mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-03 13:00:51 +02:00
Andrew Dolgov 17a8e61d2a deprecate encrypted feed passwords because mcrypt is getting removed from php 7.1
1. transparent decryption for existing installs stays for the time being
2. new passwords are not going to be encrypted even if FEED_CRYPT_KEY is defined
3. added update.php --decrypt-feeds to bulk decrypt existing encrypted passwords
4. updated install to not auto-generate crypt key
5. added warning to config.php-dist
2017-01-07 14:25:46 +03:00

1533 lines
44 KiB

define_default('DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT', 30);
define_default('DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT', 500);
define_default('DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL', 120);
define_default('_MIN_CACHE_IMAGE_SIZE', 1024);
function calculate_article_hash($article, $pluginhost) {
$tmp = "";
foreach ($article as $k => $v) {
if ($k != "feed" && isset($v)) {
$x = strip_tags(is_array($v) ? implode(",", $v) : $v);
//_debug("$k:" . sha1($x) . ":" . htmlspecialchars($x), true);
$tmp .= sha1("$k:" . sha1($x));
return sha1(implode(",", $pluginhost->get_plugin_names()) . $tmp);
function update_feedbrowser_cache() {
$result = db_query("SELECT feed_url, site_url, title, COUNT(id) AS subscribers
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) = 0 FROM ttrss_feeds AS tf
WHERE tf.feed_url = ttrss_feeds.feed_url
AND (private IS true OR auth_login != '' OR auth_pass != '' OR feed_url LIKE '%:%@%/%'))
GROUP BY feed_url, site_url, title ORDER BY subscribers DESC LIMIT 1000");
db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache");
$count = 0;
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$subscribers = db_escape_string($line["subscribers"]);
$feed_url = db_escape_string($line["feed_url"]);
$title = db_escape_string($line["title"]);
$site_url = db_escape_string($line["site_url"]);
$tmp_result = db_query("SELECT subscribers FROM
ttrss_feedbrowser_cache WHERE feed_url = '$feed_url'");
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) == 0) {
db_query("INSERT INTO ttrss_feedbrowser_cache
(feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers) VALUES ('$feed_url',
'$site_url', '$title', '$subscribers')");
return $count;
* Update a feed batch.
* Used by daemons to update n feeds by run.
* Only update feed needing a update, and not being processed
* by another process.
* @param mixed $link Database link
* @param integer $limit Maximum number of feeds in update batch. Default to DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT.
* @param boolean $from_http Set to true if you call this function from http to disable cli specific code.
* @param boolean $debug Set to false to disable debug output. Default to true.
* @return void
function update_daemon_common($limit = DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT, $from_http = false, $debug = true) {
// Process all other feeds using last_updated and interval parameters
$schema_version = get_schema_version();
if ($schema_version != SCHEMA_VERSION) {
die("Schema version is wrong, please upgrade the database.\n");
define('PREFS_NO_CACHE', true);
// Test if the user has loggued in recently. If not, it does not update its feeds.
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
$login_thresh_qpart = "AND ttrss_users.last_login >= NOW() - INTERVAL '".DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT." days'";
} else {
$login_thresh_qpart = "AND ttrss_users.last_login >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT." DAY)";
} else {
$login_thresh_qpart = "";
// Test if the feed need a update (update interval exceeded).
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
$update_limit_qpart = "AND ((
ttrss_feeds.update_interval = 0
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1'
AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < NOW() - CAST((ttrss_user_prefs.value || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL)
) OR (
ttrss_feeds.update_interval > 0
AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < NOW() - CAST((ttrss_feeds.update_interval || ' minutes') AS INTERVAL)
) OR (ttrss_feeds.last_updated IS NULL
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1')
OR (last_updated = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1'))";
} else {
$update_limit_qpart = "AND ((
ttrss_feeds.update_interval = 0
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1'
AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL CONVERT(ttrss_user_prefs.value, SIGNED INTEGER) MINUTE)
) OR (
ttrss_feeds.update_interval > 0
AND ttrss_feeds.last_updated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ttrss_feeds.update_interval MINUTE)
) OR (ttrss_feeds.last_updated IS NULL
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1')
OR (last_updated = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
AND ttrss_user_prefs.value != '-1'))";
// Test if feed is currently being updated by another process.
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
$updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < NOW() - INTERVAL '10 minutes')";
} else {
$updstart_thresh_qpart = "AND (ttrss_feeds.last_update_started IS NULL OR ttrss_feeds.last_update_started < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE))";
// Test if there is a limit to number of updated feeds
$query_limit = "";
if($limit) $query_limit = sprintf("LIMIT %d", $limit);
// Update the least recently updated feeds first
$query_order = "ORDER BY last_updated";
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") $query_order .= " NULLS FIRST";
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT ttrss_feeds.feed_url, ttrss_feeds.last_updated
ttrss_feeds, ttrss_users, ttrss_user_prefs
ttrss_feeds.owner_uid = ttrss_users.id
AND ttrss_user_prefs.profile IS NULL
AND ttrss_users.id = ttrss_user_prefs.owner_uid
AND ttrss_user_prefs.pref_name = 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL'
$login_thresh_qpart $update_limit_qpart
$query_order $query_limit";
// We search for feed needing update.
