'use strict'; /* eslint-disable new-cap */ /* global __, Article, Headlines, Filters, fox */ /* global xhr, dojo, dijit, PluginHost, Notify, Feeds, Cookie */ /* global CommonDialogs, Plugins */ const App = { _initParams: [], _rpc_seq: 0, hotkey_prefix: 0, hotkey_prefix_pressed: false, hotkey_prefix_timeout: 0, global_unread: -1, _widescreen_mode: false, _loading_progress: 0, hotkey_actions: {}, is_prefs: false, LABEL_BASE_INDEX: -1024, _translations: {}, Hash: { get: function() { return dojo.queryToObject(window.location.hash.substring(1)); }, set: function(params) { const obj = dojo.queryToObject(window.location.hash.substring(1)); window.location.hash = dojo.objectToQuery({...obj, ...params}); } }, l10n: { ngettext: function(msg1, msg2, n) { return self.__((parseInt(n) > 1) ? msg2 : msg1); }, __: function(msg) { return App._translations[msg] ? App._translations[msg] : msg; } }, FormFields: { attributes_to_string: function(attributes) { return Object.keys(attributes).map((k) => `${App.escapeHtml(k)}="${App.escapeHtml(attributes[k])}"`) .join(" "); }, hidden_tag: function(name, value, attributes = {}, id = "") { return `` }, // allow html inside because of icons button_tag: function(value, type, attributes = {}) { return `` }, icon: function(icon, attributes = {}) { return `${icon}`; }, submit_tag: function(value, attributes = {}) { return this.button_tag(value, "submit", {...{class: "alt-primary"}, ...attributes}); }, cancel_dialog_tag: function(value, attributes = {}) { return this.button_tag(value, "", {...{onclick: "App.dialogOf(this).hide()"}, ...attributes}); }, checkbox_tag: function(name, checked = false, value = "", attributes = {}, id = "") { // checked !== '0' prevents mysql "boolean" false to be implicitly cast as true return `` }, select_tag: function(name, value, values = [], attributes = {}, id = "") { return ` ` }, select_hash: function(name, value, values = {}, attributes = {}, id = "") { return ` ` } }, Scrollable: { scrollByPages: function (elem, page_offset) { if (!elem) return; /* keep a line or so from the previous page */ const offset = (elem.offsetHeight - (page_offset > 0 ? 50 : -50)) * page_offset; this.scroll(elem, offset); }, scroll: function(elem, offset) { if (!elem) return; elem.scrollTop += offset; }, isChildVisible: function(elem, ctr) { if (!elem) return; const ctop = ctr.scrollTop; const cbottom = ctop + ctr.offsetHeight; const etop = elem.offsetTop; const ebottom = etop + elem.offsetHeight; return etop >= ctop && ebottom <= cbottom || etop < ctop && ebottom > ctop || ebottom > cbottom && etop < cbottom; }, fitsInContainer: function (elem, ctr) { if (!elem) return; return elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight <= ctr.scrollTop + ctr.offsetHeight && elem.offsetTop >= ctr.scrollTop; }, scrollTo: function (elem, ctr, params = {}) { const force_to_top = params.force_to_top || false; if (!elem || !ctr) return; if (force_to_top || !App.Scrollable.fitsInContainer(elem, ctr)) { ctr.scrollTop = elem.offsetTop; } } }, byId: function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }, find: function(query) { return document.querySelector(query) }, findAll: function(query) { return document.querySelectorAll(query); }, dialogOf: function (elem) { // elem could be a Dijit widget elem = elem.domNode ? elem.domNode : elem; return dijit.getEnclosingWidget(elem.closest('.dijitDialog')); }, getPhArgs(plugin, method, args = {}) { return {...