## 0.3.7 - 07 Feb 2017 * Match SHAs of variable size. ( thanks @jacob-keller ! ) ## 0.3.6 - 09 Dec 2016 * Yep, finally fixed `.bash_history` pollution properly. With coffee and everything. ## 0.3.5 - 03 Dec 2016 * Reverted wrong commit, it was the `.bash_history` what was broken. Never code without enough coffee in your veins. ## 0.3.4 - 03 Dec 2016 * Oops, reverted tmp files fix, as it messes up with window name. ## 0.3.3 - 03 Dec 2016 * Fixed `.bash_history` pollution. * Now all tmp files are properly deleted. ## 0.3.2 - 25 Oct 2016 * Now hints are unique. If a match has several occurrences it will always have the same hint. ## 0.3.1 - 22 Oct 2016 * Fixed parsing of @fingers-pattern-N option not working for more than one digit ( thanks @sunaku ! ) ## 0.3.0 - 17 Oct 2016 * Hints now render in a compacter way, avoiding line wraps for better readability. * New @fingers-compact-hints option to customize how hints are rendered. * Added shorcuts while in **[fingers]** mode as well as help screen. * Signifcantly improved performance by ignoring `.bashrc` and `.bash_profile`. ( It can't get any faster now! ) ## 0.2.0 - 24 Aug 2016 * Hinter rewritten in awk for improved performance. ## 0.1.6 - 04 Aug 2016 * Preserve zoom state of pane when prompting hints. * More robust input handling ( holding arrow keys does not output random shite any more ) ## 0.1.5 - 14 Jul 2016 * Improved rendering of wrapped lines. * Fixed more than one match per line in BSD/OSX. * Added automated tests. ## 0.1.4 - 06 Jul 2016 * Fixed tmux-yank integration. ## 0.1.3 - 24 May 2016 * Fixed issues with @fingers-copy-command and xclip not working properly. ## 0.1.2 - 23 May 2016 * Fixed blank screen for certain outputs in BSD/OSX. ## 0.1.1 - 16 May 2016 * Partially fixed for BSD/OSX. ## 0.1.0 - 14 May 2016 * New @fingers-copy-command option. * Slightly improved performance ( still work to do ). * Improved rendering of hints. * Fixed tabs not being preserved when showing results. * Fixed problem with scrollback history clearing. * fingers script is now executed silently to prevent shell history pollution. ## 0.0.1 - 3 May 2016 * Initial release.