import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { ipcMain, BrowserWindow, IpcMainEvent } from 'electron'; import windowStateKeeper from 'electron-window-state'; import log from 'loglevel'; import { getAppIcon, getCounterValue, isOSX, nativeTabsSupported, } from '../helpers/helpers'; import { onNewWindow, setupNativefierWindow } from '../helpers/windowEvents'; import { clearCache, getDefaultWindowOptions, hideWindow, } from '../helpers/windowHelpers'; import { initContextMenu } from './contextMenu'; import { createMenu } from './menu'; export const APP_ARGS_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'nativefier.json'); type SessionInteractionRequest = { id?: string; func?: string; funcArgs?: unknown[]; property?: string; propertyValue?: unknown; }; type SessionInteractionResult = { id?: string; value?: unknown; error?: Error; }; /** * @param {{}} nativefierOptions AppArgs from nativefier.json * @param {function} setDockBadge */ export async function createMainWindow( nativefierOptions, setDockBadge: (value: number | string, bounce?: boolean) => void, ): Promise { const options = { ...nativefierOptions }; const mainWindowState = windowStateKeeper({ defaultWidth: options.width || 1280, defaultHeight: options.height || 800, }); const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ frame: !options.hideWindowFrame, width: mainWindowState.width, height: mainWindowState.height, minWidth: options.minWidth, minHeight: options.minHeight, maxWidth: options.maxWidth, maxHeight: options.maxHeight, x: options.x, y: options.y, autoHideMenuBar: !options.showMenuBar, icon: getAppIcon(), fullscreen: options.fullScreen, // Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Default is false. alwaysOnTop: options.alwaysOnTop, titleBarStyle: options.titleBarStyle, show: options.tray !== 'start-in-tray', backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor, ...getDefaultWindowOptions(options), }); mainWindowState.manage(mainWindow); // after first run, no longer force maximize to be true if (options.maximize) { mainWindow.maximize(); options.maximize = undefined; saveAppArgs(options); } if (options.tray === 'start-in-tray') { mainWindow.hide(); } createMenu(options, mainWindow); createContextMenu(options, mainWindow); setupNativefierWindow(options, mainWindow); // .on('new-window', ...) is deprected in favor of setWindowOpenHandler(...) // We can't quite cut over to that yet for a few reasons: // 1. Our version of Electron does not yet support a parameter to // setWindowOpenHandler that contains `disposition', which we need. // See // 2. setWindowOpenHandler doesn't support newGuest as well // Though at this point, 'new-window' bugs seem to be coming up and downstream // users are being pointed to use setWindowOpenHandler. // E.g., // Note it is important to add this handler only to the *main* window, // else we run into weird behavior like opening tabs twice mainWindow.webContents.on( 'new-window', (event, url, frameName, disposition) => { onNewWindow( options, setupNativefierWindow, event, url, frameName, disposition, ).catch((err) => log.error('onNewWindow ERROR', err)); }, ); if (options.counter) { setupCounter(options, mainWindow, setDockBadge); } else { setupNotificationBadge(options, mainWindow, setDockBadge); } ipcMain.on('notification-click', () => { log.debug('ipcMain.notification-click');; }); setupSessionInteraction(options, mainWindow); if (options.clearCache) { await clearCache(mainWindow); } await mainWindow.loadURL(options.targetUrl); setupCloseEvent(options, mainWindow); return mainWindow; } function createContextMenu(options, window: BrowserWindow): void { if (!options.disableContextMenu) { initContextMenu(options, window); } } export function saveAppArgs(newAppArgs: any): void { try { fs.writeFileSync(APP_ARGS_FILE_PATH, JSON.stringify(newAppArgs)); } catch (err: unknown) { log.warn( `WARNING: Ignored nativefier.json rewrital (${(err as Error).message})`, ); } } function setupCloseEvent(options, window: BrowserWindow): void { window.on('close', (event: IpcMainEvent) => { log.debug('mainWindow.close', event); if (window.isFullScreen()) { if (nativeTabsSupported()) { window.moveTabToNewWindow(); } window.setFullScreen(false); window.once('leave-full-screen', (event: IpcMainEvent) => hideWindow(window, event, options.fastQuit, options.tray), ); } hideWindow(window, event, options.fastQuit, options.tray); if (options.clearCache) { clearCache(window).catch((err) => log.error('clearCache ERROR', err)); } }); } function setupCounter( options, window: BrowserWindow, setDockBadge: (value: number | string, bounce?: boolean) => void, ): void { window.on('page-title-updated', (event, title) => { log.debug('', { event, title }); const counterValue = getCounterValue(title); if (counterValue) { setDockBadge(counterValue, options.bounce); } else { setDockBadge(''); } }); } function setupNotificationBadge( options, window: BrowserWindow, setDockBadge: (value: number | string, bounce?: boolean) => void, ): void { ipcMain.on('notification', () => { log.debug('ipcMain.notification'); if (!isOSX() || window.isFocused()) { return; } setDockBadge('•', options.bounce); }); window.on('focus', () => { log.debug('mainWindow.focus'); setDockBadge(''); }); } function setupSessionInteraction(options, window: BrowserWindow): void { // See / "Accessing The Electron Session" ipcMain.on( 'session-interaction', (event, request: SessionInteractionRequest) => { log.debug('ipcMain.session-interaction', { event, request }); const result: SessionInteractionResult = { id: }; let awaitingPromise = false; try { if (request.func !== undefined) { // If no funcArgs provided, we'll just use an empty array if (request.funcArgs === undefined || request.funcArgs === null) { request.funcArgs = []; } // If funcArgs isn't an array, we'll be nice and make it a single item array if (typeof request.funcArgs[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { request.funcArgs = [request.funcArgs]; } // Call func with funcArgs result.value = window.webContents.session[request.func]( ...request.funcArgs, ); if ( result.value !== undefined && typeof result.value['then'] === 'function' ) { // This is a promise. We'll resolve it here otherwise it will blow up trying to serialize it in the reply (result.value as Promise) .then((trueResultValue) => { result.value = trueResultValue; log.debug('ipcMain.session-interaction:result', result); event.reply('session-interaction-reply', result); }) .catch((err) => log.error('session-interaction ERROR', request, err), ); awaitingPromise = true; } } else if ( !== undefined) { if (request.propertyValue !== undefined) { // Set the property window.webContents.session[] = request.propertyValue; } // Get the property value result.value = window.webContents.session[]; } else { // Why even send the event if you're going to do this? You're just wasting time! ;) throw new Error( 'Received neither a func nor a property in the request. Unable to process.', ); } // If we are awaiting a promise, that will return the reply instead, else if (!awaitingPromise) { log.debug('session-interaction:result', result); event.reply('session-interaction-reply', result); } } catch (err: unknown) { log.error('session-interaction:error', err, event, request); result.error = err as Error; result.value = undefined; // Clear out the value in case serializing the value is what got us into this mess in the first place event.reply('session-interaction-reply', result); } }, ); }