$result = db_query($query);
if($debug) _debug(sprintf("Scheduled %d feeds to update...", db_num_rows($result)));
// Here is a little cache magic in order to minimize risk of double feed updates.
$feeds_to_update = array();
while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($feeds_to_update, db_escape_string($line['feed_url']));
// We update the feed last update started date before anything else.
// There is no lag due to feed contents downloads
// It prevent an other process to update the same feed.
if(count($feeds_to_update) > 0) {
$feeds_quoted = array();
foreach ($feeds_to_update as $feed) {
array_push($feeds_quoted, "'" . db_escape_string($feed) . "'");
db_query(sprintf("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW()
WHERE feed_url IN (%s)", implode(',', $feeds_quoted)));
$nf = 0;
$bstarted = microtime(true);
$batch_owners = array();
// For each feed, we call the feed update function.
foreach ($feeds_to_update as $feed) {
if($debug) _debug("Base feed: $feed");
//update_rss_feed($line["id"], true);
// since we have the data cached, we can deal with other feeds with the same url
$tmp_result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT ttrss_feeds.id,last_updated,ttrss_feeds.owner_uid
FROM ttrss_feeds, ttrss_users, ttrss_user_prefs WHERE
ttrss_user_prefs.owner_uid = ttrss_feeds.owner_uid AND
ttrss_users.id = ttrss_user_prefs.owner_uid AND
ttrss_user_prefs.pref_name = 'DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL' AND
ttrss_user_prefs.profile IS NULL AND
feed_url = '".db_escape_string($feed)."'
ORDER BY ttrss_feeds.id $query_limit");
if (db_num_rows($tmp_result) > 0) {
$rss = false;
while ($tline = db_fetch_assoc($tmp_result)) {
if($debug) _debug(" => " . $tline["last_updated"] . ", " . $tline["id"] . " " . $tline["owner_uid"]);
if (array_search($tline["owner_uid"], $batch_owners) === FALSE)
array_push($batch_owners, $tline["owner_uid"]);
$fstarted = microtime(true);
$rss = update_rss_feed($tline["id"], true, false);
_debug(sprintf(" %.4f (sec)", microtime(true) - $fstarted));
if ($nf > 0) {
_debug(sprintf("Processed %d feeds in %.4f (sec), %.4f (sec/feed avg)", $nf,
microtime(true) - $bstarted, (microtime(true) - $bstarted) / $nf));
foreach ($batch_owners as $owner_uid) {
_debug("Running housekeeping tasks for user $owner_uid...");
require_once "digest.php";
// Send feed digests by email if needed.
return $nf;
} // function update_daemon_common
// this is used when subscribing
function set_basic_feed_info($feed) {
$feed = db_escape_string($feed);
$result = db_query("SELECT feed_url,auth_pass,auth_login,auth_pass_encrypted
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$auth_pass_encrypted = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result,
0, "auth_pass_encrypted"));
$auth_login = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_login");
$auth_pass = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_pass");
if ($auth_pass_encrypted && function_exists("mcrypt_decrypt")) {
require_once "crypt.php";
$auth_pass = decrypt_string($auth_pass);
$fetch_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_url");
$feed_data = fetch_file_contents($fetch_url, false,
$auth_login, $auth_pass, false,
global $fetch_curl_used;
if (!$fetch_curl_used) {
$tmp = @gzdecode($feed_data);
if ($tmp) $feed_data = $tmp;
$feed_data = trim($feed_data);
$rss = new FeedParser($feed_data);
if (!$rss->error()) {
$result = db_query("SELECT title, site_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$registered_title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title");
$orig_site_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "site_url");
$site_url = db_escape_string(mb_substr(rewrite_relative_url($fetch_url, $rss->get_link()), 0, 245));
$feed_title = db_escape_string(mb_substr($rss->get_title(), 0, 199));
if ($feed_title && (!$registered_title || $registered_title == "[Unknown]")) {
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
title = '$feed_title' WHERE id = '$feed'");
if ($site_url && $orig_site_url != $site_url) {
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
site_url = '$site_url' WHERE id = '$feed'");
// ignore_daemon is not used
function update_rss_feed($feed, $ignore_daemon = false, $no_cache = false, $rss = false) {
$debug_enabled = defined('DAEMON_EXTENDED_DEBUG') || $_REQUEST['xdebug'];
_debug("start", $debug_enabled);
$result = db_query("SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds
WHERE id = '$feed'");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
_debug("feed $feed NOT FOUND/SKIPPED", $debug_enabled);
user_error("Attempt to update unknown/invalid feed $feed", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$title = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "title");
