import { once } from 'events'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Shell } from 'electron'; import { _electron, ConsoleMessage, Dialog, ElectronApplication, Page, } from 'playwright'; import { getTempDir, isLinux } from './helpers/helpers'; import { NativefierOptions } from '../shared/src/options/model'; const INJECT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'app', 'inject'); const log = console; function sleep(milliseconds: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds); }); } /** * Debugging this? Run your playwright tests in debug mode: * DEBUG='pw:browser*' npm run test:playwright */ describe('Application launch', () => { jest.setTimeout(60000); let app: ElectronApplication; let appClosed = true; const appMainJSPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'app', 'lib', 'main.js'); const DEFAULT_CONFIG: NativefierOptions = { targetUrl: '', }; const logFileDir = getTempDir('playwright'); const metaOrAlt = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Meta' : 'Alt'; const metaOrCtrl = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Meta' : 'Control'; const spawnApp = async ( playwrightConfig: NativefierOptions = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG }, awaitFirstWindow = true, preventNavigation = false, ): Promise => { const consoleListener = (consoleMessage: ConsoleMessage): void => { const consoleMethods: Record unknown> = { debug: log.debug.bind(console), error: log.error.bind(console), info:, log: log.log.bind(console), trace: log.trace.bind(console), warn: log.warn.bind(console), }; Promise.all(consoleMessage.args().map((x) => x.jsonValue())) .then((args) => { if (consoleMessage.type() in consoleMethods) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call consoleMethods[consoleMessage.type()]('window.console', args); } else { log.log('window.console', args); } }) .catch(() => log.log('window.console', consoleMessage)); }; app = await _electron.launch({ // Workaround for the following errors in some linux distros: // pw:browser [pid=24716][err] [24718:0100/] write: Broken pipe (32) +16ms // pw:browser [pid=24719][err] [24719:0725/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /home/parallels/Dev/nativefier/node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755. +61ms args: isLinux() ? ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', appMainJSPath] : [appMainJSPath], env: { LOG_FILE_DIR: logFileDir, PLAYWRIGHT_TEST: '1', PLAYWRIGHT_CONFIG: JSON.stringify({ ...playwrightConfig, // disableGpu and process.env.DISPLAY forwarding solve the following errors on Linux: // pw:browser [pid=286188][err] [286188:0724/] Missing X server or $DISPLAY +77ms // pw:browser [pid=286188][err] [286188:0724/] The platform failed to initialize. Exiting. +2ms disableGpu: isLinux() ? true : undefined, processEnvs: isLinux() && process.env.DISPLAY ? JSON.stringify({ DISPLAY: process.env.DISPLAY }) : undefined, } as NativefierOptions), USE_LOG_FILE: '1', VERBOSE: '1', }, timeout: 60000, }); app.on('window', (page: Page) => { page.on('console', consoleListener); if (preventNavigation) { // Prevent page navigation so we can have a reliable test page .route('*', (route): void => {`Preventing route: ${route.request().url()}`); route.abort().catch((error) => { log.error('ERROR', error); }); }) .catch((error) => { log.error('ERROR', error); }); } }); app.on('close', () => (appClosed = true)); appClosed = false; if (!awaitFirstWindow) { return undefined; } const window = await app.firstWindow(); // Wait for our initial page to finish loading, otherwise some tests will break let waited = 0; while ( window.url() === 'about:blank' && playwrightConfig.targetUrl !== 'about:blank' && waited < 2000 ) { waited += 100; await sleep(100); } return window; }; beforeEach(() => { nukeInjects(); nukeLogs(logFileDir); }); afterEach(async () => { if (app && !appClosed) { await app.close(); } if (process.env.DEBUG) { showLogs(logFileDir); } }); test('shows an initial window', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); expect(; expect(await mainWindow.title()).toBe('npm'); }); test('can inject some CSS', async () => { const fuschia = 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'; createInject( 'inject.css', `* { background-color: ${fuschia} !important; }`, ); const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); const headerStyle = await mainWindow.$eval('header', (el) => window.getComputedStyle(el), ); expect(headerStyle.backgroundColor).toBe(fuschia); await'#nav-pricing-link'); await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); const headerStylePostNavigate = await mainWindow.$eval('header', (el) => window.getComputedStyle(el), ); expect(headerStylePostNavigate.backgroundColor).toBe(fuschia); }); test('can inject some JS', async () => { const alertMsg = 'hello world from inject'; createInject( 'inject.js', `setTimeout(() => {alert("${alertMsg}"); }, 5000);`, // Buy ourselves 5 seconds to get the dialog handler setup ); const mainWindow = (await spawnApp( { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG }, true, true, )) as Page; const [dialogPromise] = (await once( mainWindow, 'dialog', )) as unknown as Promise[]; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment const dialog: Dialog = await dialogPromise; await dialog.dismiss(); expect(dialog.message()).toBe(alertMsg); }); test('can open internal links', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); await'#nav-pricing-link'); await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); expect(; }); test('tries to open external links', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); // Install the mock first await app.evaluate(({ shell }: { shell: Shell }) => { // @ts-expect-error injecting into shell so that this promise // can be accessed outside of this anonymous function's scope // Not my favorite thing to do, but I could not find another way process.openExternalPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { shell.openExternal = async (url: string): Promise => { resolve(url); return