
625 lines
26 KiB

import { Model } from 'util/model';
import { SettingsStore } from 'comp/settings/settings-store';
import { noop } from 'util/fn';
import { Logger } from 'util/logger';
import { NonFunctionPropertyNames, PropertiesOfType } from 'util/types';
import {
} from 'util/generators/password-generator';
const logger = new Logger('app-settings');
let changeListener: () => void;
export type AppSettingsAutoUpdate = 'install' | 'check';
export type AppSettingsRememberKeyFiles = 'path' | 'data';
export type AppSettingsTitlebarStyle = 'default' | 'hidden' | 'hidden-inset';
export type AppSettingsDeviceOwnerAuth = 'memory' | 'file';
export type AppSettingsFontSize = 0 | 1 | 2;
class AppSettings extends Model {
theme: string | null = null; // UI theme
autoSwitchTheme = false; // automatically switch between light and dark theme
locale: string | null = null; // user interface language
expandGroups = true; // show entries from all subgroups
listViewWidth: number | null = null; // width of the entry list representation
menuViewWidth: number | null = null; // width of the left menu
tagsViewHeight: number | null = null; // tags menu section height
autoUpdate: AppSettingsAutoUpdate | null = 'install'; // auto-update options
clipboardSeconds = 0; // number of seconds after which the clipboard will be cleared
autoSave = true; // auto-save open files
autoSaveInterval = 0; // interval between performing automatic sync, minutes, -1: on every change
rememberKeyFiles: AppSettingsRememberKeyFiles | null = 'path'; // remember keyfiles selected on the Open screen
idleMinutes = 15; // app lock timeout after inactivity, minutes
minimizeOnClose = false; // minimise the app instead of closing
minimizeOnFieldCopy = false; // minimise the app on copy
tableView = false; // view entries as a table instead of list
colorfulIcons = false; // use colorful custom icons instead of grayscale
useMarkdown = true; // use Markdown in Notes field
directAutotype = true; // if only one matching entry is found, select that one automatically
autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled = true; // enable the title filtering in auto-type by default
titlebarStyle: AppSettingsTitlebarStyle = 'default'; // window titlebar style
lockOnMinimize = true; // lock the app when it's minimized
lockOnCopy = false; // lock the app after a password was copied
lockOnAutoType = false; // lock the app after performing auto-type
lockOnOsLock = false; // lock the app when the computer is locked
helpTipCopyShown = false; // disable the tooltip about copying fields
templateHelpShown = false; // disable the tooltip about entry templates
skipOpenLocalWarn = false; // disable the warning about opening a local file
hideEmptyFields = false; // hide empty fields in entries
skipHttpsWarning = false; // disable the non-HTTPS warning
demoOpened = false; // hide the demo button inside the More... menu
fontSize: AppSettingsFontSize = 0; // font size
tableViewColumns: string[] | null = null; // columns displayed in the table view
generatorPresets: PasswordGeneratorAppSetting | null = null; // presets used in the password generator
generatorHidePassword = false; // hide password in the generator
cacheConfigSettings = false; // cache config settings and use them if the config can't be loaded
allowIframes = false; // allow displaying the app in IFrames
useGroupIconForEntries = false; // automatically use group icon when creating new entries
enableUsb = true; // enable interaction with USB devices
fieldLabelDblClickAutoType = false; // trigger auto-type by doubleclicking field label
auditPasswords = true; // enable password audit
auditPasswordEntropy = true; // show warnings for weak passwords
excludePinsFromAudit = true; // exclude PIN codes from audit
checkPasswordsOnHIBP = false; // check passwords on Have I Been Pwned
auditPasswordAge = 0; // show warnings about old passwords, number of years, 0 = disabled
deviceOwnerAuth: AppSettingsDeviceOwnerAuth | null = null; // where to save password encrypted with Touch ID
deviceOwnerAuthTimeoutMinutes = 0; // how often master password is required with Touch ID
