FROM node:7-alpine LABEL description="Alpine image to build nativfier apps" ### Install wine depedency RUN apk add --no-cache \ wine \ freetype \ imagemagick \ ### make symbolic link to use `wine` && ln -s /usr/bin/wine64 /usr/bin/wine # Add sources COPY . /nativefier ### Build app package for nativefier installation RUN cd /nativefier/app && npm install \ # Build and install nativefier binary && cd /nativefier && npm install && npm run build && npm install -g \ ## Remove no longer needed sources && rm -rf /nativefier ### Use 1000 as default user not root USER 1000 ### Check that installation was sucessfull and chache all electron installation. ### Ensures that no addtional download will needed at runtime exectuion `docker run`. RUN nativefier /tmp/nativefier \ && nativefier -p osx /tmp/nativefier \ # TODO: windows are currently not possible, because of non 64-bit `node-rcedit`, see # && nativefier -p windows /tmp/nativefier \ #remove not need test aplication && rm -rf /tmp/nativefier ENTRYPOINT ["nativefier"] CMD ["--help"]