
2411 lines
91 KiB

namespace fivefilters\Readability;
use fivefilters\Readability\Nodes\DOM\DOMDocument;
use fivefilters\Readability\Nodes\DOM\DOMElement;
use fivefilters\Readability\Nodes\DOM\DOMNode;
use fivefilters\Readability\Nodes\DOM\DOMText;
use fivefilters\Readability\Nodes\NodeUtility;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use \Masterminds\HTML5;
use League\Uri\Http;
use League\Uri\UriResolver;
* Class Readability.
class Readability
* Main DOMDocument where all the magic happens.
* @var DOMDocument
protected $dom;
* Title of the article.
* @var string|null
protected $title = null;
* Final DOMDocument with the fully parsed HTML.
* @var DOMDocument|null
protected $content = null;
* Excerpt of the article.
* @var string|null
protected $excerpt = null;
* Main image of the article.
* @var string|null
protected $image = null;
* Author of the article. Extracted from the byline tags and other social media properties.
* @var string|null
protected $author = null;
* Website name.
* @var string|null
protected $siteName = null;
* Direction of the text.
* @var string|null
protected $direction = null;
* Base URI
* HTML5PHP doesn't appear to store it in the baseURI property like PHP's DOMDocument does when parsing with libxml
* @var string|null
protected $baseURI = null;
* Configuration object.
* @var Configuration
private $configuration;
* Logger object.
* @var LoggerInterface
private $logger;
* @var array
private $jsonld = [];
* Collection of attempted text extractions.
* @var array
private $attempts = [];
* @var array
private $defaultTagsToScore = [
* @var array
private $unlikelyRoles = ['menu', 'menubar', 'complementary', 'navigation', 'alert', 'alertdialog', 'dialog'];
* @var array
private $alterToDIVExceptions = [
* @var array
private $htmlEscapeMap = [
'lt' => '<',
'gt' => '>',
'amp' => '&',
'quot' => '"',
'apos' => '\'',
* Readability constructor.
* @param Configuration $configuration
public function __construct(Configuration $configuration)
$this->configuration = $configuration;
$this->logger = $this->configuration->getLogger();
* Main parse function.
* @param $html
* @throws ParseException
* @return bool
public function parse($html)
$this->logger->info('*** Starting parse process...');
$this->dom = $this->loadHTML($html);
// Checking for minimum HTML to work with.
if (!($root = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)) || !$root->firstChild) {
$this->logger->emergency('No body tag present or body tag empty');
throw new ParseException('Invalid or incomplete HTML.');
while (true) {
$this->logger->debug('Starting parse loop');
$root = $root->firstChild;
$elementsToScore = $this->getNodes($root);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Elements to score: \'%s\'', count($elementsToScore)));
$result = $this->rateNodes($elementsToScore);
* Now that we've gone through the full algorithm, check to see if
* we got any meaningful content. If we didn't, we may need to re-run
* grabArticle with different flags set. This gives us a higher likelihood of
* finding the content, and the sieve approach gives us a higher likelihood of
* finding the -right- content.
$length = mb_strlen(preg_replace(NodeUtility::$regexps['onlyWhitespace'], '', $result->textContent));
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Parsing] Article parsed. Amount of words: %s. Current threshold is: %s', $length, $this->configuration->getCharThreshold()));
if ($result && $length < $this->configuration->getCharThreshold()) {
$this->dom = $this->loadHTML($html);
$root = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
if ($this->configuration->getStripUnlikelyCandidates()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] Threshold not met, trying again setting StripUnlikelyCandidates as false');
$this->attempts[] = ['articleContent' => $result, 'textLength' => $length];
} elseif ($this->configuration->getWeightClasses()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] Threshold not met, trying again setting WeightClasses as false');
$this->attempts[] = ['articleContent' => $result, 'textLength' => $length];
} elseif ($this->configuration->getCleanConditionally()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] Threshold not met, trying again setting CleanConditionally as false');
$this->attempts[] = ['articleContent' => $result, 'textLength' => $length];
} else {
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] Threshold not met, searching across attempts for some content.');
$this->attempts[] = ['articleContent' => $result, 'textLength' => $length];
// No luck after removing flags, just return the longest text we found during the different loops
usort($this->attempts, function ($a, $b) {
return $b['textLength'] - $a['textLength'];
// But first check if we actually have something
if (!$this->attempts[0]['textLength']) {
$this->logger->emergency('[Parsing] Could not parse text, giving up :(');
throw new ParseException('Could not parse text.');
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] Threshold not met, but found some content in previous attempts.');
$result = $this->attempts[0]['articleContent'];
} else {
if (!$result) {
$this->logger->info('*** Parse failed :(');
return false;
$result = $this->postProcessContent($result);
// If we haven't found an excerpt in the article's metadata, use the article's
// first paragraph as the excerpt. This can be used for displaying a preview of
// the article's content.
if (!$this->getExcerpt()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Parsing] No excerpt text found on metadata, extracting first p node and using it as excerpt.');
$paragraphs = $result->getElementsByTagName('p');
if ($paragraphs->length > 0) {
$this->logger->info('*** Parse successful :)');
return true;
* Creates a DOM Document object and loads the provided HTML on it.
* Used for the first load of Readability and subsequent reloads (when disabling flags and rescanning the text)
* Previous versions of Readability used this method one time and cloned the DOM to keep a backup. This caused bugs
* because cloning the DOM object keeps a relation between the clone and the original one, doing changes in both
* objects and ruining the backup.
* @param string $html
* @return DOMDocument
private function loadHTML($html)
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Loading HTML...');
// To avoid throwing a gazillion of errors on malformed HTMLs
//$html = preg_replace('/(<br[^>]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}/i', '</p><p>', $html);
if ($this->configuration->getParser() === 'html5') {
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Using HTML5 parser...');
$html5 = new HTML5(['disable_html_ns' => true, 'target_document' => new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8')]);
$dom = $html5->loadHTML($html);
//TODO: Improve this so it looks inside <html><head><base>, not just any <base>
$base = $dom->getElementsByTagName('base');
if ($base->length > 0) {
$base = $base->item(0);
$base = $base->getAttribute('href');
if ($base != '') {
$this->baseURI = $base;
} else {
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Using libxml parser...');
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
if ($this->configuration->getNormalizeEntities()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Normalized entities via mb_convert_encoding.');
// Replace UTF-8 characters with the HTML Entity equivalent. Useful to fix html with mixed content
$html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
if (!$this->configuration->getSubstituteEntities()) {
// Keep the original HTML entities
$dom->substituteEntities = false;
if ($this->configuration->getSummonCthulhu()) {
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Removed script tags via regex H̶͈̩̟̬̱͠E̡̨̬͔̳̜͢͠ ̡̧̯͉̩͙̩̹̞̠͎͈̹̥̠͞ͅͅC̶͉̞̘̖̝̗͓̬̯͍͉̤̬͢͢͞Ò̟̘͉͖͎͉̱̭̣̕M̴̯͈̻̱̱̣̗͈̠̙̲̥͘͞E̷̛͙̼̲͍͕̹͍͇̗̻̬̮̭̱̥͢Ş̛̟͔̙̜̤͇̮͍̙̝̀͘');
$html = preg_replace('/<script\b[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/', '', $html);
// Prepend the XML tag to avoid having issues with special characters. Should be harmless.
if ($this->configuration->getParser() !== 'html5') {
$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
$this->baseURI = $dom->baseURI;
$dom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
// Unwrap image from noscript
// Extract JSON-LD metadata before removing scripts
$this->jsonld = $this->configuration->getDisableJSONLD() ? [] : $this->getJSONLD($dom);
$this->logger->debug('[Loading] Loaded HTML successfully.');
return $dom;
* Try to extract metadata from JSON-LD object.
* For now, only objects of type Article or its subtypes are supported.
