mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-03 13:00:51 +02:00
2012-08-14 18:59:18 +04:00

200 lines
6.0 KiB

define("dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar", [
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.remove
"dojo/dom-construct", // domConstruct.place
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.hitch
"dojo/_base/sniff", // has("ie") has("opera")
"dojo/_base/window", // win.body
], function(declare, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, lang, has, win, _Plugin){
var _Plugin = dijit._editor._Plugin;
// module:
// dijit/_editor/plugins/AlwaysShowToolbar
// summary:
// This plugin is required for Editors in auto-expand mode.
// It handles the auto-expansion as the user adds/deletes text,
// and keeps the editor's toolbar visible even when the top of the editor
// has scrolled off the top of the viewport (usually when editing a long
// document).
return declare("dijit._editor.plugins.AlwaysShowToolbar", _Plugin, {
// summary:
// This plugin is required for Editors in auto-expand mode.
// It handles the auto-expansion as the user adds/deletes text,
// and keeps the editor's toolbar visible even when the top of the editor
// has scrolled off the top of the viewport (usually when editing a long
// document).
// description:
// Specify this in extraPlugins (or plugins) parameter and also set
// height to "".
// example:
// | <div data-dojo-type="dijit.Editor" height=""
// | data-dojo-props="extraPlugins: [dijit._editor.plugins.AlwaysShowToolbar]">
// _handleScroll: Boolean
// Enables/disables the handler for scroll events
_handleScroll: true,
setEditor: function(e){
// Overrides _Plugin.setEditor().
console.log('Port AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to work with Editor without iframe');
this.editor = e;
e.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(lang.hitch(this, this.enable));
enable: function(d){
// summary:
// Enable plugin. Called when Editor has finished initializing.
// tags:
// private
this.connect(window, 'onscroll', "globalOnScrollHandler");
this.connect(this.editor, 'onNormalizedDisplayChanged', "_updateHeight");
return d;
_updateHeight: function(){
// summary:
// Updates the height of the editor area to fit the contents.
var e = this.editor;
if(!e.isLoaded){ return; }
if(e.height){ return; }
var height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.editNode).h;
height = e.editNode.scrollHeight;
// console.debug('height',height);
// alert(this.editNode);
//height maybe zero in some cases even though the content is not empty,
//we try the height of body instead
height = domGeometry.getMarginSize(e.document.body).h;
if(height == 0){
console.debug("Can not figure out the height of the editing area!");
return; //prevent setting height to 0
if(has("ie") <= 7 && this.editor.minHeight){
var min = parseInt(this.editor.minHeight);
if(height < min){ height = min; }
if(height != this._lastHeight){
this._lastHeight = height;
// this.editorObject.style.height = this._lastHeight + "px";
domGeometry.setMarginBox(e.iframe, { h: this._lastHeight });
// _lastHeight: Integer
// Height in px of the editor at the last time we did sizing
_lastHeight: 0,
globalOnScrollHandler: function(){
// summary:
// Handler for scroll events that bubbled up to <html>
// tags:
// private
var isIE6 = has("ie") < 7;
if(!this._handleScroll){ return; }
var tdn = this.editor.header;
this._scrollSetUp = true;
this._scrollThreshold = domGeometry.position(tdn, true).y;
// var db = win.body;
// console.log("threshold:", this._scrollThreshold);
//what's this for?? comment out for now
// if((isIE6)&&(db)&&(domStyle.set or get TODO(db, "backgroundIimage")=="none")){
// db.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + dojo.uri.moduleUri("dijit", "templates/blank.gif") + ")";
// db.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
// }
var scrollPos = domGeometry.docScroll().y;
var s = tdn.style;
if(scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold && scrollPos < this._scrollThreshold+this._lastHeight){
// dojo.debug(scrollPos);
var tdnbox = domGeometry.getMarginSize(tdn);
this.editor.iframe.style.marginTop = tdnbox.h+"px";
s.left = domGeometry.position(tdn).x;
this._IEOriginalPos = ['after',tdn.previousSibling];
}else if(tdn.nextSibling){
this._IEOriginalPos = ['before',tdn.nextSibling];
this._IEOriginalPos = ['last',tdn.parentNode];
s.position = "fixed";
s.top = "0px";
domGeometry.setMarginBox(tdn, { w: tdnbox.w });
s.zIndex = 2000;
this._fixEnabled = true;
// if we're showing the floating toolbar, make sure that if
// we've scrolled past the bottom of the editor that we hide
// the toolbar for this instance of the editor.
// TODO: when we get multiple editor toolbar support working
// correctly, ensure that we check this against the scroll
// position of the bottom-most editor instance.
var eHeight = (this.height) ? parseInt(this.editor.height) : this.editor._lastHeight;
s.display = (scrollPos > this._scrollThreshold+eHeight) ? "none" : "";
}else if(this._fixEnabled){
this.editor.iframe.style.marginTop = '';
s.position = "";
s.top = "";
s.zIndex = "";
s.display = "";
s.left = "";
domConstruct.place(tdn, this._IEOriginalPos[1], this._IEOriginalPos[0]);
this._IEOriginalPos = null;
domConstruct.place(tdn, this.editor.iframe, 'before');
s.width = "";
this._fixEnabled = false;
destroy: function(){
// Overrides _Plugin.destroy(). TODO: call this.inherited() rather than repeating code.
this._IEOriginalPos = null;
this._handleScroll = false;
if(has("ie") < 7){
domClass.remove(this.editor.header, 'dijitIEFixedToolbar');