getMessage()); } } // Create app. $app = new App(); /** @var Container $container */ $container = $app->getContainer(); // Load config. $config = Config::getInstance(); if ($config->uglyUrls) { $container['router'] = new UglyRouter(); } if ($config->debug) { /* We want to enable this as soon as possible, in order to catch errors that are thrown before the Slim error handler is ready. */ Debug::enable(); } // Locales. if (!class_exists('Locale')) { die('You need to install the intl extension for PHP.'); } $container['locale'] = LocaleManager::getInstance(); $app->add(new LocaleMiddleware($container)); // Smarty. try { $container['view'] = ViewFactory::create($container); } catch (SmartyException $e) { die('Could not load Smarty: ' . $e->getMessage()); } // Controllers. $frontController = new FrontController($container); $jsonController = new JsonController($container); $downloadController = new DownloadController($container); // Error handling. $container['errorHandler'] = [$frontController, 'error']; $container['phpErrorHandler'] = [$frontController, 'error']; // Routes. $app->get( '/', [$frontController, 'index'] )->setName('index'); $app->get( '/extractors', [$frontController, 'extractors'] )->setName('extractors'); $app->any( '/info', [$frontController, 'info'] )->setName('info'); $app->any( '/watch', [$frontController, 'info'] ); $app->any( '/download', [$downloadController, 'download'] )->setName('download'); $app->get( '/locale/{locale}', [$frontController, 'locale'] )->setName('locale'); $app->get( '/json', [$jsonController, 'json'] )->setName('json'); try { $app->run(); } catch (SmartyException $e) { die('Smarty could not compile the template file: ' . $e->getMessage()); } catch (Throwable $e) { // Last resort if the error has not been caught by the error handler for some reason. die('Error when starting the app: ' . htmlentities($e->getMessage())); }