// feed was batch-subscribed or something, we need to get basic info
// this is not optimal currently as it fetches stuff separately TODO: optimize
if ($title == "[Unknown]") {
_debug("setting basic feed info for $feed...");
$result = db_query("SELECT id,update_interval,auth_login,
mark_unread_on_update, owner_uid,
pubsub_state, auth_pass_encrypted,
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid");
$mark_unread_on_update = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result,
0, "mark_unread_on_update"));
$pubsub_state = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "pubsub_state");
$auth_pass_encrypted = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result,
0, "auth_pass_encrypted"));
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_update_started = NOW()
WHERE id = '$feed'");
$auth_login = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_login");
$auth_pass = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "auth_pass");
if ($auth_pass_encrypted && function_exists("mcrypt_decrypt")) {
require_once "crypt.php";
$auth_pass = decrypt_string($auth_pass);
$cache_images = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "cache_images"));
$fetch_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_url");
$feed_language = db_escape_string(mb_strtolower(db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_language")));
if (!$feed_language) $feed_language = 'english';
$feed = db_escape_string($feed);
$date_feed_processed = date('Y-m-d H:i');
$cache_filename = CACHE_DIR . "/simplepie/" . sha1($fetch_url) . ".xml";
$pluginhost = new PluginHost();
$user_plugins = get_pref("_ENABLED_PLUGINS", $owner_uid);
$pluginhost->load(PLUGINS, PluginHost::KIND_ALL);
$pluginhost->load($user_plugins, PluginHost::KIND_USER, $owner_uid);
if ($rss && is_object($rss) && get_class($rss) == "FeedParser") {
_debug("using previously initialized parser object");
} else {
$rss_hash = false;
$force_refetch = isset($_REQUEST["force_refetch"]);
$feed_data = "";
foreach ($pluginhost->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_FETCH_FEED) as $plugin) {
$feed_data = $plugin->hook_fetch_feed($feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed, 0, $auth_login, $auth_pass);
// try cache
if (!$feed_data &&
file_exists($cache_filename) &&
is_readable($cache_filename) &&
!$auth_login && !$auth_pass &&
filemtime($cache_filename) > time() - 30) {
_debug("using local cache [$cache_filename].", $debug_enabled);
@$feed_data = file_get_contents($cache_filename);
if ($feed_data) {
$rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
} else {
_debug("local cache will not be used for this feed", $debug_enabled);
// fetch feed from source
if (!$feed_data) {
_debug("fetching [$fetch_url]...", $debug_enabled);
if (ini_get("open_basedir") && function_exists("curl_init")) {
_debug("not using CURL due to open_basedir restrictions");
$feed_data = fetch_file_contents($fetch_url, false,
$auth_login, $auth_pass, false,
global $fetch_curl_used;
if (!$fetch_curl_used) {
$tmp = @gzdecode($feed_data);
if ($tmp) $feed_data = $tmp;
$feed_data = trim($feed_data);
_debug("fetch done.", $debug_enabled);
// cache vanilla feed data for re-use
if ($feed_data && !$auth_pass && !$auth_login && is_writable(CACHE_DIR . "/simplepie")) {
$new_rss_hash = sha1($feed_data);
if ($new_rss_hash != $rss_hash) {
_debug("saving $cache_filename", $debug_enabled);
@file_put_contents($cache_filename, $feed_data);
if (!$feed_data) {
global $fetch_last_error;
global $fetch_last_error_code;
_debug("unable to fetch: $fetch_last_error [$fetch_last_error_code]", $debug_enabled);
$error_escaped = '';
// If-Modified-Since
if ($fetch_last_error_code != 304) {
$error_escaped = db_escape_string($fetch_last_error);
} else {
_debug("source claims data not modified, nothing to do.", $debug_enabled);
"UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = '$error_escaped',
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = '$feed'");
foreach ($pluginhost->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_FETCHED) as $plugin) {
$feed_data = $plugin->hook_feed_fetched($feed_data, $fetch_url, $owner_uid, $feed);
// set last update to now so if anything *simplepie* crashes later we won't be
// continuously failing on the same feed
//db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = '$feed'");
if (!$rss) {
$rss = new FeedParser($feed_data);
// print_r($rss);
$feed = db_escape_string($feed);
if (!$rss->error()) {
// We use local pluginhost here because we need to load different per-user feed plugins
$pluginhost->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_FEED_PARSED, "hook_feed_parsed", $rss);
_debug("language: $feed_language", $debug_enabled);
