require "file_utils" require "./base" require "../dirs" require "../config" require "../../tmux" class Fingers::Commands::LoadConfig < Fingers::Commands::Base @fingers_options_names : Array(String) | Nil property config : Fingers::Config DISALLOWED_CHARS = /[cimqn]/ def initialize(*args) super(*args) @config = end def run validate_options! parse_tmux_conf setup_bindings end # private def parse_tmux_conf options = shell_safe_options user_defined_patterns = [] of String Fingers.reset_config config.tmux_version = `tmux -V`.chomp.split(" ").last options.each do |option, value| # TODO generate an enum somehow and use an exhaustive case case option when "key" config.key = value when "keyboard_layout" config.keyboard_layout = value when "main_action" config.main_action = value when "ctrl_action" config.ctrl_action = value when "alt_action" config.alt_action = value when "shift_action" config.shift_action = value when "benchmark_mode" config.benchmark_mode = value when "hint_position" config.hint_position = value when "hint_style" config.hint_style = tmux.parse_style(value) when "selected_hint_style" config.selected_hint_style = tmux.parse_style(value) when "highlight_style" config.highlight_style = tmux.parse_style(value) when "backdrop_style" config.backdrop_style = tmux.parse_style(value) when "selected_highlight_style" config.selected_highlight_style = tmux.parse_style(value) when "show_copied_notification" config.show_copied_notification = value end if option.match(/pattern/) check_pattern!(value) user_defined_patterns.push(value) end end config.patterns = clean_up_patterns([ *enabled_default_patterns, *user_defined_patterns, ]) config.alphabet = ::Fingers::Config::ALPHABET_MAP[Fingers.config.keyboard_layout].split("").reject do |char| char.match(DISALLOWED_CHARS) end Fingers.reset_config rescue e : TmuxStylePrinter::InvalidFormat puts "[tmux-fingers] #{e.message}" exit(1) end def clean_up_patterns(patterns) patterns.reject(&.empty?) end def setup_bindings `tmux bind-key #{Fingers.config.key} run-shell -b "#{cli} start "\#{pane_id}" self >>#{Fingers::Dirs::LOG_PATH} 2>&1"` `tmux bind-key O run-shell -b "#{cli} start "\#{pane_id}" other >>#{Fingers::Dirs::LOG_PATH} 2>&1"` setup_fingers_mode_bindings end def setup_fingers_mode_bindings ("a".."z").to_a.each do |char| next if char.match(DISALLOWED_CHARS) fingers_mode_bind(char, "hint:#{char}:main") fingers_mode_bind(char.upcase, "hint:#{char}:shift") fingers_mode_bind("C-#{char}", "hint:#{char}:ctrl") fingers_mode_bind("M-#{char}", "hint:#{char}:alt") end fingers_mode_bind("Space", "fzf") fingers_mode_bind("C-c", "exit") fingers_mode_bind("q", "exit") fingers_mode_bind("Escape", "exit") fingers_mode_bind("?", "toggle-help") fingers_mode_bind("Enter", "noop") fingers_mode_bind("Tab", "toggle-multi-mode") fingers_mode_bind("Any", "noop") end def enabled_default_patterns ::Fingers::Config::DEFAULT_PATTERNS.values end def to_bool(input) input == "1" end def shell_safe_options options = {} of String => String fingers_options_names.each do |option| option_method = option_to_method(option) options[option_method] = `tmux show-option -gv #{option}`.chomp end options end def valid_option?(option) option_method = option_to_method(option) @config.members.includes?(option_method) || option_method.match(/pattern_[0-9]+/) || option_method == "skip_wizard" end def fingers_options_names @fingers_options_names ||= `tmux show-options -g | grep ^@fingers` .chomp.split("\n") .map { |line| line.split(" ")[0] } .reject { |option| option.empty? } end def unset_tmux_option!(option) `tmux set-option -ug #{option}` end def check_pattern!(pattern) begin rescue e: ArgumentError puts "[tmux-fingers] Invalid pattern: #{pattern}" puts "[tmux-fingers] #{e.message}" exit(1) end end def validate_options! errors = [] of String fingers_options_names.each do |option| unless valid_option?(option) errors << "'#{option}' is not a valid option" unset_tmux_option!(option) end end return if errors.empty? puts "[tmux-fingers] Errors found in tmux.conf:" errors.each { |error| puts " - #{error}" } exit(1) end def option_to_method(option) option.gsub(/^@fingers-/, "").tr("-", "_") end def fingers_mode_bind(key, command) `tmux bind-key -Tfingers "#{key}" run-shell -b "#{cli} send-input #{command}"` end def cli Process.executable_path end def tmux`tmux -V`.chomp.split(" ").last) end end