mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-07 13:40:53 +02:00
2013-03-18 10:26:26 +04:00

507 lines
15 KiB

define("dojo/dnd/Source", [
"../_base/array", "../_base/connect", "../_base/declare", "../_base/kernel", "../_base/lang",
"../dom-class", "../dom-geometry", "../mouse", "../ready", "../topic",
"./common", "./Selector", "./Manager"
], function(array, connect, declare, kernel, lang, domClass, domGeom, mouse, ready, topic,
dnd, Selector, Manager){
// module:
// dojo/dnd/Source
Container property:
"Horizontal"- if this is the horizontal container
Source states:
"" - normal state
"Moved" - this source is being moved
"Copied" - this source is being copied
Target states:
"" - normal state
"Disabled" - the target cannot accept an avatar
Target anchor state:
"" - item is not selected
"Before" - insert point is before the anchor
"After" - insert point is after the anchor
var __SourceArgs = {
// summary:
// a dict of parameters for DnD Source configuration. Note that any
// property on Source elements may be configured, but this is the
// short-list
// isSource: Boolean?
// can be used as a DnD source. Defaults to true.
// accept: Array?
// list of accepted types (text strings) for a target; defaults to
// ["text"]
// autoSync: Boolean
// if true refreshes the node list on every operation; false by default
// copyOnly: Boolean?
// copy items, if true, use a state of Ctrl key otherwise,
// see selfCopy and selfAccept for more details
// delay: Number
// the move delay in pixels before detecting a drag; 0 by default
// horizontal: Boolean?
// a horizontal container, if true, vertical otherwise or when omitted
// selfCopy: Boolean?
// copy items by default when dropping on itself,
// false by default, works only if copyOnly is true
// selfAccept: Boolean?
// accept its own items when copyOnly is true,
// true by default, works only if copyOnly is true
// withHandles: Boolean?
// allows dragging only by handles, false by default
// generateText: Boolean?
// generate text node for drag and drop, true by default
// For back-compat, remove in 2.0.
ready(0, function(){
var requires = ["dojo/dnd/AutoSource", "dojo/dnd/Target"];
require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
var Source = declare("dojo.dnd.Source", Selector, {
// summary:
// a Source object, which can be used as a DnD source, or a DnD target
// object attributes (for markup)
isSource: true,
horizontal: false,
copyOnly: false,
selfCopy: false,
selfAccept: true,
skipForm: false,
withHandles: false,
autoSync: false,
delay: 0, // pixels
accept: ["text"],
generateText: true,
constructor: function(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*__SourceArgs?*/ params){
// summary:
// a constructor of the Source
// node:
// node or node's id to build the source on
// params:
// any property of this class may be configured via the params
// object which is mixed-in to the `dojo/dnd/Source` instance
lang.mixin(this, lang.mixin({}, params));
var type = this.accept;
this.accept = {};
for(var i = 0; i < type.length; ++i){
this.accept[type[i]] = 1;
// class-specific variables
this.isDragging = false;
this.mouseDown = false;
this.targetAnchor = null;
this.targetBox = null;
this.before = true;
this._lastX = 0;
this._lastY = 0;
// states
this.sourceState = "";
domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndSource");
this.targetState = "";
domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndTarget");
domClass.add(this.node, "dojoDndHorizontal");
// set up events
this.topics = [
topic.subscribe("/dnd/source/over", lang.hitch(this, "onDndSourceOver")),
topic.subscribe("/dnd/start", lang.hitch(this, "onDndStart")),
topic.subscribe("/dnd/drop", lang.hitch(this, "onDndDrop")),
topic.subscribe("/dnd/cancel", lang.hitch(this, "onDndCancel"))
// methods
checkAcceptance: function(source, nodes){
// summary:
// checks if the target can accept nodes from this source
// source: Object
// the source which provides items
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
if(this == source){
return !this.copyOnly || this.selfAccept;
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i){
var type = source.getItem(nodes[i].id).type;
// type instanceof Array
var flag = false;
for(var j = 0; j < type.length; ++j){
if(type[j] in this.accept){
flag = true;
return false; // Boolean
return true; // Boolean
copyState: function(keyPressed, self){
// summary:
// Returns true if we need to copy items, false to move.