_debug("processing feed data...", $debug_enabled);
// db_query("BEGIN");
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < NOW() - INTERVAL '12 hour'";
} else {
$favicon_interval_qpart = "favicon_last_checked < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 HOUR)";
$result = db_query("SELECT owner_uid,favicon_avg_color,
(favicon_last_checked IS NULL OR $favicon_interval_qpart) AS
FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = '$feed'");
$favicon_needs_check = sql_bool_to_bool(db_fetch_result($result, 0,
$favicon_avg_color = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "favicon_avg_color");
$owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid");
$site_url = db_escape_string(mb_substr(rewrite_relative_url($fetch_url, $rss->get_link()), 0, 245));
_debug("site_url: $site_url", $debug_enabled);
_debug("feed_title: " . $rss->get_title(), $debug_enabled);
if ($favicon_needs_check || $force_refetch) {
/* terrible hack: if we crash on floicon shit here, we won't check
* the icon avgcolor again (unless the icon got updated) */
$favicon_file = ICONS_DIR . "/$feed.ico";
$favicon_modified = @filemtime($favicon_file);
_debug("checking favicon...", $debug_enabled);
check_feed_favicon($site_url, $feed);
$favicon_modified_new = @filemtime($favicon_file);
if ($favicon_modified_new > $favicon_modified)
$favicon_avg_color = '';
if (file_exists($favicon_file) && function_exists("imagecreatefromstring") && $favicon_avg_color == '') {
require_once "colors.php";
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_avg_color = 'fail' WHERE
id = '$feed'");
$favicon_color = db_escape_string(
$favicon_colorstring = ",favicon_avg_color = '".$favicon_color."'";
} else if ($favicon_avg_color == 'fail') {
_debug("floicon failed on this file, not trying to recalculate avg color", $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET favicon_last_checked = NOW()
WHERE id = '$feed'");
_debug("loading filters & labels...", $debug_enabled);
$filters = load_filters($feed, $owner_uid);
_debug("" . count($filters) . " filters loaded.", $debug_enabled);
$items = $rss->get_items();
if (!is_array($items)) {
_debug("no articles found.", $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET last_updated = NOW(), last_error = '' WHERE id = '$feed'");
return; // no articles
if ($pubsub_state != 2 && PUBSUBHUBBUB_ENABLED) {
_debug("checking for PUSH hub...", $debug_enabled);
$feed_hub_url = false;
$links = $rss->get_links('hub');
if ($links && is_array($links)) {
foreach ($links as $l) {
$feed_hub_url = $l;
_debug("feed hub url: $feed_hub_url", $debug_enabled);
$feed_self_url = $fetch_url;
$links = $rss->get_links('self');
if ($links && is_array($links)) {
foreach ($links as $l) {
$feed_self_url = $l;
_debug("feed self url = $feed_self_url");
if ($feed_hub_url && $feed_self_url && function_exists('curl_init') &&
!ini_get("open_basedir")) {
require_once 'lib/pubsubhubbub/subscriber.php';
$callback_url = get_self_url_prefix() .
$s = new Subscriber($feed_hub_url, $callback_url);
$rc = $s->subscribe($feed_self_url);
_debug("feed hub url found, subscribe request sent. [rc=$rc]", $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET pubsub_state = 1
WHERE id = '$feed'");
_debug("processing articles...", $debug_enabled);
$tstart = time();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($_REQUEST['xdebug'] == 3) {
if (ini_get("max_execution_time") > 0 && time() - $tstart >= ini_get("max_execution_time") * 0.7) {
_debug("looks like there's too many articles to process at once, breaking out", $debug_enabled);
$entry_guid = $item->get_id();
if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = $item->get_link();
if (!$entry_guid) $entry_guid = make_guid_from_title($item->get_title());
if (!$entry_guid) continue;
$entry_guid = "$owner_uid,$entry_guid";
$entry_guid_hashed = db_escape_string('SHA1:' . sha1($entry_guid));
_debug("guid $entry_guid / $entry_guid_hashed", $debug_enabled);
$entry_timestamp = "";
$entry_timestamp = $item->get_date();
_debug("orig date: " . $item->get_date(), $debug_enabled);
if ($entry_timestamp == -1 || !$entry_timestamp || $entry_timestamp > time()) {
$entry_timestamp = time();
$entry_timestamp_fmt = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", $entry_timestamp);
_debug("date $entry_timestamp [$entry_timestamp_fmt]", $debug_enabled);
// $entry_title = html_entity_decode($item->get_title(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// $entry_title = decode_numeric_entities($entry_title);
$entry_title = $item->get_title();
$entry_link = rewrite_relative_url($site_url, $item->get_link());
_debug("title $entry_title", $debug_enabled);
_debug("link $entry_link", $debug_enabled);
if (!$entry_title) $entry_title = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $entry_timestamp);;
