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2011-11-08 20:40:44 +04:00

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Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Widget"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._Widget"] = true;
////////////////// DEFERRED CONNECTS ///////////////////
// This code is to assist deferring dojo.connect() calls in widgets (connecting to events on the widgets'
// DOM nodes) until someone actually needs to monitor that event.
dojo.connect(dojo, "_connect",
function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*String*/ event){
if(widget && dojo.isFunction(widget._onConnect)){
dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler = function(/*Event*/ event){};
////////////////// ONDIJITCLICK SUPPORT ///////////////////
// Keep track of where the last keydown event was, to help avoid generating
// spurious ondijitclick events when:
// 1. focus is on a <button> or <a>
// 2. user presses then releases the ENTER key
// 3. onclick handler fires and shifts focus to another node, with an ondijitclick handler
// 4. onkeyup event fires, causing the ondijitclick handler to fire
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = null;
var keydownCallback = function(evt){
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = evt.srcElement;
dojo.doc.attachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
dojo.doc.detachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
dojo.doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt){
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = evt.target;
}, true);
dojo.declare("dijit._Widget", dijit._WidgetBase, {
// summary:
// Base class for all Dijit widgets.
// Extends _WidgetBase, adding support for:
// - deferred connections
// A call like dojo.connect(myWidget, "onMouseMove", func)
// will essentially do a dojo.connect(myWidget.domNode, "onMouseMove", func)
// - ondijitclick
// Support new dojoAttachEvent="ondijitclick: ..." that is triggered by a mouse click or a SPACE/ENTER keypress
// - focus related functions
// In particular, the onFocus()/onBlur() callbacks. Driven internally by
// dijit/_base/focus.js.
// - deprecated methods
// - onShow(), onHide(), onClose()
// Also, by loading code in dijit/_base, turns on:
// - browser sniffing (putting browser id like .dj_ie on <html> node)
// - high contrast mode sniffing (add .dijit_a11y class to <body> if machine is in high contrast mode)
////////////////// DEFERRED CONNECTS ///////////////////
// _deferredConnects: [protected] Object
// attributeMap addendum for event handlers that should be connected only on first use
_deferredConnects: {
onClick: "",
onDblClick: "",
onKeyDown: "",
onKeyPress: "",
onKeyUp: "",
onMouseMove: "",
onMouseDown: "",
onMouseOut: "",
onMouseOver: "",
onMouseLeave: "",
onMouseEnter: "",
onMouseUp: ""
onClick: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onClick: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse click events.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onDblClick: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onDblClick: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse double click events.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyDown: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyDown: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being pressed down.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyPress: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyPress: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of printable keys being typed.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyUp: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyUp: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being released.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseDown: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseDown: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is pressed down.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseMove: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseMove: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves over nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseOut: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseOut: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseOver: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseOver: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseLeave: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseLeave: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseEnter: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseEnter: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseUp: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseUp: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is released.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
create: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String?*/srcNodeRef){
// To avoid double-connects, remove entries from _deferredConnects
// that have been setup manually by a subclass (ex, by dojoAttachEvent).
// If a subclass has redefined a callback (ex: onClick) then assume it's being
// connected to manually.
this._deferredConnects = dojo.clone(this._deferredConnects);
for(var attr in this.attributeMap){
delete this._deferredConnects[attr]; // can't be in both attributeMap and _deferredConnects
for(attr in this._deferredConnects){
if(this[attr] !== dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler){
delete this._deferredConnects[attr]; // redefined, probably dojoAttachEvent exists
// If the developer has specified a handler as a widget parameter
// (ex: new Button({onClick: ...})
// then naturally need to connect from DOM node to that handler immediately,
for(attr in this.params){
_onConnect: function(/*String*/ event){
// summary:
// Called when someone connects to one of my handlers.
// "Turn on" that handler if it isn't active yet.
// This is also called for every single initialization parameter
// so need to do nothing for parameters like "id".
// tags:
// private
if(event in this._deferredConnects){
var mapNode = this[this._deferredConnects[event] || 'domNode'];
this.connect(mapNode, event.toLowerCase(), event);
delete this._deferredConnects[event];
////////////////// FOCUS RELATED ///////////////////
// _onFocus() and _onBlur() are called by the focus manager
// focused: [readonly] Boolean
// This widget or a widget it contains has focus, or is "active" because
// it was recently clicked.
focused: false,
isFocusable: function(){
// summary:
// Return true if this widget can currently be focused
// and false if not
return this.focus && (dojo.style(this.domNode, "display") != "none");
onFocus: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the widget becomes "active" because
// it or a widget inside of it either has focus, or has recently
// been clicked.
