host = $host; $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_ARTICLE_BUTTON, $this); $host->add_hook($host::HOOK_PREFS_TAB_SECTION, $this); } function is_public_method($method) { return $method == "get"; } function get_js() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/share.js"); } function get_css() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/share.css"); } function get_prefs_js() { return file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/share_prefs.js"); } function unshare() { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET uuid = '' WHERE int_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$id, $_SESSION['uid']]); print __("Article unshared"); } function hook_prefs_tab_section($id) { if ($id == "prefFeedsPublishedGenerated") { ?>

pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET uuid = '' WHERE owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$_SESSION['uid']]); print __("Shared URLs cleared."); } function newkey() { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $uuid = uniqid_short(); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET uuid = ? WHERE int_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$uuid, $id, $_SESSION['uid']]); print json_encode(["link" => $uuid]); } function hook_article_button($line) { $icon_class = !empty($line['uuid']) ? "is-shared" : ""; return "link"; } function get() { $uuid = clean($_REQUEST["key"] ?? ""); if ($uuid) { $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT ref_id, owner_uid FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE uuid = ?"); $sth->execute([$uuid]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { header("Content-Type: text/html"); $id = $row["ref_id"]; $owner_uid = $row["owner_uid"]; print $this->format_article($id, $owner_uid); return; } } header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found"); print "Article not found."; } private function format_article($id, $owner_uid) { $pdo = Db::pdo(); $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id,title,link,content,feed_id,comments,int_id,lang, ".SUBSTRING_FOR_DATE."(updated,1,16) as updated, (SELECT site_url FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as site_url, (SELECT title FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as feed_title, (SELECT hide_images FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as hide_images, (SELECT always_display_enclosures FROM ttrss_feeds WHERE id = feed_id) as always_display_enclosures, num_comments, tag_cache, author, guid, note FROM ttrss_entries,ttrss_user_entries WHERE id = ? AND ref_id = id AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$id, $owner_uid]); $rv = ''; if ($line = $sth->fetch()) { $line["tags"] = Article::_get_tags($id, $owner_uid, $line["tag_cache"]); unset($line["tag_cache"]); $line["content"] = Sanitizer::sanitize($line["content"], $line['hide_images'], $owner_uid, $line["site_url"], false, $line["id"]); PluginHost::getInstance()->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_RENDER_ARTICLE, function ($result) use (&$line) { $line = $result; }, $line); $line['content'] = DiskCache::rewrite_urls($line['content']); header("Content-Type: text/html"); $rv .= " ".$line["title"]."". javascript_tag("lib/prototype.js"). javascript_tag("js/utility.js")." "; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= "\n"; $rv .= ""; $enclosures = Article::_get_enclosures($line["id"]); list ($og_image, $og_stream) = Article::_get_image($enclosures, $line['content'], $line["site_url"]); if ($og_image) { $rv .= ""; } $rv .= ""; $rv .= "
"; if ($line["link"]) { $rv .= "

" . $line["title"] . "

"; } else { $rv .= "

" . $line["title"] . "

"; } $rv .= "
"; /* header */ $rv .= "
"; $rv .= "
"; # row //$entry_author = $line["author"] ? " - " . $line["author"] : ""; $parsed_updated = TimeHelper::make_local_datetime($line["updated"], true, $owner_uid, true); $rv .= "
"; $rv .= "
"; $rv .= "
"; # row $rv .= "
"; # header /* content */ $lang = $line['lang'] ? $line['lang'] : "en"; $rv .= "
"; /* content body */ $rv .= $line["content"]; /* $rv .= Article::format_article_enclosures($id, $line["always_display_enclosures"], $line["content"], $line["hide_images"]); */ $rv .= "
"; # content $rv .= "
"; # post } PluginHost::getInstance()->chain_hooks_callback(PluginHost::HOOK_FORMAT_ARTICLE, function ($result) use (&$rv) { $rv = $result; }, $rv, $line); return $rv; } function shareDialog() { $id = (int)clean($_REQUEST['id'] ?? 0); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("SELECT uuid FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE int_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$id, $_SESSION['uid']]); if ($row = $sth->fetch()) { $uuid = $row['uuid']; if (!$uuid) { $uuid = uniqid_short(); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE ttrss_user_entries SET uuid = ? WHERE int_id = ? AND owner_uid = ?"); $sth->execute([$uuid, $id, $_SESSION['uid']]); } $url_path = $this->host->get_public_method_url($this, "get", ["key" => $uuid]); ?>