/* Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.NodeList-traverse"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojo.NodeList-traverse"] = true; dojo.provide("dojo.NodeList-traverse"); /*===== dojo["NodeList-traverse"] = { // summary: Adds a chainable methods to dojo.query() / Nodelist instances for traversing the DOM }; =====*/ dojo.extend(dojo.NodeList, { _buildArrayFromCallback: function(/*Function*/callback){ // summary: // builds a new array of possibly differing size based on the input list. // Since the returned array is likely of different size than the input array, // the array's map function cannot be used. var ary = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){ var items = callback.call(this[i], this[i], ary); if(items){ ary = ary.concat(items); } } return ary; }, _filterQueryResult: function(nodeList, query){ // summmary: // Replacement for dojo._filterQueryResult that does a full // query. Slower, but allows for more types of queries. var filter = dojo.filter(nodeList, function(node){ return dojo.query(query, node.parentNode).indexOf(node) != -1; }); var result = this._wrap(filter); return result; }, _getUniqueAsNodeList: function(nodes){ // summary: // given a list of nodes, make sure only unique // elements are returned as our NodeList object. // Does not call _stash(). var ary = []; //Using for loop for better speed. for(var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++){ //Should be a faster way to do this. dojo.query has a private //_zip function that may be inspirational, but there are pathways //in query that force nozip? if(node.nodeType == 1 && dojo.indexOf(ary, node) == -1){ ary.push(node); } } return this._wrap(ary, null, this._NodeListCtor); //dojo.NodeList }, _getUniqueNodeListWithParent: function(nodes, query){ // summary: // gets unique element nodes, filters them further // with an optional query and then calls _stash to track parent NodeList. var ary = this._getUniqueAsNodeList(nodes); ary = (query ? this._filterQueryResult(ary, query) : ary); return ary._stash(this); //dojo.NodeList }, _getRelatedUniqueNodes: function(/*String?*/query, /*Function*/callback){ // summary: // cycles over all the nodes and calls a callback // to collect nodes for a possible inclusion in a result. // The callback will get two args: callback(node, ary), // where ary is the array being used to collect the nodes. return this._getUniqueNodeListWithParent(this._buildArrayFromCallback(callback), query); //dojo.NodeList }, children: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns all immediate child elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the child elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, all immediate child elements for the nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".container").children(); // returns the four divs that are children of the container div. // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".container").children(".red"); // returns the two divs that have the class "red". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ return dojo._toArray(node.childNodes); }); //dojo.NodeList }, closest: function(/*String*/query){ // summary: // Returns closest parent that matches query, including current node in this // dojo.NodeList if it matches the query. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, the closest parent that matches the query, including the current // node in this dojo.NodeList if it matches the query. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".red").closest(".container"); // returns the div with class "container". var self = this; return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ do{ if(self._filterQueryResult([node], query).length){ return node; } }while((node = node.parentNode) && node.nodeType == 1); return null; //To make rhino strict checking happy. }); //dojo.NodeList }, parent: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns immediate parent elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the parent elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, immediate parent elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".text").parent(); // returns the two divs with class "blue". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".text").parent(".first"); // returns the one div with class "blue" and "first". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ return node.parentNode; }); //dojo.NodeList }, parents: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns all parent elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the child elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, all parent elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".text").parents(); // returns the two divs with class "blue", the div with class "container", // | the body element and the html element. // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".text").parents(".container"); // returns the one div with class "container". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var pary = [] while(node.parentNode){ node = node.parentNode; pary.push(node); } return pary; }); //dojo.NodeList }, siblings: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns all sibling elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the sibling elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, all sibling elements for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").siblings(); // returns the two divs with class "red" and the other div // | with class "blue" that does not have "first". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").siblings(".red"); // returns the two div with class "red". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var pary = [] var nodes = (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.childNodes); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ if(nodes[i] != node){ pary.push(nodes[i]); } } return pary; }); //dojo.NodeList }, next: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns the next element for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the next elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, the next element for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").next(); // returns the div with class "red" and has innerHTML of "Red Two". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".last").next(".red"); // does not return any elements. return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var next = node.nextSibling; while(next && next.nodeType != 1){ next = next.nextSibling; } return next; }); //dojo.NodeList }, nextAll: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns all sibling elements that come after the nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the sibling elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, all sibling elements that come after the nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// | // | // |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").nextAll(); // returns the two divs with class of "next". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").nextAll(".red"); // returns the one div with class "red" and innerHTML "Red Two". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var pary = [] var next = node; while((next = next.nextSibling)){ if(next.nodeType == 1){ pary.push(next); } } return pary; }); //dojo.NodeList }, prev: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns the previous element for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the previous elements. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, the previous element for nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// | Some Text // |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").prev(); // returns the div with class "red" and has innerHTML of "Red One". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").prev(".blue"); // does not return any elements. return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var prev = node.previousSibling; while(prev && prev.nodeType != 1){ prev = prev.previousSibling; } return prev; }); //dojo.NodeList }, prevAll: function(/*String?*/query){ // summary: // Returns all sibling elements that come before the nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // Optionally takes a query to filter the sibling elements. // description: // The returned nodes will be in reverse DOM order -- the first node in the list will // be the node closest to the original node/NodeList. // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // query: // a CSS selector. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, all sibling elements that come before the nodes in this dojo.NodeList. // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// | // | Some Text // | // |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".second").prevAll(); // returns the two divs with class of "prev". // Running this code: // | dojo.query(".first").prevAll(".red"); // returns the one div with class "red prev" and innerHTML "Red One". return this._getRelatedUniqueNodes(query, function(node, ary){ var pary = [] var prev = node; while((prev = prev.previousSibling)){ if(prev.nodeType == 1){ pary.push(prev); } } return pary; }); //dojo.NodeList }, andSelf: function(){ // summary: // Adds the nodes from the previous dojo.NodeList to the current dojo.NodeList. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // returns: // dojo.NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// | // | Some Text // | // |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".second").prevAll().andSelf(); // returns the two divs with class of "prev", as well as the div with class "second". return this.concat(this._parent); }, //Alternate methods for the :first/:last/:even/:odd pseudos. first: function(){ // summary: // Returns the first node in this dojo.NodeList as a dojo.NodeList. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, with the first node in this dojo.NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".blue").first(); // returns the div with class "blue" and "first". return this._wrap(((this[0] && [this[0]]) || []), this); //dojo.NodeList }, last: function(){ // summary: // Returns the last node in this dojo.NodeList as a dojo.NodeList. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, with the last node in this dojo.NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".blue").last(); // returns the last div with class "blue", return this._wrap((this.length ? [this[this.length - 1]] : []), this); //dojo.NodeList }, even: function(){ // summary: // Returns the even nodes in this dojo.NodeList as a dojo.NodeList. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, with the even nodes in this dojo.NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".interior").even(); // returns the two divs with class "blue" return this.filter(function(item, i){ return i % 2 != 0; }); //dojo.NodeList }, odd: function(){ // summary: // Returns the odd nodes in this dojo.NodeList as a dojo.NodeList. // description: // .end() can be used on the returned dojo.NodeList to get back to the // original dojo.NodeList. // returns: // dojo.NodeList, with the odd nodes in this dojo.NodeList // example: // assume a DOM created by this markup: // |
// |
Red One
// |
Blue One
// |
Red Two
// |
Blue Two
// |
// Running this code: // | dojo.query(".interior").odd(); // returns the two divs with class "red" return this.filter(function(item, i){ return i % 2 == 0; }); //dojo.NodeList } }); }