# Frequently asked questions ## My browser plays the video instead of downloading it Most recent browsers automatically play a video if it is a format they know how to play. You can usually download the video by doing *File > Save to* or *ctrl + S*. ## [alltubedownload.net](https://alltubedownload.net) is too slow [alltubedownload.net](https://alltubedownload.net) is hosted on a free [Heroku server](https://www.heroku.com/pricing) so it has low RAM and CPU. AllTube probably won't switch to a more expensive hosting because this project does not earn any financial resources (although [donations are welcome](https://liberapay.com/Rudloff/)) and you are encouraged to host it yourself. ## alltubedownload.net often says "An error occurred in the application…" See above. ## Change config parameters You need to create a YAML file called `config.yml` in the `config/` folder. See [`config.example.yml`](../config/config.example.yml) for a list of parameters you can set and their default value. ## Enable audio conversion In order to enable audio conversion, you need to add this to your `config.yml` file: ```yaml convert: true ffmpeg: path/to/ffmpeg ``` You will also need to install `ffmpeg` on your server: ```bash sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ``` ## Deploy AllTube on Heroku Create a dyno with the following buildpacks: * `heroku/php` * `heroku/python` You might also need to add the following config variables: ```env CONVERT=1 PYTHON=/app/.heroku/python/bin/python ``` Then push the code to Heroku and it should work out of the box. ## I can't download videos from some websites (e.g. Dailymotion) Some websites generate an unique video URL for each IP address. When using AllTube, the URL is generated for our server's IP address and your computer is not allowed to use it. (This is also known to happen with Vevo YouTube videos.) There are two known workarounds: * You can run AllTube locally on your computer. * You can enable streaming videos through the server (see below). Please note that this can use a lot of resources on the server (which is why we won't enable it on alltubedownload.net). ## I get a 404 error on every page except the index This is probably because your server does not have [mod_rewrite](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html) or [AllowOverride](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#allowoverride) is disabled. You can work around this by adding this to your `config.yml` file: ```yaml uglyUrls: true ``` ## Enable streaming videos through the server You need to add this to your `config.yml` file: ```yaml stream: true ``` Note that this can use a lot of resources on your server. ## Download M3U videos You need to enable streaming (see above). ## The downloaded videos have a strange name like `videoplayback.mp4` AllTube can rename videos automatically if you enable streaming (see above). ## Download a video that isn't available in my country If the video is available in the server's country, you can download it if you enable streaming (see above). ## Run the Docker image ```bash docker run -p 8080:80 rudloff/alltube ``` ## Download 1080p videos from Youtube Youtube distributes HD content in two separate video and audio files. So AllTube will offer you video-only and audio-only formats in the format list. You then need to merge them together with a tool like ffmpeg. You can also enable the experimental remux mode that will merge the best video and the best audio format on the fly: ```yaml remux: true ``` ## Convert videos to something other than MP3 By default the `convert` option only allows converting to MP3, in order to keep things simple and resources usage low. However, you can use the `convertAdvanced` option like this: ```yaml convertAdvanced: true convertAdvancedFormats: [mp3, avi, flv, wav] ``` This will add new inputs on the download page that allow users to converted videos to other formats. ## Use other youtube-dl generic formats (e.g. `bestaudio`) You can add new formats by using the `genericFormats` option, for example: ```yaml genericFormats: bestaudio: Best audio ``` These will be available on every video page.