true); } function init($host) { $this->host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_CDM, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE_API, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PRE_SUBSCRIBE, $this); } function hook_pre_subscribe(&$url, $auth_login, $auth_pass) { $reddit_to_teddit = $this->host->get($this, "reddit_to_teddit"); if ($reddit_to_teddit) { $url = $this->rewrite_to_reddit($url); return true; } return false; } function hook_prefs_tab($args) { if ($args != "prefFeeds") return; $enable_readability = $this->host->get($this, "enable_readability"); $enable_content_dupcheck = $this->host->get($this, "enable_content_dupcheck"); $reddit_to_teddit = $this->host->get($this, "reddit_to_teddit"); $apply_nsfw_tags = $this->host->get_array($this, "apply_nsfw_tags"); $max_score = $this->host->get($this, "max_score", $this->default_max_score); $import_score = $this->host->get($this, "import_score"); ?>

host->set_array($this, [ "enable_readability" => $enable_readability, "reddit_to_teddit" => $reddit_to_teddit, "enable_content_dupcheck" => $enable_content_dupcheck, "apply_nsfw_tags" => $apply_nsfw_tags, "import_score" => $import_score, "max_score" => $max_score ]); echo __("Configuration saved"); } private function process_post_media($data, $doc, $xpath, $anchor) { $found = 0; if (isset($data["media_metadata"])) { foreach ($data["media_metadata"] as $media) { if (!empty($media["s"]["u"])) { $media_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($media["s"]["u"]); Debug::log("found media_metadata (gallery): $media_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); if ($media_url) { $this->handle_as_image($doc, $anchor, $media_url); $found = 1; } } } } // - see below /* if (is_array($data["media"])) { foreach ($data["media"] as $media) { if (isset($media["fallback_url"])) { $stream_url = $media["fallback_url"]; if (isset($data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"])) $poster_url = $data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"]["url"]; else $poster_url = ""; Debug::log("found stream fallback_url: $stream_url / poster $poster_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->handle_as_video($doc, $anchor, $stream_url, $poster_url); } $found = 1; } } */ $post_hint = $data["post_hint"] ?? false; if (!$found && $post_hint == "hosted:video") { $media_url = $data["url"]; if (isset($data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"])) $poster_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"]["url"]); else $poster_url = ""; Debug::log("found hosted video url: $media_url / poster $poster_url, looking up fallback url...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $fallback_url = $data["media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"]; if ($fallback_url) { Debug::log("found video fallback_url: $fallback_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->handle_as_video($doc, $anchor, $fallback_url, $poster_url); $found = 1; } } if (!$found && $post_hint == "video") { $media_url = $data["url"]; if (isset($data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"])) $poster_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($data["preview"]["images"][0]["source"]["url"]); else $poster_url = ""; Debug::log("found video url: $media_url / poster $poster_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->handle_as_video($doc, $anchor, $media_url, $poster_url); $found = 1; } if (!$found && $post_hint == "image") { $media_url = $data["url"]; Debug::log("found image url: $media_url", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->handle_as_image($doc, $anchor, $media_url); $found = 1; } if (!$found && isset($data["preview"]["images"])) { foreach ($data["preview"]["images"] as $img) { if (isset($img["source"]["url"])) { $media_url = htmlspecialchars_decode($img["source"]["url"]); $target_url = $data["url"]; if ($media_url) { if ($post_hint == "self") { Debug::log("found preview image url: $media_url (link: $target_url)", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->handle_as_image($doc, $anchor, $media_url, $target_url); $found = 1; } else { // gonna use this later if nothing is found using generic link processing Debug::log("found fallback preview image url: $media_url (link: $target_url);", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); array_push($this->fallback_preview_urls, $media_url); } } } } } return $found; } /* function score_convert(int $value, int $from1, int $from2, int $to1, int $to2) { return ($value - $from1) / ($from2 - $from1) * ($to2 - $to1) + $to1; } */ private function inline_stuff(&$article, &$doc, $xpath) { $max_score = (int) $this->host->get($this, "max_score", $this->default_max_score); $import_score = (bool) $this->host->get($this, "import_score", $this->default_max_score); $found = false; $post_is_nsfw = false; $num_comments = 0; $score = 0; $link_flairs = []; $apply_nsfw_tags = FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories($this->host->get_array($this, "apply_nsfw_tags", [])); $this->generated_enclosures = []; // embed anchor element, before reddit post layout $anchor = $xpath->query('//body/*')->item(0); // deal with json-provided media content first if ($article["link"] && $anchor) { Debug::log("JSON: requesting from URL: " . $article["link"] . "/.json", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $tmp = UrlHelper::fetch($article["link"] . "/.json"); $this->fallback_preview_urls = []; // @phpstan-ignore-next-line if ($tmp && $anchor) { $json = json_decode($tmp, true); if ($json) { Debug::log("JSON: processing media elements...", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); if ($this->dump_json_data) print_r($json); foreach ($json as $listing) { foreach ($listing["data"]["children"] as $child) { $data = $child["data"]; $over_18 = $data["over_18"] ?? 0 == 1; $score += $data['score'] ?? 0; $num_comments += $data["num_comments"] ?? 0; if (!empty($data["link_flair_text"])) { array_push($link_flairs, $data["link_flair_text"]); } if ($over_18) { Debug::log("JSON: post is NSFW", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); $post_is_nsfw = true; } if (isset($data["crosspost_parent_list"])) { Debug::log("JSON: processing child crosspost_parent_list", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); foreach ($data["crosspost_parent_list"] as $parent) { if ($this->process_post_media($parent, $doc, $xpath, $anchor)) { $found = 1; break 2; } } } Debug::log("JSON: processing child data element...", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); if (!$found && $this->process_post_media($data, $doc, $xpath, $anchor)) { $found = 1; break 2; } } } } else { Debug::log("JSON: failed to parse received data.", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); } } else { if (!$tmp) { Debug::log("JSON: failed to fetch post:" . UrlHelper::$fetch_last_error, Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); } } } else if (!$anchor) { Debug::log("JSON: anchor element not found, unable to embed", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); } if ($post_is_nsfw && count($apply_nsfw_tags) > 0) { $article["tags"] = array_merge($article["tags"], $apply_nsfw_tags); } if (count($link_flairs) > 0) { $article["tags"] = array_merge($article["tags"], FeedItem_Common::normalize_categories($link_flairs)); } $article["num_comments"] = $num_comments; if ($import_score && $score > 0) $article["score_modifier"] = ($article["score_modifier"] ?? 0) + ($score > $max_score ? $max_score : $score); if ($found) { Debug::log("JSON: found media data, skipping further processing of content", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $this->remove_post_thumbnail($doc, $xpath); return true; } $entries = $xpath->query('//a[@href]'); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry_href = $entry->getAttribute("href"); $matches = []; /* skip links going back to reddit (and any other blacklisted stuff) */ if (!$found && $this->is_blacklisted($entry_href, [""])) { Debug::log("BODY: domain of $entry_href is blacklisted, skipping", Debug::LOG_EXTENDED); continue; } Debug::log("BODY: processing URL: " . $entry_href, Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); if (!$found && preg_match("/^https?:\/\/\/(.*?)\/status\/(.*)/", $entry_href, $matches)) { Debug::log("handling as twitter: " . $matches[1] . " " . $matches[2], Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $oembed_result = UrlHelper::fetch("" . urlencode($entry_href)); if ($oembed_result) { $oembed_result = json_decode($oembed_result, true); if ($oembed_result && isset($oembed_result["html"])) { $tmp = new DOMDocument(); if (@$tmp->loadHTML('' . $oembed_result["html"])) { $p = $doc->createElement("p"); $p->appendChild($doc->importNode( $tmp->getElementsByTagName("blockquote")->item(0), TRUE)); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($p, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); $found = 1; } } } } if (!