host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_HEADLINE_TOOLBAR_SELECT_MENU_ITEM, $this); } function get_js() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/mail.js"); } function hook_headline_toolbar_select_menu_item($feed_id, $is_cat) { return "
".__('Forward by email')."
"; } function save() { $addresslist = $_POST["addresslist"]; $this->host->set($this, "addresslist", $addresslist); echo __("Mail addresses saved."); } function hook_prefs_tab($args) { if ($args != "prefPrefs") return; print "
mail ".__('Mail plugin')."\">"; print "

" . __("You can set predefined email addressed here (comma-separated list):") . "

"; print "
"; print ""; print \Controls\hidden_tag("op", "pluginhandler"); print \Controls\hidden_tag("method", "save"); print \Controls\hidden_tag("plugin", "mail"); $addresslist = $this->host->get($this, "addresslist"); print ""; print "

"; print "

"; print "
"; } function hook_article_button($line) { return "mail"; } function emailArticle() { $ids = explode(",", clean($_REQUEST['ids'])); $ids_qmarks = arr_qmarks($ids); print "
"; print \Controls\hidden_tag("op", "pluginhandler"); print \Controls\hidden_tag("plugin", "mail"); print \Controls\hidden_tag("method", "sendEmail"); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT email, full_name FROM ttrss_users WHERE id = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $user_email = htmlspecialchars($row['email']); $user_name = htmlspecialchars($row['full_name']); } else { $user_name = ""; $user_email = ""; } if (!$user_name) $user_name = $_SESSION['name']; print \Controls\hidden_tag("from_email", "$user_email"); print \Controls\hidden_tag("from_name", "$user_name"); $tpl = new Templator(); $tpl->readTemplateFromFile("email_article_template.txt"); $tpl->setVariable('USER_NAME', $_SESSION["name"], true); $tpl->setVariable('USER_EMAIL', $user_email, true); $tpl->setVariable('TTRSS_HOST', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], true); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT link, content, title, note FROM ttrss_user_entries, ttrss_entries WHERE id = ref_id AND id IN ($ids_qmarks) AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute(array_merge($ids, [$_SESSION['uid']])); if (count($ids) > 1) { $subject = __("[Forwarded]") . " " . __("Multiple articles"); } else { $subject = ""; } while ($line = $sth->fetch()) { if (!$subject) $subject = __("[Forwarded]") . " " . htmlspecialchars($line["title"]); $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_TITLE', strip_tags($line["title"])); $tnote = strip_tags($line["note"]); if( $tnote != ''){ $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_NOTE', $tnote, true); $tpl->addBlock('note'); } $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_URL', strip_tags($line["link"])); $tpl->addBlock('article'); } $tpl->addBlock('email'); $content = ""; $tpl->generateOutputToString($content); print ""; print "
"; $addresslist = explode(",", $this->host->get($this, "addresslist")); print __('To:'); print ""; print \Controls\select_tag("destination", "", $addresslist, ["style" => "width: 30em", "required" => 1, "dojoType" => "dijit.form.ComboBox"]); print "
"; print __('Subject:'); print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print "
"; } function sendEmail() { $reply = array(); /*$mail->AddReplyTo(strip_tags($_REQUEST['from_email']), strip_tags($_REQUEST['from_name'])); //$mail->AddAddress($_REQUEST['destination']); $addresses = explode(';', $_REQUEST['destination']); foreach($addresses as $nextaddr) $mail->AddAddress($nextaddr); $mail->IsHTML(false); $mail->Subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; $mail->Body = $_REQUEST['content']; $rc = $mail->Send(); */ $to = $_REQUEST["destination"]; $subject = strip_tags($_REQUEST["subject"]); $message = strip_tags($_REQUEST["content"]); $from = strip_tags($_REQUEST["from_email"]); $mailer = new Mailer(); $rc = $mailer->mail(["to_address" => $to, "headers" => ["Reply-To: $from"], "subject" => $subject, "message" => $message]); if (!$rc) { $reply['error'] = $mailer->error(); } else { //save_email_address($destination); $reply['message'] = "UPDATE_COUNTERS"; } print json_encode($reply); } function api_version() { return 2; } }