mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-03 13:00:51 +02:00
Rob Hoelz baaf4c3043 Make search mechanism pluggable
Currently, TinyTinyRSS can use raw SQL or the Sphinx search engine
for searching.  It would be nice if other search engines (such as
Xapian) could be used, or if features of the underlying SQL engine
(such as MySQL's FULLTEXT indexes) could be leveraged.  This commit
makes searching into a plugin hook, falling back to the builtin behavior
if no search plugin is active.  The Sphinx search behavior has been
broken out into a plugin.
2014-04-23 04:49:54 +00:00

1164 lines
37 KiB

require_once "colors.php";
class Feeds extends Handler_Protected {
function csrf_ignore($method) {
$csrf_ignored = array("index", "feedbrowser", "quickaddfeed", "search");
return array_search($method, $csrf_ignored) !== false;
private function format_headline_subtoolbar($feed_site_url, $feed_title,
$feed_id, $is_cat, $search,
$search_mode, $view_mode, $error, $feed_last_updated) {
$catchup_sel_link = "catchupSelection()";
$archive_sel_link = "archiveSelection()";
$delete_sel_link = "deleteSelection()";
$sel_all_link = "selectArticles('all')";
$sel_unread_link = "selectArticles('unread')";
$sel_none_link = "selectArticles('none')";
$sel_inv_link = "selectArticles('invert')";
$tog_unread_link = "selectionToggleUnread()";
$tog_marked_link = "selectionToggleMarked()";
$tog_published_link = "selectionTogglePublished()";
$set_score_link = "setSelectionScore()";
if ($is_cat) $cat_q = "&is_cat=$is_cat";
if ($search) {
$search_q = "&q=$search&smode=$search_mode";
} else {
$search_q = "";
$reply .= "<span class=\"holder\">";
$rss_link = htmlspecialchars(get_self_url_prefix() .
// right part
$error_class = $error ? "error" : "";
$reply .= "<span class='r'>
<a href=\"#\"
title=\"".__("View as RSS feed")."\"
onclick=\"displayDlg('".__("View as RSS")."','generatedFeed', '$feed_id:$is_cat:$rss_link')\">
<img class=\"noborder\" src=\"images/pub_set.png\"></a>";
# $reply .= "<span>";
$reply .= "<span id='feed_title' class='$error_class'>";
if ($feed_site_url) {
$last_updated = T_sprintf("Last updated: %s",
$target = "target=\"_blank\"";
$reply .= "<a title=\"$last_updated\" $target href=\"$feed_site_url\">".
truncate_string($feed_title, 30)."</a>";
if ($error) {
$error = htmlspecialchars($error);
$reply .= "&nbsp;<img title=\"$error\" src='images/error.png' alt='error' class=\"noborder\">";
} else {
$reply .= $feed_title;
$reply .= "</span>";
$reply .= "</span>";
# $reply .= "</span>";
// left part
$reply .= "<span class=\"main\">";
$reply .= "<span id='selected_prompt'></span>";
$reply .= "
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"$sel_all_link\">".__('All')."</a>,
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"$sel_unread_link\">".__('Unread')."</a>,
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"$sel_inv_link\">".__('Invert')."</a>,
<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"$sel_none_link\">".__('None')."</a></li>";
$reply .= " ";
$reply .= "<select dojoType=\"dijit.form.Select\"
$reply .= "<option value=\"false\">".__('More...')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"0\" disabled=\"1\">".__('Selection toggle:')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"$tog_unread_link\">".__('Unread')."</option>
<option value=\"$tog_marked_link\">".__('Starred')."</option>
<option value=\"$tog_published_link\">".__('Published')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"0\" disabled=\"1\">".__('Selection:')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"$catchup_sel_link\">".__('Mark as read')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"$set_score_link\">".__('Set score')."</option>";
if ($feed_id != "0") {
$reply .= "<option value=\"$archive_sel_link\">".__('Archive')."</option>";
} else {
$reply .= "<option value=\"$archive_sel_link\">".__('Move back')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"$delete_sel_link\">".__('Delete')."</option>";
if (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_plugin("mail")) {
$reply .= "<option value=\"emailArticle(false)\">".__('Forward by email').
if (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_plugin("mailto")) {
$reply .= "<option value=\"mailtoArticle(false)\">".__('Forward by email').
