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'url:dijit/templates/ColorPalette.html':"<div class=\"dijitInline dijitColorPalette\">\n\t<table dojoAttachPoint=\"paletteTableNode\" class=\"dijitPaletteTable\" cellSpacing=\"0\" cellPadding=\"0\" role=\"grid\">\n\t\t<tbody data-dojo-attach-point=\"gridNode\"></tbody>\n\t</table>\n</div>\n"}});
define("dijit/ColorPalette", [
"require", // require.toUrl
"./_Widget", // used also to load dijit/hccss for setting has("highcontrast")
"./hccss", // has("highcontrast")
"dojo/i18n", // i18n.getLocalization
"dojo/_base/Color", // dojo.Color dojo.Color.named
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.place
"dojo/string", // string.substitute
"dojo/i18n!dojo/nls/colors", // translations
"dojo/colors" // extend dojo.Color w/names of other colors
], function(require, template, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _PaletteMixin, has, i18n, Color,
declare, domConstruct, string){
// module:
// dijit/ColorPalette
var ColorPalette = declare("dijit.ColorPalette", [_Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _PaletteMixin], {
// summary:
// A keyboard accessible color-picking widget
// description:
// Grid showing various colors, so the user can pick a certain color.
// Can be used standalone, or as a popup.
// example:
// | <div data-dojo-type="dijit/ColorPalette"></div>
// example:
// | var picker = new dijit.ColorPalette({ },srcNode);
// | picker.startup();
// palette: [const] String
// Size of grid, either "7x10" or "3x4".
palette: "7x10",
// _palettes: [protected] Map
// This represents the value of the colors.
// The first level is a hashmap of the different palettes available.
// The next two dimensions represent the columns and rows of colors.
_palettes: {
"7x10": [["white", "seashell", "cornsilk", "lemonchiffon","lightyellow", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "lightcyan", "lavender", "plum"],
["lightgray", "pink", "bisque", "moccasin", "khaki", "lightgreen", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "cornflowerblue", "violet"],
["silver", "lightcoral", "sandybrown", "orange", "palegoldenrod", "chartreuse", "mediumturquoise", "skyblue", "mediumslateblue","orchid"],
["gray", "red", "orangered", "darkorange", "yellow", "limegreen", "darkseagreen", "royalblue", "slateblue", "mediumorchid"],
["dimgray", "crimson", "chocolate", "coral", "gold", "forestgreen", "seagreen", "blue", "blueviolet", "darkorchid"],
["darkslategray","firebrick","saddlebrown", "sienna", "olive", "green", "darkcyan", "mediumblue","darkslateblue", "darkmagenta" ],
["black", "darkred", "maroon", "brown", "darkolivegreen", "darkgreen", "midnightblue", "navy", "indigo", "purple"]],
"3x4": [["white", "lime", "green", "blue"],
["silver", "yellow", "fuchsia", "navy"],
["gray", "red", "purple", "black"]]
// templateString: String
// The template of this widget.
templateString: template,
baseClass: "dijitColorPalette",
_dyeFactory: function(value, row, col, title){
// Overrides _PaletteMixin._dyeFactory().
return new this._dyeClass(value, row, col, title);
buildRendering: function(){
// Instantiate the template, which makes a skeleton into which we'll insert a bunch of
// <img> nodes
// Creates customized constructor for dye class (color of a single cell) for
// specified palette and high-contrast vs. normal mode. Used in _getDye().
this._dyeClass = declare(ColorPalette._Color, {
palette: this.palette
// Creates <img> nodes in each cell of the template.
i18n.getLocalization("dojo", "colors", this.lang));
ColorPalette._Color = declare("dijit._Color", Color, {
// summary:
// Object associated with each cell in a ColorPalette palette.
// Implements dijit/Dye.
// Template for each cell in normal (non-high-contrast mode). Each cell contains a wrapper
// node for showing the border (called dijitPaletteImg for back-compat), and dijitColorPaletteSwatch
// for showing the color.
"<span class='dijitInline dijitPaletteImg'>" +
"<img src='${blankGif}' alt='${alt}' title='${title}' class='dijitColorPaletteSwatch' style='background-color: ${color}'/>" +
// Template for each cell in high contrast mode. Each cell contains an image with the whole palette,
// but scrolled and clipped to show the correct color only
"<span class='dijitInline dijitPaletteImg' style='position: relative; overflow: hidden; height: 12px; width: 14px;'>" +
"<img src='${image}' alt='${alt}' title='${title}' style='position: absolute; left: ${left}px; top: ${top}px; ${size}'/>" +
// _imagePaths: [protected] Map
// This is stores the path to the palette images used for high-contrast mode display
_imagePaths: {
"7x10": require.toUrl("./themes/a11y/colors7x10.png"),
"3x4": require.toUrl("./themes/a11y/colors3x4.png")
constructor: function(alias, row, col, title){
// summary:
// Constructor for ColorPalette._Color
// alias: String
// English name of the color.
// row: Number
// Vertical position in grid.
// column: Number
// Horizontal position in grid.
// title: String
// Localized name of the color.
this._title = title;
this._row = row;
this._col = col;
getValue: function(){
// summary:
// Note that although dijit._Color is initialized with a value like "white" getValue() always
// returns a hex value
return this.toHex();
fillCell: function(/*DOMNode*/ cell, /*String*/ blankGif){
var html = string.substitute(has("highcontrast") ? this.hcTemplate : this.template, {
// substitution variables for normal mode
color: this.toHex(),
blankGif: blankGif,
alt: this._title,
title: this._title,
// variables used for high contrast mode
image: this._imagePaths[this.palette].toString(),
left: this._col * -20 - 5,
top: this._row * -20 - 5,
size: this.palette == "7x10" ? "height: 145px; width: 206px" : "height: 64px; width: 86px"
domConstruct.place(html, cell);
return ColorPalette;