf(finalPath, function () { createApp(comboOpts) }) } else { console.error('Skipping ' + platform + ' ' + arch + ' (output dir already exists, use --overwrite to force)') callback() } } else { createApp(comboOpts) } }) } if (combination.platform === 'darwin') { testSymlink(function (result) { if (result) return checkOverwrite() console.error('Cannot create symlinks; skipping darwin platform') callback() }) } else { checkOverwrite() } }) } })) } module.exports = function packager (opts, cb) { var archs = validateList(opts.all ? 'all' : opts.arch, supportedArchs, 'arch') var platforms = validateList(opts.all ? 'all' : opts.platform, supportedPlatforms, 'platform') if (!opts.version) return cb(new Error('Must specify version')) if (!Array.isArray(archs)) return cb(new Error(archs)) if (!Array.isArray(platforms)) return cb(new Error(platforms)) // Ignore this and related modules by default var defaultIgnores = ['/node_modules/electron-prebuilt($|/)', '/node_modules/electron-packager($|/)', '/\.git($|/)'] if (opts.ignore && !Array.isArray(opts.ignore)) opts.ignore = [opts.ignore] opts.ignore = (opts.ignore) ? opts.ignore.concat(defaultIgnores) : defaultIgnores series(createSeries(opts, archs, platforms), function (err, appPaths) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, appPaths.filter(function (appPath) { // Remove falsy entries (e.g. skipped platforms) return appPath })) }) }