$reply .= "<option value=\"0\" disabled=\"1\">".__('Feed:')."</option>";
//$reply .= "<option value=\"catchupPage()\">".__('Mark as read')."</option>";
$reply .= "<option value=\"displayDlg('".__("View as RSS")."','generatedFeed', '$feed_id:$is_cat:$rss_link')\">".__('View as RSS')."</option>";
$reply .= "</select>";
//$reply .= "</h2";
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_HEADLINE_TOOLBAR_BUTTON) as $p) {
echo $p->hook_headline_toolbar_button($feed_id, $is_cat);
$reply .= "</span></span>";
return $reply;
private function format_headlines_list($feed, $method, $view_mode, $limit, $cat_view,
$next_unread_feed, $offset, $vgr_last_feed = false,
$override_order = false, $include_children = false) {
if (isset($_REQUEST["DevForceUpdate"]))
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
$disable_cache = false;
$reply = array();
$rgba_cache = array();
$timing_info = microtime(true);
$topmost_article_ids = array();
if (!$offset) $offset = 0;
if ($method == "undefined") $method = "";
$method_split = explode(":", $method);
if ($method == "ForceUpdate" && $feed > 0 && is_numeric($feed)) {
// Update the feed if required with some basic flood control
$result = $this->dbh->query(
"SELECT cache_images,".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(last_updated,1,19) AS last_updated
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
if ($this->dbh->num_rows($result) != 0) {
$last_updated = strtotime($this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated"));
$cache_images = sql_bool_to_bool($this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "cache_images"));
if (!$cache_images && time() - $last_updated > 120 || isset($_REQUEST['DevForceUpdate'])) {
include "rssfuncs.php";
update_rss_feed($feed, true, true);
} else {
$this->dbh->query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_updated = '1970-01-01', last_update_started = '1970-01-01'
WHERE id = '$feed'");
if ($method_split[0] == "MarkAllReadGR") {
catchup_feed($method_split[1], false);
// FIXME: might break tag display?
if (is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0 && !$cat_view) {
$result = $this->dbh->query(
"SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->dbh->num_rows($result) == 0) {
$reply['content'] = "<div align='center'>".__('Feed not found.')."</div>";
@$search = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["query"]);
if ($search) {
$disable_cache = true;
@$search_mode = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["search_mode"]);
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("H0", $timing_info);
// error_log("format_headlines_list: [" . $feed . "] method [" . $method . "]");
if($search_mode == '' && $method != '' ){
$search_mode = $method;
// error_log("search_mode: " . $search_mode);
if (!$cat_view && is_numeric($feed) && $feed < PLUGIN_FEED_BASE_INDEX && $feed > LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
$handler = PluginHost::getInstance()->get_feed_handler(
// function queryFeedHeadlines($feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view, $search, $search_mode, $override_order = false, $offset = 0, $owner_uid = 0, $filter = false, $since_id = 0, $include_children = false, $ignore_vfeed_group = false) {
if ($handler) {
$options = array(
"limit" => $limit,
"view_mode" => $view_mode,
"cat_view" => $cat_view,
"search" => $search,
"search_mode" => $search_mode,
"override_order" => $override_order,
"offset" => $offset,
"owner_uid" => $_SESSION["uid"],
"filter" => false,
"since_id" => 0,
"include_children" => $include_children);
$qfh_ret = $handler->get_headlines(PluginHost::feed_to_pfeed_id($feed),
} else {
$qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($feed, $limit, $view_mode, $cat_view,
$search, $search_mode, $override_order, $offset, 0,
false, 0, $include_children);
$vfeed_group_enabled = get_pref("VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED") && $feed != -6;
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("H1", $timing_info);
$result = $qfh_ret[0];
$feed_title = $qfh_ret[1];
$feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2];
$last_error = $qfh_ret[3];
$last_updated = strpos($qfh_ret[4], '1970-') === FALSE ?
