require "./fingers/types" class TmuxStylePrinter class InvalidFormat < Exception end STYLE_SEPARATOR = /[ ,]+/ COLOR_MAP = { black: 0, red: 1, green: 2, yellow: 3, blue: 4, magenta: 5, cyan: 6, white: 7, } LAYER_MAP = { bg: "setab", fg: "setaf", } STYLE_MAP = { bright: "bold", bold: "bold", dim: "dim", underscore: "smul", reverse: "rev", italics: "sitm", } class ShellExec < Shell def exec(cmd) `#{cmd}`.chomp end end @shell : Shell @applied_styles : Hash(String, String) @reset_sequence : String | Nil def initialize(shell = @shell = shell @applied_styles = {} of String => String end def print(input, reset_styles_after = false) @applied_styles = {} of String => String output = "" input.split(STYLE_SEPARATOR).each do |style| output += parse_style_definition(style) end output += reset_sequence if reset_styles_after && !@applied_styles.empty? output end private def parse_style_definition(style) if style.match(/^(bg|fg)=/) parse_color(style) else parse_style(style) end end private def parse_color(style) match = style.match(/(?bg|fg)=(?(colou?r(?[0-9]+)|.*))/) raise"Invalid color definition: #{style}") unless match layer = match["layer"] color = match["color"] color_code = match["color_code"] if match["color_code"]? if match["color"] == "default" @applied_styles.delete(layer) return reset_to_applied_styles! end color_to_apply = color_code || COLOR_MAP[color]? raise"Invalid color definition: #{style}") if color_to_apply.nil? result = shell.exec("tput #{LAYER_MAP[layer]} #{color_to_apply}") @applied_styles[layer] = result result end private def parse_style(style) match = style.match(/(?no)?(?