require "json" require "../tmux_style_printer" module Fingers struct Config FORMAT_PRINTER = ALPHABET_MAP = { "qwerty": "asdfqwerzxcvjklmiuopghtybn", "qwerty-homerow": "asdfjklgh", "qwerty-left-hand": "asdfqwerzcxv", "qwerty-right-hand": "jkluiopmyhn", "azerty": "qsdfazerwxcvjklmuiopghtybn", "azerty-homerow": "qsdfjkmgh", "azerty-left-hand": "qsdfazerwxcv", "azerty-right-hand": "jklmuiophyn", "qwertz": "asdfqweryxcvjkluiopmghtzbn", "qwertz-homerow": "asdfghjkl", "qwertz-left-hand": "asdfqweryxcv", "qwertz-right-hand": "jkluiopmhzn", "dvorak": "aoeuqjkxpyhtnsgcrlmwvzfidb", "dvorak-homerow": "aoeuhtnsid", "dvorak-left-hand": "aoeupqjkyix", "dvorak-right-hand": "htnsgcrlmwvz", "colemak": "arstqwfpzxcvneioluymdhgjbk", "colemak-homerow": "arstneiodh", "colemak-left-hand": "arstqwfpzxcv", "colemak-right-hand": "neioluymjhk", } DISALLOWED_CHARS = /[cimqn]/ DEFAULT_PATTERNS = { "ip": "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}", "uuid": "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}", "sha": "[0-9a-f]{7,128}", "digit": "[0-9]{4,}", "url": "((https?://|git@|git://|ssh://|ftp://|file:///)[^\\s()\"]+)", "path": "(([.\\w\\-~\\$@]+)?(/[.\\w\\-@]+)+/?)", "hex": "(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)", "kubernetes": "(|binding|componentstatuse|configmap|endpoint|event|limitrange|namespace|node|persistentvolumeclaim|persistentvolume|pod|podtemplate|replicationcontroller|resourcequota|secret|serviceaccount|service|||||controllerrevision.apps|daemonset.apps|deployment.apps|replicaset.apps|statefulset.apps||||||horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling|cronjob.batch|job.batch|||daemonset.extensions|deployment.extensions|ingress.extensions|networkpolicies.extensions|podsecuritypolicies.extensions|replicaset.extensions||poddisruptionbudget.policy|||||[[:alnum:]_#$%&+=/@-]+", "git-status": "(modified|deleted|new file): +(?.+)", "git-status-branch": "Your branch is up to date with '(?.*)'.", "diff": "(---|\\+\\+\\+) [ab]/(?.*)", } def from_json("{}") end def self.alphabet_for(layout) ALPHABET_MAP[layout].split("").reject { |char| char =~ DISALLOWED_CHARS } end def self.parse_style(style) FORMAT_PRINTER.print(style) end include JSON::Serializable property key : String = "F" getter keyboard_layout : String = "qwerty" def keyboard_layout=(value) if !ALPHABET_MAP[value]? errors << "Invalid layout #{value}" return end @keyboard_layout = value end def alphabet self.class.alphabet_for(keyboard_layout) end getter patterns : Array(String) = [] of String def patterns=(value) value.each do |pattern| error = Regex.error?(pattern) if error @errors << "Invalid regexp\n\t#{pattern}\n\t#{error}" return end end @patterns = value end getter highlight_style : String = parse_style("fg=green,bold") def highlight_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @highlight_style if parsed_style end def parse_style!(style) begin self.class.parse_style(style) rescue TmuxStylePrinter::InvalidFormat @errors << "Invalid style: #{style}" end end getter highlight_style : String = parse_style("fg=yellow") def highlight_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @highlight_style if parsed_style end getter hint_style : String = parse_style("fg=green,bold") def hint_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @hint_style if parsed_style end getter selected_highlight_style : String = parse_style("fg=blue") def highlight_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @highlight_style if parsed_style end getter selected_hint_style : String = parse_style("fg=blue,bold") def hint_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @hint_style if parsed_style end getter backdrop_style : String = "" def hint_style=(value) parsed_style = parse_style!(value) @backdrop_style if parsed_style end def parse_style!(style) begin self.class.parse_style(style) rescue TmuxStylePrinter::InvalidFormat @errors << "Invalid style: #{style}" end end property tmux_version : String = "" property main_action : String = ":copy:" property ctrl_action : String = ":open:" property alt_action : String = "" property shift_action : String = ":paste: " getter hint_position : String = "left" def hint_position=(value) if !["left", "right"].includes?(value) @errors << "Invalid hint_position #{value}" end @hint_position = value end property benchmark_mode : String = "0" property skip_wizard : String = "0" @[JSON::Field(ignore: true)] property errors : Array(String) = [] of String def valid? errors.empty? end macro define_set_option def set_option(option : String, value : String | Array(String)) case option {% for method in @type.methods %} {% if"").last == "=" && != "patterns=" && != "errors=" %} when "{{$/, "")}}" self.{{}} value {% end %} {% end %} else errors << "#{option} is not a valid option" end end end def self.load_from_cache Config.from_json( end def save to_json(, "w")) end def members : Array(String) JSON.parse(to_json).as_h.keys end macro finished define_set_option end end def self.config @@config ||= Config.load_from_cache rescue @@config ||= end def self.reset_config @@config = nil end end