import { linkIsInternal, getCounterValue, removeUserAgentSpecifics, } from './helpers'; const internalUrl = ''; const internalUrlWww = ''; const sameBaseDomainUrl = ''; const internalUrlCoUk = ''; const differentBaseDomainUrlCoUk = ''; const sameBaseDomainUrlCoUk = ''; const sameBaseDomainUrlTidalListen = ''; const sameBaseDomainUrlTidalLogin = ''; const internalUrlSubPath = 'topic/technology'; const externalUrl = ''; const wildcardRegex = /.*/; test('the original url should be internal', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, internalUrl, undefined)).toEqual(true); }); test('sub-paths of the original url should be internal', () => { expect( linkIsInternal(internalUrl, internalUrl + internalUrlSubPath, undefined), ).toEqual(true); }); test("'about:blank' should be internal", () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, 'about:blank', undefined)).toEqual(true); }); test('urls from different sites should not be internal', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, externalUrl, undefined)).toEqual(false); }); test('all urls should be internal with wildcard regex', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, externalUrl, wildcardRegex)).toEqual(true); }); test('a "www." of a domain should be considered internal', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, internalUrlWww, undefined)).toEqual(true); }); test('urls on the same "base domain" should be considered internal', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, sameBaseDomainUrl, undefined)).toEqual( true, ); }); test('urls on the same "base domain" should be considered internal, even with a www', () => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrlWww, sameBaseDomainUrl, undefined)).toEqual( true, ); }); test('urls on the same "base domain" should be considered internal, even with different sub domains', () => { expect( linkIsInternal( sameBaseDomainUrlTidalListen, sameBaseDomainUrlTidalLogin, undefined, ), ).toEqual(true); }); test('urls on the same "base domain" should be considered internal, long SLD', () => { expect( linkIsInternal(internalUrlCoUk, sameBaseDomainUrlCoUk, undefined), ).toEqual(true); }); test('urls on the a different "base domain" are considered NOT internal, long SLD', () => { expect( linkIsInternal(internalUrlCoUk, differentBaseDomainUrlCoUk, undefined), ).toEqual(false); }); const testLoginPages = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', // GitHub 2FA flow with FIDO token '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; test.each(testLoginPages)( '%s login page should be internal', (loginUrl: string) => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, loginUrl, undefined)).toEqual(true); }, ); // Ensure that we don't over-match service pages const testNonLoginPages = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; test.each(testNonLoginPages)( '%s page should not be internal', (url: string) => { expect(linkIsInternal(internalUrl, url, undefined)).toEqual(false); }, ); const smallCounterTitle = 'Inbox (11) - - Gmail'; const largeCounterTitle = 'Inbox (8,756) - - Gmail'; const noCounterTitle = 'Inbox - - Gmail'; test('getCounterValue should return undefined for titles without counter numbers', () => { expect(getCounterValue(noCounterTitle)).toEqual(undefined); }); test('getCounterValue should return a string for small counter numbers in the title', () => { expect(getCounterValue(smallCounterTitle)).toEqual('11'); }); test('getCounterValue should return a string for large counter numbers in the title', () => { expect(getCounterValue(largeCounterTitle)).toEqual('8,756'); }); describe('removeUserAgentSpecifics', () => { test('removes Electron and App specific info', () => { const userAgentFallback = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) app-nativefier-804458/1.0.0 Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Electron/12.0.7 Safari/537.36'; expect( removeUserAgentSpecifics( userAgentFallback, 'app-nativefier-804458', '1.0.0', ), ).not.toBe( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36', ); }); });