make_local_datetime($qfh_ret[4], false) : __("Never");
$highlight_words = $qfh_ret[5];
$vgroup_last_feed = $vgr_last_feed;
$reply['toolbar'] = $this->format_headline_subtoolbar($feed_site_url,
$feed, $cat_view, $search, $search_mode, $view_mode,
$last_error, $last_updated);
$headlines_count = $this->dbh->num_rows($result);
/* if (get_pref('COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
$button_plugins = array();
foreach (explode(",", ARTICLE_BUTTON_PLUGINS) as $p) {
$pclass = "button_" . trim($p);
if (class_exists($pclass)) {
$plugin = new $pclass();
array_push($button_plugins, $plugin);
} */
if ($this->dbh->num_rows($result) > 0) {
$lnum = $offset;
$num_unread = 0;
$cur_feed_title = '';
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("PS", $timing_info);
$expand_cdm = get_pref('CDM_EXPANDED');
while ($line = $this->dbh->fetch_assoc($result)) {
$line["content_preview"] = "&mdash; " . truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content"]), 250);
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_QUERY_HEADLINES) as $p) {
$line = $p->hook_query_headlines($line, 250, false);
if (get_pref('SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
$content_preview = $line["content_preview"];
$id = $line["id"];
$feed_id = $line["feed_id"];
$label_cache = $line["label_cache"];
$labels = false;
if ($label_cache) {
$label_cache = json_decode($label_cache, true);
if ($label_cache) {
if ($label_cache["no-labels"] == 1)
$labels = array();
$labels = $label_cache;
if (!is_array($labels)) $labels = get_article_labels($id);
$labels_str = "<span class=\"HLLCTR-$id\">";
$labels_str .= format_article_labels($labels, $id);
$labels_str .= "</span>";
if (count($topmost_article_ids) < 3) {
array_push($topmost_article_ids, $id);
$class = "";
if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["unread"])) {
$class .= " Unread";
if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["marked"])) {
$marked_pic = "<img
class=\"markedPic\" alt=\"Unstar article\"
$class .= " marked";
} else {
$marked_pic = "<img
class=\"markedPic\" alt=\"Star article\"
if (sql_bool_to_bool($line["published"])) {
$published_pic = "<img src=\"images/pub_set.png\"
alt=\"Unpublish article\" onclick='togglePub($id)'>";
$class .= " published";
} else {
$published_pic = "<img src=\"images/pub_unset.png\"
alt=\"Publish article\" onclick='togglePub($id)'>";
# $content_link = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"".$line["link"]."\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
# $content_link = "<a
# href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($line["link"]) . "\"
# onclick=\"view($id,$feed_id);\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
# $content_link = "<a href=\"javascript:viewContentUrl('".$line["link"]."');\">" .
# $line["title"] . "</a>";
$updated_fmt = make_local_datetime($line["updated"], false);
$date_entered_fmt = T_sprintf("Imported at %s",
make_local_datetime($line["date_entered"], false));
$score = $line["score"];
$score_pic = "images/" . get_score_pic($score);
/* $score_title = __("(Click to change)");
$score_pic = "<img class='hlScorePic' src=\"images/$score_pic\"
onclick=\"adjustArticleScore($id, $score)\" title=\"$score $score_title\">"; */
$score_pic = "<img class='hlScorePic' score='$score' onclick='changeScore($id, this)' src=\"$score_pic\"
if ($score > 500) {
$hlc_suffix = "high";
} else if ($score < -100) {
$hlc_suffix = "low";
} else {
$hlc_suffix = "";
$entry_author = $line["author"];
if ($entry_author) {
$entry_author = " &mdash; $entry_author";
$has_feed_icon = feed_has_icon($feed_id);
if ($has_feed_icon) {
$feed_icon_img = "<img class=\"tinyFeedIcon\" src=\"".ICONS_URL."/$feed_id.ico\" alt=\"\">";
} else {
$feed_icon_img = "<img class=\"tinyFeedIcon\" src=\"images/pub_set.png\" alt=\"\">";
$entry_site_url = $line["site_url"];
//setting feed headline background color, needs to change text color based on dark/light
$fav_color = $line['favicon_avg_color'];
require_once "colors.php";
if ($fav_color && $fav_color != 'fail') {
if (!isset($rgba_cache[$feed_id])) {
$rgba_cache[$feed_id] = join(",", _color_unpack($fav_color));
if (!get_pref('COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE')) {
if ($vfeed_group_enabled) {
if ($feed_id != $vgroup_last_feed && $line["feed_title"]) {
$cur_feed_title = $line["feed_title"];
$vgroup_last_feed = $feed_id;
$cur_feed_title = htmlspecialchars($cur_feed_title);
$vf_catchup_link = "<a class='catchup' onclick='catchupFeedInGroup($feed_id);' href='#'>".__('mark feed as read')."</a>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div id='FTITLE-$feed_id' class='cdmFeedTitle'>".
