mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-24 16:17:32 +02:00
wn_ 91a91dac15 Perform validation of redirect URLs during the redirect process.
Previously, validation was only done after all redirects and the final request had completed.  This approach ensures all redirects are to URLs that pass extended validation.
2023-12-29 00:41:52 +00:00

506 lines
19 KiB

use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
class UrlHelper {
"application/x-bittorrent" => [ "magnet" ],
static string $fetch_last_error;
static int $fetch_last_error_code;
static string $fetch_last_error_content;
static string $fetch_last_content_type;
static string $fetch_last_modified;
static string $fetch_effective_url;
static string $fetch_effective_ip_addr;
public static ?GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface $client = null;
private static function get_client(): GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface {
if (self::$client == null) {
self::$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client([
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::COOKIES => false,
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::PROXY => Config::get(Config::HTTP_PROXY) ?: null,
return self::$client;
* @param array<string, string|int> $parts
static function build_url(array $parts): string {
$tmp = $parts['scheme'] . "://" . $parts['host'];
if (isset($parts['path'])) $tmp .= $parts['path'];
if (isset($parts['query'])) $tmp .= '?' . $parts['query'];
if (isset($parts['fragment'])) $tmp .= '#' . $parts['fragment'];
return $tmp;
* Converts a (possibly) relative URL to a absolute one, using provided base URL.
* Provides some exceptions for additional schemes like data: if called with owning element/attribute.
* @param string $base_url Base URL (i.e. from where the document is)
* @param string $rel_url Possibly relative URL in the document
* @param string $owner_element Owner element tag name (i.e. "a") (optional)
* @param string $owner_attribute Owner attribute (i.e. "href") (optional)
* @param string $content_type URL content type as specified by enclosures, etc.
* @return false|string Absolute URL or false on failure (either during URL parsing or validation)
public static function rewrite_relative($base_url,
string $owner_element = "",
string $owner_attribute = "",
string $content_type = "") {
$rel_parts = parse_url($rel_url);
if (!$rel_url) return $base_url;
* If parse_url failed to parse $rel_url return false to match the current "invalid thing" behavior
* of UrlHelper::validate().
* TODO: There are many places where a string return value is assumed. We should either update those
* to account for the possibility of failure, or look into updating this function's return values.
if ($rel_parts === false) {
return false;
if (!empty($rel_parts['host']) && !empty($rel_parts['scheme'])) {
return self::validate($rel_url);
// protocol-relative URL (rare but they exist)
} else if (strpos($rel_url, "//") === 0) {
return self::validate("https:" . $rel_url);
// allow some extra schemes for A href
} else if (in_array($rel_parts["scheme"] ?? "", self::EXTRA_HREF_SCHEMES, true) &&
$owner_element == "a" &&
$owner_attribute == "href") {
return $rel_url;
// allow some extra schemes for links with feed-specified content type i.e. enclosures
} else if ($content_type &&
isset(self::EXTRA_SCHEMES_BY_CONTENT_TYPE[$content_type]) &&
in_array($rel_parts["scheme"], self::EXTRA_SCHEMES_BY_CONTENT_TYPE[$content_type])) {
return $rel_url;
// allow limited subset of inline base64-encoded images for IMG elements
} else if (($rel_parts["scheme"] ?? "") == "data" &&
preg_match('%^image/(webp|gif|jpg|png|svg);base64,%', $rel_parts["path"]) &&
$owner_element == "img" &&
$owner_attribute == "src") {
return $rel_url;
} else {
$base_parts = parse_url($base_url);
