import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import packager from 'electron-packager'; import tmp from 'tmp'; import ncp from 'ncp'; import async from 'async'; const copy = ncp.ncp; /** * @callback buildAppCallback * @param error * @param appPath */ /** * * @param options * @param {buildAppCallback} callback */ function buildApp(options, callback) { // pre process app var tmpobj = tmp.dirSync({unsafeCleanup: true}); const tmpPath =; async.waterfall([ function (callback) { copyPlaceholderApp(options.dir, tmpPath,, options.targetUrl, options.badge, options.width, options.height, callback); }, function (tempDir, callback) { console.log('copied to ', tempDir); options.dir = tempDir; packager(options, callback); }, function (appPath, callback) { tmpobj.removeCallback(); callback(null, appPath); } ], callback); } /** * @callback tempDirCallback * @param error * @param [tempDirPath] */ /** * Creates a temporary directory and copies the './app folder' inside, and adds a text file with the configuration * for the single page app. * * @param {string} srcAppDir * @param {string} tempDir * @param {string} name * @param {string} targetURL * @param {boolean} badge * @param {number} [width] * @param {number} [height] * @param {tempDirCallback} callback */ function copyPlaceholderApp(srcAppDir, tempDir, name, targetURL, badge, width, height, callback) { copy(srcAppDir, tempDir, function (error) { if (error) { console.error(error); callback(`Error Copying temporary directory: ${error}`); return; } const appArgs = { name: name, targetUrl: targetURL, badge: badge, width: width, height: height }; fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tempDir, '/targetUrl.txt'), JSON.stringify(appArgs)); callback(null, tempDir); }); }; export default buildApp;