[ "pgsql", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DB_HOST => [ "db", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DB_USER => [ "", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DB_NAME => [ "", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DB_PASS => [ "", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DB_PORT => [ "5432", Config::T_STRING ], Config::MYSQL_CHARSET => [ "UTF8", Config::T_STRING ], Config::SELF_URL_PATH => [ "", Config::T_STRING ], Config::SINGLE_USER_MODE => [ "", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::SIMPLE_UPDATE_MODE => [ "", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::PHP_EXECUTABLE => [ "/usr/bin/php", Config::T_STRING ], Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY => [ "lock", Config::T_STRING ], Config::CACHE_DIR => [ "cache", Config::T_STRING ], Config::ICONS_DIR => [ "feed-icons", Config::T_STRING ], Config::ICONS_URL => [ "feed-icons", Config::T_STRING ], Config::AUTH_AUTO_CREATE => [ "true", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::AUTH_AUTO_LOGIN => [ "true", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE => [ 0, Config::T_INT ], Config::SESSION_COOKIE_LIFETIME => [ 86400, Config::T_INT ], Config::SMTP_FROM_NAME => [ "Tiny Tiny RSS", Config::T_STRING ], Config::SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS => [ "noreply@localhost", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DIGEST_SUBJECT => [ "[tt-rss] New headlines for last 24 hours", Config::T_STRING ], Config::CHECK_FOR_UPDATES => [ "true", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::PLUGINS => [ "auth_internal", Config::T_STRING ], Config::LOG_DESTINATION => [ "sql", Config::T_STRING ], Config::LOCAL_OVERRIDE_STYLESHEET => [ "local-overrides.css", Config::T_STRING ], Config::DAEMON_MAX_CHILD_RUNTIME => [ 1800, Config::T_STRING ], Config::DAEMON_MAX_JOBS => [ 2, Config::T_INT ], Config::FEED_FETCH_TIMEOUT => [ 45, Config::T_INT ], Config::FEED_FETCH_NO_CACHE_TIMEOUT => [ 15, Config::T_INT ], Config::FILE_FETCH_TIMEOUT => [ 45, Config::T_INT ], Config::FILE_FETCH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => [ 15, Config::T_INT ], Config::DAEMON_UPDATE_LOGIN_LIMIT => [ 30, Config::T_INT ], Config::DAEMON_FEED_LIMIT => [ 500, Config::T_INT ], Config::DAEMON_SLEEP_INTERVAL => [ 120, Config::T_INT ], Config::MAX_CACHE_FILE_SIZE => [ 64*1024*1024, Config::T_INT ], Config::MAX_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE => [ 16*1024*1024, Config::T_INT ], Config::MAX_FAVICON_FILE_SIZE => [ 1*1024*1024, Config::T_INT ], Config::CACHE_MAX_DAYS => [ 7, Config::T_INT ], Config::MAX_CONDITIONAL_INTERVAL => [ 3600*12, Config::T_INT ], Config::DAEMON_UNSUCCESSFUL_DAYS_LIMIT => [ 30, Config::T_INT ], Config::LOG_SENT_MAIL => [ "", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::HTTP_PROXY => [ "", Config::T_STRING ], Config::FORBID_PASSWORD_CHANGES => [ "", Config::T_BOOL ], Config::SESSION_NAME => [ "ttrss_sid", Config::T_STRING ], ]; private static $instance; private $params = []; private $schema_version = null; private $version = []; public static function get_instance() : Config { if (self::$instance == null) self::$instance = new self(); return self::$instance; } private function __clone() { // } function __construct() { $ref = new ReflectionClass(get_class($this)); foreach ($ref->getConstants() as $const => $cvalue) { if (isset($this::_DEFAULTS[$const])) { $override = getenv($this::_ENVVAR_PREFIX . $const); list ($defval, $deftype) = $this::_DEFAULTS[$const]; $this->params[$cvalue] = [ self::cast_to(!empty($override) ? $override : $defval, $deftype), $deftype ]; } } } /* package maintainers who don't use git: if version_static.txt exists in tt-rss root directory, its contents are displayed instead of git commit-based version, this could be generated based on source git tree commit used when creating the package */ static function get_version(bool $as_string = true) { return self::get_instance()->_get_version($as_string); } private function _get_version(bool $as_string = true) { $root_dir = dirname(__DIR__); if (empty($this->version)) { $this->version["status"] = -1; if (PHP_OS === "Darwin") { $ttrss_version["version"] = "UNKNOWN (Unsupported, Darwin)"; } else if (file_exists("$root_dir/version_static.txt")) { $this->version["version"] = trim(file_get_contents("$root_dir/version_static.txt")) . " (Unsupported)"; } else if (is_dir("$root_dir/.git")) { $this->version = self::get_version_from_git($root_dir); if ($this->version["status"] != 0) { user_error("Unable to determine version: " . $this->version["version"], E_USER_WARNING); $this->version["version"] = "UNKNOWN (Unsupported, Git error)"; } } else { $this->version["version"] = "UNKNOWN (Unsupported)"; } } return $as_string ? $this->version["version"] : $this->version; } static function get_version_from_git(string $dir) { $descriptorspec = [ 1 => ["pipe", "w"], // STDOUT 2 => ["pipe", "w"], // STDERR ]; $rv = [ "status" => -1, "version" => "", "commit" => "", "timestamp" => 0, ]; $proc = proc_open("git --no-pager log --pretty=\"%ct-%h\" -n1 HEAD", $descriptorspec, $pipes, $dir); if (is_resource($proc)) { $stdout = trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[1])); $stderr = trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[2])); $status = proc_close($proc); $rv["status"] = $status; if ($status == 0) { list($timestamp, $commit) = explode("-", $stdout); $rv["version"] = strftime("%y.%m", (int)$timestamp) . "-$commit"; $rv["commit"] = $commit; $rv["timestamp"] = $timestamp; } else { $rv["version"] = T_sprintf("Git error [RC=%d]: %s", $status, $stderr); } } return $rv; } static function get_schema_version(bool $nocache = false) { return self::get_instance()->_schema_version($nocache); } function _schema_version(bool $nocache = false) { if (empty($this->schema_version) || $nocache) { $row = Db::pdo()->query("SELECT schema_version FROM ttrss_version")->fetch(); $this->schema_version = (int) $row["schema_version"]; } return $this->schema_version; } static function cast_to(string $value, int $type_hint) { switch ($type_hint) { case self::T_BOOL: return sql_bool_to_bool($value); case self::T_INT: return (int) $value; default: return $value; } } private function _get(string $param) { list ($value, $type_hint) = $this->params[$param]; return $this->cast_to($value, $type_hint); } private function _add(string $param, string $default, int $type_hint) { $override = getenv($this::_ENVVAR_PREFIX . $param); $this->params[$param] = [ self::cast_to(!empty($override) ? $override : $default, $type_hint), $type_hint ]; } static function add(string $param, string $default, int $type_hint = Config::T_STRING) { $instance = self::get_instance(); return $instance->_add($param, $default, $type_hint); } static function get(string $param) { $instance = self::get_instance(); return $instance->_get($param); } // this returns Config::SELF_URL_PATH sans ending slash static function get_self_url() { $self_url_path = self::get(Config::SELF_URL_PATH); if (substr($self_url_path, -1) === "/") { return substr($self_url_path, 0, -1); } else { return $self_url_path; } } static function is_server_https() { return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')) || (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https'); } static function make_self_url() { $proto = self::is_server_https() ? 'https' : 'http'; return $proto . '://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; } /* sanity check stuff */ private static function make_self_url_path() { if (!isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) return false; $proto = self::is_server_https() ? 'https' : 'http'; $url_path = $proto . '://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH); return $url_path; } private static function check_mysql_tables() { $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT engine, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name LIKE 'ttrss_%' AND engine != 'InnoDB'"); $sth->execute([self::get(Config::DB_NAME)]); $bad_tables = []; while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { array_push($bad_tables, $line); } return $bad_tables; } static function sanity_check() { $errors = array(); if (strpos(self::get(Config::PLUGINS), "auth_") === false) { array_push($errors, "Please enable at least one authentication module via PLUGINS"); } if (function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid() == 0) { array_push($errors, "Please don't run this script as root."); } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '<')) { array_push($errors, "PHP version 7.1.0 or newer required. You're using " . PHP_VERSION . "."); } if (!class_exists("UConverter")) { array_push($errors, "PHP UConverter class is missing, it's provided by the Internationalization (intl) module."); } if (!is_writable(self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/images")) { array_push($errors, "Image cache is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR)."