// It is separated to be overwritten dynamically, if needed.
// keyPressed: Boolean
// the "copy" key was pressed
// self: Boolean?
// optional flag that means that we are about to drop on itself
if(keyPressed){ return true; }
if(arguments.length < 2){
self = this == Manager.manager().target;
return this.selfCopy;
return this.copyOnly;
return false; // Boolean
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// prepares the object to be garbage-collected
array.forEach(this.topics, function(t){t.remove();});
this.targetAnchor = null;
// mouse event processors
onMouseMove: function(e){
// summary:
// event processor for onmousemove
// e: Event
// mouse event
if(this.isDragging && this.targetState == "Disabled"){ return; }
Source.superclass.onMouseMove.call(this, e);
var m = Manager.manager();
if(this.mouseDown && this.isSource &&
(Math.abs(e.pageX - this._lastX) > this.delay || Math.abs(e.pageY - this._lastY) > this.delay)){
var nodes = this.getSelectedNodes();
m.startDrag(this, nodes, this.copyState(dnd.getCopyKeyState(e), true));
// calculate before/after
var before = false;
if(!this.targetBox || this.targetAnchor != this.current){
this.targetBox = domGeom.position(this.current, true);
// In LTR mode, the left part of the object means "before", but in RTL mode it means "after".
before = (e.pageX - this.targetBox.x < this.targetBox.w / 2) == domGeom.isBodyLtr(this.current.ownerDocument);
before = (e.pageY - this.targetBox.y) < (this.targetBox.h / 2);
if(this.current != this.targetAnchor || before != this.before){
m.canDrop(!this.current || m.source != this || !(this.current.id in this.selection));
onMouseDown: function(e){
// summary:
// event processor for onmousedown
// e: Event
// mouse event
if(!this.mouseDown && this._legalMouseDown(e) && (!this.skipForm || !dnd.isFormElement(e))){
this.mouseDown = true;
this._lastX = e.pageX;
this._lastY = e.pageY;
Source.superclass.onMouseDown.call(this, e);
onMouseUp: function(e){
// summary:
// event processor for onmouseup
// e: Event
// mouse event
this.mouseDown = false;
Source.superclass.onMouseUp.call(this, e);
// topic event processors
onDndSourceOver: function(source){
// summary:
// topic event processor for /dnd/source/over, called when detected a current source
// source: Object
// the source which has the mouse over it
if(this !== source){
this.mouseDown = false;
}else if(this.isDragging){
var m = Manager.manager();
m.canDrop(this.targetState != "Disabled" && (!this.current || m.source != this || !(this.current.id in this.selection)));
onDndStart: function(source, nodes, copy){
// summary:
// topic event processor for /dnd/start, called to initiate the DnD operation
// source: Object
// the source which provides items
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
// copy: Boolean
// copy items, if true, move items otherwise
if(this.autoSync){ this.sync(); }
this._changeState("Source", this == source ? (copy ? "Copied" : "Moved") : "");
var accepted = this.accept && this.checkAcceptance(source, nodes);
this._changeState("Target", accepted ? "" : "Disabled");
if(this == source){
this.isDragging = true;
onDndDrop: function(source, nodes, copy, target){
// summary:
// topic event processor for /dnd/drop, called to finish the DnD operation
// source: Object
// the source which provides items
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
// copy: Boolean
// copy items, if true, move items otherwise
// target: Object
// the target which accepts items
if(this == target){
// this one is for us => move nodes!