"<div style='float : right'>$feed_icon_img</div>".
"<a class='title' href=\"#\" onclick=\"viewfeed($feed_id)\">". $line["feed_title"]."</a>
$mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn(event, $id)'
$reply['content'] .= "<div class='hl $class' orig-feed-id='$feed_id' id='RROW-$id' $mouseover_attrs>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div class='hlLeft'>";
$reply['content'] .= "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"
type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRow2(this)\"
$reply['content'] .= "$marked_pic";
$reply['content'] .= "$published_pic";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div onclick='return hlClicked(event, $id)'
class=\"hlTitle\"><span class='hlContent $hlc_suffix'>";
$reply['content'] .= "<a id=\"RTITLE-$id\" class=\"title $hlc_suffix\"
href=\"" . htmlspecialchars($line["link"]) . "\"
onclick=\"\">" .
truncate_string($line["title"], 200);
if (get_pref('SHOW_CONTENT_PREVIEW')) {
$reply['content'] .= "<span class=\"contentPreview\">" . $line["content_preview"] . "</span>";
$reply['content'] .= "</a></span>";
$reply['content'] .= $labels_str;
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
if (!$vfeed_group_enabled) {
if (@$line["feed_title"]) {
$rgba = @$rgba_cache[$feed_id];
$reply['content'] .= "<span class=\"hlFeed\"><a style=\"background : rgba($rgba, 0.3)\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"viewfeed($feed_id)\">".
$reply['content'] .= "<span class=\"hlUpdated\">";
$reply['content'] .= "<div title='$date_entered_fmt'>$updated_fmt</div>
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"hlRight\">";
$reply['content'] .= $score_pic;
if ($line["feed_title"] && !$vfeed_group_enabled) {
$reply['content'] .= "<span onclick=\"viewfeed($feed_id)\"
style=\"cursor : pointer\"
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
} else {
if ($line["tag_cache"])
$tags = explode(",", $line["tag_cache"]);
$tags = false;
$line["content"] = sanitize($line["content"],
sql_bool_to_bool($line['hide_images']), false, $entry_site_url, $highlight_words, $line["id"]);
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_CDM) as $p) {
$line = $p->hook_render_article_cdm($line);
if ($vfeed_group_enabled && $line["feed_title"]) {
if ($feed_id != $vgroup_last_feed) {
$cur_feed_title = $line["feed_title"];
$vgroup_last_feed = $feed_id;
$cur_feed_title = htmlspecialchars($cur_feed_title);
$vf_catchup_link = "<a class='catchup' onclick='catchupFeedInGroup($feed_id);' href='#'>".__('mark feed as read')."</a>";
$has_feed_icon = feed_has_icon($feed_id);
if ($has_feed_icon) {
$feed_icon_img = "<img class=\"tinyFeedIcon\" src=\"".ICONS_URL."/$feed_id.ico\" alt=\"\">";
} else {
//$feed_icon_img = "<img class=\"tinyFeedIcon\" src=\"images/blank_icon.gif\" alt=\"\">";
$reply['content'] .= "<div id='FTITLE-$feed_id' class='cdmFeedTitle'>".
"<div style=\"float : right\">$feed_icon_img</div>".
"<a href=\"#\" class='title' onclick=\"viewfeed($feed_id)\">".
$line["feed_title"]."</a> $vf_catchup_link</div>";
$mouseover_attrs = "onmouseover='postMouseIn(event, $id)'
$expanded_class = $expand_cdm ? "expanded" : "expandable";
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"cdm $hlc_suffix $expanded_class $class\"
id=\"RROW-$id\" orig-feed-id='$feed_id' $mouseover_attrs>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"cdmHeader\">";
$reply['content'] .= "<div style=\"vertical-align : middle\">";
$reply['content'] .= "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\"
type=\"checkbox\" onclick=\"toggleSelectRow2(this, false, true)\"
$reply['content'] .= "$marked_pic";
$reply['content'] .= "$published_pic";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
if ($highlight_words && count($highlight_words > 0)) {
foreach ($highlight_words as $word) {
$line["title"] = preg_replace("/(\Q$word\E)/i",
"<span class=\"highlight\">$1</span>", $line["title"]);
$reply['content'] .= "<span id=\"RTITLE-$id\"
onclick=\"return cdmClicked(event, $id);\"
class=\"titleWrap $hlc_suffix\">
<a class=\"title $hlc_suffix\"
target=\"_blank\" href=\"".