$entry_content = $item->get_content();
if (!$entry_content) $entry_content = $item->get_description();
if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"] == 2) {
print "content: ";
print htmlspecialchars($entry_content);
print "\n";
$entry_comments = db_escape_string(mb_substr($item->get_comments_url(), 0, 245));
$num_comments = (int) $item->get_comments_count();
$entry_author = $item->get_author(); // escaped later
$entry_guid = db_escape_string(mb_substr($entry_guid, 0, 245));
_debug("author $entry_author", $debug_enabled);
_debug("num_comments: $num_comments", $debug_enabled);
_debug("looking for tags...", $debug_enabled);
// parse <category> entries into tags
$additional_tags = array();
$additional_tags_src = $item->get_categories();
if (is_array($additional_tags_src)) {
foreach ($additional_tags_src as $tobj) {
array_push($additional_tags, $tobj);
$entry_tags = array_unique($additional_tags);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($entry_tags); $i++)
$entry_tags[$i] = mb_strtolower($entry_tags[$i], 'utf-8');
_debug("tags found: " . join(",", $entry_tags), $debug_enabled);
_debug("done collecting data.", $debug_enabled);
$result = db_query("SELECT id, content_hash, lang FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE guid = '".db_escape_string($entry_guid)."' OR guid = '$entry_guid_hashed'");
if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
$base_entry_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
$entry_stored_hash = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "content_hash");
$article_labels = get_article_labels($base_entry_id, $owner_uid);
$entry_language = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "lang");
$existing_tags = get_article_tags($base_entry_id, $owner_uid);
$entry_tags = array_unique(array_merge($entry_tags, $existing_tags));
} else {
$base_entry_id = false;
$entry_stored_hash = "";
$article_labels = array();
$entry_language = "";
$article = array("owner_uid" => $owner_uid, // read only
"guid" => $entry_guid, // read only
"guid_hashed" => $entry_guid_hashed, // read only
"title" => $entry_title,
"content" => $entry_content,
"link" => $entry_link,
"labels" => $article_labels, // current limitation: can add labels to article, can't remove them
"tags" => $entry_tags,
"author" => $entry_author,
"force_catchup" => false, // ugly hack for the time being
"score_modifier" => 0, // no previous value, plugin should recalculate score modifier based on content if needed
"language" => $entry_language,
"feed" => array("id" => $feed,
"fetch_url" => $fetch_url,
"site_url" => $site_url,
"cache_images" => $cache_images)
$entry_plugin_data = "";
$entry_current_hash = calculate_article_hash($article, $pluginhost);
_debug("article hash: $entry_current_hash [stored=$entry_stored_hash]", $debug_enabled);
if ($entry_current_hash == $entry_stored_hash && !isset($_REQUEST["force_rehash"])) {
_debug("stored article seems up to date [IID: $base_entry_id], updating timestamp only", $debug_enabled);
// we keep encountering the entry in feeds, so we need to
// update date_updated column so that we don't get horrible
// dupes when the entry gets purged and reinserted again e.g.
// in the case of SLOW SLOW OMG SLOW updating feeds
$base_entry_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET date_updated = NOW()
WHERE id = '$base_entry_id'");
_debug("hash differs, applying plugin filters:", $debug_enabled);
foreach ($pluginhost->get_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER) as $plugin) {
_debug("... " . get_class($plugin), $debug_enabled);
$start = microtime(true);
$article = $plugin->hook_article_filter($article);
_debug("=== " . sprintf("%.4f (sec)", microtime(true) - $start), $debug_enabled);
$entry_plugin_data .= mb_strtolower(get_class($plugin)) . ",";
if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"] == 2) {
print "processed content: ";
print htmlspecialchars($article["content"]);
print "\n";
$entry_plugin_data = db_escape_string($entry_plugin_data);
_debug("plugin data: $entry_plugin_data", $debug_enabled);
// Workaround: 4-byte unicode requires utf8mb4 in MySQL. See https://tt-rss.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3377&p=20077#p20077
if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") {
foreach ($article as $k => $v) {
// i guess we'll have to take the risk of 4byte unicode labels & tags here
if (is_string($article[$k])) {
$article[$k] = preg_replace('/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', "\xEF\xBF\xBD", $v);
/* Collect article tags here so we could filter by them: */
$matched_rules = array();
$article_filters = get_article_filters($filters, $article["title"],
$article["content"], $article["link"], 0, $article["author"],