* @param DOMDocument $dom
* @return Object with any metadata that could be extracted (possibly none)
private function getJSONLD(DOMDocument $dom)
$scripts = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($dom, ['script']);
$jsonLdElement = $this->findNode($scripts, function ($el) {
return $el->getAttribute('type') === 'application/ld+json';
if ($jsonLdElement) {
try {
// Strip CDATA markers if present
$content = preg_replace('/^\s*<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>\s*$/', '', $jsonLdElement->textContent);
$parsed = json_decode($content, true);
$metadata = [];
if (
!isset($parsed['@context']) ||
!is_string($parsed['@context']) ||
!preg_match('/^https?\:\/\/schema\.org$/', $parsed['@context'])
) {
return $metadata;
if (!isset($parsed['@type']) && isset($parsed['@graph']) && is_array($parsed['@graph'])) {
$_found = null;
foreach ($parsed['@graph'] as $it) {
if (isset($it['@type']) && is_string($it['@type']) && preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['jsonLdArticleTypes'], $it['@type'])) {
$_found = $it;
$parsed = $_found;
if (
!$parsed ||
!isset($parsed['@type']) ||
!is_string($parsed['@type']) ||
!preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['jsonLdArticleTypes'], $parsed['@type'])
) {
return $metadata;
if (isset($parsed['name']) && is_string($parsed['name'])) {
$metadata['title'] = trim($parsed['name']);
} elseif (isset($parsed['headline']) && is_string($parsed['headline'])) {
$metadata['title'] = trim($parsed['headline']);
if (isset($parsed['author'])) {
if (isset($parsed['author']['name']) && is_string($parsed['author']['name'])) {
$metadata['byline'] = trim($parsed['author']['name']);
} elseif (
is_array($parsed['author']) &&
isset($parsed['author'][0]) &&
is_array($parsed['author'][0]) &&
isset($parsed['author'][0]['name']) &&
) {
$metadata['byline'] = array_filter($parsed['author'], function ($author) {
return is_array($author) && isset($author['name']) && is_string($author['name']);
$metadata['byline'] = array_map(function ($author) {
return trim($author['name']);
}, $metadata['byline']);
$metadata['byline'] = implode(', ', $metadata['byline']);
if (isset($parsed['description']) && is_string($parsed['description'])) {
$metadata['excerpt'] = trim($parsed['description']);
if (
isset($parsed['publisher']) &&
is_array($parsed['publisher']) &&
isset($parsed['publisher']['name']) &&
) {
$metadata['siteName'] = trim($parsed['publisher']['name']);
return $metadata;
} catch (\Exception $err) {
// The try-catch blocks are from the JS version. Not sure if there's anything
// here in the PHP version that would trigger an error or exception, so perhaps we can
// remove the try-catch blocks here (or at least translate errors to exceptions for this bit)
$this->logger->debug('[JSON-LD] Error parsing: ' . $err->getMessage());
return [];
* Tries to guess relevant info from metadata of the html. Sets the results in the Readability properties.
private function getMetadata()
$this->logger->debug('[Metadata] Retrieving metadata...');
$values = [];
// property is a space-separated list of values
$propertyPattern = '/\s*(dc|dcterm|og|twitter)\s*:\s*(author|creator|description|title|image|site_name)(?!:)\s*/i';
// name is a single value
$namePattern = '/^\s*(?:(dc|dcterm|og|twitter|weibo:(article|webpage))\s*[\.:]\s*)?(author|creator|description|title|image|site_name)(?!:)\s*$/i';
// Find description tags.
foreach ($this->dom->getElementsByTagName('meta') as $meta) {
/* @var DOMNode $meta */
$elementName = $meta->getAttribute('name');
$elementProperty = $meta->getAttribute('property');
$content = $meta->getAttribute('content');
$matches = null;
$name = null;
if ($elementProperty) {
if (preg_match($propertyPattern, $elementProperty, $matches)) {
$name = preg_replace('/\s/', '', mb_strtolower($matches[0]));
// multiple authors
$values[$name] = trim($content);
if (!$matches && $elementName && preg_match($namePattern, $elementName)) {
$name = $elementName;
if ($content) {
// Convert to lowercase, remove any whitespace, and convert dots
// to colons so we can match below.
$name = preg_replace(['/\s/', '/\./'], ['', ':'], mb_strtolower($name));
$values[$name] = trim($content);
// get title
* This is a very convoluted way of extracting the first matching key of the $values array
* against a set of options.
* This could be easily replaced with an ugly set of isset($values['key']) or a bunch of ??s.
* Will probably replace it with ??s after dropping support of PHP5.6
$key = current(array_intersect([
], array_keys($values)));
if (isset($this->jsonld['title'])) {
} else {
$this->setTitle(isset($values[$key]) ? trim($values[$key]) : null);
if (!$this->getTitle()) {
// get author
$key = current(array_intersect([
], array_keys($values)));
if (isset($this->jsonld['byline'])) {
} else {
$this->setAuthor(isset($values[$key]) ? $values[$key] : null);
// get description
$key = current(array_intersect([
], array_keys($values)));
if (isset($this->jsonld['excerpt'])) {
} else {
$this->setExcerpt(isset($values[$key]) ? $values[$key] : null);
// get main image
$key = current(array_intersect([
], array_keys($values)));
$this->setImage(isset($values[$key]) ? $values[$key] : null);
$key = current(array_intersect([
], array_keys($values)));
if (isset($this->jsonld['siteName'])) {
} else {
$this->setSiteName(isset($values[$key]) ? $values[$key] : null);
// in many sites the meta value is escaped with HTML entities,
// so here we need to unescape it
* Returns all the images of the parsed article.
* @return array
public function getImages()
$result = [];
if ($this->getImage()) {
$result[] = $this->getImage();
if (null == $this->getDOMDocument()) {
return $result;
foreach ($this->getDOMDocument()->getElementsByTagName('img') as $img) {
if ($src = $img->getAttribute('src')) {
$result[] = $src;
if ($this->configuration->getFixRelativeURLs()) {
foreach ($result as &$imgSrc) {
$imgSrc = $this->toAbsoluteURI($imgSrc);
$result = array_unique(array_filter($result));
return $result;
* Tries to get the main article image. Will only update the metadata if the getMetadata function couldn't
* find a correct image.
public function getMainImage()
$imgUrl = false;
if ($this->getImage() !== null) {
$imgUrl = $this->getImage();
if (!$imgUrl) {
foreach ($this->dom->getElementsByTagName('link') as $link) {
/** @var \DOMElement $link */
* Check for the rel attribute, then check if the rel attribute is either img_src or image_src, and
* finally check for the existence of the href attribute, which should hold the image url.
if ($link->hasAttribute('rel') && ($link->getAttribute('rel') === 'img_src' || $link->getAttribute('rel') === 'image_src') && $link->hasAttribute('href')) {
$imgUrl = $link->getAttribute('href');
if (!empty($imgUrl) && $this->configuration->getFixRelativeURLs()) {
* Remove unnecessary nested elements
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return void
private function simplifyNestedElements(DOMDocument $article)
$node = $article;
while ($node) {
if ($node->parentNode && in_array($node->nodeName, ['div', 'section']) && !($node->hasAttribute('id') && strpos($node->getAttribute('id'), 'readability') === 0)) {
if ($node->isElementWithoutContent()) {
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
} elseif ($node->hasSingleTagInsideElement('div') || $node->hasSingleTagInsideElement('section')) {
$child = $node->children()->item(0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $node->attributes->length; $i++) {
$child->setAttribute($node->attributes->item($i)->name, $node->attributes->item($i)->value);
$node->parentNode->replaceChild($child, $node);
$node = $child;
$node = NodeUtility::getNextNode($node);
* Returns the title of the html. Prioritizes the title from the metadata against the title tag.