$line["title"] .
"</a> <span class=\"author\">$entry_author</span>";
$reply['content'] .= $labels_str;
$reply['content'] .= "<span class='collapseBtn' style='display : none'>
<img src=\"images/collapse.png\" onclick=\"cdmCollapseArticle(event, $id)\"
title=\"".__("Collapse article")."\"/></span>";
if (!$expand_cdm)
$content_hidden = "style=\"display : none\"";
$excerpt_hidden = "style=\"display : none\"";
$reply['content'] .= "<span $excerpt_hidden id=\"CEXC-$id\" class=\"cdmExcerpt\">" . $content_preview . "</span>";
$reply['content'] .= "</span>";
if (!$vfeed_group_enabled) {
if (@$line["feed_title"]) {
$rgba = @$rgba_cache[$feed_id];
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"hlFeed\">
<a href=\"#\" style=\"background-color: rgba($rgba,0.3)\"
$reply['content'] .= "<span class='updated' title='$date_entered_fmt'>
$reply['content'] .= "<div class='scoreWrap' style=\"vertical-align : middle\">";
$reply['content'] .= "$score_pic";
if (!get_pref("VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED") && $line["feed_title"]) {
$reply['content'] .= "<span style=\"cursor : pointer\"
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"cdmContent\" $content_hidden
onclick=\"return cdmClicked(event, $id);\"
$reply['content'] .= "<div id=\"POSTNOTE-$id\">";
if ($line['note']) {
$reply['content'] .= format_article_note($id, $line['note']);
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
if (!$line['lang']) $line['lang'] = 'en';
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"cdmContentInner\" lang=\"".$line['lang']."\">";
if ($line["orig_feed_id"]) {
$tmp_result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT * FROM ttrss_archived_feeds
WHERE id = ".$line["orig_feed_id"]);
if ($this->dbh->num_rows($tmp_result) != 0) {
$reply['content'] .= "<div clear='both'>";
$reply['content'] .= __("Originally from:");
$reply['content'] .= "&nbsp;";
$tmp_line = $this->dbh->fetch_assoc($tmp_result);
$reply['content'] .= "<a target='_blank'
href=' " . htmlspecialchars($tmp_line['site_url']) . "'>" .
$tmp_line['title'] . "</a>";
$reply['content'] .= "&nbsp;";
$reply['content'] .= "<a target='_blank' href='" . htmlspecialchars($tmp_line['feed_url']) . "'>";
$reply['content'] .= "<img title='".__('Feed URL')."'class='tinyFeedIcon' src='images/pub_unset.png'></a>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "<span id=\"CWRAP-$id\">";
// if (!$expand_cdm) {
$reply['content'] .= "<span id=\"CENCW-$id\" style=\"display : none\">";
$reply['content'] .= htmlspecialchars($line["content"]);
$reply['content'] .= "</span.";
// } else {
// $reply['content'] .= $line["content"];
// }
$reply['content'] .= "</span>";
$always_display_enclosures = sql_bool_to_bool($line["always_display_enclosures"]);
$reply['content'] .= format_article_enclosures($id, $always_display_enclosures, $line["content"], sql_bool_to_bool($line["hide_images"]));
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "<div class=\"cdmFooter\">";
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_ARTICLE_LEFT_BUTTON) as $p) {
$reply['content'] .= $p->hook_article_left_button($line);
$tags_str = format_tags_string($tags, $id);
$reply['content'] .= "<img src='images/tag.png' alt='Tags' title='Tags'>
<span id=\"ATSTR-$id\">$tags_str</span>
<a title=\"".__('Edit tags for this article')."\"
href=\"#\" onclick=\"editArticleTags($id)\">(+)</a>";
$num_comments = $line["num_comments"];
$entry_comments = "";
if ($num_comments > 0) {
if ($line["comments"]) {
$comments_url = htmlspecialchars($line["comments"]);
} else {
$comments_url = htmlspecialchars($line["link"]);
$entry_comments = "<a class=\"postComments\"
target='_blank' href=\"$comments_url\">$num_comments ".
