" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . ")"); } else { array_push($errors, "Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value for your server."); } } if (!is_writable(ICONS_DIR)) { array_push($errors, "ICONS_DIR defined in config.php is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".ICONS_DIR.").\n"); } if (!is_writable(LOCK_DIRECTORY)) { array_push($errors, "LOCK_DIRECTORY defined in config.php is not writable (chmod -R 777 ".LOCK_DIRECTORY.").\n"); } if (ini_get("open_basedir")) { array_push($errors, "PHP configuration option open_basedir is not supported. Please disable this in PHP settings file (php.ini)."); } if (!function_exists("curl_init") && !ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) { array_push($errors, "PHP configuration option allow_url_fopen is disabled, and CURL functions are not present. Either enable allow_url_fopen or install PHP extension for CURL."); } if (!function_exists("json_encode")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for JSON is required, but was not found."); } if (DB_TYPE == "mysql" && !function_exists("mysql_connect")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for MySQL is required for configured DB_TYPE in config.php."); } if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql" && !function_exists("pg_connect")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for PostgreSQL is required for configured DB_TYPE in config.php"); } if (!function_exists("mb_strlen")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for mbstring functions is required but was not found."); } if (!function_exists("hash")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for hash() function is required but was not found."); } if (!function_exists("ctype_lower")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for ctype functions are required by HTMLPurifier."); } if (!function_exists("iconv")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for iconv is required to handle multiple charsets."); } /* if (ini_get("safe_mode")) { array_push($errors, "PHP safe mode setting is not supported."); } */ if ((PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB || PUBSUBHUBBUB_ENABLED) && !function_exists("curl_init")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for CURL is required for PubSubHubbub."); } if (!class_exists("DOMDocument")) { array_push($errors, "PHP support for DOMDocument is required, but was not found."); } } if (count($errors) > 0 && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { ?> Startup failed

Startup failed

Tiny Tiny RSS was unable to start properly. This usually means a misconfiguration or an incomplete upgrade. Please fix errors indicated by the following messages:

You might want to check tt-rss wiki or the forums for more information. Please search the forums before creating new topic for your question.

0) { echo "Tiny Tiny RSS was unable to start properly. This usually means a misconfiguration or an incomplete upgrade.\n"; echo "Please fix errors indicated by the following messages:\n\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo " * $error\n"; } echo "\nYou might want to check tt-rss wiki or the forums for more information.\n"; echo "Please search the forums before creating new topic for your question.\n"; exit(-1); } } initial_sanity_check($link); ?>