* @return string|null
private function getArticleTitle()
$originalTitle = null;
if ($this->getTitle()) {
$originalTitle = $this->getTitle();
} else {
$this->logger->debug('[Metadata] Could not find title in metadata, searching for the title tag...');
$titleTag = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('title');
if ($titleTag->length > 0) {
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Using title tag as article title: \'%s\'', $titleTag->item(0)->nodeValue));
$originalTitle = $titleTag->item(0)->nodeValue;
if ($originalTitle === null) {
return null;
$curTitle = $originalTitle = trim($originalTitle);
$titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = false;
* If there's a separator in the title, first remove the final part
* Sanity warning: if you eval this match in PHPStorm's "Evaluate expression" box, it will return false
* I can assure you it works properly if you let the code run.
if (preg_match('/ [\|\-\\\\\/>»] /i', $curTitle)) {
$titleHadHierarchicalSeparators = (bool) preg_match('/ [\\\\\/>»] /', $curTitle);
$curTitle = preg_replace('/(.*)[\|\-\\\\\/>»] .*/i', '$1', $originalTitle);
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Found hierarchical separators in title, new title is: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
// If the resulting title is too short (3 words or fewer), remove
// the first part instead:
if (count(preg_split('/\s+/', $curTitle)) < 3) {
$curTitle = preg_replace('/[^\|\-\\\\\/>»]*[\|\-\\\\\/>»](.*)/i', '$1', $originalTitle);
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Title too short, using the first part of the title instead: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
} elseif (strpos($curTitle, ': ') !== false) {
// Check if we have an heading containing this exact string, so we
// could assume it's the full title.
$match = false;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
foreach ($this->dom->getElementsByTagName('h' . $i) as $hTag) {
// Trim texts to avoid having false negatives when the title is surrounded by spaces or tabs
if (trim($hTag->nodeValue) === trim($curTitle)) {
$match = true;
// If we don't, let's extract the title out of the original title string.
if (!$match) {
$curTitle = substr($originalTitle, strrpos($originalTitle, ':') + 1);
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Title has a colon in the middle, new title is: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
// If the title is now too short, try the first colon instead:
if (count(preg_split('/\s+/', $curTitle)) < 3) {
$curTitle = substr($originalTitle, strpos($originalTitle, ':') + 1);
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Title too short, using the first part of the title instead: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
} elseif (count(preg_split('/\s+/', substr($curTitle, 0, strpos($curTitle, ':')))) > 5) {
// But if we have too many words before the colon there's something weird
// with the titles and the H tags so let's just use the original title instead
$curTitle = $originalTitle;
} elseif (mb_strlen($curTitle) > 150 || mb_strlen($curTitle) < 15) {
$hOnes = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('h1');
if ($hOnes->length === 1) {
$curTitle = $hOnes->item(0)->nodeValue;
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Using title from an H1 node: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
$curTitle = preg_replace(NodeUtility::$regexps['normalize'], ' ', trim($curTitle));
* If we now have 4 words or fewer as our title, and either no
* 'hierarchical' separators (\, /, > or ») were found in the original
* title or we decreased the number of words by more than 1 word, use
* the original title.
$curTitleWordCount = count(preg_split('/\s+/', $curTitle));
$originalTitleWordCount = count(preg_split('/\s+/', preg_replace('/[\|\-\\\\\/>»]+/', '', $originalTitle))) - 1;
if ($curTitleWordCount <= 4 &&
(!$titleHadHierarchicalSeparators || $curTitleWordCount !== $originalTitleWordCount)) {
$curTitle = $originalTitle;
$this->logger->info(sprintf('Using title from an H1 node: \'%s\'', $curTitle));
return $curTitle;
* Convert URI to an absolute URI.
* @param $uri string URI to convert
* @return string
private function toAbsoluteURI($uri)
list($pathBase, $scheme, $prePath) = $this->getPathInfo($this->configuration->getOriginalURL());
$uri = trim($uri);
// If this is already an absolute URI, return it.
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]*:/', $uri)) {
return $uri;
// Scheme-rooted relative URI.
if (substr($uri, 0, 2) === '//') {
return $scheme . '://' . substr($uri, 2);
// Prepath-rooted relative URI.
if (substr($uri, 0, 1) === '/') {
return $prePath . $uri;
// Ignore hash URIs:
if (substr($uri, 0, 1) === '#') {
return $uri;
// Dotslash relative URI.
//if (strpos($uri, './') === 0) {
// return $pathBase . substr($uri, 2);
$baseUri = Http::createFromString($pathBase);
$relativeUri = Http::createFromString($uri);
return (string)UriResolver::resolve($relativeUri, $baseUri);
// Standard relative URI; add entire path. pathBase already includes a
// trailing "/".
//return $pathBase . $uri;
* Returns full path info of an URL.
* @param string $url
* @return array [$pathBase, $scheme, $prePath]
public function getPathInfo($url)
// Check for base URLs
if ($this->baseURI !== null) {
if (substr($this->baseURI, 0, 1) === '/') {
// URLs starting with '/' override completely the URL defined in the link
$pathBase = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) . $this->baseURI;
} else {
// Otherwise just prepend the base to the actual path
$pathBase = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) . dirname(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)) . '/'.rtrim($this->baseURI, '/') . '/';
} else {
$pathBase = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) . dirname(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)) . '/';
$scheme = parse_url($pathBase, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$prePath = $scheme . '://' . parse_url($pathBase, PHP_URL_HOST);
return [$pathBase, $scheme, $prePath];
* Gets nodes from the root element.
* @param $node DOMNode|DOMText
* @return array
private function getNodes($node)
$this->logger->info('[Get Nodes] Retrieving nodes...');
$stripUnlikelyCandidates = $this->configuration->getStripUnlikelyCandidates();
$elementsToScore = [];
$shouldRemoveTitleHeader = true;
* First, node prepping. Trash nodes that look cruddy (like ones with the
* class name "comment", etc), and turn divs into P tags where they have been
* used inappropriately (as in, where they contain no other block level elements.)
while ($node) {
// Remove DOMComments nodes as we don't need them and mess up children counting
if ($node->nodeType === XML_COMMENT_NODE) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Found comment node, removing... Node content was: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
$matchString = $node->getAttribute('class') . ' ' . $node->getAttribute('id');
if (!$node->isProbablyVisible()) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Removing hidden node... Match string was: \'%s\'', $matchString));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
// Check to see if this node is a byline, and remove it if it is.
if ($this->checkByline($node, $matchString)) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Found byline, removing... Node content was: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
if ($shouldRemoveTitleHeader && $this->headerDuplicatesTitle($node)) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Removing header: %s', $node->getTextContent()));
$shouldRemoveTitleHeader = false;
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
// Remove unlikely candidates
if ($stripUnlikelyCandidates) {
if (
preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['unlikelyCandidates'], $matchString) &&
!preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['okMaybeItsACandidate'], $matchString) &&
!$node->hasAncestorTag( 'table') &&
!$node->hasAncestorTag( 'code') &&
$node->nodeName !== 'body' &&
$node->nodeName !== 'a'
) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Removing unlikely candidate. Node content was: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
if (in_array($node->getAttribute('role'), $this->unlikelyRoles)) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Removing content with role %s - %s', $node->getAttribute('role'), $matchString));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
// Remove DIV, SECTION, and HEADER nodes without any content(e.g. text, image, video, or iframe).
if (($node->nodeName === 'div' || $node->nodeName === 'section' || $node->nodeName === 'header' ||
$node->nodeName === 'h1' || $node->nodeName === 'h2' || $node->nodeName === 'h3' ||
$node->nodeName === 'h4' || $node->nodeName === 'h5' || $node->nodeName === 'h6' ||
$node->nodeName === 'p') &&
$node->isElementWithoutContent()) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Removing empty \'%s\' node.', $node->nodeName));
$node = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($node);
if (in_array(strtolower($node->nodeName), $this->defaultTagsToScore)) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Adding node to score list, node content is: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$elementsToScore[] = $node;
// Turn all divs that don't have children block level elements into p's
if ($node->nodeName === 'div') {
// Put phrasing content into paragraphs.