disableOfflineStorage = false; // don't cache loaded files in offline storage
shortLivedStorageToken = false; // short-lived sessions in cloud storage providers
extensionFocusIfLocked = true; // focus KeeWeb if a browser extension tries to connect while KeeWeb is locked
extensionFocusIfEmpty = true; // show the entry selection screen if there's no match found by URL
yubiKeyShowIcon = true; // show an icon to open OTP codes from YubiKey
yubiKeyAutoOpen = false; // auto-load one-time codes when there are open files
yubiKeyMatchEntries = true; // show matching one-time codes in entries
yubiKeyShowChalResp = true; // show YubiKey challenge-response option
yubiKeyRememberChalResp = false; // remember YubiKey challenge-response codes while the app is open
yubiKeyStuckWorkaround = false; // enable the workaround for stuck YubiKeys
canOpen = true; // can select and open new files
canOpenDemo = true; // can open a demo file
canOpenSettings = true; // can go to settings
canCreate = true; // can create new files
canImportXml = true; // can import files from XML
canImportCsv = true; // can import files from CSV
canRemoveLatest = true; // can remove files from the recent file list
canExportXml = true; // can export files as XML
canExportHtml = true; // can export files as HTML
canSaveTo = true; // can save existing files to filesystem
canOpenStorage = true; // can open files from cloud storage providers
canOpenGenerator = true; // can open password generator
canOpenOtpDevice = true; // can open OTP codes from USB tokens
globalShortcutCopyPassword: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to copy password
globalShortcutCopyUser: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to copy username
globalShortcutCopyUrl: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to copy website
globalShortcutCopyOtp: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to copy otp
globalShortcutAutoType: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to launch auto-type
globalShortcutRestoreApp: string | null = null; // system-wide shortcut to show the app
dropbox = true; // enable Dropbox integration
dropboxFolder: string | null = null; // default folder path
dropboxAppKey: string | null = null; // custom Dropbox app key
dropboxSecret: string | null = null; // custom Dropbox app secret
webdav = true; // enable WebDAV integration
webdavSaveMethod: 'move' | 'put' = 'move'; // how to save files with WebDAV
webdavStatReload = false; // WebDAV: reload the file instead of relying on Last-Modified
gdrive = true; // enable Google Drive integration
gdriveClientId: string | null = null; // custom Google Drive client id
gdriveClientSecret: string | null = null; // custom Google Drive client secret
onedrive = true; // enable OneDrive integration
onedriveClientId: string | null = null; // custom OneDrive client id
onedriveClientSecret: string | null = null; // custom OneDrive client secret
async init(): Promise<void> {
await this.load();
changeListener = () =>;
this.on('change', changeListener);
disableSaveOnChange(): void {'change', changeListener);
private async load() {
const data = await SettingsStore.load('app-settings');
if (data) {
const record = data as Record<string, unknown>;
this.batchSet(() => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) {
if (!this.set(key as NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>, value)) {
logger.warn('Bad setting', key, value);
private static upgrade(data: Record<string, unknown>): void {
if (data.rememberKeyFiles === true) {
data.rememberKeyFiles = 'data';
if (data.locale === 'en') {
data.locale = 'en-US';
if (data.theme === 'macdark') {
data.theme = 'dark';
if (data.theme === 'wh') {
data.theme = 'light';
if (data.autoUpdate === true) {
data.autoUpdate = 'check';
toJSON(): Record<string, unknown> {
const values: Record<string, unknown> = {};
const defaultValues = new AppSettings();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this)) {
if (defaultValues[key as keyof AppSettings] !== value) {
values[key] = value;
return values;
