import { getOptions, normalizePlatform } from './optionsMain'; import * as asyncConfig from './asyncConfig'; import { inferPlatform } from '../infer/inferOs'; import { AppOptions, RawOptions } from '../../shared/src/options/model'; let asyncConfigMock: jest.SpyInstance; const mockedAsyncConfig: AppOptions = { nativefier: { accessibilityPrompt: false, alwaysOnTop: false, backgroundColor: undefined, basicAuthPassword: undefined, basicAuthUsername: undefined, blockExternalUrls: false, bookmarksMenu: undefined, bounce: false, browserwindowOptions: undefined, clearCache: false, counter: false, crashReporter: undefined, disableContextMenu: false, disableDevTools: false, disableGpu: false, disableOldBuildWarning: false, diskCacheSize: undefined, enableEs3Apis: false, fastQuit: true, fileDownloadOptions: undefined, flashPluginDir: undefined, fullScreen: false, globalShortcuts: undefined, height: undefined, hideWindowFrame: false, ignoreCertificate: false, ignoreGpuBlacklist: false, inject: [], insecure: false, internalUrls: undefined, maximize: false, maxHeight: undefined, minWidth: undefined, minHeight: undefined, maxWidth: undefined, nativefierVersion: '1.0.0', processEnvs: undefined, proxyRules: undefined, showMenuBar: false, singleInstance: false, strictInternalUrls: false, titleBarStyle: undefined, tray: 'false', userAgent: undefined, userAgentHonest: false, verbose: false, versionString: '1.0.0', width: undefined, widevine: false, x: undefined, y: undefined, zoom: 1, }, packager: { dir: '', platform: process.platform, portable: false, targetUrl: '', upgrade: false, }, }; beforeAll(() => { asyncConfigMock = jest .spyOn(asyncConfig, 'asyncConfig') .mockResolvedValue(mockedAsyncConfig); }); test('it should call the async config', async () => { const params: RawOptions = { targetUrl: '', tray: 'false', }; const result = await getOptions(params); expect(asyncConfigMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ packager: expect.anything() as AppOptions['packager'], nativefier: expect.anything() as AppOptions['nativefier'], }), ); expect(result.packager.targetUrl).toEqual(params.targetUrl); }); test('it should set the accessibility prompt option to true by default', async () => { const params: RawOptions = { targetUrl: '', tray: 'false', }; const result = await getOptions(params); expect(asyncConfigMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ nativefier: expect.objectContaining({ accessibilityPrompt: true, }) as AppOptions['nativefier'], }), ); expect(result.nativefier.accessibilityPrompt).toEqual(true); }); test.each([ { platform: 'darwin', expectedPlatform: 'darwin' }, { platform: 'mAc', expectedPlatform: 'darwin' }, { platform: 'osx', expectedPlatform: 'darwin' }, { platform: 'liNux', expectedPlatform: 'linux' }, { platform: 'mas', expectedPlatform: 'mas' }, { platform: 'WIN32', expectedPlatform: 'win32' }, { platform: 'windows', expectedPlatform: 'win32' }, {}, ])('it should be able to normalize the platform %s', (platformOptions) => { if (!platformOptions.expectedPlatform) { platformOptions.expectedPlatform = inferPlatform(); } expect(normalizePlatform(platformOptions.platform)).toBe( platformOptions.expectedPlatform, ); });