$p = null;
$childNode = $node->firstChild;
while ($childNode) {
$nextSibling = $childNode->nextSibling;
if ($childNode->isPhrasingContent()) {
if ($p !== null) {
} elseif (!$childNode->isWhitespace()) {
$p = $this->dom->createElement('p');
$node->replaceChild($p, $childNode);
} elseif ($p !== null) {
while ($p->lastChild && $p->lastChild->isWhitespace()) {
$p = null;
$childNode = $nextSibling;
* Sites like encloses each paragraph with a DIV
* element. DIVs with only a P element inside and no text content can be
* safely converted into plain P elements to avoid confusing the scoring
* algorithm with DIVs with are, in practice, paragraphs.
if ($node->hasSingleTagInsideElement('p') && $node->getLinkDensity() < 0.25) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Found DIV with a single P node, removing DIV. Node content is: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$pNode = NodeUtility::filterTextNodes($node->childNodes)->item(0);
$node->parentNode->replaceChild($pNode, $node);
$node = $pNode;
$elementsToScore[] = $node;
} elseif (!$node->hasSingleChildBlockElement()) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Get Nodes] Found DIV with a single child block element, converting to a P node. Node content is: \'%s\'', substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$node = NodeUtility::setNodeTag($node, 'p');
$elementsToScore[] = $node;
$node = NodeUtility::getNextNode($node);
return $elementsToScore;
* compares second text to first one
* 1 = same text, 0 = completely different text
* works the way that it splits both texts into words and then finds words that are unique in second text
* the result is given by the lower length of unique parts
* @param string $textA
* @param string $textB
* @return int 1 = same text, 0 = completely different text
private function textSimilarity(string $textA, string $textB) {
$tokensA = array_filter(preg_split(NodeUtility::$regexps['tokenize'], mb_strtolower($textA)));
$tokensB = array_filter(preg_split(NodeUtility::$regexps['tokenize'], mb_strtolower($textB)));
if (!count($tokensA) || !count($tokensB)) {
return 0;
$uniqTokensB = array_filter($tokensB, function ($token) use (&$tokensA) {
return !in_array($token, $tokensA);
$distanceB = mb_strlen(implode(' ', $uniqTokensB)) / mb_strlen(implode(' ', $tokensB));
return 1 - $distanceB;
* Checks if the node is a byline.
* @param DOMNode $node
* @param string $matchString
* @return bool
private function checkByline($node, $matchString)
if (!$this->configuration->getArticleByLine()) {
return false;
* Check if the byline is already set
if ($this->getAuthor()) {
return false;
$rel = $node->getAttribute('rel');
$itemprop = $node->getAttribute("itemprop");
if ($rel === 'author' || ($itemprop && strpos($itemprop, 'author') !== false) || preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['byline'], $matchString) && $this->isValidByline($node->getTextContent(false))) {
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Metadata] Found article author: \'%s\'', $node->getTextContent(false)));
return true;
return false;
* Checks the validity of a byLine. Based on string length.
* @param string $text
* @return bool
private function isValidByline($text)
if (gettype($text) == 'string') {
$byline = trim($text);
return (mb_strlen($byline) > 0) && (mb_strlen($byline) < 100);
return false;
* Converts some of the common HTML entities in string to their corresponding characters.
* @param string $str - a string to unescape.
* @return string without HTML entity.
private function unescapeHtmlEntities($str) {
if (!$str) {
return $str;
$htmlEscapeMap = $this->htmlEscapeMap;
$str = preg_replace_callback('/&(quot|amp|apos|lt|gt);/', function ($tag) use ($htmlEscapeMap) {
return $htmlEscapeMap[$tag[1]];
}, $str);
$str = preg_replace_callback('/&#(?:x([0-9a-z]{1,4})|([0-9]{1,4}));/i', function ($matches) {
$hex = $matches[1];
$numStr = $matches[2];
if ($hex !== '') {
$num = intval($hex, 16);
} else {
$num = intval($numStr, 10);
return mb_chr($num);
}, $str);
return $str;
* Check if node is image, or if node contains exactly only one image
* whether as a direct child or as its descendants.
* @param DOMElement $node
private function isSingleImage(DOMElement $node) {
if ($node->tagName === 'img') {
return true;
if ($node->children()->length !== 1 || trim($node->textContent) !== '') {
return false;
return $this->isSingleImage($node->children()->item(0));
* Find all <noscript> that are located after <img> nodes, and which contain only one
* <img> element. Replace the first image with the image from inside the <noscript> tag,
* and remove the <noscript> tag. This improves the quality of the images we use on
* some sites (e.g. Medium).
* @param DOMDocument $dom
private function unwrapNoscriptImages(DOMDocument $dom) {
// Find img without source or attributes that might contains image, and remove it.
// This is done to prevent a placeholder img is replaced by img from noscript in next step.
$imgs = iterator_to_array($dom->getElementsByTagName('img'));
array_walk($imgs, function ($img) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $img->attributes->length; $i++) {
$attr = $img->attributes->item($i);
switch ($attr->name) {
case 'src':
case 'srcset':
case 'data-src':
case 'data-srcset':
if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)/i', $attr->value)) {
// Next find noscript and try to extract its image
$noscripts = iterator_to_array($dom->getElementsByTagName('noscript'));
array_walk($noscripts, function ($noscript) use($dom) {
// Parse content of noscript and make sure it only contains image
// [PHP port] Could copy innerHTML support over for the commented lines below, but is it needed?
// var tmp = doc.createElement("div");
// tmp.innerHTML = noscript.innerHTML;
$tmp = $noscript->cloneNode(true);
if (!$this->isSingleImage($tmp)) {
// If noscript has previous sibling and it only contains image,
// replace it with noscript content. However we also keep old
// attributes that might contains image.
$prevElement = $noscript->previousElementSibling();
if ($prevElement && $this->isSingleImage($prevElement)) {
$prevImg = $prevElement;
if ($prevImg->tagName !== 'img') {
$prevImg = $prevElement->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
$newImg = $tmp->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $prevImg->attributes->length; $i++) {
$attr = $prevImg->attributes->item($i);
if ($attr->value === '') {
if ($attr->name === 'src' || $attr->name === 'srcset' || preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)/i', $attr->value)) {
if ($newImg->getAttribute($attr->name) === $attr->value) {
$attrName = $attr->name;
if ($newImg->hasAttribute($attrName)) {
$attrName = 'data-old-' . $attrName;
$newImg->setAttribute($attrName, $attr->value);
$noscript->parentNode->replaceChild($tmp->getFirstElementChild(), $prevElement);
* Removes all the scripts of the html.
* @param DOMDocument $dom
private function removeScripts(DOMDocument $dom)
foreach (['script', 'noscript'] as $tag) {
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName($tag);
foreach (iterator_to_array($nodes) as $node) {
* Prepares the document for parsing.
* @param DOMDocument $dom
private function prepDocument(DOMDocument $dom)
$this->logger->info('[PrepDocument] Preparing document for parsing...');
foreach ($dom->shiftingAwareGetElementsByTagName('br') as $br) {
$next = $br->nextSibling;
* Whether 2 or more <br> elements have been found and replaced with a
* <p> block.
