import 'source-map-support/register'; import { initArgs, parseArgs } from './cli'; import { parseJson } from './utils/parseUtils'; describe('initArgs + parseArgs', () => { let mockExit: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { mockExit = jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementation(); }); afterEach(() => { mockExit.mockRestore(); }); test('--help forces exit', () => { // Mock console.log to not pollute the log with the yargs help text const mockLog = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(); initArgs(['', '--help']); expect(mockExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockLog).toBeCalled(); mockLog.mockRestore(); }); test('--version forces exit', () => { // Mock console.log to not pollute the log with the yargs help text const mockLog = jest.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(); initArgs(['', '--version']); expect(mockExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockLog).toBeCalled(); mockLog.mockRestore(); }); // Positional options test('first positional becomes targetUrl', () => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs([''])); expect(args.targetUrl).toBe(''); expect(args.upgrade).toBeUndefined(); }); test('second positional becomes out', () => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['', 'tmp'])); expect(args.out).toBe('tmp'); expect(args.targetUrl).toBe(''); expect(args.upgrade).toBeUndefined(); }); // App Creation Options test('upgrade arg', () => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['--upgrade', 'pathToUpgrade'])); expect(args.upgrade).toBe('pathToUpgrade'); expect(args.targetUrl).toBe(''); }); test('upgrade arg with out dir', () => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['tmp', '--upgrade', 'pathToUpgrade'])); expect(args.upgrade).toBe('pathToUpgrade'); expect(args.out).toBe('tmp'); expect(args.targetUrl).toBe(''); }); test('upgrade arg with targetUrl', () => { expect(() => { parseArgs( initArgs(['', '--upgrade', 'path/to/upgrade']), ); }).toThrow(); }); test('multi-inject', () => { const args = parseArgs( initArgs([ '', '--inject', 'test.js', '--inject', 'test2.js', '--inject', 'test.css', '--inject', 'test2.css', ]), ); expect(args.inject).toEqual([ 'test.js', 'test2.js', 'test.css', 'test2.css', ]); }); test.each([ { arg: 'app-copyright', shortArg: null, value: '(c) Nativefier' }, { arg: 'app-version', shortArg: null, value: '2.0.0' }, { arg: 'background-color', shortArg: null, value: '#FFAA88' }, { arg: 'basic-auth-username', shortArg: null, value: 'user' }, { arg: 'basic-auth-password', shortArg: null, value: 'p@ssw0rd' }, { arg: 'bookmarks-menu', shortArg: null, value: 'bookmarks.json' }, { arg: 'browserwindow-options', shortArg: null, value: '{"test": 456}', isJsonString: true, }, { arg: 'build-version', shortArg: null, value: '3.0.0' }, { arg: 'crash-reporter', shortArg: null, value: '', }, { arg: 'electron-version', shortArg: 'e', value: '1.0.0' }, { arg: 'file-download-options', shortArg: null, value: '{"test": 789}', isJsonString: true, }, { arg: 'flash-path', shortArg: null, value: 'pathToFlash' }, { arg: 'global-shortcuts', shortArg: null, value: 'shortcuts.json' }, { arg: 'icon', shortArg: 'i', value: 'icon.png' }, { arg: 'internal-urls', shortArg: null, value: '.*' }, { arg: 'lang', shortArg: null, value: 'fr' }, { arg: 'name', shortArg: 'n', value: 'Google' }, { arg: 'process-envs', shortArg: null, value: '{"test": 123}', isJsonString: true, }, { arg: 'proxy-rules', shortArg: null, value: 'RULE: PROXY' }, { arg: 'user-agent', shortArg: 'u', value: 'FIREFOX' }, { arg: 'win32metadata', shortArg: null, value: '{"ProductName": "Google"}', isJsonString: true, }, ])('test string arg %s', ({ arg, shortArg, value, isJsonString }) => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['', `--${arg}`, value])); if (!isJsonString) { expect(args[arg]).toBe(value); } else { expect(args[arg]).toEqual(parseJson(value)); } if (shortArg) { const argsShort = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg as string}`, value]), ); if (!isJsonString) { expect(argsShort[arg]).toBe(value); } else { expect(argsShort[arg]).toEqual(parseJson(value)); } } }); test.each([ { arg: 'arch', shortArg: 'a', value: 'x64', badValue: '486' }, { arg: 'platform', shortArg: 'p', value: 'mac', badValue: 'os2' }, { arg: 'title-bar-style', shortArg: null, value: 'hidden', badValue: 'cool', }, ])('limited choice arg %s', ({ arg, shortArg, value, badValue }) => { const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['', `--${arg}`, value])); expect(args[arg]).toBe(value); // Mock console.error to not pollute the log with the yargs help text const mockError = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); initArgs(['', `--${arg}`, badValue]); expect(mockExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockError).toBeCalled(); mockExit.mockClear(); mockError.mockClear(); if (shortArg) { const argsShort = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg}`, value]), ); expect(argsShort[arg]).toBe(value); initArgs(['', `-${shortArg}`, badValue]); expect(mockExit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockError).toBeCalled(); } mockError.mockRestore(); }); test.each([ { arg: 'always-on-top', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'block-external-urls', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'bounce', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'clear-cache', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'conceal', shortArg: 'c' }, { arg: 'counter', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'darwin-dark-mode-support', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'disable-context-menu', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'disable-dev-tools', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'disable-gpu', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'enable-es3-apis', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'fast-quit', shortArg: 'f' }, { arg: 'flash', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'full-screen', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'hide-window-frame', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'honest', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'ignore-certificate', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'ignore-gpu-blacklist', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'insecure', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'maximize', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'portable', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'show-menu-bar', shortArg: 'm' }, { arg: 'single-instance', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'tray', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'verbose', shortArg: null }, { arg: 'widevine', shortArg: null }, ])('test boolean arg %s', ({ arg, shortArg }) => { const defaultArgs = parseArgs(initArgs([''])); expect(defaultArgs[arg]).toBe(false); const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['', `--${arg}`])); expect(args[arg]).toBe(true); if (shortArg) { const argsShort = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg}`]), ); expect(argsShort[arg]).toBe(true); } }); test.each([{ arg: 'no-overwrite', shortArg: null }])( 'test inversible boolean arg %s', ({ arg, shortArg }) => { const inverse = arg.startsWith('no-') ? arg.substr(3) : `no-${arg}`; const defaultArgs = parseArgs(initArgs([''])); expect(defaultArgs[arg]).toBe(false); expect(defaultArgs[inverse]).toBe(true); const args = parseArgs(initArgs(['', `--${arg}`])); expect(args[arg]).toBe(true); expect(args[inverse]).toBe(false); if (shortArg) { const argsShort = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg as string}`]), ); expect(argsShort[arg]).toBe(true); expect(argsShort[inverse]).toBe(true); } }, ); test.each([ { arg: 'disk-cache-size', shortArg: null, value: 100 }, { arg: 'height', shortArg: null, value: 200 }, { arg: 'max-height', shortArg: null, value: 300 }, { arg: 'max-width', shortArg: null, value: 400 }, { arg: 'min-height', shortArg: null, value: 500 }, { arg: 'min-width', shortArg: null, value: 600 }, { arg: 'width', shortArg: null, value: 700 }, { arg: 'x', shortArg: null, value: 800 }, { arg: 'y', shortArg: null, value: 900 }, ])('test numeric arg %s', ({ arg, shortArg, value }) => { const args = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `--${arg}`, `${value}`]), ); expect(args[arg]).toBe(value); const badArgs = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `--${arg}`, 'abcd']), ); expect(badArgs[arg]).toBeNaN(); if (shortArg) { const shortArgs = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg as string}`, `${value}`]), ); expect(shortArgs[arg]).toBe(value); const badShortArgs = parseArgs( initArgs(['', `-${shortArg as string}`, 'abcd']), ); expect(badShortArgs[arg]).toBeNaN(); } }); });