/images)"); } if (!is_writable(self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/upload")) { array_push($errors, "Upload cache is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR)."/upload)"); } if (!is_writable(self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR) . "/export")) { array_push($errors, "Data export cache is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".self::get(Config::CACHE_DIR)."/export)"); } if (self::get(Config::SINGLE_USER_MODE) && class_exists("PDO")) { if (UserHelper::get_login_by_id(1) != "admin") { array_push($errors, "SINGLE_USER_MODE is enabled but default admin account (ID: 1) is not found."); } } if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { $ref_self_url_path = self::make_self_url_path(); if ($ref_self_url_path) { $ref_self_url_path = preg_replace("/\w+\.php$/", "", $ref_self_url_path); } if (self::get(Config::SELF_URL_PATH) == "http://example.org/tt-rss/") { $hint = $ref_self_url_path ? "(possible value: $ref_self_url_path)" : ""; array_push($errors, "Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value for your server: $hint"); } if ($ref_self_url_path && (!defined('_SKIP_SELF_URL_PATH_CHECKS') || !_SKIP_SELF_URL_PATH_CHECKS) && self::get(Config::SELF_URL_PATH) != $ref_self_url_path && self::get(Config::SELF_URL_PATH) != mb_substr($ref_self_url_path, 0, mb_strlen($ref_self_url_path)-1)) { array_push($errors, "Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value detected for your server: $ref_self_url_path (you're using: " . self::get(Config::SELF_URL_PATH) . ")"); } } if (!is_writable(self::get(Config::ICONS_DIR))) { array_push($errors, "ICONS_DIR defined in config.php is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".self::get(Config::ICONS_DIR).").\n"); } if (!is_writable(self::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY))) { array_push($errors, "LOCK_DIRECTORY is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".self::get(Config::LOCK_DIRECTORY).").\n"); } if (!function_exists("curl_init") && !ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) { array_push($errors, "PHP configuration option allow_url_fopen is disabled, and CURL functions are not present. Either enable allow_url_fopen or install PHP extension for CURL."); } if (!function_exists("json_encode")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for JSON is required, but was not found."); } if (!class_exists("PDO")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for PDO is required but was not found."); } if (!function_exists("mb_strlen")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for mbstring functions is required but was not found."); } if (!function_exists("hash")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for hash() function is required but was not found."); } if (ini_get("safe_mode")) { array_push($errors, "PHP safe mode setting is obsolete and not supported by tt-rss."); } if (!function_exists("mime_content_type")) { array_push($errors, "PHP function mime_content_type() is missing, try enabling fileinfo module."); } if (!class_exists("DOMDocument")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for DOMDocument is required, but was not found."); } if (self::get(Config::DB_TYPE) == "mysql") { $bad_tables = self::check_mysql_tables(); if (count($bad_tables) > 0) { $bad_tables_fmt = []; foreach ($bad_tables as $bt) { array_push($bad_tables_fmt, sprintf("%s (%s)", $bt['table_name'], $bt['engine'])); } $msg = "

The following tables use an unsupported MySQL engine: " . implode(", ", $bad_tables_fmt) . ".

"; $msg .= "

The only supported engine on MySQL is InnoDB. MyISAM lacks functionality to run tt-rss. Please backup your data (via OPML) and re-import the schema before continuing.

WARNING: importing the schema would mean LOSS OF ALL YOUR DATA.

"; array_push($errors, $msg); } } if (count($errors) > 0 && php_sapi_name() != "cli") { ?> Startup failed

Startup failed

Please fix errors indicated by the following messages:

You might want to check tt-rss wiki or the forums for more information. Please search the forums before creating new topic for your question.

0) { echo "Please fix errors indicated by the following messages:\n\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo " * " . strip_tags($error)."\n"; } echo "\nYou might want to check tt-rss wiki or the forums for more information.\n"; echo "Please search the forums before creating new topic for your question.\n"; exit(1); } } private static function format_error($msg) { return "
"; } }