$replaced = false;
* If we find a <br> chain, remove the <br>s until we hit another element
* or non-whitespace. This leaves behind the first <br> in the chain
* (which will be replaced with a <p> later).
while (($next = NodeUtility::nextNode($next)) && ($next->nodeName === 'br')) {
$this->logger->debug('[PrepDocument] Removing chain of BR nodes...');
$replaced = true;
$brSibling = $next->nextSibling;
$next = $brSibling;
* If we removed a <br> chain, replace the remaining <br> with a <p>. Add
* all sibling nodes as children of the <p> until we hit another <br>
* chain.
if ($replaced) {
$p = $dom->createElement('p');
$br->parentNode->replaceChild($p, $br);
$next = $p->nextSibling;
while ($next) {
// If we've hit another <br><br>, we're done adding children to this <p>.
if ($next->nodeName === 'br') {
$nextElem = NodeUtility::nextNode($next->nextSibling);
if ($nextElem && $nextElem->nodeName === 'br') {
if (!$next->isPhrasingContent()) {
$this->logger->debug('[PrepDocument] Replacing BR with a P node...');
// Otherwise, make this node a child of the new <p>.
$sibling = $next->nextSibling;
$next = $sibling;
while ($p && $p->lastChild && $p->lastChild->isWhitespace()) {
while ($p && $p->firstChild && $p->firstChild->isWhitespace()) {
if ($p->parentNode->tagName === 'p') {
NodeUtility::setNodeTag($p->parentNode, 'div');
// Replace font tags with span
$fonts = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($dom, ['font']);
$length = count($fonts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$this->logger->debug('[PrepDocument] Converting font tag into a span tag.');
$font = $fonts[$length - 1 - $i];
NodeUtility::setNodeTag($font, 'span');
* Assign scores to each node. Returns full article parsed or false on error.
* @param array $nodes
* @return DOMDocument|bool
private function rateNodes($nodes)
$this->logger->info('[Rating] Rating nodes...');
$candidates = [];
/** @var DOMElement $node */
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if (is_null($node->parentNode)) {
// Discard nodes with less than 25 characters, without blank space
if (mb_strlen($node->getTextContent(true)) < 25) {
$ancestors = $node->getNodeAncestors(5);
// Exclude nodes with no ancestor
if (count($ancestors) === 0) {
// Start with a point for the paragraph itself as a base.
$contentScore = 1;
// Add points for any commas within this paragraph.
$contentScore += count(explode(',', $node->getTextContent(true)));
// For every 100 characters in this paragraph, add another point. Up to 3 points.
$contentScore += min(floor(mb_strlen($node->getTextContent(true)) / 100), 3);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Rating] Node score %s, content: \'%s\'', $contentScore, substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
/** @var $ancestor DOMElement */
foreach ($ancestors as $level => $ancestor) {
$this->logger->debug('[Rating] Found ancestor, initializing and adding it as a candidate...');
if (!$ancestor->isInitialized()) {
$candidates[] = $ancestor;
* Node score divider:
* - parent: 1 (no division)
* - grandparent: 2
* - great grandparent+: ancestor level * 3
if ($level === 0) {
$scoreDivider = 1;
} elseif ($level === 1) {
$scoreDivider = 2;
} else {
$scoreDivider = $level * 3;
$currentScore = $ancestor->contentScore;
$ancestor->contentScore = $currentScore + ($contentScore / $scoreDivider);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Rating] Ancestor score %s, value: \'%s\'', $ancestor->contentScore, substr($ancestor->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
* After we've calculated scores, loop through all of the possible
* candidate nodes we found and find the one with the highest score.
$topCandidates = [];
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
* Scale the final candidates score based on link density. Good content
* should have a relatively small link density (5% or less) and be mostly
* unaffected by this operation.
$candidate->contentScore = $candidate->contentScore * (1 - $candidate->getLinkDensity());
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->configuration->getMaxTopCandidates(); $i++) {
$aTopCandidate = isset($topCandidates[$i]) ? $topCandidates[$i] : null;
if (!$aTopCandidate || $candidate->contentScore > $aTopCandidate->contentScore) {
array_splice($topCandidates, $i, 0, [$candidate]);
if (count($topCandidates) > $this->configuration->getMaxTopCandidates()) {
$topCandidate = isset($topCandidates[0]) ? $topCandidates[0] : null;
$parentOfTopCandidate = null;
* If we still have no top candidate, just use the body as a last resort.
* We also have to copy the body node so it is something we can modify.
if ($topCandidate === null || $topCandidate->nodeName === 'body') {
$this->logger->info('[Rating] No top candidate found or top candidate is the body tag. Moving all child nodes to a new DIV node.');
// Move all of the page's children into topCandidate
$topCandidate = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$topCandidate->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$topCandidate->appendChild($topCandidate->createElement('div', ''));
$kids = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes;
// Cannot be foreached, don't ask me why.
for ($i = 0; $i < $kids->length; $i++) {
$import = $topCandidate->importNode($kids->item($i), true);
// Candidate must be created using firstChild to grab the DOMElement instead of the DOMDocument.
$topCandidate = $topCandidate->firstChild;
} elseif ($topCandidate) {
$this->logger->info(sprintf('[Rating] Found top candidate, score: %s', $topCandidate->contentScore));
// Find a better top candidate node if it contains (at least three) nodes which belong to `topCandidates` array
// and whose scores are quite closed with current `topCandidate` node.
$alternativeCandidateAncestors = [];
for ($i = 1; $i < count($topCandidates); $i++) {
// In some cases we may end up with a top candidate with zero content score. To avoid dividing by zero
// we have to use max() and replace zero with a low value like 0.1
if ($topCandidates[$i]->contentScore / max($topCandidate->contentScore, 0.1) >= 0.75) {
array_push($alternativeCandidateAncestors, $topCandidates[$i]->getNodeAncestors(false));
if (count($alternativeCandidateAncestors) >= $MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES) {
$parentOfTopCandidate = $topCandidate->parentNode;
// Check if we are actually dealing with a DOMNode and not a DOMDocument node or higher
while ($parentOfTopCandidate && $parentOfTopCandidate->nodeName !== 'body' && $parentOfTopCandidate->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$listsContainingThisAncestor = 0;
for ($ancestorIndex = 0; $ancestorIndex < count($alternativeCandidateAncestors) && $listsContainingThisAncestor < $MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES; $ancestorIndex++) {
$listsContainingThisAncestor += (int)in_array($parentOfTopCandidate, $alternativeCandidateAncestors[$ancestorIndex]);
if ($listsContainingThisAncestor >= $MINIMUM_TOPCANDIDATES) {
$topCandidate = $parentOfTopCandidate;
$parentOfTopCandidate = $parentOfTopCandidate->parentNode;
* Because of our bonus system, parents of candidates might have scores
* themselves. They get half of the node. There won't be nodes with higher
* scores than our topCandidate, but if we see the score going *up* in the first
* few steps up the tree, that's a decent sign that there might be more content
* lurking in other places that we want to unify in. The sibling stuff
* below does some of that - but only if we've looked high enough up the DOM
* tree.
$parentOfTopCandidate = $topCandidate->parentNode;
$lastScore = $topCandidate->contentScore;
// The scores shouldn't get too low.
$scoreThreshold = $lastScore / 3;
/* @var DOMElement $parentOfTopCandidate */
while ($parentOfTopCandidate && $parentOfTopCandidate->nodeName !== 'body') {
$parentScore = $parentOfTopCandidate->contentScore;
if ($parentScore < $scoreThreshold) {
if ($parentScore > $lastScore) {
// Alright! We found a better parent to use.
$topCandidate = $parentOfTopCandidate;
$this->logger->info('[Rating] Found a better top candidate.');
$lastScore = $parentOfTopCandidate->contentScore;
$parentOfTopCandidate = $parentOfTopCandidate->parentNode;
// If the top candidate is the only child, use parent instead. This will help sibling
// joining logic when adjacent content is actually located in parent's sibling node.
