import { BrowserWindow, ContextMenuParams, NewWindowWebContentsEvent, } from 'electron'; import contextMenu from 'electron-context-menu'; import log from 'loglevel'; import { nativeTabsSupported, openExternal } from '../helpers/helpers'; import { setupNativefierWindow } from '../helpers/windowEvents'; import { createNewWindow } from '../helpers/windowHelpers'; import { OutputOptions, outputOptionsToWindowOptions, } from '../../../shared/src/options/model'; export function initContextMenu( options: OutputOptions, window?: BrowserWindow, ): void { log.debug('initContextMenu', { options, window }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call contextMenu({ prepend: (actions: contextMenu.Actions, params: ContextMenuParams) => { log.debug('contextMenu.prepend', { actions, params }); const items = []; if (params.linkURL) { items.push({ label: 'Open Link in Default Browser', click: () => { openExternal(params.linkURL).catch((err) => log.error('contextMenu Open Link in Default Browser ERROR', err), ); }, }); items.push({ label: 'Open Link in New Window', click: () => createNewWindow( outputOptionsToWindowOptions(options), setupNativefierWindow, params.linkURL, window, ), }); if (nativeTabsSupported()) { items.push({ label: 'Open Link in New Tab', click: () => // Fire a new window event for a foreground tab // Previously we called createNewTab directly, but it had incosistent and buggy behavior // as it was mostly designed for running off of events. So this will create a new event // for a foreground-tab for the event handler to grab and take care of instead. (window as BrowserWindow).webContents.emit( // event name 'new-window', // event object { // Leave to the default for a NewWindowWebContentsEvent newGuest: undefined, Event('new-window'), } as NewWindowWebContentsEvent, // url params.linkURL, // frameName window? ?? '', // disposition 'foreground-tab', ), }); } } return items; }, showCopyImage: true, showCopyImageAddress: true, showSaveImage: true, }); }