$rel_parts['host'] = $base_parts['host'] ?? "";
$rel_parts['scheme'] = $base_parts['scheme'] ?? "";
if ($rel_parts['path'] ?? "") {
// we append dirname() of base path to relative URL path as per RFC 3986 section 5.2.2
$base_path = with_trailing_slash(dirname($base_parts['path'] ?? ""));
// 1. absolute relative path (/test.html) = no-op, proceed as is
// 2. dotslash relative URI (./test.html) - strip "./", append base path
if (strpos($rel_parts['path'], './') === 0) {
$rel_parts['path'] = $base_path . substr($rel_parts['path'], 2);
// 3. anything else relative (test.html) - append dirname() of base path
} else if (strpos($rel_parts['path'], '/') !== 0) {
$rel_parts['path'] = $base_path . $rel_parts['path'];
//$rel_parts['path'] = str_replace("/./", "/", $rel_parts['path']);
//$rel_parts['path'] = str_replace("//", "/", $rel_parts['path']);
return self::validate(self::build_url($rel_parts));
/** extended filtering involves validation for safe ports and loopback
* @return false|string false if something went wrong, otherwise the URL string
static function validate(string $url, bool $extended_filtering = false) {
$url = clean($url);
# fix protocol-relative URLs
if (strpos($url, "//") === 0)
$url = "https:" . $url;
$tokens = parse_url($url);
// this isn't really necessary because filter_var(... FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) requires host and scheme
// as per https://php.watch/versions/7.3/filter-var-flag-deprecation but it might save time
if (empty($tokens['host']))
return false;
if (!in_array(strtolower($tokens['scheme']), ['http', 'https']))
return false;
//convert IDNA hostname to punycode if possible
if (function_exists("idn_to_ascii")) {
if (mb_detect_encoding($tokens['host']) != 'ASCII') {
$tokens['host'] = idn_to_ascii($tokens['host'], IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
} else {
$tokens['host'] = idn_to_ascii($tokens['host']);
// if `idn_to_ascii` failed
if ($tokens['host'] === false) {
return false;
// separate set of tokens with urlencoded 'path' because filter_var() rightfully fails on non-latin characters
// (used for validation only, we actually request the original URL, in case of urlencode breaking it)
$tokens_filter_var = $tokens;
if ($tokens['path'] ?? false) {
$tokens_filter_var['path'] = implode("/",
explode("/", $tokens['path']))));
$url = self::build_url($tokens);
$url_filter_var = self::build_url($tokens_filter_var);
if (filter_var($url_filter_var, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false)
return false;
if ($extended_filtering) {
if (!in_array($tokens['port'] ?? '', [80, 443, '']))
return false;
if (strtolower($tokens['host']) == 'localhost' || $tokens['host'] == '::1' || strpos($tokens['host'], '127.') === 0)
return false;
return $url;
* @return false|string
static function resolve_redirects(string $url, int $timeout) {
$span = Tracer::start(__METHOD__);
$span->setAttribute('func.args', json_encode(func_get_args()));
$client = self::get_client();
try {
$response = $client->request('HEAD', $url, [
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::CONNECT_TIMEOUT => $timeout ?: Config::get(Config::FILE_FETCH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT),
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::TIMEOUT => $timeout ?: Config::get(Config::FILE_FETCH_TIMEOUT),
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => ['max' => 10, 'track_redirects' => true],
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => false,
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS => [
'User-Agent' => Config::get_user_agent(),
'Connection' => 'close',
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$span->setAttribute('error', (string) $ex);
return false;
// If a history header value doesn't exist there was no redirection and the original URL is fine.