async save(): Promise<void> {
await'app-settings', this).catch(noop);
set(key: NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>, value: unknown): boolean {
// noinspection PointlessBooleanExpressionJS
return !!this.setInternal(key, value);
private setInternal(key: NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>, value: unknown): boolean {
switch (key) {
case 'theme':
return this.setOptionalString('theme', value);
case 'autoSwitchTheme':
return this.setBoolean('autoSwitchTheme', value);
case 'locale':
return this.setOptionalString('locale', value);
case 'expandGroups':
return this.setBoolean('expandGroups', value);
case 'listViewWidth':
return this.setOptionalPositiveNumber('listViewWidth', value);
case 'menuViewWidth':
return this.setOptionalPositiveNumber('menuViewWidth', value);
case 'tagsViewHeight':
return this.setOptionalPositiveNumber('tagsViewHeight', value);
case 'autoUpdate':
return this.setAutoUpdate(value);
case 'clipboardSeconds':
return this.setNonNegativeNumber('clipboardSeconds', value);
case 'autoSave':
return this.setBoolean('autoSave', value);
case 'autoSaveInterval':
return this.setNumberWithMinus1('autoSaveInterval', value);
case 'rememberKeyFiles':
return this.setRememberKeyFiles(value);
case 'idleMinutes':
return this.setNonNegativeNumber('idleMinutes', value);
case 'minimizeOnClose':
return this.setBoolean('minimizeOnClose', value);
case 'minimizeOnFieldCopy':
return this.setBoolean('minimizeOnFieldCopy', value);
case 'tableView':
return this.setBoolean('tableView', value);
case 'colorfulIcons':
return this.setBoolean('colorfulIcons', value);
case 'useMarkdown':
return this.setBoolean('useMarkdown', value);
case 'directAutotype':
return this.setBoolean('directAutotype', value);
case 'autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled':
return this.setBoolean('autoTypeTitleFilterEnabled', value);
case 'titlebarStyle':
return this.setTitlebarStyle(value);
case 'lockOnMinimize':
return this.setBoolean('lockOnMinimize', value);
case 'lockOnCopy':
return this.setBoolean('lockOnCopy', value);
case 'lockOnAutoType':
return this.setBoolean('lockOnAutoType', value);
case 'lockOnOsLock':
return this.setBoolean('lockOnOsLock', value);
case 'helpTipCopyShown':
return this.setBoolean('helpTipCopyShown', value);
case 'templateHelpShown':
return this.setBoolean('templateHelpShown', value);
case 'skipOpenLocalWarn':
return this.setBoolean('skipOpenLocalWarn', value);
case 'hideEmptyFields':
return this.setBoolean('hideEmptyFields', value);
case 'skipHttpsWarning':
return this.setBoolean('skipHttpsWarning', value);
case 'demoOpened':
return this.setBoolean('demoOpened', value);
case 'fontSize':
return this.setFontSize(value);
case 'tableViewColumns':
return this.setTableViewColumns(value);
case 'generatorPresets':
return this.setGeneratorPresets(value);
case 'generatorHidePassword':
return this.setBoolean('generatorHidePassword', value);
case 'cacheConfigSettings':
return this.setBoolean('cacheConfigSettings', value);
case 'allowIframes':
return this.setBoolean('allowIframes', value);
case 'useGroupIconForEntries':
return this.setBoolean('useGroupIconForEntries', value);
case 'enableUsb':
return this.setBoolean('enableUsb', value);
case 'fieldLabelDblClickAutoType':
return this.setBoolean('fieldLabelDblClickAutoType', value);
case 'auditPasswords':
return this.setBoolean('auditPasswords', value);
case 'auditPasswordEntropy':
return this.setBoolean('auditPasswordEntropy', value);
case 'excludePinsFromAudit':
return this.setBoolean('excludePinsFromAudit', value);
case 'checkPasswordsOnHIBP':
return this.setBoolean('checkPasswordsOnHIBP', value);
case 'auditPasswordAge':
return this.setNonNegativeNumber('auditPasswordAge', value);
case 'deviceOwnerAuth':
return this.setDeviceOwnerAuth(value);
case 'deviceOwnerAuthTimeoutMinutes':
return this.setNonNegativeNumber('deviceOwnerAuthTimeoutMinutes', value);
case 'disableOfflineStorage':
return this.setBoolean('disableOfflineStorage', value);
case 'shortLivedStorageToken':
return this.setBoolean('shortLivedStorageToken', value);