$article["tags"], $matched_rules);
if ($debug_enabled) {
_debug("matched filter rules: ", $debug_enabled);
if (count($matched_rules) != 0) {
_debug("filter actions: ", $debug_enabled);
if (count($article_filters) != 0) {
$plugin_filter_names = find_article_filters($article_filters, "plugin");
$plugin_filter_actions = $pluginhost->get_filter_actions();
if (count($plugin_filter_names) > 0) {
_debug("applying plugin filter actions...", $debug_enabled);
foreach ($plugin_filter_names as $pfn) {
list($pfclass,$pfaction) = explode(":", $pfn["param"]);
if (isset($plugin_filter_actions[$pfclass])) {
$plugin = $pluginhost->get_plugin($pfclass);
_debug("... $pfclass: $pfaction", $debug_enabled);
if ($plugin) {
$start = microtime(true);
$article = $plugin->hook_article_filter_action($article, $pfaction);
_debug("=== " . sprintf("%.4f (sec)", microtime(true) - $start), $debug_enabled);
} else {
_debug("??? $pfclass: plugin object not found.");
} else {
_debug("??? $pfclass: filter plugin not registered.");
$entry_tags = $article["tags"];
$entry_guid = db_escape_string($entry_guid);
$entry_title = db_escape_string($article["title"]);
$entry_author = db_escape_string(mb_substr($article["author"], 0, 245));
$entry_link = db_escape_string($article["link"]);
$entry_content = $article["content"]; // escaped below
$entry_force_catchup = $article["force_catchup"];
$article_labels = $article["labels"];
$entry_score_modifier = (int) $article["score_modifier"];
$entry_language = db_escape_string($article["language"]);
if ($debug_enabled) {
_debug("article labels:", $debug_enabled);
if (count($article_labels) != 0) {
_debug("force catchup: $entry_force_catchup");
if ($cache_images && is_writable(CACHE_DIR . '/images'))
cache_images($entry_content, $site_url, $debug_enabled);
$entry_content = db_escape_string($entry_content, false);
$result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE (guid = '$entry_guid' OR guid = '$entry_guid_hashed')");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
_debug("base guid [$entry_guid] not found", $debug_enabled);
// base post entry does not exist, create it
$result = db_query(
"INSERT INTO ttrss_entries
} else {
$base_entry_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
// now it should exist, if not - bad luck then
$result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_entries
WHERE guid = '$entry_guid' OR guid = '$entry_guid_hashed'");
$entry_ref_id = 0;
$entry_int_id = 0;
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
_debug("base guid found, checking for user record", $debug_enabled);
$ref_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
$entry_ref_id = $ref_id;
/* $stored_guid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "guid");
if ($stored_guid != $entry_guid_hashed) {
if ($debug_enabled) _debug("upgrading compat guid to hashed one", $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_entries SET guid = '$entry_guid_hashed' WHERE
id = '$ref_id'");
} */
if (find_article_filter($article_filters, "filter")) {
//db_query("COMMIT"); // close transaction in progress
$score = calculate_article_score($article_filters) + $entry_score_modifier;
_debug("initial score: $score [including plugin modifier: $entry_score_modifier]", $debug_enabled);
// check for user post link to main table
$query = "SELECT ref_id, int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
ref_id = '$ref_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid'";
// if ($_REQUEST["xdebug"]) print "$query\n";
$result = db_query($query);
// okay it doesn't exist - create user entry
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
_debug("user record not found, creating...", $debug_enabled);
if ($score >= -500 && !find_article_filter($article_filters, 'catchup') && !$entry_force_catchup) {
$unread = 'true';
$last_read_qpart = 'NULL';
} else {
$unread = 'false';
$last_read_qpart = 'NOW()';
if (find_article_filter($article_filters, 'mark') || $score > 1000) {
$marked = 'true';
} else {
$marked = 'false';
if (find_article_filter($article_filters, 'publish')) {
$published = 'true';
} else {
$published = 'false';
$last_marked = ($marked == 'true') ? 'NOW()' : 'NULL';
$last_published = ($published == 'true') ? 'NOW()' : 'NULL';
$result = db_query(
"INSERT INTO ttrss_user_entries
(ref_id, owner_uid, feed_id, unread, last_read, marked,
published, score, tag_cache, label_cache, uuid,
last_marked, last_published)
VALUES ('$ref_id', '$owner_uid', '$feed', $unread,
$last_read_qpart, $marked, $published, '$score', '', '',
'', $last_marked, $last_published)");
if (PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB && $published == 'true') {
$rss_link = get_self_url_prefix() .
"/public.php?op=rss&id=-2&key=" .
