
149 lines
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class Cache_Local implements Cache_Adapter {
private string $dir;
public function remove(string $filename): bool {
return unlink($this->get_full_path($filename));
public function get_mtime(string $filename) {
return filemtime($this->get_full_path($filename));
public function set_dir(string $dir) : void {
$this->dir = Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/" . basename(clean($dir));
public function get_dir(): string {
return $this->dir;
public function make_dir(): bool {
if (!is_dir($this->dir)) {
return mkdir($this->dir);
return false;
public function is_writable(?string $filename = null): bool {
if ($filename) {
if (file_exists($this->get_full_path($filename)))
return is_writable($this->get_full_path($filename));
return is_writable($this->dir);
} else {
return is_writable($this->dir);
public function exists(string $filename): bool {
return file_exists($this->get_full_path($filename));
* @return int|false -1 if the file doesn't exist, false if an error occurred, size in bytes otherwise
public function get_size(string $filename) {
if ($this->exists($filename))
return filesize($this->get_full_path($filename));
return -1;
public function get_full_path(string $filename): string {
return $this->dir . "/" . basename(clean($filename));
public function get(string $filename): ?string {
if ($this->exists($filename))
return file_get_contents($this->get_full_path($filename));
return null;
* @param mixed $data
* @return int|false Bytes written or false if an error occurred.
public function put(string $filename, $data) {
return file_put_contents($this->get_full_path($filename), $data);
* @return false|null|string false if detection failed, null if the file doesn't exist, string mime content type otherwise
public function get_mime_type(string $filename) {
if ($this->exists($filename))
return mime_content_type($this->get_full_path($filename));
return null;
* @return bool|int false if the file doesn't exist (or unreadable) or isn't audio/video, true if a plugin handled, otherwise int of bytes sent
public function send(string $filename) {
return $this->send_local_file($this->get_full_path($filename));
public function expire_all(): void {
$dirs = array_filter(glob(Config::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/*"), "is_dir");
foreach ($dirs as $cache_dir) {
$num_deleted = 0;
if (is_writable($cache_dir) && !file_exists("$cache_dir/.no-auto-expiry")) {
$files = glob("$cache_dir/*");
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (time() - filemtime($file) > 86400 * Config::get(Config::CACHE_MAX_DAYS)) {
Debug::log("Expired $cache_dir: removed $num_deleted files.");
* this is essentially a wrapper for readfile() which allows plugins to hook
* output with httpd-specific "fast" implementation i.e. X-Sendfile or whatever else
* hook function should return true if request was handled (or at least attempted to)
* note that this can be called without user context so the plugin to handle this
* should be loaded systemwide in config.php
* @return bool|int false if the file doesn't exist (or unreadable) or isn't audio/video, true if a plugin handled, otherwise int of bytes sent
private function send_local_file(string $filename) {
if (file_exists($filename)) {
if (is_writable($filename) && !$this->exists('.no-auto-expiry')) {
$tmppluginhost = new PluginHost();
$tmppluginhost->load(Config::get(Config::PLUGINS), PluginHost::KIND_SYSTEM);
if ($tmppluginhost->run_hooks_until(PluginHost::HOOK_SEND_LOCAL_FILE, true, $filename))
return true;
return readfile($filename);
} else {
return false;