_ngettext("comment", "comments", $num_comments)."</a>";
} else {
if ($line["comments"] && $line["link"] != $line["comments"]) {
$entry_comments = "<a class=\"postComments\" target='_blank' href=\"".htmlspecialchars($line["comments"])."\">".__("comments")."</a>";
if ($entry_comments) $reply['content'] .= "&nbsp;($entry_comments)";
$reply['content'] .= "<div style=\"float : right\">";
// $reply['content'] .= "$marked_pic";
// $reply['content'] .= "$published_pic";
foreach (PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON) as $p) {
$reply['content'] .= $p->hook_article_button($line);
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
$reply['content'] .= "</div>";
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("PE", $timing_info);
} else {
$message = "";
switch ($view_mode) {
case "unread":
$message = __("No unread articles found to display.");
case "updated":
$message = __("No updated articles found to display.");
case "marked":
$message = __("No starred articles found to display.");
if ($feed < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
$message = __("No articles found to display. You can assign articles to labels manually from article header context menu (applies to all selected articles) or use a filter.");
} else {
$message = __("No articles found to display.");
if (!$offset && $message) {
$reply['content'] .= "<div class='whiteBox'>$message";
$reply['content'] .= "<p><span class=\"insensitive\">";
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(MAX(last_updated), 1, 19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']);
$last_updated = $this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated");
$last_updated = make_local_datetime($last_updated, false);
$reply['content'] .= sprintf(__("Feeds last updated at %s"), $last_updated);
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS num_errors
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]);
$num_errors = $this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "num_errors");
if ($num_errors > 0) {
$reply['content'] .= "<br/>";
$reply['content'] .= "<a class=\"insensitive\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFeedsWithErrors()\">".
__('Some feeds have update errors (click for details)')."</a>";
$reply['content'] .= "</span></p></div>";
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("H2", $timing_info);
return array($topmost_article_ids, $headlines_count, $feed, $disable_cache,
$vgroup_last_feed, $reply);
function catchupAll() {
$this->dbh->query("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET
last_read = NOW(), unread = false WHERE unread = true AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"]);
function view() {
$timing_info = microtime(true);
$reply = array();
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("0", $timing_info);
$feed = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["feed"]);
$method = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["m"]);
$view_mode = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["view_mode"]);
$limit = 30;
@$cat_view = $_REQUEST["cat"] == "true";
@$next_unread_feed = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["nuf"]);
@$offset = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["skip"]);
@$vgroup_last_feed = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["vgrlf"]);
$order_by = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["order_by"]);
if (is_numeric($feed)) $feed = (int) $feed;
/* Feed -5 is a special case: it is used to display auxiliary information
* when there's nothing to load - e.g. no stuff in fresh feed */
if ($feed == -5) {
print json_encode($this->generate_dashboard_feed());
$result = false;
if ($feed < LABEL_BASE_INDEX) {
$label_feed = feed_to_label_id($feed);
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_labels2 WHERE
id = '$label_feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']);
} else if (!$cat_view && is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0) {
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']);
} else if ($cat_view && is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0) {
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE
id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']);
if ($result && $this->dbh->num_rows($result) == 0) {
print json_encode($this->generate_error_feed(__("Feed not found.")));
/* Updating a label ccache means recalculating all of the caches
* so for performance reasons we don't do that here */
if ($feed >= 0) {
ccache_update($feed, $_SESSION["uid"], $cat_view);
set_pref("_DEFAULT_VIEW_MODE", $view_mode);
set_pref("_DEFAULT_VIEW_ORDER_BY", $order_by);
/* bump login timestamp if needed */
if (time() - $_SESSION["last_login_update"] > 3600) {
$this->dbh->query("UPDATE ttrss_users SET last_login = NOW() WHERE id = " .