get_feed_access_key(-2, false, $owner_uid);
$p = new Publisher(PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB);
/* $pubsub_result = */ $p->publish_update($rss_link);
$result = db_query(
"SELECT int_id FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
ref_id = '$ref_id' AND owner_uid = '$owner_uid' AND
feed_id = '$feed' LIMIT 1");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$entry_int_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "int_id");
} else {
_debug("user record FOUND", $debug_enabled);
$entry_ref_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "ref_id");
$entry_int_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "int_id");
_debug("RID: $entry_ref_id, IID: $entry_int_id", $debug_enabled);
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
$tsvector_combined = db_escape_string(mb_substr($entry_title . ' ' . strip_tags(str_replace('<', ' <', $entry_content)),
0, 1000000));
$tsvector_qpart = "tsvector_combined = to_tsvector('$feed_language', '$tsvector_combined'),";
} else {
$tsvector_qpart = "";
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_entries
SET title = '$entry_title',
content = '$entry_content',
content_hash = '$entry_current_hash',
updated = '$entry_timestamp_fmt',
num_comments = '$num_comments',
plugin_data = '$entry_plugin_data',
author = '$entry_author',
lang = '$entry_language'
WHERE id = '$ref_id'");
// update aux data
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET score = '$score' WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id'");
if ($mark_unread_on_update) {
_debug("article updated, marking unread as requested.", $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET last_read = null, unread = true WHERE ref_id = '$ref_id'");
_debug("assigning labels [other]...", $debug_enabled);
foreach ($article_labels as $label) {
label_add_article($entry_ref_id, $label[1], $owner_uid);
_debug("assigning labels [filters]...", $debug_enabled);
assign_article_to_label_filters($entry_ref_id, $article_filters,
$owner_uid, $article_labels);
_debug("looking for enclosures...", $debug_enabled);
// enclosures
$enclosures = array();
$encs = $item->get_enclosures();
if (is_array($encs)) {
foreach ($encs as $e) {
$e_item = array(
$e->link, $e->type, $e->length, $e->title, $e->width, $e->height);
array_push($enclosures, $e_item);
if ($debug_enabled) {
_debug("article enclosures:", $debug_enabled);
// debugging
// db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_enclosures WHERE post_id = '$entry_ref_id'");
foreach ($enclosures as $enc) {
$enc_url = db_escape_string($enc[0]);
$enc_type = db_escape_string($enc[1]);
$enc_dur = db_escape_string($enc[2]);
$enc_title = db_escape_string($enc[3]);
$enc_width = intval($enc[4]);
$enc_height = intval($enc[5]);
$result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_enclosures
WHERE content_url = '$enc_url' AND post_id = '$entry_ref_id'");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
db_query("INSERT INTO ttrss_enclosures
(content_url, content_type, title, duration, post_id, width, height) VALUES
('$enc_url', '$enc_type', '$enc_title', '$enc_dur', '$entry_ref_id', $enc_width, $enc_height)");
// check for manual tags (we have to do it here since they're loaded from filters)
foreach ($article_filters as $f) {
if ($f["type"] == "tag") {
$manual_tags = trim_array(explode(",", $f["param"]));
foreach ($manual_tags as $tag) {
if (tag_is_valid($tag)) {
array_push($entry_tags, $tag);
// Skip boring tags
$boring_tags = trim_array(explode(",", mb_strtolower(get_pref(
'BLACKLISTED_TAGS', $owner_uid, ''), 'utf-8')));
$filtered_tags = array();
$tags_to_cache = array();
if ($entry_tags && is_array($entry_tags)) {
foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) {
if (array_search($tag, $boring_tags) === false) {
array_push($filtered_tags, $tag);
$filtered_tags = array_unique($filtered_tags);
if ($debug_enabled) {
_debug("filtered article tags:", $debug_enabled);
// Save article tags in the database
if (count($filtered_tags) > 0) {
foreach ($filtered_tags as $tag) {
$tag = sanitize_tag($tag);
$tag = db_escape_string($tag);
if (!tag_is_valid($tag)) continue;
$result = db_query("SELECT id FROM ttrss_tags
WHERE tag_name = '$tag' AND post_int_id = '$entry_int_id' AND
owner_uid = '$owner_uid' LIMIT 1");
if ($result && db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
db_query("INSERT INTO ttrss_tags
VALUES ('$owner_uid','$tag', '$entry_int_id')");
array_push($tags_to_cache, $tag);
/* update the cache */
$tags_to_cache = array_unique($tags_to_cache);
$tags_str = db_escape_string(join(",", $tags_to_cache));
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries
SET tag_cache = '$tags_str' WHERE ref_id = '$entry_ref_id'
AND owner_uid = $owner_uid");
_debug("article processed", $debug_enabled);
_debug("purging feed...", $debug_enabled);
purge_feed($feed, 0, $debug_enabled);
db_query("UPDATE ttrss_feeds
SET last_updated = NOW(), last_error = '' WHERE id = '$feed'");
// db_query("COMMIT");
} else {
$error_msg = db_escape_string(mb_substr($rss->error(), 0, 245));
_debug("fetch error: $error_msg", $debug_enabled);
if (count($rss->errors()) > 1) {
foreach ($rss->errors() as $error) {
_debug("+ $error");
"UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET last_error = '$error_msg',
last_updated = NOW() WHERE id = '$feed'");
_debug("done", $debug_enabled);
return $rss;
function cache_images($html, $site_url, $debug) {
$charset_hack = '<head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML($charset_hack . $html);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src])');
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($entry->hasAttribute('src')) {
$src = rewrite_relative_url($site_url, $entry->getAttribute('src'));
$local_filename = CACHE_DIR . "/images/" . sha1($src) . ".png";
if ($debug) _debug("cache_images: downloading: $src to $local_filename");
if (!file_exists($local_filename)) {