{op: "pluginhandler", plugin: plugin, method: method}, ...args}; }, label_to_feed_id: function(label) { return this.LABEL_BASE_INDEX - 1 - Math.abs(label); }, feed_to_label_id: function(feed) { return this.LABEL_BASE_INDEX - 1 + Math.abs(feed); }, getInitParam: function(k) { return this._initParams[k]; }, setInitParam: function(k, v) { this._initParams[k] = v; }, nightModeChanged: function(is_night, link) { console.log("night mode changed to", is_night); if (link) { const css_override = is_night ? "themes/night.css" : "themes/light.css"; link.setAttribute("href", css_override + "?" + Date.now()); } }, setupNightModeDetection: function(callback) { if (!App.byId("theme_css")) { const mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); try { mql.addEventListener("change", () => { this.nightModeChanged(mql.matches, App.byId("theme_auto_css")); }); } catch (e) { console.warn("exception while trying to set MQL event listener"); } const link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.id = "theme_auto_css"; if (callback) { link.onload = function() { document.querySelector("body").removeClassName("css_loading"); callback(); }; link.onerror = function() { alert("Fatal error while loading application stylesheet: " + link.getAttribute("href")); } } this.nightModeChanged(mql.matches, link); document.querySelector("head").appendChild(link); } else { document.querySelector("body").removeClassName("css_loading"); if (callback) callback(); } }, postCurrentWindow: function(target, params) { const form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", App.getInitParam("self_url_prefix") + "/" + target); for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(params)) { const field = document.createElement("input"); field.setAttribute("name", k); field.setAttribute("value", v); field.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); form.appendChild(field); } document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); form.parentNode.removeChild(form); }, postOpenWindow: function(target, params) { const w = window.open(""); if (w) { w.opener = null; const form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.setAttribute("action", App.getInitParam("self_url_prefix") + "/" + target); for (const [k,v] of Object.entries(params)) { const field = document.createElement("input"); field.setAttribute("name", k); field.setAttribute("value", v); field.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); form.appendChild(field); } w.document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); } }, urlParam: function(name) { try { const results = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href); return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")) || 0; } catch (e) { return 0; } }, next_seq: function() { this._rpc_seq += 1; return this._rpc_seq; }, get_seq: function() { return this._rpc_seq; }, setLoadingProgress: function(p) { this._loading_progress += p; if (dijit.byId("loading_bar")) dijit.byId("loading_bar").update({progress: this._loading_progress}); if (this._loading_progress >= 90) { App.byId("overlay").hide(); } }, isCombinedMode: function() { return this.getInitParam("combined_display_mode"); }, getActionByHotkeySequence: function(sequence) { const hotkeys_map = this.getInitParam("hotkeys"); for (const seq in hotkeys_map[1]) { if (hotkeys_map[1].hasOwnProperty(seq)) { if (seq == sequence) { return hotkeys_map[1][seq]; } } } }, keyeventToAction: function(event) { const hotkeys_map = this.getInitParam("hotkeys"); const keycode = event.which; const keychar = String.fromCharCode(keycode); if (keycode == 27) { // escape and drop prefix this.hotkey_prefix = false; } if (!this.hotkey_prefix && hotkeys_map[0].indexOf(keychar) != -1) { this.hotkey_prefix = keychar; App.byId("cmdline").innerHTML = keychar; Element.show("cmdline"); window.clearTimeout(this.hotkey_prefix_timeout); this.hotkey_prefix_timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.hotkey_prefix = false; Element.hide("cmdline"); }, 3 * 1000); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } Element.hide("cmdline"); let hotkey_name = ""; if (event.type == "keydown") { hotkey_name = "(" + keycode + ")"; // ensure ^*char notation if (event.shiftKey) hotkey_name = "*" + hotkey_name; if (event.ctrlKey) hotkey_name = "^" + hotkey_name; if (event.altKey) hotkey_name = "+" + hotkey_name; if (event.metaKey) hotkey_name = "%" + hotkey_name; } else { hotkey_name = keychar ? keychar : "(" + keycode + ")"; } let hotkey_full = this.hotkey_prefix ? this.hotkey_prefix + " " + hotkey_name : hotkey_name; this.hotkey_prefix = false; let action_name = this.getActionByHotkeySequence(hotkey_full); // check for mode-specific hotkey if (!action_name) { hotkey_full = (this.isCombinedMode() ? "{C}" : "{3}") + hotkey_full; action_name = this.getActionByHotkeySequence(hotkey_full); } console.log('keyeventToAction', hotkey_full, '=>', action_name); return action_name; }, cleanupMemory: function(root) { const dijits = dojo.query("[widgetid]", dijit.byId(root).domNode).map(dijit.byNode); dijits.forEach(function (d) { dojo.destroy(d.domNode); }); App.findAll("#" + root + " *").forEach(function (i) { i.parentNode ? i.parentNode.removeChild(i) : true; }); }, // htmlspecialchars()-alike for headlines data-content attribute escapeHtml: function(p) { if (typeof p == "string") { const map = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; return p.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(m) { return map[m]; }); } else { return p; } }, // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6251937/how-to-get-selecteduser-highlighted-text-in-contenteditable-element-and-replac getSelectedText: function() { let text = ""; if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") { const sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { const container = document.createElement("div"); for (let i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); } text = container.innerHTML; } } else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") { if (document.selection.type == "Text") { text = document.selection.createRange().textText; } } return text.stripTags(); }, displayIfChecked: function(checkbox, elemId) { if (checkbox.checked) { Element.show(elemId); } else { Element.hide(elemId); } }, hotkeyHelp: function() { xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "hotkeyHelp"}, (reply) => { const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({ title: __("Keyboard shortcuts"), content: reply, }); dialog.show(); }); }, handleRpcJson: function(reply) { const netalert = App.find(".net-alert"); if (reply) { const error = reply['error']; const seq = reply['seq']; const message = reply['message']; const counters = reply['counters']; const runtime_info = reply['runtime-info']; if (error && error.code && error.code != App.Error.E_SUCCESS) { console.warn("handleRpcJson: fatal error", error); this.Error.fatal(error.code, error.params); return false; } if (seq && this.get_seq() != seq) { console.warn("handleRpcJson: sequence mismatch: ", seq, '!=', this.get_seq()); return false; } // not in preferences if (typeof Feeds != "undefined") { if (message == "UPDATE_COUNTERS") { console.log("need to refresh counters for", reply.feeds); Feeds.requestCounters(reply.feeds); } if (counters) Feeds.parseCounters(counters); } if (runtime_info) this.parseRuntimeInfo(runtime_info); if (netalert) netalert.hide(); return true; } else { if (netalert) netalert.show(); Notify.error("Communication problem with server."); return false; } }, parseRuntimeInfo: function(data) { Object.keys(data).forEach((k) => { const v = data[k]; console.log("RI:", k, "=>", v); if (k == "daemon_is_running" && v != 1) { Notify.error("Update daemon is not running.", true); return; } if (k == "recent_log_events") { const alert = App.find(".log-alert"); if (alert) { v > 0 ? alert.show() : alert.hide(); } } if (k == "daemon_stamp_ok" && v != 1) { Notify.error("Update daemon is not updating feeds.", true); return; } if (typeof Feeds != "undefined") { if (k == "max_feed_id" || k == "num_feeds") { if (this.getInitParam(k) && this.getInitParam(k) != v) { console.log("feed count changed, need to reload feedlist:", this.getInitParam(k), v); Feeds.reload(); } } } this.setInitParam(k, v); }); PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_RUNTIME_INFO_LOADED, data); }, backendSanityCallback: function(reply) { console.log("sanity check ok"); const params = reply['init-params']; if (params) { console.log('reading init-params...'); Object.keys(params).forEach((k) => { switch (k) { case "label_base_index": this.LABEL_BASE_INDEX = parseInt(params[k]); break; case "cdm_auto_catchup": if (params[k] == 1) { const hl = App.byId("headlines-frame"); if (hl) hl.addClassName("auto_catchup"); } break; case "hotkeys": // filter mnemonic definitions (used for help panel) from hotkeys map // i.e. *(191)|Ctrl-/ -> *(191) { const tmp = []; Object.keys(params[k][1]).forEach((sequence) => { const filtered = sequence.replace(/\|.