require "json" require "semantic_version" require "./tmux_style_printer" def to_tmux_string(value) # TODO tmux syntax to escape quotes "\"\#{#{value}}\"" end def to_tmux_number(value) "\#{#{value}}" end def to_tmux_nullable_number(value) "\#{?#{value},\#{#{value}},null}" end def to_tmux_bool(value) "\#{?#{value},true,false}" end def build_tmux_format(hash) fields = do |field, type| if type == String "\"#{field}\": #{to_tmux_string(field)}" elsif type == Int32 "\"#{field}\": #{to_tmux_number(field)}" elsif type == Int32 | Nil "\"#{field}\": #{to_tmux_nullable_number(field)}" elsif type == Bool "\"#{field}\": #{to_tmux_bool(field)}" end end "{#{fields.join(",")}}" end # TODO maybe use system everywhere? # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class Tmux struct Pane include JSON::Serializable property pane_id : String property window_id : String property pane_width : Int32 property pane_height : Int32 property pane_current_path : String property pane_in_mode : Bool property scroll_position : Int32 | Nil property window_zoomed_flag : Bool end struct Window include JSON::Serializable property window_id : String property window_width : Int32 property window_height : Int32 property pane_id : String property pane_tty : String end # TODO make a macro or something PANE_FORMAT = build_tmux_format({ pane_id: String, window_id: String, pane_width: Int32, pane_height: Int32, pane_current_path: String, pane_in_mode: Bool, scroll_position: Int32 | Nil, window_zoomed_flag: Bool, }) WINDOW_FORMAT = build_tmux_format({ window_id: String, window_width: Int32, window_height: Int32, pane_id: String, pane_tty: String, }) @panes : Array(Pane) | Nil @version : SemanticVersion def self.tmux_version_to_semver(version_string) match = version_string.match(/(?[1-9]+[0-9]*)\.(?[0-9]+)(?[a-z]+)?/) raise "Invalid tmux version #{version_string}" unless match major = match["major"].not_nil! minor = match["minor"].not_nil! patch_letter = match["patch_letter"]? if patch_letter.nil? patch = 0 else patch = patch_letter[0].ord - 'a'.ord + 1 end SemanticVersion.parse("#{major}.#{minor}.#{patch}") end def initialize(version_string) @sh = @version = Tmux.tmux_version_to_semver(version_string) end def panes : Array(Pane) exec("list-panes -a -F '#{PANE_FORMAT}'").chomp.split("\n").map do |pane| Pane.from_json(pane) end end def find_pane_by_id(id) : Pane | Nil output = exec("display-message -t '#{id}' -F '#{PANE_FORMAT}' -p").chomp return nil if output.empty? Pane.from_json(output) end def capture_pane(pane : Pane) if pane.pane_in_mode && !pane.scroll_position.nil? scroll_position = pane.scroll_position.not_nil! start_line = -scroll_position.to_i end_line = pane.pane_height.to_i - scroll_position.to_i - 1 exec("capture-pane -J -p -t '#{pane.pane_id}' -S #{start_line} -E #{end_line}").chomp else exec("capture-pane -J -p -t '#{pane.pane_id}'").chomp end end def create_window(name, cmd, _pane_width, _pane_height) output = exec("new-window -P -d -n '#{name}' -F '#{WINDOW_FORMAT}' '#{cmd}'").chomp Window.from_json(output) end def swap_panes(src_id, dst_id) args = ["swap-pane", "-d", "-s", src_id, "-t", dst_id] if @version >= Tmux.tmux_version_to_semver("3.1") args << "-Z" end exec(args.join(" ")) end def kill_pane(id) exec("kill-pane -t #{id}") end def kill_window(id) exec("kill-window -t #{id}") end # TODO: this command is version dependant D: def resize_window(window_id, width, height) exec(["resize-window", "-t", window_id, "-x", width.to_s, "-y", height.to_s].join(' ')) end # TODO: this command is version dependant D: def resize_pane(pane_id, width, height) exec(["resize-pane", "-t", pane_id, "-x", width.to_s, "-y", height.to_s].join(' ')) end def set_window_option(name, value) exec(["set-window-option", name, value].join(' ')) end def set_key_table(table) exec(["set-window-option", "key-table", table].join(' ')) exec(["switch-client", "-T", table].join(' ')) end def disable_prefix set_global_option("prefix", "None") set_global_option("prefix2", "None") end def set_global_option(name, value) exec(Process.quote(["set-option", "-g", name, value])) end def get_global_option(name) exec(["show", "-gqv", name].join(' ')).chomp end def set_buffer(value) return unless value if @version >= Tmux.tmux_version_to_semver("3.2") args = ["load-buffer", "-w", "-"] else args = ["load-buffer", "-"] end # To avoid shell escaping nightmares, we'll use Process and write directly to stdin cmd = tmux, args, input: :pipe, output: :pipe, error: :pipe, ) cmd.input.print(value) cmd.input.flush cmd.wait nil end def select_pane(id) exec(["select-pane", "-t", id].join(' ')) end def zoom_pane(id) exec(["resize-pane", "-Z", "-t", id].join(' ')) end # TODO def parse_style(style) style_printer.print(style).chomp end def style_printer @style_printer ||= end def tmux "tmux" end def build_tmux_output_format(fields) { |field| format("\#{%s}", field: field) }.join(";") end def parse_tmux_formatted_output(output) output.split("\n").map do |line| fields = line.split(";") yield fields end end def socket_flag_value return ENV["FINGERS_TMUX_SOCKET"] if ENV["FINGERS_TMUX_SOCKET"] socket end def display_message(msg, delay = 100) exec(Process.quote(["display-message", "-d", delay.to_s, msg])) end private def exec(cmd) @sh.exec("#{tmux} #{cmd}") end end