#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CLI interface for the DeDRM plugin (useable without Calibre, too) # Copyright © 2021 NoDRM OPT_SHORT_TO_LONG = [ ["h", "help"], ["t", "test"], ["v", "verbose"], ["q", "quiet"], ["u", "username"], ["p", "password"], ["d", "dest"], ["f", "force"] ] import sys, os IS_CALIBRE = False if "calibre" in sys.modules: IS_CALIBRE = True # Explicitly allow importing the parent folder sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) # Explicitly set the package identifier so we are allowed to import stuff ... __package__ = "DeDRM_plugin" global _additional_data global _additional_params global _function _additional_data = [] _additional_params = [] _function = None def print_err_header(): from __init__ import PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION # type: ignore print(PLUGIN_NAME + " v" + PLUGIN_VERSION + " - DRM removal plugin by noDRM") print() def print_help(): from __init__ import PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION print(PLUGIN_NAME + " v" + PLUGIN_VERSION + " - DRM removal plugin by noDRM") print("Based on DeDRM Calibre plugin by Apprentice Harper, Apprentice Alf and others.") print("See https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools for more information.") print() if IS_CALIBRE: print("This plugin can be run through Calibre - like you are doing right now - ") print("but it can also be executed with a standalone Python interpreter.") else: print("This plugin can either be imported into Calibre, or be executed directly") print("through Python like you are doing right now.") print() print("TODO: Parameters here ...") def print_credits(): from __init__ import PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION print(PLUGIN_NAME + " v" + PLUGIN_VERSION + " - Calibre DRM removal plugin by noDRM") print("Based on DeDRM Calibre plugin by Apprentice Harper, Apprentice Alf and others.") print("See https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools for more information.") print() print("Credits:") print(" - noDRM for the current release of the DeDRM plugin") print(" - Apprentice Alf and Apprentice Harper for the previous versions of the DeDRM plugin") print(" - The Dark Reverser for the Mobipocket and eReader script") print(" - i ♥ cabbages for the Adobe Digital Editions scripts") print(" - Skindle aka Bart Simpson for the Amazon Kindle for PC script") print(" - CMBDTC for Amazon Topaz DRM removal script") print(" - some_updates, clarknova and Bart Simpson for Amazon Topaz conversion scripts") print(" - DiapDealer for the first calibre plugin versions of the tools") print(" - some_updates, DiapDealer, Apprentice Alf and mdlnx for Amazon Kindle/Mobipocket tools") print(" - some_updates for the DeDRM all-in-one Python tool") print(" - Apprentice Alf for the DeDRM all-in-one AppleScript tool") def handle_single_argument(arg, next): used_up = 0 global _additional_params if arg == "--help": print_help() exit(0) elif arg == "--credits": print_credits() exit(0) elif arg in ["--username", "--password"]: used_up = 1 _additional_params.append(arg) if next is None: print_err_header() print("Missing parameter for argument " + arg) exit(1) else: _additional_params.append(next[0]) elif arg in ["--verbose", "--quiet"]: _additional_params.append(arg) else: print_err_header() print("Unknown argument: " + arg) exit(1) # Used up 0 additional arguments return used_up def handle_data(data): global _function global _additional_data if _function is None: _function = str(data) else: _additional_data.append(str(data)) def execute_action(action, filenames, params): print("Executing '{0}' on file(s) {1} with parameters {2}".format(action, str(filenames), str(params))) print("ERROR: This feature is still in development. Right now it can't be used yet.") def main(argv): arguments = argv skip_opts = False # First element is always the ZIP name, remove that. if not arguments[0].lower().endswith(".zip") and not IS_CALIBRE: print("Warning: File name does not end in .zip ...") print(arguments) arguments.pop(0) while len(arguments) > 0: arg = arguments.pop(0) if arg == "--": skip_opts = True continue if not skip_opts: if arg.startswith("--"): # Give the current arg, plus all remaining ones. # Return the number of additional args we used. used = handle_single_argument(arg, arguments) for _ in range(used): # Function returns number of additional arguments that were # "used up" by that argument. # Remove that amount of arguments from the list. try: arguments.pop(0) except: pass continue elif arg.startswith("-"): single_args = list(arg[1:]) # single_args is now a list of single chars, for when you call the program like "ls -alR" # with multiple single-letter options combined. while len(single_args) > 0: c = single_args.pop(0) # See if we have a long name for that option. for wrapper in OPT_SHORT_TO_LONG: if wrapper[0] == c: c = "--" + wrapper[1] break else: c = "-" + c # c is now the long term (unless there is no long version, then it's the short version). if len(single_args) > 0: # If we have more short arguments, the argument for this one must be None. handle_single_argument(c, None) used = 0 else: # If not, then there might be parameters for this short argument. used = handle_single_argument(c, arguments) for _ in range(used): # Function returns number of additional arguments that were # "used up" by that argument. # Remove that amount of arguments from the list. try: arguments.pop(0) except: pass continue handle_data(arg) if _function is None: print_help() return(1) # Okay, now actually begin doing stuff. # This function gets told what to do and gets additional data (filenames). # It also receives additional parameters. # The rest of the code will be in different Python files. execute_action(_function, _additional_data, _additional_params) if __name__ == "__main__": # NOTE: This MUST not do anything else other than calling main() # All the code must be in main(), not in here. import sys main(sys.argv)