$file_content = fetch_file_contents($src);
if ($file_content && strlen($file_content) > _MIN_CACHE_IMAGE_SIZE) {
file_put_contents($local_filename, $file_content);
} else {
function expire_error_log($debug) {
if ($debug) _debug("Removing old error log entries...");
if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_error_log
WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days'");
} else {
db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_error_log
WHERE created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)");
function expire_lock_files($debug) {
//if ($debug) _debug("Removing old lock files...");
$num_deleted = 0;
if (is_writable(LOCK_DIRECTORY)) {
$files = glob(LOCK_DIRECTORY . "/*.lock");
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!file_is_locked(basename($file)) && time() - filemtime($file) > 86400*2) {
if ($debug) _debug("Removed $num_deleted old lock files.");
function expire_cached_files($debug) {
foreach (array("simplepie", "images", "export", "upload") as $dir) {
$cache_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/$dir";
// if ($debug) _debug("Expiring $cache_dir");
$num_deleted = 0;
if (is_writable($cache_dir)) {
$files = glob("$cache_dir/*");
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (time() - filemtime($file) > 86400*7) {
if ($debug) _debug("$cache_dir: removed $num_deleted files.");
* Source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php#104527
* Returns the url query as associative array
* @param string query
* @return array params
function convertUrlQuery($query) {
$queryParts = explode('&', $query);
$params = array();
foreach ($queryParts as $param) {
$item = explode('=', $param);
$params[$item[0]] = $item[1];
return $params;
function get_article_filters($filters, $title, $content, $link, $timestamp, $author, $tags, &$matched_rules = false) {
$matches = array();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$match_any_rule = $filter["match_any_rule"];
$inverse = $filter["inverse"];
$filter_match = false;
foreach ($filter["rules"] as $rule) {
$match = false;
$reg_exp = str_replace('/', '\/', $rule["reg_exp"]);
$rule_inverse = $rule["inverse"];
if (!$reg_exp)
switch ($rule["type"]) {
case "title":
$match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $title);
case "content":
// we don't need to deal with multiline regexps
$content = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", "", $content);
$match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $content);
case "both":
// we don't need to deal with multiline regexps
$content = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]/", "", $content);
$match = (@preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $title) || @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $content));
case "link":
$match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $link);
case "author":
$match = @preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $author);
case "tag":
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (@preg_match("/$reg_exp/iu", $tag)) {
$match = true;
if ($rule_inverse) $match = !$match;
if ($match_any_rule) {
if ($match) {
$filter_match = true;
} else {
$filter_match = $match;
if (!$match) {
if ($inverse) $filter_match = !$filter_match;
if ($filter_match) {
if (is_array($matched_rules)) array_push($matched_rules, $rule);
foreach ($filter["actions"] AS $action) {
array_push($matches, $action);
// if Stop action encountered, perform no further processing
if (isset($action["type"]) && $action["type"] == "stop") return $matches;
return $matches;
function find_article_filter($filters, $filter_name) {
foreach ($filters as $f) {
if ($f["type"] == $filter_name) {
return $f;
return false;
function find_article_filters($filters, $filter_name) {
$results = array();
foreach ($filters as $f) {
if ($f["type"] == $filter_name) {
array_push($results, $f);
return $results;
function calculate_article_score($filters) {
$score = 0;
foreach ($filters as $f) {
if ($f["type"] == "score") {
$score += $f["param"];
return $score;
function labels_contains_caption($labels, $caption) {
foreach ($labels as $label) {
if ($label[1] == $caption) {
return true;
return false;
function assign_article_to_label_filters($id, $filters, $owner_uid, $article_labels) {
foreach ($filters as $f) {
if ($f["type"] == "label") {
if (!labels_contains_caption($article_labels, $f["param"])) {
label_add_article($id, $f["param"], $owner_uid);
function make_guid_from_title($title) {
return preg_replace("/[ \"\',.:;]/", "-",
mb_strtolower(strip_tags($title), 'utf-8'));
/* function verify_feed_xml($feed_data) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$error = libxml_get_last_error();
return $error;
} */
function cleanup_counters_cache($debug) {
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_counters_cache
WHERE feed_id > 0 AND
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE
id = feed_id AND
ttrss_counters_cache.owner_uid = ttrss_feeds.owner_uid) = 0");
$frows = db_affected_rows($result);
$result = db_query("DELETE FROM ttrss_cat_counters_cache
WHERE feed_id > 0 AND
(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ttrss_feed_categories WHERE
id = feed_id AND
ttrss_cat_counters_cache.owner_uid = ttrss_feed_categories.owner_uid) = 0");
$crows = db_affected_rows($result);
_debug("Removed $frows (feeds) $crows (cats) orphaned counter cache entries.");
function housekeeping_user($owner_uid) {
$tmph = new PluginHost();
load_user_plugins($owner_uid, $tmph);
$tmph->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_HOUSE_KEEPING, "hook_house_keeping", "");
function housekeeping_common($debug) {
$count = update_feedbrowser_cache();
_debug("Feedbrowser updated, $count feeds processed.");
purge_orphans( true);
//$rc = cleanup_tags( 14, 50000);
//_debug("Cleaned $rc cached tags.");
PluginHost::getInstance()->run_hooks(PluginHost::HOOK_HOUSE_KEEPING, "hook_house_keeping", "");