# tmux-fingers [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/Morantron/tmux-fingers.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/Morantron/tmux-fingers) **tmux-fingers**: copy pasting with vimium/vimperator like hints. ![yay](http://i.imgur.com/5bSrBew.gif) # Usage Press ( `prefix + F` ) to enter **[fingers]** mode, it will highlight relevant stuff in the current pane along with letter hints. By pressing those letters, the highlighted match will be yanked. Less keystrokes == profit! Relevant stuff: * File paths * git SHAs * numbers ( 4+ digits ) * urls * ip addresses It also works on copy mode, but requires *tmux 2.2* or newer to properly take the scroll position into account. Additionally, you can install [tmux-yank](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-yank) for system clipboard integration. ## Key shortcuts While in **[fingers]** mode, you can use the following shortcuts: * `a-z`: yank a highlighted hint. * ``: toggle compact hints ( see [@fingers-compact-hints](#fingers-compact-hints) ). * ``: exit **[fingers]** mode * ``: exit help or **[fingers]** mode * `?`: show help. # Requirements * tmux 2.1+ ( 2.2 recommended ) * bash 4+ * gawk # Installation ## Using [Tmux Plugin Manager](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm) Add the following to your list of TPM plugins in `.tmux.conf`: ``` set -g @plugin 'Morantron/tmux-fingers' ``` Hit `prefix + I` to fetch and source the plugin. You should now be able to use the plugin! ## Manual Clone the repo: ``` ➜ git clone https://github.com/Morantron/tmux-fingers ~/clone/path ``` Source it in your `.tmux.conf`: ``` run-shell ~/clone/path/tmux-fingers.tmux ``` Reload TMUX conf by running: ``` ➜ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf ``` # Configuration You can change the key that invokes **tmux-fingers**: ## @fingers-key `default: F` Customize how to enter copy mode. Always preceded by prefix: `prefix + @fingers-key` ``` set -g @fingers-key F ``` ## @fingers-patterns-N You can also add additional patterns if you want more stuff to be highlighted: ``` set -g @fingers-pattern-0 'git rebase --(abort|continue)' set -g @fingers-pattern-1 'yolo' . . . set -g @fingers-pattern-50 'whatever' ``` Patterns are case insensitive, and grep's extended syntax ( ERE ) should be used. `man grep` for more info. If the introduced regexp contains an error, an error will be shown when invoking the plugin. It's recommended to install `gawk` for better support of custom patterns: some things like interval expressions do not work in built-in `awk` in OSX/BSD systems. ## @fingers-copy-command By default **tmux-fingers** will just yank matches using tmux clipboard ( or [tmux-yank](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-yank) if present ). If you still want to set your own custom command you can do so like this: ``` set -g @fingers-copy-command 'xclip -selection clipboard' ``` ## @fingers-compact-hints `default: 1` By default **tmux-fingers** will show hints a compact format. For example:

with @fingers-compact-hints set to 1:


with @fingers-compact-hints set to 0:

/path/to/foo/bar/lol [aw]
( _pressing *aw* would yank `/path/to/foo/bar/lol`_ ) While in **[fingers]** mode you can press `` to toggle compact mode on/off. Compact mode is preferred because it preserves the length of lines and doesn't cause line wraps, making it easier to follow. However for small hints this can be troublesome: a path as small as `/a/b` would have half of its original content concealed. If that's the case you can quickly toggle off compact mode by pressing ``. # Acknowledgements and inspiration This plugin is heavily inspired by [tmux-copycat](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat) ( **tmux-fingers** predefined search are *copycatted* :trollface: from [tmux-copycat](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat) ). Kudos to [bruno-](https://github.com/bruno-) for paving the way to tmux plugins! :clap: :clap: # License [MIT](https://github.com/Morantron/tmux-fingers/blob/master/LICENSE)