$parentOfTopCandidate = $topCandidate->parentNode;
while ($parentOfTopCandidate && $parentOfTopCandidate->nodeName !== 'body' && count(NodeUtility::filterTextNodes($parentOfTopCandidate->childNodes)) === 1) {
$topCandidate = $parentOfTopCandidate;
$parentOfTopCandidate = $topCandidate->parentNode;
* Now that we have the top candidate, look through its siblings for content
* that might also be related. Things like preambles, content split by ads
* that we removed, etc.
$this->logger->info('[Rating] Creating final article content document...');
$articleContent = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$siblingScoreThreshold = max(10, $topCandidate->contentScore * 0.2);
// Keep potential top candidate's parent node to try to get text direction of it later.
$parentOfTopCandidate = $topCandidate->parentNode;
$siblings = $parentOfTopCandidate->childNodes;
$hasContent = false;
$this->logger->info('[Rating] Adding top candidate siblings...');
/* @var DOMElement $sibling */
// Can't foreach here because down there we might change the tag name and that causes the foreach to skip items
for ($i = 0; $i < $siblings->length; $i++) {
$sibling = $siblings[$i];
$append = false;
if ($sibling === $topCandidate) {
$this->logger->debug('[Rating] Sibling is equal to the top candidate, adding to the final article...');
$append = true;
} else {
$contentBonus = 0;
// Give a bonus if sibling nodes and top candidates have the example same classname
if ($sibling->getAttribute('class') === $topCandidate->getAttribute('class') && $topCandidate->getAttribute('class') !== '') {
$contentBonus += $topCandidate->contentScore * 0.2;
if ($sibling->contentScore + $contentBonus >= $siblingScoreThreshold) {
$append = true;
} elseif ($sibling->nodeName === 'p') {
$linkDensity = $sibling->getLinkDensity();
$nodeContent = $sibling->getTextContent(true);
if (mb_strlen($nodeContent) > 80 && $linkDensity < 0.25) {
$append = true;
} elseif ($nodeContent && mb_strlen($nodeContent) < 80 && $linkDensity === 0 && preg_match('/\.( |$)/', $nodeContent)) {
$append = true;
if ($append) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Rating] Appending sibling to final article, content is: \'%s\'', substr($sibling->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
$hasContent = true;
if (!in_array(strtolower($sibling->nodeName), $this->alterToDIVExceptions)) {
* We have a node that isn't a common block level element, like a form or td tag.
* Turn it into a div so it doesn't get filtered out later by accident.
$sibling = NodeUtility::setNodeTag($sibling, 'div');
$import = $articleContent->importNode($sibling, true);
* No node shifting needs to be check because when calling getChildren, an array is made with the
* children of the parent node, instead of using the DOMElement childNodes function, which, when used
* along with appendChild, would shift the nodes position and the current foreach will behave in
* unpredictable ways.
$articleContent = $this->prepArticle($articleContent);
if ($hasContent) {
// Find out text direction from ancestors of final top candidate.
$ancestors = array_merge([$parentOfTopCandidate, $topCandidate], $parentOfTopCandidate->getNodeAncestors());
foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
$articleDir = $ancestor->getAttribute('dir');
if ($articleDir) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[Rating] Found article direction: %s', $articleDir));
return $articleContent;
} else {
return false;
* Cleans up the final article.
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return DOMDocument
public function prepArticle(DOMDocument $article)
$this->logger->info('[PrepArticle] Preparing final article...');
$this->_clean($article, 'style');
// Check for data tables before we continue, to avoid removing items in
// those tables, which will often be isolated even though they're
// visually linked to other content-ful elements (text, images, etc.).
// Clean out junk from the article content
$this->_cleanConditionally($article, 'form');
$this->_cleanConditionally($article, 'fieldset');
$this->_clean($article, 'object');
$this->_clean($article, 'embed');
$this->_clean($article, 'footer');
$this->_clean($article, 'link');
$this->_clean($article, 'aside');
// Clean out elements have "share" in their id/class combinations from final top candidates,
// which means we don't remove the top candidates even they have "share".
$shareElementThreshold = $this->configuration->getCharThreshold();
foreach ($article->childNodes as $child) {
$this->_cleanMatchedNodes($child, function ($node, $matchString) use ($shareElementThreshold) {
return (preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['shareElements'], $matchString) && mb_strlen($node->textContent) < $shareElementThreshold);
* If there is only one h2 and its text content substantially equals article title,
* they are probably using it as a header and not a subheader,
* so remove it since we already extract the title separately.
$h2 = $article->getElementsByTagName('h2');
if ($h2->length === 1) {
$lengthSimilarRate = (mb_strlen($h2->item(0)->textContent) - mb_strlen($this->getTitle())) / max(mb_strlen($this->getTitle()), 1);
if (abs($lengthSimilarRate) < 0.5) {
if ($lengthSimilarRate > 0) {
$titlesMatch = strpos($h2->item(0)->textContent, $this->getTitle()) !== false;
} else {
$titlesMatch = strpos($this->getTitle(), $h2->item(0)->textContent) !== false;
if ($titlesMatch) {
$this->logger->info('[PrepArticle] Found title repeated in an H2 node, removing...');
$this->_clean($article, 'h2');
$this->_clean($article, 'iframe');
$this->_clean($article, 'input');
$this->_clean($article, 'textarea');
$this->_clean($article, 'select');
$this->_clean($article, 'button');
// Do these last as the previous stuff may have removed junk
// that will affect these
$this->_cleanConditionally($article, 'table');
$this->_cleanConditionally($article, 'ul');
$this->_cleanConditionally($article, 'div');
// replace H1 with H2 as H1 should be only title that is displayed separately
foreach (iterator_to_array($article->getElementsByTagName('h1')) as $h1) {
NodeUtility::setNodeTag($h1, 'h2');
foreach (iterator_to_array($article->getElementsByTagName('br')) as $br) {
$next = NodeUtility::nextNode($br->nextSibling);
if ($next && $next->nodeName === 'p') {
$this->logger->debug('[PrepArticle] Removing br node next to a p node.');
// Remove single-cell tables
foreach ($article->shiftingAwareGetElementsByTagName('table') as $table) {
/** @var DOMNode $table */
$tbody = $table->hasSingleTagInsideElement('tbody') ? $table->getFirstElementChild() : $table;
if ($tbody->hasSingleTagInsideElement('tr')) {
$row = $tbody->getFirstElementChild();
if ($row->hasSingleTagInsideElement('td')) {
$cell = $row->getFirstElementChild();
$cell = NodeUtility::setNodeTag($cell, (array_reduce(iterator_to_array($cell->childNodes), function ($carry, $node) {
return $node->isPhrasingContent() && $carry;
}, true)) ? 'p' : 'div');
$table->parentNode->replaceChild($cell, $table);
return $article;
* Look for 'data' (as opposed to 'layout') tables, for which we use
* similar checks as
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return void
public function _markDataTables(DOMDocument $article)
$tables = $article->getElementsByTagName('table');
foreach ($tables as $table) {
/** @var DOMElement $table */
$role = $table->getAttribute('role');
if ($role === 'presentation') {
$datatable = $table->getAttribute('datatable');
if ($datatable == '0') {
$summary = $table->getAttribute('summary');
if ($summary) {
$caption = $table->getElementsByTagName('caption');
if ($caption->length > 0 && $caption->item(0)->childNodes->length > 0) {
// If the table has a descendant with any of these tags, consider a data table:
foreach (['col', 'colgroup', 'tfoot', 'thead', 'th'] as $dataTableDescendants) {
if ($table->getElementsByTagName($dataTableDescendants)->length > 0) {
continue 2;
// Nested tables indicate a layout table:
if ($table->getElementsByTagName('table')->length > 0) {
$sizeInfo = $table->getRowAndColumnCount();
if ($sizeInfo['rows'] >= 10 || $sizeInfo['columns'] > 4) {
// Now just go by size entirely:
$table->setReadabilityDataTable($sizeInfo['rows'] * $sizeInfo['columns'] > 10);
* convert images and figures that have properties like data-src into images that can be loaded without JS
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return void
public function _fixLazyImages(DOMDocument $article)
$images = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, ['img', 'picture', 'figure']);
foreach ($images as $elem) {
// In some sites (e.g. Kotaku), they put 1px square image as base64 data uri in the src attribute.
