import pageIcon from 'page-icon'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import tmp from 'tmp'; import gitCloud from 'gitcloud'; import helpers from './../helpers/helpers'; const { downloadFile, allowedIconFormats } = helpers; tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); const GITCLOUD_SPACE_DELIMITER = '-'; function getMaxMatchScore(iconWithScores) { return iconWithScores.reduce((maxScore, currentIcon) => { const currentScore = currentIcon.score; if (currentScore > maxScore) { return currentScore; } return maxScore; }, 0); } /** * also maps ext to icon object */ function getMatchingIcons(iconsWithScores, maxScore) { return iconsWithScores .filter(item => item.score === maxScore) .map(item => Object.assign({}, item, { ext: path.extname(item.url) })); } function mapIconWithMatchScore(fileIndex, targetUrl) { const normalisedTargetUrl = targetUrl.toLowerCase(); return fileIndex .map((item) => { const itemWords =; const score = itemWords.reduce((currentScore, word) => { if (normalisedTargetUrl.includes(word)) { return currentScore + 1; } return currentScore; }, 0); return Object.assign({}, item, { score }); }); } function inferIconFromStore(targetUrl, platform) { const allowedFormats = new Set(allowedIconFormats(platform)); return gitCloud('') .then((fileIndex) => { const iconWithScores = mapIconWithMatchScore(fileIndex, targetUrl); const maxScore = getMaxMatchScore(iconWithScores); if (maxScore === 0) { return null; } const iconsMatchingScore = getMatchingIcons(iconWithScores, maxScore); const iconsMatchingExt = iconsMatchingScore.filter(icon => allowedFormats.has(icon.ext)); const matchingIcon = iconsMatchingExt[0]; const iconUrl = matchingIcon && matchingIcon.url; if (!iconUrl) { return null; } return downloadFile(iconUrl); }); } function writeFilePromise(outPath, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(outPath, data, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(outPath); }); }); } function inferFromPage(targetUrl, platform, outDir) { let preferredExt = '.png'; if (platform === 'win32') { preferredExt = '.ico'; } // todo might want to pass list of preferences instead return pageIcon(targetUrl, { ext: preferredExt }) .then((icon) => { if (!icon) { return null; } const outfilePath = path.join(outDir, `/icon${icon.ext}`); return writeFilePromise(outfilePath,; }); } /** * * @param {string} targetUrl * @param {string} platform * @param {string} outDir */ function inferIconFromUrlToPath(targetUrl, platform, outDir) { return inferIconFromStore(targetUrl, platform) .then((icon) => { if (!icon) { return inferFromPage(targetUrl, platform, outDir); } const outfilePath = path.join(outDir, `/icon${icon.ext}`); return writeFilePromise(outfilePath,; }); } /** * @param {string} targetUrl * @param {string} platform */ function inferIcon(targetUrl, platform) { const tmpObj = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }); const tmpPath =; return inferIconFromUrlToPath(targetUrl, platform, tmpPath); } export default inferIcon;