
54 lines
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<h1><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> General Settings</h1>
<% if (updateReady && !canAutoUpdate) { %>
<h2 class="action-color">Update</h2>
<div>New app version was released and downloaded. <a href="<%= releaseNotesLink %>" target="_blank">View release notes</a></div>
<div class="settings__general-update-buttons">
<button class="settings__general-restart-btn">Reload to update</button>
<% } else if (updateManual) { %>
<h2 class="action-color">Update</h2>
<div>New version has been released. It will check for updates and install them automatically
but auto-upgrading from your version is impossible.</div>
<div class="settings__general-update-buttons">
<button class="settings__general-download-update-btn">Download update</button>
<% } %>
<label for="settings__general-theme">Theme:</label>
<select class="settings__general-theme settings__select input-base" id="settings__general-theme">
<% _.forEach(themes, function(name, key) { %>
<option value="<%= key %>" <%= key === activeTheme ? 'selected' : '' %>><%- name %></option>
<% }); %>
<input type="checkbox" class="settings__input input-base settings__general-expand" id="settings__general-expand" <%- expandGroups ? 'checked' : '' %> />
<label for="settings__general-expand">Show entries from all subgroups</label>
<% if (canAutoUpdate && !updateManual) { %>
<input type="checkbox" class="settings__input settings__general-auto-update" id="settings__general-auto-update" <%- autoUpdate ? 'checked' : '' %> />
<label for="settings__general-auto-update">Automatic updates</label>
<div><%- updateInfo %></div>
<a href="<%= releaseNotesLink %>" target="_blank">View release notes</a>
<div class="settings__general-update-buttons">
<% if (updateInProgress) { %>
<button class="settings__general-update-btn btn-silent" disabled>Checking for updates</button>
<% } else { %>
<button class="settings__general-update-btn btn-silent">Check for updates</button>
<% } %>
<% if (updateReady) { %>
<button class="settings__general-restart-btn">Restart to update</button>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (devTools) { %>
<a class="settings__general-dev-tools-link">Show dev tools</a>
<% } %>