// So, here we check if the data uri is too short, just might as well remove it.
if ($elem->getAttribute('src') && preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['b64DataUrl'], $elem->getAttribute('src'), $parts)) {
// Make sure it's not SVG, because SVG can have a meaningful image in under 133 bytes.
if ($parts[1] === 'image/svg+xml') {
// Make sure this element has other attributes which contains image.
// If it doesn't, then this src is important and shouldn't be removed.
$srcCouldBeRemoved = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $elem->attributes->length; $i++) {
$attr = $elem->attributes->item($i);
if ($attr->name === 'src') {
if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)/i', $attr->value)) {
$srcCouldBeRemoved = true;
// Here we assume if image is less than 100 bytes (or 133B after encoded to base64)
// it will be too small, therefore it might be placeholder image.
if ($srcCouldBeRemoved) {
$b64starts = stripos($elem->getAttribute('src'), 'base64') + 7;
$b64length = strlen($elem->getAttribute('src')) - $b64starts;
if ($b64length < 133) {
// Don't remove if there's a src or srcset attribute, and there's no sign of 'lazy' loading in the class
// attribute value.
if (($elem->getAttribute('src') || $elem->getAttribute('srcset')) && mb_stripos($elem->getAttribute('class'), 'lazy') === false) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $elem->attributes->length; $j++) {
$attr = $elem->attributes->item($j);
if ($attr->name === 'src' || $attr->name === 'srcset' || $attr->name === 'alt') {
$copyTo = null;
if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)\s+\d/', $attr->value)) {
$copyTo = 'srcset';
} elseif (preg_match('/^\s*\S+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|webp)\S*\s*$/', $attr->value)) {
$copyTo = 'src';
if ($copyTo) {
//if this is an img or picture, set the attribute directly
if ($elem->tagName === 'img' || $elem->tagName === 'picture') {
$elem->setAttribute($copyTo, $attr->value);
} elseif ($elem->tagName === 'figure' && empty($this->_getAllNodesWithTag($elem, ['img', 'picture']))) {
//if the item is a <figure> that does not contain an image or picture, create one and place it inside the figure
//see the nytimes-3 testcase for an example
$img = $article->createElement('img');
$img->setAttribute($copyTo, $attr->value);
* Remove the style attribute on every e and under.
* @param $node DOMDocument|DOMNode
public function _cleanStyles($node)
if (property_exists($node, 'tagName') && $node->tagName === 'svg') {
// Do not bother if there's no method to remove an attribute
if (method_exists($node, 'removeAttribute')) {
$presentational_attributes = ['align', 'background', 'bgcolor', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'frame', 'hspace', 'rules', 'style', 'valign', 'vspace'];
// Remove `style` and deprecated presentational attributes
foreach ($presentational_attributes as $presentational_attribute) {
$deprecated_size_attribute_elems = ['table', 'th', 'td', 'hr', 'pre'];
if (property_exists($node, 'tagName') && in_array($node->tagName, $deprecated_size_attribute_elems)) {
$cur = $node->firstChild;
while ($cur !== null) {
$cur = $cur->nextSibling;
* Clean out elements that match the specified conditions
* @param $node DOMElement Node to clean
* @param $filter callable Function determines whether a node should be removed
* @return void
public function _cleanMatchedNodes($node, callable $filter)
$endOfSearchMarkerNode = NodeUtility::getNextNode($node, true);
$next = NodeUtility::getNextNode($node);
while ($next && $next !== $endOfSearchMarkerNode) {
if ($filter($next, sprintf('%s %s', $next->getAttribute('class'), $next->getAttribute('id')))) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Removing matched node, node class was: \'%s\', id: \'%s\'', $next->getAttribute('class'), $next->getAttribute('id')));
$next = NodeUtility::removeAndGetNext($next);
} else {
$next = NodeUtility::getNextNode($next);
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return void
public function _cleanExtraParagraphs(DOMDocument $article)
$paragraphs = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, ['p']);
$length = count($paragraphs);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$paragraph = $paragraphs[$length - 1 - $i];
$imgCount = $paragraph->getElementsByTagName('img')->length;
$embedCount = $paragraph->getElementsByTagName('embed')->length;
$objectCount = $paragraph->getElementsByTagName('object')->length;
// At this point, nasty iframes have been removed, only remain embedded video ones.
$iframeCount = $paragraph->getElementsByTagName('iframe')->length;
$totalCount = $imgCount + $embedCount + $objectCount + $iframeCount;
if ($totalCount === 0 && !preg_replace(NodeUtility::$regexps['onlyWhitespace'], '', $paragraph->textContent)) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PrepArticle] Removing extra paragraph. Text content was: \'%s\'', substr($paragraph->textContent, 0, 128)));
private function getTextDensity($e, array $tags) {
$textLength = mb_strlen($e->getTextContent(true));
if ($textLength === 0) {
return 0;
$childrenLength = 0;
$children = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($e, $tags);
foreach ($children as $child) {
$childrenLength += mb_strlen($child->getTextContent(true));
return $childrenLength / $textLength;
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @param string $tag Tag to clean conditionally
* @return void
public function _cleanConditionally(DOMDocument $article, $tag)
if (!$this->configuration->getCleanConditionally()) {
* Gather counts for other typical elements embedded within.
* Traverse backwards so we can remove nodes at the same time
* without effecting the traversal.
$allNodesWithTag = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, [$tag]);
$length = count($allNodesWithTag);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
/** @var $node DOMElement */
$node = $allNodesWithTag[$length - 1 - $i];
$isList = in_array($tag, ['ul', 'ol']);
// Doesn't seem to work as expected
// compared to JS version:
if (!$isList) {
$listLength = 0;
$listNodes = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($node, ['ul', 'ol']);
array_walk($listNodes, function ($list) use(&$listLength) {
$listLength += mb_strlen($list->getTextContent());
$nodeTextLength = mb_strlen($node->getTextContent());
if (!$nodeTextLength) {
$isList = true;
} else {
$isList = $listLength / $nodeTextLength > 0.9;
// First check if this node IS data table, in which case don't remove it.
if ($tag === 'table' && $node->isReadabilityDataTable()) {
// Next check if we're inside a data table, in which case don't remove it as well.
if ($node->hasAncestorTag('table', -1, function ($node) {
return $node->isReadabilityDataTable();
})) {
if ($node->hasAncestorTag('code')) {
$weight = 0;
if ($this->configuration->getWeightClasses()) {
$weight = $node->getClassWeight();
if ($weight < 0) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PrepArticle] Removing tag \'%s\' with 0 or less weight', $tag));
if (substr_count($node->getTextContent(false), ',') < 10) {
* If there are not very many commas, and the number of
* non-paragraph elements is more than paragraphs or other
* ominous signs, remove the element.