$history_header = $response->getHeader(GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware::HISTORY_HEADER);
return ($history_header ? end($history_header) : $url);
* @param array<string, bool|int|string>|string $options
* @return false|string false if something went wrong, otherwise string contents
// TODO: max_size currently only works for CURL transfers
// TODO: multiple-argument way is deprecated, first parameter is a hash now
public static function fetch($options /* previously: 0: $url , 1: $type = false, 2: $login = false, 3: $pass = false,
4: $post_query = false, 5: $timeout = false, 6: $timestamp = 0, 7: $useragent = false, 8: $encoding = false,
9: $auth_type = "basic" */) {
$span = Tracer::start(__METHOD__);
$span->setAttribute('func.args', json_encode(func_get_args()));
self::$fetch_last_error = "";
self::$fetch_last_error_code = -1;
self::$fetch_last_error_content = "";
self::$fetch_last_content_type = "";
self::$fetch_last_modified = "";
self::$fetch_effective_url = "";
self::$fetch_effective_ip_addr = "";
if (!is_array($options)) {
// falling back on compatibility shim
$option_names = [ "url", "type", "login", "pass", "post_query", "timeout", "last_modified", "useragent", "encoding", "auth_type" ];
$tmp = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
$tmp[$option_names[$i]] = func_get_arg($i);
$options = $tmp;
/*$options = array(
"url" => func_get_arg(0),
"type" => @func_get_arg(1),
"login" => @func_get_arg(2),
"pass" => @func_get_arg(3),
"post_query" => @func_get_arg(4),
"timeout" => @func_get_arg(5),
"timestamp" => @func_get_arg(6),
"useragent" => @func_get_arg(7),
"encoding" => @func_get_arg(8),
"auth_type" => @func_get_arg(9),
); */
$url = $options["url"];
$type = isset($options["type"]) ? $options["type"] : false;
$login = isset($options["login"]) ? $options["login"] : false;
$pass = isset($options["pass"]) ? $options["pass"] : false;
$auth_type = isset($options["auth_type"]) ? $options["auth_type"] : "basic";
$post_query = isset($options["post_query"]) ? $options["post_query"] : false;
$timeout = isset($options["timeout"]) ? $options["timeout"] : false;
$last_modified = isset($options["last_modified"]) ? $options["last_modified"] : "";
$useragent = isset($options["useragent"]) ? $options["useragent"] : false;
$followlocation = isset($options["followlocation"]) ? $options["followlocation"] : true;
$max_size = isset($options["max_size"]) ? $options["max_size"] : Config::get(Config::MAX_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE); // in bytes
$http_accept = isset($options["http_accept"]) ? $options["http_accept"] : false;
$http_referrer = isset($options["http_referrer"]) ? $options["http_referrer"] : false;
$encoding = isset($options["encoding"]) ? $options["encoding"] : false;
$url = ltrim($url, ' ');
$url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
Debug::log("[UrlHelper] fetching: $url", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED);
$url = self::validate($url, true);
if (!$url) {
self::$fetch_last_error = 'Requested URL failed extended validation.';
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
$url_host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$ip_addr = gethostbyname($url_host);
if (!$ip_addr || strpos($ip_addr, '127.') === 0) {
self::$fetch_last_error = "URL hostname failed to resolve or resolved to a loopback address ($ip_addr)";
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
$req_options = [
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::CONNECT_TIMEOUT => $timeout ?: Config::get(Config::FILE_FETCH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT),
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::TIMEOUT => $timeout ?: Config::get(Config::FILE_FETCH_TIMEOUT),
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS => [
'User-Agent' => $useragent ?: Config::get_user_agent(),
'curl' => [],
if ($followlocation) {
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS] = [
'max' => 20,
'track_redirects' => true,
'on_redirect' => function(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, UriInterface $uri) {
if (!self::validate($uri, true)) {
self::$fetch_effective_url = (string) $uri;
throw new GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException('URL received during redirection failed extended validation.',
$request, $response);
} else {
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS] = false;
if ($last_modified && !$post_query)
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS]['If-Modified-Since'] = $last_modified;
if ($http_accept)
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Accept'] = $http_accept;
if ($encoding)
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Accept-Encoding'] = $encoding;
if ($http_referrer)
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Referer'] = $http_referrer;
if ($login && $pass && in_array($auth_type, ['basic', 'digest', 'ntlm'])) {
// Let Guzzle handle the details for auth types it supports
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::AUTH] = [$login, $pass, $auth_type];
} elseif ($auth_type === 'any') {
// https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/faq.html#how-can-i-add-custom-curl-options
$req_options['curl'][\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = \CURLAUTH_ANY;
if ($login && $pass)
$req_options['curl'][\CURLOPT_USERPWD] = "$login:$pass";
if ($post_query)
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::FORM_PARAMS] = $post_query;
if ($max_size) {
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::PROGRESS] = function($download_size, $downloaded, $upload_size, $uploaded) use(&$max_size, $url) {
//Debug::log("[curl progressfunction] $downloaded $max_size", Debug::$LOG_EXTENDED);
if ($downloaded > $max_size) {
Debug::log("[UrlHelper] fetch error: max size of $max_size bytes exceeded when downloading $url . Aborting.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
throw new \LengthException("Download exceeded size limit");
# Alternative/supplement to `progress` checking
$req_options[GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ON_HEADERS] = function(ResponseInterface $response) use(&$max_size, $url) {
$content_length = $response->getHeaderLine('Content-Length');
if ($content_length > $max_size) {
Debug::log("[UrlHelper] fetch error: server indicated (via 'Content-Length: {$content_length}') max size of $max_size bytes " .