case 'extensionFocusIfLocked':
return this.setBoolean('extensionFocusIfLocked', value);
case 'extensionFocusIfEmpty':
return this.setBoolean('extensionFocusIfEmpty', value);
case 'yubiKeyShowIcon':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyShowIcon', value);
case 'yubiKeyAutoOpen':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyAutoOpen', value);
case 'yubiKeyMatchEntries':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyMatchEntries', value);
case 'yubiKeyShowChalResp':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyShowChalResp', value);
case 'yubiKeyRememberChalResp':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyRememberChalResp', value);
case 'yubiKeyStuckWorkaround':
return this.setBoolean('yubiKeyStuckWorkaround', value);
case 'canOpen':
return this.setBoolean('canOpen', value);
case 'canOpenDemo':
return this.setBoolean('canOpenDemo', value);
case 'canOpenSettings':
return this.setBoolean('canOpenSettings', value);
case 'canCreate':
return this.setBoolean('canCreate', value);
case 'canImportXml':
return this.setBoolean('canImportXml', value);
case 'canImportCsv':
return this.setBoolean('canImportCsv', value);
case 'canRemoveLatest':
return this.setBoolean('canRemoveLatest', value);
case 'canExportXml':
return this.setBoolean('canExportXml', value);
case 'canExportHtml':
return this.setBoolean('canExportHtml', value);
case 'canSaveTo':
return this.setBoolean('canSaveTo', value);
case 'canOpenStorage':
return this.setBoolean('canOpenStorage', value);
case 'canOpenGenerator':
return this.setBoolean('canOpenGenerator', value);
case 'canOpenOtpDevice':
return this.setBoolean('canOpenOtpDevice', value);
case 'globalShortcutCopyPassword':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutCopyPassword', value);
case 'globalShortcutCopyUser':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutCopyUser', value);
case 'globalShortcutCopyUrl':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutCopyUrl', value);
case 'globalShortcutCopyOtp':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutCopyOtp', value);
case 'globalShortcutAutoType':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutAutoType', value);
case 'globalShortcutRestoreApp':
return this.setOptionalString('globalShortcutRestoreApp', value);
case 'dropbox':
return this.setBoolean('dropbox', value);
case 'dropboxFolder':
return this.setOptionalString('dropboxFolder', value);
case 'dropboxAppKey':
return this.setOptionalString('dropboxAppKey', value);
case 'dropboxSecret':
return this.setOptionalString('dropboxSecret', value);
case 'webdav':
return this.setBoolean('webdav', value);
case 'webdavSaveMethod':
return this.setWebdavSaveMethod(value);
case 'webdavStatReload':
return this.setBoolean('webdavStatReload', value);
case 'gdrive':
return this.setBoolean('gdrive', value);
case 'gdriveClientId':
return this.setOptionalString('gdriveClientId', value);
case 'gdriveClientSecret':
return this.setOptionalString('gdriveClientSecret', value);
case 'onedrive':
return this.setBoolean('onedrive', value);
case 'onedriveClientId':
return this.setOptionalString('onedriveClientId', value);
case 'onedriveClientSecret':
return this.setOptionalString('onedriveClientSecret', value);
reset(): void {
const defaultValues = new AppSettings();
this.batchSet(() => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultValues)) {
this.set(key as NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>, value);
delete(key: NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>): void {
const defaultValues = new AppSettings();
this.set(key, defaultValues[key]);
private setOptionalString(
| 'theme'
| 'locale'
| 'globalShortcutCopyPassword'
| 'globalShortcutCopyUser'
| 'globalShortcutCopyUrl'
| 'globalShortcutCopyOtp'
| 'globalShortcutAutoType'
| 'globalShortcutRestoreApp'
| 'dropboxFolder'
| 'dropboxAppKey'
| 'dropboxSecret'
| 'gdriveClientId'
| 'gdriveClientSecret'
| 'onedriveClientId'
| 'onedriveClientSecret',
value: unknown
): boolean {
if (value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
this[key] = value;
return true;
} else {