$p = $node->getElementsByTagName('p')->length;
$img = $node->getElementsByTagName('img')->length;
$li = $node->getElementsByTagName('li')->length - 100;
$input = $node->getElementsByTagName('input')->length;
$headingDensity = $this->getTextDensity($node, ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']);
$embedCount = 0;
$embeds = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($node, ['object', 'embed', 'iframe']);
foreach ($embeds as $embedNode) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $embedNode->attributes->length; $j++) {
if (preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['videos'], $embedNode->attributes->item($j)->nodeValue)) {
continue 3;
// For embed with <object> tag, check inner HTML as well.
if ($embedNode->tagName === "object" && preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['videos'], $embedNode->C14N())) {
continue 2;
$linkDensity = $node->getLinkDensity();
$contentLength = mb_strlen($node->getTextContent(true));
$haveToRemove =
($img > 1 && $p / $img < 0.5 && !$node->hasAncestorTag('figure')) ||
(!$isList && $li > $p) ||
($input > floor($p / 3)) ||
(!$isList && $headingDensity < 0.9 && $contentLength < 25 && ($img === 0 || $img > 2) && !$node->hasAncestorTag('figure')) ||
(!$isList && $weight < 25 && $linkDensity > 0.2) ||
($weight >= 25 && $linkDensity > 0.5) ||
(($embedCount === 1 && $contentLength < 75) || $embedCount > 1);
if ($haveToRemove) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PrepArticle] Removing tag \'%s\'.', $tag));
public function _getAllNodesWithTag($node, array $tagNames) {
$nodes = [];
foreach ($tagNames as $tag) {
$nodeList = $node->getElementsByTagName($tag);
foreach ($nodeList as $n) {
$nodes[] = $n;
return $nodes;
* Clean a node of all elements of type "tag".
* (Unless it's a youtube/vimeo video. People love movies.).
* @param $article DOMDocument
* @param $tag string tag to clean
* @return void
public function _clean(DOMDocument $article, $tag)
$isEmbed = in_array($tag, ['object', 'embed', 'iframe']);
$allNodesWithTag = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, [$tag]);
$length = count($allNodesWithTag);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$item = $allNodesWithTag[$length - 1 - $i];
// Allow youtube and vimeo videos through as people usually want to see those.
if ($isEmbed) {
$attributeValues = [];
foreach ($item->attributes as $value) {
$attributeValues[] = $value->nodeValue;
$attributeValues = implode('|', $attributeValues);
// First, check the elements attributes to see if any of them contain youtube or vimeo
if (preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['videos'], $attributeValues)) {
// For embed with <object> tag, check inner HTML as well.
if ($item->tagName === 'object' && preg_match(NodeUtility::$regexps['videos'], $item->C14N())) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PrepArticle] Removing node \'%s\'.', $item->tagName));
* Clean out spurious headers from an Element.
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return void
public function _cleanHeaders(DOMDocument $article)
$headingNodes = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, ['h1', 'h2']);
/** @var $header DOMElement */
foreach ($headingNodes as $header) {
$weight = 0;
if ($this->configuration->getWeightClasses()) {
$weight = $header->getClassWeight();
$shouldRemove = $weight < 0;
if ($shouldRemove) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PrepArticle] Removing H node with 0 or less weight. Content was: \'%s\'', substr($header->nodeValue, 0, 128)));
* Check if this node is an H1 or H2 element whose content is mostly
* the same as the article title.
* @param DOMNode the node to check.
* @return boolean indicating whether this is a title-like header.
private function headerDuplicatesTitle($node) {
if ($node->nodeName !== 'h1' && $node->nodeName !== 'h2') {
return false;
if (!isset($this->title)) {
return false;
$heading = $node->getTextContent(false);
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('Evaluating similarity of header: %s"', $heading));
return $this->textSimilarity($this->title, $heading) > 0.75;
* Removes the class="" attribute from every element in the given
* subtree.
* Readability.js has a special filter to avoid cleaning the classes that the algorithm adds. We don't add classes
* here so no need to filter those.
* @param DOMDocument|DOMNode $node
* @return void
public function _cleanClasses($node)
if ($node->getAttribute('class') !== '') {
for ($node = $node->getFirstElementChild(); $node !== null; $node = $node->nextSibling) {
* @param DOMDocument $article
* @return DOMDocument
public function postProcessContent(DOMDocument $article)
$this->logger->info('[PostProcess] PostProcessing content...');
// Readability cannot open relative uris so we convert them to absolute uris.
if ($this->configuration->getFixRelativeURLs()) {
foreach (iterator_to_array($article->getElementsByTagName('a')) as $link) {
/** @var DOMElement $link */
$href = $link->getAttribute('href');
if ($href) {
// Remove links with javascript: URIs, since
// they won't work after scripts have been removed from the page.
if (strpos($href, 'javascript:') === 0) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PostProcess] Removing \'javascript:\' link. Content is: \'%s\'', substr($link->textContent, 0, 128)));
// if the link only contains simple text content, it can be converted to a text node
if ($link->childNodes->length === 1 && $link->childNodes->item(0)->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE) {
$text = $article->createTextNode($link->textContent);
$link->parentNode->replaceChild($text, $link);
} else {
// if the link has multiple children, they should all be preserved
$container = $article->createElement('span');
while ($link->firstChild) {
$link->parentNode->replaceChild($container, $link);
} else {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PostProcess] Converting link to absolute URI: \'%s\'', substr($href, 0, 128)));
$link->setAttribute('href', $this->toAbsoluteURI($href));
$medias = $this->_getAllNodesWithTag($article, [
'img', 'picture', 'figure', 'video', 'audio', 'source'
array_walk($medias, function ($media) {
$src = $media->getAttribute('src');
$poster = $media->getAttribute('poster');
$srcset = $media->getAttribute('srcset');
if ($src) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PostProcess] Converting image URL to absolute URI: \'%s\'', substr($src, 0, 128)));
$media->setAttribute('src', $this->toAbsoluteURI($src));
if ($poster) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PostProcess] Converting image URL to absolute URI: \'%s\'', substr($poster, 0, 128)));
$media->setAttribute('poster', $this->toAbsoluteURI($poster));
if ($srcset) {
$newSrcset = preg_replace_callback(NodeUtility::$regexps['srcsetUrl'], function ($matches) {
$this->logger->debug(sprintf('[PostProcess] Converting image URL to absolute URI: \'%s\'', substr($matches[1], 0, 128)));
return $this->toAbsoluteURI($matches[1]) . $matches[2] . $matches[3];
}, $srcset);
$media->setAttribute('srcset', $newSrcset);
if (!$this->configuration->getKeepClasses()) {
return $article;
* Iterate over a NodeList, and return the first node that passes
* the supplied test function
* @param NodeList nodeList The NodeList.
* @param Function fn The test function.
* @return DOMNode|null
private function findNode(array $nodeList, callable $fn)
foreach ($nodeList as $node) {
if ($fn($node)) {
return $node;
return null;
* @return null|string
public function __toString()
return sprintf('<h1>%s</h1>%s', $this->getTitle(), $this->getContent());
* @return string|null
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* @param string $title
protected function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
* @return string|null
public function getContent()
if ($this->content instanceof DOMDocument) {
$html5 = new HTML5(['disable_html_ns' => true]);
// by using childNodes below we make sure HTML5PHP's serialiser
// doesn't output the <!DOCTYPE html> string at the start.
return $html5->saveHTML($this->content->childNodes);
} else {
return null;
* @return DOMDocument|null
public function getDOMDocument()
return $this->content;
* @param DOMDocument $content
protected function setContent(DOMDocument $content)
$this->content = $content;
* @return null|string
public function getExcerpt()
return $this->excerpt;
* @param null|string $excerpt
public function setExcerpt($excerpt)
$this->excerpt = $excerpt;
* @return string|null
public function getImage()
return $this->image;
* @param string $image
protected function setImage($image)
$this->image = $image;
* @return string|null
public function getAuthor()
return $this->author;
* @param string $author
protected function setAuthor($author)
$this->author = $author;
* @return string|null
public function getSiteName()
return $this->siteName;
* @param string $siteName
protected function setSiteName($siteName)
$this->siteName = $siteName;
* @return null|string
public function getDirection()
return $this->direction;
* @param null|string $direction
public function setDirection($direction)
$this->direction = $direction;