this.onDrop(source, nodes, copy);
onDndCancel: function(){
// summary:
// topic event processor for /dnd/cancel, called to cancel the DnD operation
this.targetAnchor = null;
this.before = true;
this.isDragging = false;
this.mouseDown = false;
this._changeState("Source", "");
this._changeState("Target", "");
// local events
onDrop: function(source, nodes, copy){
// summary:
// called only on the current target, when drop is performed
// source: Object
// the source which provides items
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
// copy: Boolean
// copy items, if true, move items otherwise
if(this != source){
this.onDropExternal(source, nodes, copy);
this.onDropInternal(nodes, copy);
onDropExternal: function(source, nodes, copy){
// summary:
// called only on the current target, when drop is performed
// from an external source
// source: Object
// the source which provides items
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
// copy: Boolean
// copy items, if true, move items otherwise
var oldCreator = this._normalizedCreator;
// transferring nodes from the source to the target
// use defined creator
this._normalizedCreator = function(node, hint){
return oldCreator.call(this, source.getItem(node.id).data, hint);
// we have no creator defined => move/clone nodes
// clone nodes
this._normalizedCreator = function(node /*=====, hint =====*/){
var t = source.getItem(node.id);
var n = node.cloneNode(true);
n.id = dnd.getUniqueId();
return {node: n, data: t.data, type: t.type};
// move nodes
this._normalizedCreator = function(node /*=====, hint =====*/){
var t = source.getItem(node.id);
return {node: node, data: t.data, type: t.type};
if(!copy && !this.creator){
this.insertNodes(true, nodes, this.before, this.current);
if(!copy && this.creator){
this._normalizedCreator = oldCreator;
onDropInternal: function(nodes, copy){
// summary:
// called only on the current target, when drop is performed
// from the same target/source
// nodes: Array
// the list of transferred items
// copy: Boolean
// copy items, if true, move items otherwise
var oldCreator = this._normalizedCreator;
// transferring nodes within the single source
if(this.current && this.current.id in this.selection){
// do nothing
// create new copies of data items
this._normalizedCreator = function(node, hint){
return oldCreator.call(this, this.getItem(node.id).data, hint);
// clone nodes
this._normalizedCreator = function(node/*=====, hint =====*/){
var t = this.getItem(node.id);
var n = node.cloneNode(true);
n.id = dnd.getUniqueId();
return {node: n, data: t.data, type: t.type};
// move nodes
// do nothing
this._normalizedCreator = function(node /*=====, hint =====*/){
var t = this.getItem(node.id);
return {node: node, data: t.data, type: t.type};
this.insertNodes(true, nodes, this.before, this.current);
this._normalizedCreator = oldCreator;
onDraggingOver: function(){
// summary:
// called during the active DnD operation, when items
// are dragged over this target, and it is not disabled
onDraggingOut: function(){
// summary:
// called during the active DnD operation, when items
// are dragged away from this target, and it is not disabled
// utilities
onOverEvent: function(){
// summary:
// this function is called once, when mouse is over our container
if(this.isDragging && this.targetState != "Disabled"){
onOutEvent: function(){
// summary:
// this function is called once, when mouse is out of our container
if(this.isDragging && this.targetState != "Disabled"){
_markTargetAnchor: function(before){
// summary:
// assigns a class to the current target anchor based on "before" status
// before: Boolean
// insert before, if true, after otherwise
if(this.current == this.targetAnchor && this.before == before){ return; }
this._removeItemClass(this.targetAnchor, this.before ? "Before" : "After");
this.targetAnchor = this.current;
this.targetBox = null;
this.before = before;
this._addItemClass(this.targetAnchor, this.before ? "Before" : "After");
_unmarkTargetAnchor: function(){
// summary:
// removes a class of the current target anchor based on "before" status
if(!this.targetAnchor){ return; }
this._removeItemClass(this.targetAnchor, this.before ? "Before" : "After");
this.targetAnchor = null;
this.targetBox = null;
this.before = true;
_markDndStatus: function(copy){
// summary:
// changes source's state based on "copy" status
this._changeState("Source", copy ? "Copied" : "Moved");
_legalMouseDown: function(e){
// summary:
// checks if user clicked on "approved" items
// e: Event
// mouse event
// accept only the left mouse button, or the left finger
if(e.type != "touchstart" && !mouse.isLeft(e)){ return false; }
if(!this.withHandles){ return true; }
// check for handles
for(var node = e.target; node && node !== this.node; node = node.parentNode){
if(domClass.contains(node, "dojoDndHandle")){ return true; }
if(domClass.contains(node, "dojoDndItem") || domClass.contains(node, "dojoDndIgnore")){ break; }
return false; // Boolean
return Source;