require "./config" module Fingers class ActionRunner @final_shell_command : String | Nil def initialize(@modifier : String, @match : String, @hint : String, @original_pane : Tmux::Pane) end def run tmux.set_buffer(match) return if final_shell_command.nil? cmd_path, *args = Process.parse_arguments(final_shell_command.not_nil!) cmd = cmd_path, args, input: :pipe, output: :pipe, error:"/tmp/action-stderr", "a"), chdir: original_pane.pane_current_path, env: action_env ) cmd.input.print(expanded_match) cmd.input.flush end private getter :match, :modifier, :hint, :original_pane def final_shell_command return @final_shell_command if @final_shell_command @final_shell_command = case action when ":copy:" copy when ":open:" open when ":paste:" paste when nil # do nothing else shell_action end end def copy return unless system_copy_command system_copy_command end def open return unless system_open_command system_open_command end def paste "tmux paste-buffer" end def shell_action action end def action_env {"MODIFIER" => modifier, "HINT" => hint} end private property action : String | Nil do case modifier when "main" Fingers.config.main_action when "shift" Fingers.config.shift_action when "alt" Fingers.config.alt_action when "ctrl" Fingers.config.ctrl_action end end def system_copy_command @system_copy_command ||= if program_exists?("pbcopy") if program_exists?("reattach-to-user-namespace") "reattach-to-user-namespace" else "pbcopy" end elsif program_exists?("clip.exe") "cat | clip.exe" elsif program_exists?("wl-copy") "wl-copy" elsif program_exists?("xclip") "xclip -selection clipboard" elsif program_exists?("xsel") "xsel -i --clipboard" elsif program_exists?("putclip") "putclip" end end def system_open_command @system_open_command ||= if program_exists?("cygstart") "xargs cygstart" elsif program_exists?("xdg-open") "xargs xdg-open" elsif program_exists?("open") "xargs open" end end def program_exists?(program) Process.find_executable(program) end def tmux end # This takes care of some path expansion weirdness when opening paths that start with ~ in MacOS def expanded_match return match unless should_expand_match? Path[match].expand(base: original_pane.pane_current_path, home: Path.home) end private def should_expand_match? action == ":open:" && match.starts_with?("~") end end end