import tmp from 'tmp'; import chai from 'chai'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import async from 'async'; import nativefier from './../../lib/index'; const PLATFORMS = ['darwin', 'linux']; tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); const { assert } = chai; function checkApp(appPath, inputOptions, callback) { try { let relPathToConfig; switch (inputOptions.platform) { case 'darwin': relPathToConfig = path.join('', 'Contents/Resources/app'); break; case 'linux': relPathToConfig = 'resources/app'; break; case 'win32': relPathToConfig = 'resources/app'; break; default: throw new Error('Unknown app platform'); } const nativefierConfigPath = path.join(appPath, relPathToConfig, 'nativefier.json'); const nativefierConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(nativefierConfigPath)); assert.strictEqual(inputOptions.targetUrl, nativefierConfig.targetUrl, 'Packaged app must have the same targetUrl as the input parameters'); // app name is not consistent for linux // assert.strictEqual(inputOptions.appName,, // 'Packaged app must have the same name as the input parameters'); callback(); } catch (exception) { callback(exception); } } describe('Nativefier Module', function testNativefierModule() { this.timeout(240000); it('Can build an app from a target url', (done) => { async.eachSeries(PLATFORMS, (platform, callback) => { const tmpObj = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }); const tmpPath =; const options = { name: 'google-test-app', targetUrl: '', out: tmpPath, overwrite: true, platform: null, }; options.platform = platform; nativefier(options, (error, appPath) => { if (error) { callback(error); return; } checkApp(appPath, options, (err) => { callback(err); }); }); }, (error) => { done(error); }); }); });