$found && preg_match("/\\/([a-z]+)?(\.[a-z]+)$/i", $entry_href, $matches)) { $entry->setAttribute("href", "".$matches[1]); } if (!$found && preg_match("/https?:\/\/(www\.)?\/([a-z]+)$/i", $entry_href, $matches)) { Debug::log("Handling as Gfycat", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $source_stream = '' . $matches[2] . '.mp4'; $poster_url = '' . $matches[2] . '-mobile.jpg'; $content_type = $this->get_content_type($source_stream); if (strpos($content_type, "video/") !== false) { $this->handle_as_video($doc, $entry, $source_stream, $poster_url); $found = 1; } } // imgur .gif -> .gifv if (!$found && preg_match("/i\.imgur\.com\/(.*?)\.gif$/i", $entry_href)) { Debug::log("Handling as imgur gif (->gifv)", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $entry->setAttribute("href", str_replace(".gif", ".gifv", $entry_href)); } if (!$found && preg_match("/\.(gifv|mp4)$/i", $entry_href)) { Debug::log("Handling as imgur gifv", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $source_stream = str_replace(".gifv", ".mp4", $entry_href); if (strpos($source_stream, "") !== false) $poster_url = str_replace(".mp4", "h.jpg", $source_stream); else $poster_url = false; $this->handle_as_video($doc, $entry, $source_stream, $poster_url); $found = true; } $matches = array(); if (!$found && $vid_id = UrlHelper::url_to_youtube_vid($entry_href)) { Debug::log("Handling as youtube: $vid_id", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); /* normalize video URL for af_youtube_... plugins */ $video_url = "$vid_id"; /* push generated video URL to enclosures so that youtube embed plugins would deal with it later (if enabled) */ $this->generated_enclosures[] = [$video_url, "text/html", null, null, '', '']; $found = true; } if (!$found && (preg_match("/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)(\?[0-9][0-9]*)?[$\?]/i", $entry_href) || /* mb_strpos($entry_href, "") !== false || */ mb_strpos($this->get_content_type($entry_href), "image/") !== false)) { Debug::log("Handling as a picture", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $img = $doc->createElement('img'); $img->setAttribute("src", $entry_href); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($img, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); $found = true; } // imgur via link rel="image_src" href="..." if (!$found && preg_match("/imgur/", $entry_href)) { Debug::log("handling as imgur page/whatever", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $content = UrlHelper::fetch(["url" => $entry_href, "http_accept" => "text/*"]); if ($content) { $cdoc = new DOMDocument(); if (@$cdoc->loadHTML($content)) { $cxpath = new DOMXPath($cdoc); /** @var ?DOMElement $rel_image */ $rel_image = $cxpath->query("//link[@rel='image_src']")->item(0); if ($rel_image) { $img = $doc->createElement('img'); $img->setAttribute("src", $rel_image->getAttribute("href")); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($img, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); $found = true; } } } } // wtf is this even if (!$found && preg_match("/^https?:\/\/gyazo\.com\/([^\.\/]+$)/", $entry_href, $matches)) { $img_id = $matches[1]; Debug::log("handling as gyazo: $img_id", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $img = $doc->createElement('img'); $img->setAttribute("src", "$img_id.jpg"); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($img, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); $found = true; } // let's try meta properties if (!$found) { Debug::log("looking for meta og:image", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $content = UrlHelper::fetch(["url" => $entry_href, "http_accept" => "text/*"]); if ($content) { $cdoc = new DOMDocument(); if (@$cdoc->loadHTML($content)) { $cxpath = new DOMXPath($cdoc); /** @var ?DOMElement $og_image */ $og_image = $cxpath->query("//meta[@property='og:image']")->item(0); /** @var ?DOMElement $og_video */ $og_video = $cxpath->query("//meta[@property='og:video']")->item(0); if ($og_video) { $source_stream = $og_video->getAttribute("content"); if ($source_stream) { if ($og_image) { $poster_url = $og_image->getAttribute("content"); } else { $poster_url = false; } $this->handle_as_video($doc, $entry, $source_stream, $poster_url); $found = true; } } else if ($og_image) { $og_src = $og_image->getAttribute("content"); if ($og_src) { $img = $doc->createElement('img'); $img->setAttribute("src", $og_src); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($img, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); $found = true; } } } } } } if (!