"would be exceeded when downloading $url . Aborting.", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE);
throw new \LengthException("Server sent 'Content-Length' exceeding download limit");
$client = self::get_client();
try {
$response = $client->request($post_query ? 'POST' : 'GET', $url, $req_options);
} catch (\LengthException $ex) {
// Either 'Content-Length' indicated the download limit would be exceeded, or the transfer actually exceeded the download limit.
self::$fetch_last_error = (string) $ex;
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
} catch (GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException $ex) {
self::$fetch_last_error = (string) $ex;
if ($ex instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException) {
if ($ex instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException) {
// 4xx or 5xx
self::$fetch_last_error_code = $ex->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
// If credentials were provided and we got a 403 back, retry once with auth type 'any'
// to attempt compatibility with unusual configurations.
if ($login && $pass && self::$fetch_last_error_code === 403 && $auth_type !== 'any') {
$options['auth_type'] = 'any';
return self::fetch($options);
self::$fetch_last_content_type = $ex->getResponse()->getHeaderLine('content-type');
if ($type && strpos(self::$fetch_last_content_type, "$type") === false)
self::$fetch_last_error_content = (string) $ex->getResponse()->getBody();
} elseif (array_key_exists('errno', $ex->getHandlerContext())) {
$errno = (int) $ex->getHandlerContext()['errno'];
// By default, all supported encoding types are sent via `Accept-Encoding` and decoding of
// responses with `Content-Encoding` is automatically attempted. If this fails, we do a
// single retry with `Accept-Encoding: none` to try and force an unencoded response.
if (($errno === \CURLE_WRITE_ERROR || $errno === \CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENCODING) &&
$ex->getRequest()->getHeaderLine('accept-encoding') !== 'none') {
$options['encoding'] = 'none';
return self::fetch($options);
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
// Keep setting expected 'fetch_last_error_code' and 'fetch_last_error' values
self::$fetch_last_error_code = $response->getStatusCode();
self::$fetch_last_error = "HTTP/{$response->getProtocolVersion()} {$response->getStatusCode()} {$response->getReasonPhrase()}";
self::$fetch_last_modified = $response->getHeaderLine('last-modified');
self::$fetch_last_content_type = $response->getHeaderLine('content-type');
// If a history header value doesn't exist there was no redirection and the original URL is fine.
$history_header = $response->getHeader(GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware::HISTORY_HEADER);
self::$fetch_effective_url = $history_header ? end($history_header) : $url;
// This shouldn't be necessary given the checks that occur during potential redirects, but we'll do it anyway.
if (!self::validate(self::$fetch_effective_url, true)) {
self::$fetch_last_error = "URL received after redirection failed extended validation.";
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
self::$fetch_effective_ip_addr = gethostbyname(parse_url(self::$fetch_effective_url, PHP_URL_HOST));
if (!self::$fetch_effective_ip_addr || strpos(self::$fetch_effective_ip_addr, '127.') === 0) {
self::$fetch_last_error = 'URL hostname received after redirection failed to resolve or resolved to a loopback address (' .
self::$fetch_effective_ip_addr . ')';
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
$body = (string) $response->getBody();
if (!$body) {
self::$fetch_last_error = 'Successful response, but no content was received.';
$span->setAttribute('error', self::$fetch_last_error);
return false;
return $body;
* @return false|string false if the provided URL didn't match expected patterns, otherwise the video ID string
public static function url_to_youtube_vid(string $url) {
$url = str_replace("youtube.com", "youtube-nocookie.com", $url);
$regexps = [
foreach ($regexps as $re) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match($re, $url, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return false;