$_SESSION["last_login_update"] = time();
if (!$cat_view && is_numeric($feed) && $feed > 0) {
$this->dbh->query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_viewed = NOW()
WHERE id = '$feed' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]);
$reply['headlines'] = array();
if (!$next_unread_feed)
$reply['headlines']['id'] = $feed;
$reply['headlines']['id'] = $next_unread_feed;
$reply['headlines']['is_cat'] = (bool) $cat_view;
$override_order = false;
switch ($order_by) {
case "title":
$override_order = "ttrss_entries.title";
case "date_reverse":
$override_order = "score DESC, date_entered, updated";
case "feed_dates":
$override_order = "updated DESC";
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("04", $timing_info);
$ret = $this->format_headlines_list($feed, $method,
$view_mode, $limit, $cat_view, $next_unread_feed, $offset,
$vgroup_last_feed, $override_order, true);
//$topmost_article_ids = $ret[0];
$headlines_count = $ret[1];
/* $returned_feed = $ret[2]; */
$disable_cache = $ret[3];
$vgroup_last_feed = $ret[4];
$reply['headlines']['content'] =& $ret[5]['content'];
$reply['headlines']['toolbar'] =& $ret[5]['toolbar'];
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("05", $timing_info);
$reply['headlines-info'] = array("count" => (int) $headlines_count,
"vgroup_last_feed" => $vgroup_last_feed,
"disable_cache" => (bool) $disable_cache);
if ($_REQUEST["debug"]) $timing_info = print_checkpoint("30", $timing_info);
$reply['runtime-info'] = make_runtime_info();
print json_encode($reply);
private function generate_dashboard_feed() {
$reply = array();
$reply['headlines']['id'] = -5;
$reply['headlines']['is_cat'] = false;
$reply['headlines']['toolbar'] = '';
$reply['headlines']['content'] = "<div class='whiteBox'>".__('No feed selected.');
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "<p><span class=\"insensitive\">";
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(MAX(last_updated), 1, 19) AS last_updated FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION['uid']);
$last_updated = $this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "last_updated");
$last_updated = make_local_datetime($last_updated, false);
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= sprintf(__("Feeds last updated at %s"), $last_updated);
$result = $this->dbh->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS num_errors
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE last_error != '' AND owner_uid = ".$_SESSION["uid"]);
$num_errors = $this->dbh->fetch_result($result, 0, "num_errors");
if ($num_errors > 0) {
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "<br/>";
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "<a class=\"insensitive\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFeedsWithErrors()\">".
__('Some feeds have update errors (click for details)')."</a>";
$reply['headlines']['content'] .= "</span></p>";
$reply['headlines-info'] = array("count" => 0,
"vgroup_last_feed" => '',
"unread" => 0,
"disable_cache" => true);
return $reply;
private function generate_error_feed($error) {
$reply = array();
$reply['headlines']['id'] = -6;
$reply['headlines']['is_cat'] = false;
$reply['headlines']['toolbar'] = '';
$reply['headlines']['content'] = "<div class='whiteBox'>". $error . "</div>";
$reply['headlines-info'] = array("count" => 0,
"vgroup_last_feed" => '',
"unread" => 0,
"disable_cache" => true);
return $reply;
function quickAddFeed() {
print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" style=\"display : none\" name=\"op\" value=\"rpc\">";
print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" style=\"display : none\" name=\"method\" value=\"addfeed\">";
print "<div id='fadd_multiple_notify' style='display : none'>";
print_notice("Provided URL is a HTML page referencing multiple feeds, please select required feed from the dropdown menu below.");
print "<p></div>";
print "<div class=\"dlgSec\">".__("Feed or site URL")."</div>";
print "<div class=\"dlgSecCont\">";
print "<div style='float : right'>
<img style='display : none'
id='feed_add_spinner' src='images/indicator_white.gif'></div>";
print "<input style=\"font-size : 16px; width : 20em;\"
placeHolder=\"".__("Feed or site URL")."\"
dojoType=\"dijit.form.ValidationTextBox\" required=\"1\" name=\"feed\" id=\"feedDlg_feedUrl\">";
print "<hr/>";
if (get_pref('ENABLE_FEED_CATS')) {
print __('Place in category:') . " ";
print_feed_cat_select("cat", false, 'dojoType="dijit.form.Select"');
print "</div>";
print '<div id="feedDlg_feedsContainer" style="display : none">
<div class="dlgSec">' . __('Available feeds') . '</div>
<div class="dlgSecCont">'.
'<select id="feedDlg_feedContainerSelect"
dojoType="dijit.form.Select" size="3">
<script type="dojo/method" event="onChange" args="value">
dijit.byId("feedDlg_feedUrl").attr("value", value);
print "<div id='feedDlg_loginContainer' style='display : none'>
<div class=\"dlgSec\">".__("Authentication")."</div>
<div class=\"dlgSecCont\">".