$found && $anchor && count($this->fallback_preview_urls) > 0) { Debug::log("JSON: processing fallback preview urls...", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); foreach ($this->fallback_preview_urls as $media_url) { $this->handle_as_image($doc, $anchor, $media_url); $found = 1; } } if ($found) $this->remove_post_thumbnail($doc, $xpath); return $found; } function hook_article_filter($article) { if (strpos($article["link"], "") !== false && !empty($article["content"])) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (@$doc->loadHTML($article["content"])) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); /** @var ?DOMElement $content_link */ $content_link = $xpath->query("(//a[contains(., '[link]')])")->item(0); if ($this->host->get($this, "enable_content_dupcheck")) { if ($content_link) { $content_href = $content_link->getAttribute("href"); $entry_guid = $article["guid_hashed"]; $owner_uid = $article["owner_uid"]; if (Config::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "pgsql") { $interval_qpart = "date_entered < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day'"; } else { $interval_qpart = "date_entered < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"; } $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) AS cid FROM ttrss_entries, ttrss_user_entries WHERE ref_id = id AND $interval_qpart AND guid != ? AND owner_uid = ? AND content LIKE ?"); $sth->execute([$entry_guid, $owner_uid, "%href=\"$content_href\">[link]%"]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $num_found = $row['cid']; if ($num_found > 0) $article["force_catchup"] = true; } } } if ($content_link && $this->is_blacklisted($content_link->getAttribute("href"))) return $article; $found = $this->inline_stuff($article, $doc, $xpath); $node = $doc->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0); if ($node && $found) { $article["content"] = $doc->saveHTML($node); $article["enclosures"] = $this->generated_enclosures; } else if ($content_link) { $article = $this->readability($article, $content_link->getAttribute("href"), $doc, $xpath); } } } return $article; } function api_version() { return 2; } private function remove_post_thumbnail($doc, $xpath) { $thumb = $xpath->query("//td/a/img[@src]")->item(0); if ($thumb) $thumb->parentNode->parentNode->removeChild($thumb->parentNode); } private function handle_as_image($doc, $entry, $image_url, $link_url = false) { $img = $doc->createElement("img"); $img->setAttribute("src", $image_url); $p = $doc->createElement("p"); if ($link_url) { $a = $doc->createElement("a"); $a->setAttribute("href", $link_url); $a->appendChild($img); $p->appendChild($a); } else { $p->appendChild($img); } $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($p, $entry); } private function handle_as_video($doc, $entry, $source_stream, $poster_url = false) { Debug::log("handle_as_video: $source_stream", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $video = $doc->createElement('video'); $video->setAttribute("autoplay", "1"); $video->setAttribute("controls", "1"); $video->setAttribute("loop", "1"); if ($poster_url) $video->setAttribute("poster", $poster_url); $source = $doc->createElement('source'); $source->setAttribute("src", $source_stream); $source->setAttribute("type", "video/mp4"); $video->appendChild($source); $br = $doc->createElement('br'); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($video, $entry); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($br, $entry); /*$img = $doc->createElement('img'); $img->setAttribute("src", "%3D"); $entry->parentNode->insertBefore($img, $entry);*/ } function csrf_ignore($method) { return $method === "testurl"; } function testurl() { $url = clean($_POST["url"] ?? ""); $article_url = clean($_POST["article_url"] ?? ""); $article_id = clean($_POST["article_id"] ?? ""); $this->dump_json_data = true; if (!$url && !$article_url && !$article_id) { header("Content-type: text/html"); ?>