this[key] = null;
return true;
return false;
private setOptionalPositiveNumber(
key: 'listViewWidth' | 'menuViewWidth' | 'tagsViewHeight',
value: unknown
): boolean {
if (value) {
if (typeof value === 'number' && value > 0) {
this[key] = value;
return true;
} else {
this[key] = null;
return true;
return false;
private setNonNegativeNumber(
| 'clipboardSeconds'
| 'idleMinutes'
| 'auditPasswordAge'
| 'deviceOwnerAuthTimeoutMinutes',
value: unknown
): boolean {
if (typeof value === 'number' && value >= 0) {
this[key] = value;
return true;
} else if (!value) {
this[key] = 0;
return false;
private setNumberWithMinus1(key: 'autoSaveInterval', value: unknown): boolean {
if (typeof value === 'number' && (value >= 0 || value === -1)) {
this[key] = value;
return true;
} else if (!value) {
this[key] = 0;
return false;
private setBoolean(
key: PropertiesOfType<AppSettings, boolean | undefined>,
value: unknown
): boolean {
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
this[key] = value;
return true;
return true;
private setAutoUpdate(value: unknown) {
if (value) {
if (value === 'install' || value === 'check') {
this.autoUpdate = value;
return true;
} else {
this.autoUpdate = null;
return true;
return false;
private setRememberKeyFiles(value: unknown) {
if (value) {
if (value === 'path' || value === 'data') {
this.rememberKeyFiles = value;
return true;
} else {
this.rememberKeyFiles = null;
return true;
return false;
private setTitlebarStyle(value: unknown) {
if (value === 'default' || value === 'hidden' || value === 'hidden-inset') {
this.titlebarStyle = value;
return true;
return false;
private setFontSize(value: unknown) {
if (value === 0 || value === 1 || value === 2) {
this.fontSize = value;
return true;
return false;
private setTableViewColumns(value: unknown) {
if (!value) {
this.tableViewColumns = null;
return true;
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
for (const item of value) {
if (typeof item !== 'string') {
return false;
this.tableViewColumns = value;
return true;
private setDeviceOwnerAuth(value: unknown) {
if (value === 'memory' || value === 'file') {
this.deviceOwnerAuth = value;
return true;
} else if (!value) {
this.deviceOwnerAuth = null;
return false;
private setWebdavSaveMethod(value: unknown) {
if (value === 'put' || value === 'move') {
this.webdavSaveMethod = value;
return true;
return false;
private setGeneratorPresets(value: unknown) {
if (!value) {
this.generatorPresets = null;
return true;
if (typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
let defaultPreset: string | undefined;
const disabled: Record<string, boolean> = {};
const user: PasswordGeneratorCustomPreset[] = [];
const record = value as Record<string, unknown>;
if (typeof record.default === 'string') {
defaultPreset = record.default;
if (
record.disabled &&
typeof record.disabled === 'object' &&
) {
const disabledRecord = record.disabled as Record<string, unknown>;
for (const [preset, isDisabled] of Object.entries(disabledRecord)) {
disabled[preset] = !!isDisabled;
if (Array.isArray(record.user)) {
for (const item of record.user as unknown[]) {
if (!item || typeof item !== 'object' || Array.isArray(item)) {
const itemRecord = item as Record<string, unknown>;
if (! || typeof !== 'string') {
if (!itemRecord.title || typeof itemRecord.title !== 'string') {
if (!itemRecord.length || typeof itemRecord.length !== 'number') {
const customPreset: PasswordGeneratorCustomPreset = {
title: itemRecord.title,
length: itemRecord.length
if (typeof itemRecord.include === 'string') {
customPreset.include = itemRecord.include;
if (typeof itemRecord.pattern === 'string') {
customPreset.pattern = itemRecord.pattern;
for (const prop of Object.keys(CharRanges)) {
const charRange = prop as CharRange;
const enabled = itemRecord[charRange];
if (typeof enabled === 'boolean') {
customPreset[charRange] = enabled;
this.generatorPresets = {
default: defaultPreset,
return true;
type AppSettingsFieldName = NonFunctionPropertyNames<AppSettings>;
const instance = new AppSettings();
export { instance as AppSettings, AppSettingsFieldName };