*$/, ""); tmp[filtered] = params[k][1][sequence]; }); params[k][1] = tmp; } break; } console.log("IP:", k, "=>", params[k]); this.setInitParam(k, params[k]); }); // PluginHost might not be available on non-index pages if (typeof PluginHost !== 'undefined') PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_PARAMS_LOADED, this._initParams); } const translations = reply['translations']; if (translations) { console.log('reading translations...'); App._translations = translations; } this.initSecondStage(); }, Error: { E_SUCCESS: "E_SUCCESS", E_UNAUTHORIZED: "E_UNAUTHORIZED", E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH: "E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH", E_URL_SCHEME_MISMATCH: "E_URL_SCHEME_MISMATCH", fatal: function (error, params = {}) { if (error == App.Error.E_UNAUTHORIZED) { window.location.href = "index.php"; return; } else if (error == App.Error.E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH) { window.location.href = "public.php?op=dbupdate"; return; } else if (error == App.Error.E_URL_SCHEME_MISMATCH) { params.description = __("URL scheme reported by your browser (%a) doesn't match server-configured SELF_URL_PATH (%b), check X-Forwarded-Proto.") .replace("%a", params.client_scheme) .replace("%b", params.server_scheme); params.info = `SELF_URL_PATH: ${params.self_url_path}\nCLIENT_LOCATION: ${document.location.href}` } return this.report(error, {...{title: __("Fatal error")}, ...params}); }, report: function(error, params = {}) { if (!error) return; console.error("error.report:", error, params); const message = params.message ? params.message : error.toString(); try { xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "log", file: params.filename ? params.filename : error.fileName, line: params.lineno ? params.lineno : error.lineNumber, msg: message, context: error.stack}, (reply) => { console.warn("[Error.report] log response", reply); }); } catch (re) { console.error("[Error.report] exception while saving logging error on server", re); } try { const dialog = new fox.SingleUseDialog({ title: params.title || __("Unhandled exception"), content: `


${params.description ? `


` : ''} ${error.stack ? `
${__('Stack trace')}
` : ''} ${params && params.info ? `
${__('Additional information')}
` : ''}
` }); dialog.show(); } catch (de) { console.error("[Error.report] exception while showing error dialog", de); alert(error.stack ? error.stack : message); } }, onWindowError: function (message, filename, lineno, colno, error) { // called without context (this) from window.onerror App.Error.report(error, {message: message, filename: filename, lineno: lineno, colno: colno}); }, }, isPrefs() { return this.is_prefs; }, audioCanPlay: function(ctype) { const a = document.createElement('audio'); return a.canPlayType(ctype); }, init: function(parser, is_prefs) { this.is_prefs = is_prefs; window.onerror = this.Error.onWindowError; this.setInitParam("csrf_token", __csrf_token); this.setupNightModeDetection(() => { parser.parse(); console.log('is_prefs', this.is_prefs); if (!this.checkBrowserFeatures()) return; this.setLoadingProgress(30); this.initHotkeyActions(); const params = { op: "rpc", method: "sanityCheck", clientTzOffset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60, hasSandbox: "sandbox" in document.createElement("iframe"), clientLocation: window.location.href }; xhr.json("backend.php", params, (reply) => { try { this.backendSanityCallback(reply); } catch (e) { this.Error.report(e); } }); }); }, checkBrowserFeatures: function() { let errorMsg = ""; ['MutationObserver'].forEach(function(wf) { if (!