/* Copyright (c) 2012 Gildas Lormeau. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JCRAFT, INC. OR ANY CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ (function() { var CHUNK_SIZE = 512 * 1024; var FileWriter = zip.FileWriter, // TextWriter = zip.TextWriter, // BlobWriter = zip.BlobWriter, // Data64URIWriter = zip.Data64URIWriter, // Reader = zip.Reader, // TextReader = zip.TextReader, // BlobReader = zip.BlobReader, // Data64URIReader = zip.Data64URIReader, // HttpRangeReader = zip.HttpRangeReader, // HttpReader = zip.HttpReader, // createReader = zip.createReader, // createWriter = zip.createWriter; function ZipBlobReader(entry) { var that = this, blobReader; function init(callback, onerror) { this.size = entry.uncompressedSize; callback(); } function getData(callback) { if (that.data) callback(); else entry.getData(new BlobWriter(), function(data) { that.data = data; blobReader = new BlobReader(data); callback(); }, null, that.checkCrc32); } function readUint8Array(index, length, callback, onerror) { getData(function() { blobReader.readUint8Array(index, length, callback, onerror); }, onerror); } that.size = 0; that.init = init; that.readUint8Array = readUint8Array; } ZipBlobReader.prototype = new Reader(); ZipBlobReader.prototype.constructor = ZipBlobReader; ZipBlobReader.prototype.checkCrc32 = false; function getTotalSize(entry) { var size = 0; function process(entry) { size += entry.uncompressedSize || 0; entry.children.forEach(process); } process(entry); return size; } function initReaders(entry, onend, onerror) { var index = 0; function next() { var child = entry.children[index]; index++; if (index < entry.children.length) process(entry.children[index]); else onend(); } function process(child) { if (child.directory) initReaders(child, next, onerror); else { child.reader = new child.Reader(child.data, onerror); child.reader.init(function() { child.uncompressedSize = child.reader.size; next(); }); } } if (entry.children.length) process(entry.children[index]); else onend(); } function detach(entry) { var children = entry.parent.children; children.forEach(function(child, index) { if (child.id == entry.id) children.splice(index, 1); }); } function exportZip(zipWriter, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize) { var currentIndex = 0; function process(zipWriter, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize) { var childIndex = 0; function exportChild() { var child = entry.children[childIndex]; if (child) zipWriter.add(child.getFullname(), child.reader, function() { currentIndex += child.uncompressedSize || 0; process(zipWriter, child, function() { childIndex++; exportChild(); }, onprogress, totalSize); }, function(index) { if (onprogress) onprogress(currentIndex + index, totalSize); }, { directory : child.directory, version : child.zipVersion }); else onend(); } exportChild(); } process(zipWriter, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize); } function addFileEntry(zipEntry, fileEntry, onend, onerror) { function getChildren(fileEntry, callback) { if (fileEntry.isDirectory) fileEntry.createReader().readEntries(callback); if (fileEntry.isFile) callback([]); } function process(zipEntry, fileEntry, onend) { getChildren(fileEntry, function(children) { var childIndex = 0; function addChild(child) { function nextChild(childFileEntry) { process(childFileEntry, child, function() { childIndex++; processChild(); }); } if (child.isDirectory) nextChild(zipEntry.addDirectory(child.name)); if (child.isFile) child.file(function(file) { var childZipEntry = zipEntry.addBlob(child.name, file); childZipEntry.uncompressedSize = file.size; nextChild(childZipEntry); }, onerror); } function processChild() { var child = children[childIndex]; if (child) addChild(child); else onend(); } processChild(); }); } if (fileEntry.isDirectory) process(zipEntry, fileEntry, onend); else fileEntry.file(function(file) { zipEntry.addBlob(fileEntry.name, file); onend(); }, onerror); } function getFileEntry(fileEntry, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize, checkCrc32) { var currentIndex = 0, rootEntry; function process(fileEntry, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize) { var childIndex = 0; function addChild(child) { function nextChild(childFileEntry) { currentIndex += child.uncompressedSize || 0; process(childFileEntry, child, function() { childIndex++; processChild(); }, onprogress, totalSize); } if (child.directory) fileEntry.getDirectory(child.name, { create : true }, nextChild, onerror); else fileEntry.getFile(child.name, { create : true }, function(file) { child.getData(new FileWriter(file, zip.getMimeType(child.name)), nextChild, function(index, max) { if (onprogress) onprogress(currentIndex + index, totalSize); }, checkCrc32); }, onerror); } function processChild() { var child = entry.children[childIndex]; if (child) addChild(child); else onend(); } processChild(); } if (entry.directory) process(fileEntry, entry, onend, onprogress, totalSize); else entry.getData(new FileWriter(fileEntry, zip.getMimeType(entry.name)), onend, onprogress, checkCrc32); } function resetFS(fs) { fs.entries = []; fs.root = new ZipDirectoryEntry(fs); } function bufferedCopy(reader, writer, onend, onprogress, onerror) { var chunkIndex = 0; function stepCopy() { var index = chunkIndex * CHUNK_SIZE; if (onprogress) onprogress(index, reader.size); if (index < reader.size) reader.readUint8Array(index, Math.min(CHUNK_SIZE, reader.size - index), function(array) { writer.writeUint8Array(new Uint8Array(array), function() { chunkIndex++; stepCopy(); }); }, onerror); else writer.getData(onend); } stepCopy(); } function getEntryData(writer, onend, onprogress, onerror) { var that = this; if (!writer || (writer.constructor == that.Writer && that.data)) onend(that.data); else { if (!that.reader) that.reader = new that.Reader(that.data, onerror); that.reader.init(function() { writer.init(function() { bufferedCopy(that.reader, writer, onend, onprogress, onerror); }, onerror); }); } } function addChild(parent, name, params, directory) { if (parent.directory) return directory ? new ZipDirectoryEntry(parent.fs, name, params, parent) : new ZipFileEntry(parent.fs, name, params, parent); else throw "Parent entry is not a directory."; } function ZipEntry() { } ZipEntry.prototype = { init : function(fs, name, params, parent) { var that = this; if (fs.root && parent && parent.getChildByName(name)) throw "Entry filename already exists."; if (!params) params = {}; that.fs = fs; that.name = name; that.id = fs.entries.length; that.parent = parent; that.children = []; that.zipVersion = params.zipVersion || 0x14; that.uncompressedSize = 0; fs.entries.push(that); if (parent) that.parent.children.push(that); }, getFileEntry : function(fileEntry, onend, onprogress, onerror, checkCrc32) { var that = this; initReaders(that, function() { getFileEntry(fileEntry, that, onend, onprogress, getTotalSize(that), checkCrc32); }, onerror); }, moveTo : function(target) { var that = this; if (target.directory) { if (!target.isDescendantOf(that)) { if (that != target) { if (target.getChildByName(that.name)) throw "Entry filename already exists."; detach(that); that.parent = target; target.children.push(that); } } else throw "Entry is a ancestor of target entry."; } else throw "Target entry is not a directory."; }, getFullname : function() { var that = this, fullname = that.name, entry = that.parent; while (entry) { fullname = (entry.name ? entry.name + "/" : "") + fullname; entry = entry.parent; } return fullname; }, isDescendantOf : function(ancestor) { var entry = this.parent; while (entry && entry.id != ancestor.id) entry = entry.parent; return !!entry; } }; ZipEntry.prototype.constructor = ZipEntry; var ZipFileEntryProto; function ZipFileEntry(fs, name, params, parent) { var that = this; ZipEntry.prototype.init.call(that, fs, name, params, parent); that.Reader = params.Reader; that.Writer = params.Writer; that.data = params.data; that.getData = params.getData || getEntryData; } ZipFileEntry.prototype = ZipFileEntryProto = new ZipEntry(); ZipFileEntryProto.constructor = ZipFileEntry; ZipFileEntryProto.getText = function(onend, onprogress, checkCrc32) { this.getData(new TextWriter(), onend, onprogress, checkCrc32); }; ZipFileEntryProto.getBlob = function(mimeType, onend, onprogress, checkCrc32) { this.getData(new BlobWriter(mimeType), onend, onprogress, checkCrc32); }; ZipFileEntryProto.getData64URI = function(mimeType, onend, onprogress, checkCrc32) { this.getData(new Data64URIWriter(mimeType), onend, onprogress, checkCrc32); }; var ZipDirectoryEntryProto; function ZipDirectoryEntry(fs, name, params, parent) { var that = this; ZipEntry.prototype.init.call(that, fs, name, params, parent); that.directory = true; } ZipDirectoryEntry.prototype = ZipDirectoryEntryProto = new ZipEntry(); ZipDirectoryEntryProto.constructor = ZipDirectoryEntry; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addDirectory = function(name) { return addChild(this, name, null, true); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addText = function(name, text) { return addChild(this, name, { data : text, Reader : TextReader, Writer : TextWriter }); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addBlob = function(name, blob) { return addChild(this, name, { data : blob, Reader : BlobReader, Writer : BlobWriter }); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addData64URI = function(name, dataURI) { return addChild(this, name, { data : dataURI, Reader : Data64URIReader, Writer : Data64URIWriter }); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addHttpContent = function(name, URL, useRangeHeader) { return addChild(this, name, { data : URL, Reader : useRangeHeader ? HttpRangeReader : HttpReader }); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addFileEntry = function(fileEntry, onend, onerror) { addFileEntry(this, fileEntry, onend, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.addData = function(name, params) { return addChild(this, name, params); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.importBlob = function(blob, onend, onerror) { this.importZip(new BlobReader(blob), onend, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.importText = function(text, onend, onerror) { this.importZip(new TextReader(text), onend, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.importData64URI = function(dataURI, onend, onerror) { this.importZip(new Data64URIReader(dataURI), onend, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.importHttpContent = function(URL, useRangeHeader, onend, onerror) { this.importZip(useRangeHeader ? new HttpRangeReader(URL) : new HttpReader(URL), onend, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.exportBlob = function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.exportZip(new BlobWriter("application/zip"), onend, onprogress, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.exportText = function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.exportZip(new TextWriter(), onend, onprogress, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.exportFileEntry = function(fileEntry, onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.exportZip(new FileWriter(fileEntry, "application/zip"), onend, onprogress, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.exportData64URI = function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.exportZip(new Data64URIWriter("application/zip"), onend, onprogress, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.importZip = function(reader, onend, onerror) { var that = this; createReader(reader, function(zipReader) { zipReader.getEntries(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function(entry) { var parent = that, path = entry.filename.split("/"), name = path.pop(); path.forEach(function(pathPart) { parent = parent.getChildByName(pathPart) || new ZipDirectoryEntry(that.fs, pathPart, null, parent); }); if (!entry.directory) addChild(parent, name, { data : entry, Reader : ZipBlobReader }); }); onend(); }); }, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.exportZip = function(writer, onend, onprogress, onerror) { var that = this; initReaders(that, function() { createWriter(writer, function(zipWriter) { exportZip(zipWriter, that, function() { zipWriter.close(onend); }, onprogress, getTotalSize(that)); }, onerror); }, onerror); }; ZipDirectoryEntryProto.getChildByName = function(name) { var childIndex, child, that = this; for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < that.children.length; childIndex++) { child = that.children[childIndex]; if (child.name == name) return child; } }; function FS() { resetFS(this); } FS.prototype = { remove : function(entry) { detach(entry); this.entries[entry.id] = null; }, find : function(fullname) { var index, path = fullname.split("/"), node = this.root; for (index = 0; node && index < path.length; index++) node = node.getChildByName(path[index]); return node; }, getById : function(id) { return this.entries[id]; }, importBlob : function(blob, onend, onerror) { resetFS(this); this.root.importBlob(blob, onend, onerror); }, importText : function(text, onend, onerror) { resetFS(this); this.root.importText(text, onend, onerror); }, importData64URI : function(dataURI, onend, onerror) { resetFS(this); this.root.importData64URI(dataURI, onend, onerror); }, importHttpContent : function(URL, useRangeHeader, onend, onerror) { resetFS(this); this.root.importHttpContent(URL, useRangeHeader, onend, onerror); }, exportBlob : function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.root.exportBlob(onend, onprogress, onerror); }, exportText : function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.root.exportText(onend, onprogress, onerror); }, exportFileEntry : function(fileEntry, onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.root.exportFileEntry(fileEntry, onend, onprogress, onerror); }, exportData64URI : function(onend, onprogress, onerror) { this.root.exportData64URI(onend, onprogress, onerror); } }; zip.fs = { FS : FS }; zip.getMimeType = function() { return "application/octet-stream"; }; })();