" <input dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" name='login'\"
style=\"width : 10em;\"> ".
" <input
dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" type='password'
style=\"width : 10em;\" name='pass'\">
print "<div style=\"clear : both\">
<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"need_auth\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.CheckBox\" id=\"feedDlg_loginCheck\"
onclick='checkboxToggleElement(this, \"feedDlg_loginContainer\")'>
<label for=\"feedDlg_loginCheck\">".
__('This feed requires authentication.')."</div>";
print "</form>";
print "<div class=\"dlgButtons\">
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('feedAddDlg').execute()\">".__('Subscribe')."</button>";
print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return feedBrowser()\">".__('More feeds')."</button>";
print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"return dijit.byId('feedAddDlg').hide()\">".__('Cancel')."</button>
function feedBrowser() {
$browser_search = $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["search"]);
print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" style=\"display : none\" name=\"op\" value=\"rpc\">";
print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" style=\"display : none\" name=\"method\" value=\"updateFeedBrowser\">";
print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Toolbar\">
<div style='float : right'>
<img style='display : none'
id='feed_browser_spinner' src='images/indicator_white.gif'>
<input name=\"search\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" size=\"20\" type=\"search\"
onchange=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').update()\" value=\"$browser_search\">
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').update()\">".__('Search')."</button>
print " <select name=\"mode\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Select\" onchange=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').update()\">
<option value='1'>" . __('Popular feeds') . "</option>
<option value='2'>" . __('Feed archive') . "</option>
</select> ";
print __("limit:");
print " <select dojoType=\"dijit.form.Select\" name=\"limit\" onchange=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').update()\">";
foreach (array(25, 50, 100, 200) as $l) {
//$issel = ($l == $limit) ? "selected=\"1\"" : "";
print "<option value=\"$l\">$l</option>";
print "</select> ";
print "</div>";
require_once "feedbrowser.php";
print "<ul class='browseFeedList' id='browseFeedList'>";
print make_feed_browser("", 25);
print "</ul>";
print "<div align='center'>
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').execute()\">".__('Subscribe')."</button>
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" style='display : none' id='feed_archive_remove' onclick=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').removeFromArchive()\">".__('Remove')."</button>
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('feedBrowserDlg').hide()\" >".__('Cancel')."</button></div>";
function search() {
$this->params = explode(":", $this->dbh->escape_string($_REQUEST["param"]), 2);
$active_feed_id = sprintf("%d", $this->params[0]);
$is_cat = $this->params[1] != "false";
print "<div class=\"dlgSec\">".__('Look for')."</div>";
print "<div class=\"dlgSecCont\">";
print "<input dojoType=\"dijit.form.ValidationTextBox\"
style=\"font-size : 16px; width : 20em;\"
required=\"1\" name=\"query\" type=\"search\" value=''>";
print "<hr/>".__('Limit search to:')." ";
print "<select name=\"search_mode\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Select\">
<option value=\"all_feeds\">".__('All feeds')."</option>";
$feed_title = getFeedTitle($active_feed_id);
if (!$is_cat) {
$feed_cat_title = getFeedCatTitle($active_feed_id);
} else {
$feed_cat_title = getCategoryTitle($active_feed_id);
if ($active_feed_id && !$is_cat) {
print "<option selected=\"1\" value=\"this_feed\">$feed_title</option>";
} else {
print "<option disabled=\"1\" value=\"false\">".__('This feed')."</option>";
if ($is_cat) {
$cat_preselected = "selected=\"1\"";
if (get_pref('ENABLE_FEED_CATS') && ($active_feed_id > 0 || $is_cat)) {
print "<option $cat_preselected value=\"this_cat\">$feed_cat_title</option>";
} else {
//print "<option disabled>".__('This category')."</option>";
print "</select>";
print "</div>";
print "<div class=\"dlgButtons\">";
if (count(PluginHost::getInstance()->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_SEARCH)) == 0) {
print "<div style=\"float : left\">
<a class=\"visibleLink\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://tt-rss.org/wiki/SearchSyntax\">".__("Search syntax")."</a>
print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('searchDlg').execute()\">".__('Search')."</button>
<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" onclick=\"dijit.byId('searchDlg').hide()\">".__('Cancel')."</button>