(wf in window)) { errorMsg = `Browser feature check failed: window.${wf} not found.`; throw new Error(errorMsg); } }); if (errorMsg) { this.Error.fatal(errorMsg, {info: navigator.userAgent}); } return errorMsg == ""; }, updateRuntimeInfo: function() { xhr.json("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "getruntimeinfo"}, () => { // handled by xhr.json() }); }, initSecondStage: function() { document.onkeydown = (event) => this.hotkeyHandler(event); document.onkeypress = (event) => this.hotkeyHandler(event); if (this.is_prefs) { this.setLoadingProgress(70); Notify.close(); let tab = this.urlParam('tab'); if (tab) { tab = dijit.byId(tab + "Tab"); if (tab) { dijit.byId("pref-tabs").selectChild(tab); const method = this.urlParam("method"); if (method) { switch (method) { case "editfeed": window.setTimeout(() => { CommonDialogs.editFeed(this.urlParam('methodparam')) }, 100); break; default: console.warn("initSecondStage, unknown method:", method); } } } } else { let tab = localStorage.getItem("ttrss:prefs-tab"); if (tab) { tab = dijit.byId(tab); if (tab) { dijit.byId("pref-tabs").selectChild(tab); } } } dojo.connect(dijit.byId("pref-tabs"), "selectChild", function (elem) { localStorage.setItem("ttrss:prefs-tab", elem.id); App.updateRuntimeInfo(); }); } else { Feeds.reload(); Article.close(); if (parseInt(Cookie.get("ttrss_fh_width")) > 0) { dijit.byId("feeds-holder").domNode.setStyle( {width: Cookie.get("ttrss_fh_width") + "px"}); } dijit.byId("main").resize(); dojo.connect(dijit.byId('feeds-holder'), 'resize', (args) => { if (args && args.w >= 0) { Cookie.set("ttrss_fh_width", args.w, this.getInitParam("cookie_lifetime")); } }); dojo.connect(dijit.byId('content-insert'), 'resize', (args) => { if (args && args.w >= 0 && args.h >= 0) { Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_width", args.w, this.getInitParam("cookie_lifetime")); Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_height", args.h, this.getInitParam("cookie_lifetime")); } }); const toolbar = document.forms["toolbar-main"]; dijit.getEnclosingWidget(toolbar.view_mode).attr('value', this.getInitParam("default_view_mode")); dijit.getEnclosingWidget(toolbar.order_by).attr('value', this.getInitParam("default_view_order_by")); this.setLoadingProgress(50); this._widescreen_mode = this.getInitParam("widescreen"); this.setWidescreen(this._widescreen_mode); Headlines.initScrollHandler(); if (this.getInitParam("simple_update")) { console.log("scheduling simple feed updater..."); window.setInterval(() => { Feeds.updateRandom() }, 30 * 1000); } if (this.getInitParam('check_for_updates')) { window.setInterval(() => { this.checkForUpdates(); }, 3600 * 1000); } PluginHost.run(PluginHost.HOOK_INIT_COMPLETE, null); } if (!this.getInitParam("bw_limit")) window.setInterval(() => { App.updateRuntimeInfo(); }, 60 * 1000) console.log("second stage ok"); }, checkForUpdates: function() { console.log('checking for updates...'); xhr.json("backend.php", {op: 'rpc', method: 'checkforupdates'}) .then((reply) => { console.log('update reply', reply); const icon = App.byId("updates-available"); if (reply.changeset.id || reply.plugins.length > 0) { icon.show(); const tips = []; if (reply.changeset.id) tips.push(__("Updates for Tiny Tiny RSS are available.")); if (reply.plugins.length > 0) tips.push(__("Updates for some local plugins are available.")); icon.setAttribute("title", tips.join("\n")); } else { icon.hide(); } }); }, updateTitle: function() { let tmp = "Tiny Tiny RSS"; if (this.global_unread > 0) { tmp = "(" + this.global_unread + ") " + tmp; } document.title = tmp; }, onViewModeChanged: function() { const view_mode = document.forms["toolbar-main"].view_mode.value; App.findAll("body")[0].setAttribute("view-mode", view_mode); return Feeds.reloadCurrent(''); }, hotkeyHandler: function(event) { if (event.target.nodeName == "INPUT" || event.target.nodeName == "TEXTAREA") return; // Arrow buttons and escape are not reported via keypress, handle them via keydown. // escape = 27, left = 37, up = 38, right = 39, down = 40, pgup = 33, pgdn = 34, insert = 45, delete = 46 if (event.type == "keydown" && event.which != 27 && (event.which < 33 || event.which > 46)) return; const action_name = this.keyeventToAction(event); if (action_name) { const action_func = this.hotkey_actions[action_name]; if (action_func != null) { action_func(event); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } } }, setWidescreen: function(wide) { const article_id = Article.getActive(); if (wide) { dijit.byId("headlines-wrap-inner").attr("design", 'sidebar'); dijit.byId("content-insert").attr("region", "trailing"); dijit.byId("content-insert").domNode.setStyle({width: '50%', height: 'auto', borderTopWidth: '0px' }); if (parseInt(Cookie.get("ttrss_ci_width")) > 0) { dijit.byId("content-insert").domNode.setStyle( {width: Cookie.get("ttrss_ci_width") + "px" }); } App.byId("headlines-frame").setStyle({ borderBottomWidth: '0px' }); App.byId("headlines-frame").addClassName("wide"); } else { dijit.byId("content-insert").attr("region", "bottom"); dijit.byId("content-insert").domNode.setStyle({width: 'auto', height: '50%', borderTopWidth: '0px'}); if (parseInt(Cookie.get("ttrss_ci_height")) > 0) { dijit.byId("content-insert").domNode.setStyle( {height: Cookie.get("ttrss_ci_height") + "px" }); } App.byId("headlines-frame").setStyle({ borderBottomWidth: '1px' }); App.byId("headlines-frame").removeClassName("wide"); } Article.close(); if (article_id) Article.view(article_id); xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "setWidescreen", wide: wide ? 1 : 0}); }, initHotkeyActions: function() { if (this.is_prefs) { this.hotkey_actions["feed_subscribe"] = () => { CommonDialogs.subscribeToFeed(); }; this.hotkey_actions["create_label"] = () => { CommonDialogs.addLabel(); }; this.hotkey_actions["create_filter"] = () => { Filters.edit(); }; this.hotkey_actions["help_dialog"] = () => { this.hotkeyHelp(); }; } else { this.hotkey_actions["next_feed"] = () => { const rv = dijit.byId("feedTree").getNextFeed( Feeds.getActive(), Feeds.activeIsCat()); if (rv) Feeds.open({feed: rv[0], is_cat: rv[1], delayed: true}) }; this.hotkey_actions["prev_feed"] = () => { const rv = dijit.byId("feedTree").getPreviousFeed( Feeds.getActive(), Feeds.activeIsCat()); if (rv) Feeds.open({feed: rv[0], is_cat: rv[1], delayed: true}) }; this.hotkey_actions["next_article_or_scroll"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scroll(Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); else Headlines.move('next'); }; this.hotkey_actions["prev_article_or_scroll"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scroll(-Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); else Headlines.move('prev'); }; this.hotkey_actions["next_article_noscroll"] = () => { Headlines.move('next'); }; this.hotkey_actions["prev_article_noscroll"] = () => { Headlines.move('prev'); }; this.hotkey_actions["next_article_noexpand"] = () => { Headlines.move('next', {no_expand: true}); }; this.hotkey_actions["prev_article_noexpand"] = () => { Headlines.move('prev', {no_expand: true}); }; this.hotkey_actions["search_dialog"] = () => { Feeds.search(); }; this.hotkey_actions["cancel_search"] = () => { Feeds.cancelSearch(); }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_mark"] = () => { Headlines.selectionToggleMarked(); }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_publ"] = () => { Headlines.selectionTogglePublished(); }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_unread"] = () => { Headlines.selectionToggleUnread({no_error: 1}); }; this.hotkey_actions["edit_tags"] = () => { const id = Article.getActive(); if (id) { Article.editTags(id); } }; this.hotkey_actions["open_in_new_window"] = () => { if (Article.getActive()) { Article.openInNewWindow(Article.getActive()); } }; this.hotkey_actions["catchup_below"] = () => { Headlines.catchupRelativeTo(1); }; this.hotkey_actions["catchup_above"] = () => { Headlines.catchupRelativeTo(0); }; this.hotkey_actions["article_scroll_down"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scroll(Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); else Article.scroll(Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["article_scroll_up"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scroll(-Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); else Article.scroll(-Headlines.line_scroll_offset, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["next_headlines_page"] = (event) => { Headlines.scrollByPages(1, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["prev_headlines_page"] = (event) => { Headlines.scrollByPages(-1, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["article_page_down"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scrollByPages(1, event); else Article.scrollByPages(1, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["article_page_up"] = (event) => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) Headlines.scrollByPages(-1, event); else Article.scrollByPages(-1, event); }; this.hotkey_actions["close_article"] = () => { if (this.isCombinedMode()) { Article.cdmUnsetActive(); } else { Article.close(); } }; this.hotkey_actions["email_article"] = () => { if (typeof Plugins.Mail != "undefined") { Plugins.Mail.onHotkey(Headlines.getSelected()); } else { alert(__("Please enable mail or mailto plugin first.")); } }; this.hotkey_actions["select_all"] = () => { Headlines.select('all'); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_unread"] = () => { Headlines.select('unread'); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_marked"] = () => { Headlines.select('marked'); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_published"] = () => { Headlines.select('published'); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_invert"] = () => { Headlines.select('invert'); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_none"] = () => { Headlines.select('none'); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_refresh"] = () => { if (typeof Feeds.getActive() != "undefined") { Feeds.open({feed: Feeds.getActive(), is_cat: Feeds.activeIsCat()}); } }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_unhide_read"] = () => { Feeds.toggleUnread(); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_subscribe"] = () => { CommonDialogs.subscribeToFeed(); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_debug_update"] = () => { if (!Feeds.activeIsCat() && parseInt(Feeds.getActive()) > 0) { /* global __csrf_token */ App.postOpenWindow("backend.php", {op: "feeds", method: "updatedebugger", feed_id: Feeds.getActive(), csrf_token: __csrf_token}); } else { alert("You can't debug this kind of feed."); } }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_debug_viewfeed"] = () => { App.postOpenWindow("backend.php", {op: "feeds", method: "view", feed: Feeds.getActive(), timestamps: 1, debug: 1, cat: Feeds.activeIsCat(), csrf_token: __csrf_token}); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_edit"] = () => { if (Feeds.activeIsCat()) alert(__("You can't edit this kind of feed.")); else CommonDialogs.editFeed(Feeds.getActive()); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_catchup"] = () => { if (typeof Feeds.getActive() != "undefined") { Feeds.catchupCurrent(); } }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_reverse"] = () => { Headlines.reverse(); }; this.hotkey_actions["feed_toggle_vgroup"] = () => { xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "togglepref", key: "VFEED_GROUP_BY_FEED"}, () => { Feeds.reloadCurrent(); }) }; this.hotkey_actions["catchup_all"] = () => { Feeds.catchupAll(); }; this.hotkey_actions["cat_toggle_collapse"] = () => { if (Feeds.activeIsCat()) { dijit.byId("feedTree").collapseCat(Feeds.getActive()); } }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_read"] = () => { Feeds.open({feed: -6}); }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_all"] = () => { Feeds.open({feed: -4}); }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_fresh"] = () => { Feeds.open({feed: -3}); }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_marked"] = () => { Feeds.open({feed: -1}); }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_published"] = () => { Feeds.open({feed: -2}); }; this.hotkey_actions["goto_prefs"] = () => { App.openPreferences(); }; this.hotkey_actions["select_article_cursor"] = () => { const id = Article.getUnderPointer(); if (id) { const row = App.byId(`RROW-${id}`); if (row) row.toggleClassName("Selected"); } }; this.hotkey_actions["create_label"] = () => { CommonDialogs.addLabel(); }; this.hotkey_actions["create_filter"] = () => { Filters.edit(); }; this.hotkey_actions["collapse_sidebar"] = () => { Feeds.toggle(); }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_full_text"] = () => { if (typeof Plugins.Af_Readability != "undefined") { if (Article.getActive()) Plugins.Af_Readability.embed(Article.getActive()); } else { alert(__("Please enable af_readability first.")); } }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_widescreen"] = () => { if (!this.isCombinedMode()) { this._widescreen_mode = !this._widescreen_mode; // reset stored sizes because geometry changed Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_width", 0); Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_height", 0); this.setWidescreen(this._widescreen_mode); } else { alert(__("Widescreen is not available in combined mode.")); } }; this.hotkey_actions["help_dialog"] = () => { this.hotkeyHelp(); }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_combined_mode"] = () => { const value = this.isCombinedMode() ? "false" : "true"; xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "setpref", key: "COMBINED_DISPLAY_MODE", value: value}, () => { this.setInitParam("combined_display_mode", !this.getInitParam("combined_display_mode")); Article.close(); Headlines.renderAgain(); }) }; this.hotkey_actions["toggle_cdm_expanded"] = () => { const value = this.getInitParam("cdm_expanded") ? "false" : "true"; xhr.post("backend.php", {op: "rpc", method: "setpref", key: "CDM_EXPANDED", value: value}, () => { this.setInitParam("cdm_expanded", !this.getInitParam("cdm_expanded")); Headlines.renderAgain(); }); }; } }, openPreferences: function(tab) { document.location.href = "prefs.php" + (tab ? "?tab=" + tab : ""); }, onActionSelected: function(opid) { switch (opid) { case "qmcPrefs": App.openPreferences(); break; case "qmcLogout": App.postCurrentWindow("public.php", {op: "logout", csrf_token: __csrf_token}); break; case "qmcSearch": Feeds.search(); break; case "qmcAddFeed": CommonDialogs.subscribeToFeed(); break; case "qmcDigest": window.location.href = "backend.php?op=digest"; break; case "qmcEditFeed": if (Feeds.activeIsCat()) alert(__("You can't edit this kind of feed.")); else CommonDialogs.editFeed(Feeds.getActive()); break; case "qmcRemoveFeed": { const actid = Feeds.getActive(); if (!actid) { alert(__("Please select some feed first.")); return; } if (Feeds.activeIsCat()) { alert(__("You can't unsubscribe from the category.")); return; } const fn = Feeds.getName(actid); if (confirm(__("Unsubscribe from %s?").replace("%s", fn))) { CommonDialogs.unsubscribeFeed(actid); } } break; case "qmcCatchupAll": Feeds.catchupAll(); break; case "qmcShowOnlyUnread": Feeds.toggleUnread(); break; case "qmcToggleWidescreen": if (!this.isCombinedMode()) { this._widescreen_mode = !this._widescreen_mode; // reset stored sizes because geometry changed Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_width", 0); Cookie.set("ttrss_ci_height", 0); this.setWidescreen(this._widescreen_mode); } else { alert(__("Widescreen is not available in combined mode.")); } break; case "qmcHKhelp": this.hotkeyHelp() break; default: console.log("quickMenuGo: unknown action: " + opid); } }, }