table_alias('e') ->join('ttrss_user_entries', [ 'ref_id', '=', ''], 'ue') ->where('ue.owner_uid', $_SESSION['uid']) ->find_one($article_id); if (!$stored_article) { Debug::log("Article not found: $article_id", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); return; } $article = [ "link" => $stored_article->link, "content" => $stored_article->content, "tags" => explode(",", $stored_article->tag_cache) ]; } else { $article = [ "link" => $article_url, "content" => "
", "tags" => []]; } $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($article["content"]); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $found = $this->inline_stuff($article, $doc, $xpath); Debug::log("Inline result: $found", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); print_r($article); if (!$found) { Debug::log("Readability result:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); $article = $this->readability([], $url, $doc, $xpath); print_r($article); } else { Debug::log("Resulting HTML:", Debug::LOG_VERBOSE); print $doc->saveHTML(); } } /** $useragent defaults to Config::get_user_agent() */ private function get_header($url, $header, $useragent = false) { $ret = false; if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, !ini_get("open_basedir")); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent ? $useragent : Config::get_user_agent()); @curl_exec($ch); $ret = curl_getinfo($ch, $header); } return $ret; } private function get_content_type($url, $useragent = false) { return $this->get_header($url, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, $useragent); } // @phpstan-ignore-next-line private function get_location($url, $useragent = false) { return $this->get_header($url, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, $useragent); } private function readability($article, $url, $doc, $xpath, $debug = false) { if (function_exists("curl_init") && $this->host->get($this, "enable_readability") && mb_strlen(strip_tags($article["content"])) <= 150) { // do not try to embed posts linking back to other reddit posts // readability.php requires PHP 5.6 if ($url && strpos($url, "") === false && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '>=')) { /* link may lead to a huge video file or whatever, we need to check content type before trying to parse it which p much requires curl */ $useragent_compat = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)"; $content_type = $this->get_content_type($url, $useragent_compat); if ($content_type && strpos($content_type, "text/html") !== false) { $this->host->run_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_GET_FULL_TEXT, function ($result) use (&$article) { if ($result) { $article["content"] = $result; return true; } }, $url); } } } return $article; } private function is_blacklisted($src, $also_blacklist = []) { $src_domain = parse_url($src, PHP_URL_HOST); foreach (array_merge($this->domain_blacklist, $also_blacklist) as $domain) { if (strstr($src_domain, $domain) !== false) { return true; } } return false; } function hook_render_article($article) { return $this->hook_render_article_cdm($article); } private function rewrite_to_teddit($str) { if (strpos($str, "") !== false) { return preg_replace("/https?:\/\/([a-z]+\.)?reddit\.com/", "", $str); } return $str; } private function rewrite_to_reddit($str) { if (strpos($str, "") !== false) { $str = preg_replace("/https?:\/\/", "", $str); if (strpos($str, "/.rss") === false) $str .= "/.rss"; } return $str; } function hook_render_article_cdm($article) { if ($this->host->get($this, "reddit_to_teddit")) { $need_saving = false; $article["link"] = $this->rewrite_to_teddit($article["link"]); $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (@$doc->loadHTML('' . $article["content"])) { $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $elems = $xpath->query("//a[@href]"); foreach ($elems as $elem) { $href = $elem->getAttribute("href"); $rewritten_href = $this->rewrite_to_teddit($href); if ($href != $rewritten_href) { $elem->setAttribute("href", $rewritten_href); $need_saving = true; } } } if ($need_saving) $article["content"] = $doc->saveHTML(); } return $article; } function hook_render_article_api($params) { $article = isset($params["article"]) ? $params["article"] : $params["headline"]; return $this->hook_render_article_cdm($article); } }