// tags:
// callback
onBlur: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the widget stops being "active" because
// focus moved to something outside of it, or the user
// clicked somewhere outside of it, or the widget was
// hidden.
// tags:
// callback
_onFocus: function(e){
// summary:
// This is where widgets do processing for when they are active,
// such as changing CSS classes. See onFocus() for more details.
// tags:
// protected
_onBlur: function(){
// summary:
// This is where widgets do processing for when they stop being active,
// such as changing CSS classes. See onBlur() for more details.
// tags:
// protected
////////////////// DEPRECATED METHODS ///////////////////
setAttribute: function(/*String*/ attr, /*anything*/ value){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use set() instead.
// tags:
// deprecated
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setAttribute(attr, value) is deprecated. Use set() instead.", "", "2.0");
this.set(attr, value);
attr: function(/*String|Object*/name, /*Object?*/value){
// summary:
// Set or get properties on a widget instance.
// name:
// The property to get or set. If an object is passed here and not
// a string, its keys are used as names of attributes to be set
// and the value of the object as values to set in the widget.
// value:
// Optional. If provided, attr() operates as a setter. If omitted,
// the current value of the named property is returned.
// description:
// This method is deprecated, use get() or set() directly.
// Print deprecation warning but only once per calling function
var alreadyCalledHash = arguments.callee._ach || (arguments.callee._ach = {}),
caller = (arguments.callee.caller || "unknown caller").toString();
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass + "::attr() is deprecated. Use get() or set() instead, called from " +
caller, "", "2.0");
alreadyCalledHash[caller] = true;
var args = arguments.length;
if(args >= 2 || typeof name === "object"){ // setter
return this.set.apply(this, arguments);
}else{ // getter
return this.get(name);
////////////////// ONDIJITCLICK SUPPORT ///////////////////
// nodesWithKeyClick: [private] String[]
// List of nodes that correctly handle click events via native browser support,
// and don't need dijit's help
nodesWithKeyClick: ["input", "button"],
connect: function(
/*Object|null*/ obj,
/*String|Function*/ event,
/*String|Function*/ method){
// summary:
// Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
// and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
// description:
// Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.connect, except with the
// implicit use of this widget as the target object.
// This version of connect also provides a special "ondijitclick"
// event which triggers on a click or space or enter keyup.
// Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
// destruction.
// returns:
// A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
// the widget is destroyed.
// example:
// | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
// | // when foo.bar() is called, call the listener we're going to
// | // provide in the scope of btn
// | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
// | console.debug(this.toString());
// | });
// tags:
// protected
var d = dojo,
dc = d._connect,
handles = this.inherited(arguments, [obj, event == "ondijitclick" ? "onclick" : event, method]);
if(event == "ondijitclick"){
// add key based click activation for unsupported nodes.
// do all processing onkey up to prevent spurious clicks
// for details see comments at top of this file where _lastKeyDownNode is defined
if(d.indexOf(this.nodesWithKeyClick, obj.nodeName.toLowerCase()) == -1){ // is NOT input or button
var m = d.hitch(this, method);
dc(obj, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeydown, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", dijit._lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === dijit._lastKeyDownNode));
if((e.keyCode == d.keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == d.keys.SPACE) &&
!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey){
// needed on IE for when focus changes between keydown and keyup - otherwise dropdown menus do not work
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = e.target;
// Stop event to prevent scrolling on space key in IE.
// But don't do this for _HasDropDown because it surpresses the onkeypress
// event needed to open the drop down when the user presses the SPACE key.
if(!("openDropDown" in this && obj == this._buttonNode)){
dc(obj, "onkeyup", this, function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeyup, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", dijit._lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === dijit._lastKeyDownNode));
if( (e.keyCode == d.keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == d.keys.SPACE) &&
e.target == dijit._lastKeyDownNode && // === breaks greasemonkey
!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey){
//need reset here or have problems in FF when focus returns to trigger element after closing popup/alert
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = null;
return m(e);
return handles; // _Widget.Handle
////////////////// MISCELLANEOUS METHODS ///////////////////
_onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Internal method called when this widget is made visible.
// See `onShow` for details.
onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Called when this widget becomes the selected pane in a
// `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
// `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
// Also called to indicate display of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
// tags:
// callback
onHide: function(){
// summary:
// Called when another widget becomes the selected pane in a
// `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
// `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
// Also called to indicate hide of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
// tags:
// callback
onClose: function(){
// summary:
// Called when this widget is being displayed as a popup (ex: a Calendar popped
// up from a DateTextBox), and it is hidden.
// This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly.
// Also used as a parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
// Callback if a user tries to close the child. Child will be closed if this function returns true.
// tags:
// extension
return true; // Boolean