import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import optionsFactory from './options'; import pngToIcns from './getIcon'; import helpers from './helpers'; import packager from 'electron-packager'; import tmp from 'tmp'; import ncp from 'ncp'; import async from 'async'; import _ from 'lodash'; import packageJson from './../package.json'; const copy = ncp.ncp; const isOSX = helpers.isOSX; /** * @callback buildAppCallback * @param error * @param appPath */ /** * * @param {{}} options * @param {buildAppCallback} callback */ function buildApp(options, callback) { // pre process app var tmpObj = tmp.dirSync({unsafeCleanup: true}); const tmpPath =; async.waterfall([ callback => { optionsFactory( options.appName, options.targetUrl, options.platform, options.arch, options.electronVersion, options.outDir, options.overwrite, options.conceal, options.icon, options.counter, options.width, options.height, options.showMenuBar, options.userAgent, options.honest, options.insecure, callback); }, (options, callback) => { copyPlaceholderApp(options.dir, tmpPath,, options.targetUrl, options.counter, options.width, options.height, options.showMenuBar, options.userAgent, options.insecure, (error, tempDirPath) => { callback(error, tempDirPath, options); }); }, (tempDir, options, callback) => { if (options.platform !== 'darwin' || !isOSX()) { callback(null, tempDir, options); return; } pngToIcns(options.icon, (error, icnsPath) => { options.icon = icnsPath; callback(error, tempDir, options); }); }, (tempDir, options, callback) => { options.dir = tempDir; packager(options, (error, appPathArray) => { callback(error, options, appPathArray); }); }, (options, appPathArray, callback) => { // somehow appPathArray is a 1 element array if (appPathArray.length === 0) { // directory already exists, --overwrite is not set // exit here callback(); return; } if (appPathArray.length > 1) { console.warn('Warning: Packaged app path contains more than one element:', appPathArray); } const appPath = appPathArray[0]; if (!options.icon) { callback(null, appPath); return; } if (options.platform === 'darwin') { callback(null, appPath); return; } // windows & linux const destIconPath = path.join(appPath, 'resources/app'); copy(options.icon, path.join(destIconPath, 'icon.png'), error => { callback(error, appPath); }); } ], callback); } /** * @callback tempDirCallback * @param error * @param {string} [tempDirPath] */ /** * Creates a temporary directory and copies the './app folder' inside, and adds a text file with the configuration * for the single page app. * * @param {string} srcAppDir * @param {string} tempDir * @param {string} name * @param {string} targetURL * @param {boolean} counter * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {boolean} showMenuBar * @param {string} userAgent * @param {tempDirCallback} callback */ function copyPlaceholderApp(srcAppDir, tempDir, name, targetURL, counter, width, height, showMenuBar, userAgent, insecure, callback) { const loadedPackageJson = packageJson; copy(srcAppDir, tempDir, function(error) { if (error) { console.error(error); callback(`Error Copying temporary directory: ${error}`); return; } const appArgs = { name: name, targetUrl: targetURL, counter: counter, width: width, height: height, showMenuBar: showMenuBar, userAgent: userAgent, nativefierVersion: loadedPackageJson.version, insecure: insecure }; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tempDir, '/nativefier.json'), JSON.stringify(appArgs)); // change name of packageJson so that temporary files will not be shared across different app instances const packageJsonPath = path.join(tempDir, '/package.json'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJsonPath)); = normalizeAppName(; fs.writeFileSync(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(packageJson)); callback(null, tempDir); }); } function normalizeAppName(appName) { // use a simple 3 byte random string to prevent collision const postFixHash = crypto.randomBytes(3).toString('hex'); const normalized = _.kebabCase(appName.toLowerCase()); return `${normalized}-nativefier-${postFixHash}`; } export default buildApp;