#!/usr/bin/env bash CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" PLATFORM=$(uname -s) action=$1 # set up exit trap function finish { exit_code=$? # only intercept exit code when there is an action defined (download, or # build from source), otherwise we'll enter an infinte loop of sourcing # tmux.conf if [[ -z "$action" ]]; then exit $exit_code fi if [[ $exit_code -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Reloading tmux.conf" tmux source ~/.tmux.conf exit 0 else echo "Something went wrong. Please any key to close this window" read -n 1 exit 1 fi } trap finish EXIT function install_from_source() { echo "Installing from source..." # check if shards is installed if ! command -v shards >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "crystal is not installed. Please install it first." exit 1 fi pushd $CURRENT_DIR > /dev/null shards build --production popd > /dev/null echo "Build complete!" exit 0 } function install_with_brew() { echo "Installing with brew..." brew tap morantron/tmux-fingers brew install tmux-fingers echo "Installation complete!" exit 0 } function download_binary() { mkdir -p $CURRENT_DIR/bin # TODO check architecture echo "Getting latest release..." # TODO use "latest" tag url=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/morantron/tmux-fingers/releases" | grep browser_download_url | tail -1 | grep -o https://.*x86_64) echo "Downloading binary from $url" # download binary to bin/tmux-fingers curl -L $url -o $CURRENT_DIR/bin/tmux-fingers chmod a+x $CURRENT_DIR/bin/tmux-fingers echo "Download complete!" exit 0 } if [[ "$1" == "download-binary" ]]; then download_binary fi if [[ "$1" == "install-with-brew" ]]; then echo "Installing with brew..." install_with_brew exit 1 fi if [[ "$1" == "install-from-source" ]]; then install_from_source fi function binary_or_brew_label() { if [[ "$PLATFORM" == "Darwin" ]]; then echo "Install with brew" else echo "Download binary" fi } function binary_or_brew_action() { if [[ "$PLATFORM" == "Darwin" ]]; then echo "install-with-brew" else echo "download-binary" fi } function get_message() { if [[ "$FINGERS_UPDATE" == "1" ]]; then echo "It looks like tmux-fingers has been updated. We need to rebuild the binary." else echo "It looks like it is the first time you are running the plugin. We first need to get tmux-fingers binary for things to work." fi } tmux display-menu -T "tmux-fingers" \ "" \ "- " "" ""\ "- #[nodim,bold]Welcome to tmux-fingers! ✌️ " "" ""\ "- " "" ""\ "- $(get_message) " "" "" \ "- " "" ""\ "" \ "$(binary_or_brew_label)" b "new-window \"$CURRENT_DIR/install-wizard.sh $(binary_or_brew_action)\"" \ "Build from source" s "new-window \"$CURRENT_DIR/install-wizard.sh install-from-source\"" \ "" \ "Exit" q ""