Promise.resolve(); }; }); }); // Click, but don't await it - Playwright waits for stuff that does not happen when Electron does openExternal. mainWindow .click('#footer > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a') .catch((err: unknown) => { expect(err).toBeUndefined(); }); // Go pull out our value returned by our hacky global promise const openExternalUrl = await app.evaluate('process.openExternalPromise'); expect(openExternalUrl).not.toBe(''); expect(openExternalUrl).not.toBe(DEFAULT_CONFIG.targetUrl); }); // Currently disabled. Playwright doesn't seem to support app keypress events for menu shortcuts. // Will enable when is resolved. test.skip('keyboard shortcuts: zoom', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); const defaultZoom: number | undefined = await app.evaluate( ({ BrowserWindow }) => BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()?.webContents?.zoomFactor, ); expect(defaultZoom).toBeDefined(); await`${metaOrCtrl}+Equal`); const postZoomIn = await app.evaluate( ({ BrowserWindow }): number | undefined => BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()?.webContents?.zoomFactor, ); expect(postZoomIn).toBeGreaterThan(defaultZoom as number); await`${metaOrCtrl}+0`); const postZoomReset = await app.evaluate( ({ BrowserWindow }): number | undefined => BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()?.webContents?.zoomFactor, ); expect(postZoomReset).toEqual(defaultZoom); await`${metaOrCtrl}+Minus`); const postZoomOut: number | undefined = await app.evaluate( ({ BrowserWindow }) => BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()?.webContents?.zoomFactor, ); expect(postZoomOut).toBeLessThan(defaultZoom as number); }); // Currently disabled. Playwright doesn't seem to support app keypress events for menu shortcuts. // Will enable when is resolved. test.skip('keyboard shortcuts: back and forward', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp()) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); await Promise.all(['#nav-pricing-link'), mainWindow.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }), ]); // Go back // console.log(`${metaOrAlt}+ArrowLeft`); await`${metaOrAlt}+ArrowLeft`); await mainWindow.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); const backUrl = await mainWindow.evaluate(() => window.location.href); expect(backUrl).toBe(DEFAULT_CONFIG.targetUrl); // Go forward // console.log(`${metaOrAlt}+ArrowRight`); await`${metaOrAlt}+ArrowRight`); await mainWindow.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); const forwardUrl = await mainWindow.evaluate(() => window.location.href); expect(forwardUrl).not.toBe(DEFAULT_CONFIG.targetUrl); }); test('no errors thrown in console', async () => { await spawnApp({ ...DEFAULT_CONFIG }, false); const mainWindow = await app.firstWindow(); mainWindow.addListener('console', (consoleMessage: ConsoleMessage) => { try { expect(consoleMessage.type()).not.toBe('error'); } catch { // Do it this way so we'll see the whole message, not just // expect('error').not.toBe('error') // which isn't particularly useful expect({ message: 'console.error called unexpectedly with', consoleMessage, }).toBeUndefined(); } }); // Give the app 5 seconds to spin up and ensure no errors happened await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); }); test('basic auth', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp({ targetUrl: '', basicAuthUsername: 'foo', basicAuthPassword: 'bar', })) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); const documentText = await mainWindow.evaluate( 'document.documentElement.innerText', ); const documentJSON = JSON.parse(documentText) as { authenticated: boolean; user: string; }; expect(documentJSON).toEqual({ authenticated: true, user: 'foo', }); }); test('basic auth without pre-providing', async () => { const mainWindow = (await spawnApp({ targetUrl: '', })) as Page; await mainWindow.waitForLoadState('load'); // Give the app a few seconds to open the login window await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); const appWindows =; expect(appWindows).toHaveLength(2); const loginWindow = appWindows.filter((x) => x !== mainWindow)[0]; await loginWindow.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); await loginWindow.waitForLoadState('load'); const usernameField = await loginWindow.$('#username-input'); expect(usernameField).not.toBeNull(); await usernameField?.fill('foo'); const passwordField = await loginWindow.$('#password-input'); expect(passwordField).not.toBeNull(); await passwordField?.fill('bar'); const submitButton = await loginWindow.$('#submit-form-button'); expect(submitButton).not.toBeNull(); // "Why is this here?" you may be asking yourself. // Because for some reason, on some linux boxes, // the click function will not work until this is done. // Why? I do not have access to the dark incantation // that would allow me to know such information. log.log({ submitButton }); await submitButton?.click(); await mainWindow.waitForEvent('load'); const documentText = await mainWindow.evaluate( 'document.documentElement.innerText', ); const documentJSON = JSON.parse(documentText) as { authenticated: boolean; user: string; }; expect(documentJSON).toEqual({ authenticated: true, user: 'foo', }); }); }); function createInject(filename: string, contents: string): void { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(INJECT_DIR, filename), contents); } function nukeInjects(): void { if (!fs.existsSync(INJECT_DIR)) { return; } const injected = fs .readdirSync(INJECT_DIR) .filter((x) => x !== '_placeholder'); injected.forEach((x) => fs.unlinkSync(path.join(INJECT_DIR, x))); } function nukeLogs(logFileDir: string): void { const logs = fs.readdirSync(logFileDir).filter((x) => x.endsWith('.log')); logs.forEach((x) => fs.unlinkSync(path.join(logFileDir, x))); } function showLogs(logFileDir: string): void { const logs = fs.readdirSync(logFileDir).filter((x) => x.endsWith('.log')); for (const logFile of logs) { log.log(fs.readFileSync(path.join(logFileDir, logFile)).toString()); } }