mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-02 12:50:52 +02:00
2013-03-18 10:26:26 +04:00

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define("dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin", [
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.set
"dojo/_base/event" // event.stop
], function(declare, domAttr, event){
// module:
// dijit/form/_CheckBoxMixin
return declare("dijit.form._CheckBoxMixin", null, {
// summary:
// Mixin to provide widget functionality corresponding to an HTML checkbox
// description:
// User interacts with real html inputs.
// On onclick (which occurs by mouse click, space-bar, or
// using the arrow keys to switch the selected radio button),
// we update the state of the checkbox/radio.
// type: [private] String
// type attribute on `<input>` node.
// Overrides `dijit/form/Button.type`. Users should not change this value.
type: "checkbox",
// value: String
// As an initialization parameter, equivalent to value field on normal checkbox
// (if checked, the value is passed as the value when form is submitted).
value: "on",
// readOnly: Boolean
// Should this widget respond to user input?
// In markup, this is specified as "readOnly".
// Similar to disabled except readOnly form values are submitted.
readOnly: false,
// aria-pressed for toggle buttons, and aria-checked for checkboxes
_aria_attr: "aria-checked",
_setReadOnlyAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
this._set("readOnly", value);
domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'readOnly', value);
// Override dijit/form/Button._setLabelAttr() since we don't even have a containerNode.
// Normally users won't try to set label, except when CheckBox or RadioButton is the child of a dojox/layout/TabContainer
_setLabelAttr: undefined,
_getSubmitValue: function(/*String*/ value){
return !value && value !== 0 ? "on" : value;
_setValueAttr: function(newValue){
newValue = this._getSubmitValue(newValue); // "on" to match browser native behavior when value unspecified
this._set("value", newValue);
domAttr.set(this.focusNode, "value", newValue);
reset: function(){
// Handle unlikely event that the <input type=checkbox> value attribute has changed
this._set("value", this.params.value || "on");
domAttr.set(this.focusNode, 'value', this.value);
_onClick: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Internal function to handle click actions - need to check
// readOnly, since button no longer does that check.
return false;
return this.inherited(arguments);