
808 lines
29 KiB

/* eslint-env node */
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const debug = require('debug');
const webpackConfig = require('./build/webpack.config');
const webpackConfigTest = require('./test/test.webpack.config');
const pkg = require('./package.json');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
const date = new Date();
grunt.config.set('date', date);
const dt = date.toISOString().replace(/T.*/, '');
const year = date.getFullYear();
const electronVersion = pkg.dependencies.electron.replace(/^\D/, '');
const skipSign = grunt.option('skip-sign');
const getCodeSignConfig = () =>
skipSign ? { identities: {} } : require('./keys/codesign.json');
let sha = grunt.option('commit-sha');
if (!sha) {
try {
sha = execSync('git rev-parse --short HEAD').toString('utf8').trim();
} catch (e) {
"Cannot get commit sha from git. It's recommended to build KeeWeb from a git repo " +
'because commit sha is displayed in the UI, however if you would like to build from a folder, ' +
'you can override what will be displayed in the UI with --commit-sha=xxx.'
grunt.log.writeln(`Building KeeWeb v${pkg.version} (${sha})`);
const webpackOptions = {
beta: !!grunt.option('beta'),
const windowsAppVersionString = {
CompanyName: 'KeeWeb',
FileDescription: pkg.description,
OriginalFilename: 'KeeWeb.exe',
ProductName: 'KeeWeb',
InternalName: 'KeeWeb'
const appdmgOptions = (arch) => ({
title: 'KeeWeb',
icon: 'graphics/icon.icns',
background: 'graphics/dmg-background.png',
'background-color': '#E0E6F9',
'icon-size': 80,
window: { size: { width: 658, height: 498 } },
contents: [
{ x: 438, y: 344, type: 'link', path: '/Applications' },
x: 192,
y: 344,
type: 'file',
path: `tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-${arch}/`
const linuxDependencies = [
noop: { noop: {} },
clean: {
dist: ['dist', 'tmp'],
desktop: ['tmp/desktop', 'dist/desktop']
copy: {
html: {
src: 'app/index.html',
dest: 'tmp/index.html',
nonull: true
'content-dist': {
cwd: 'app/content/',
src: '**',
dest: 'dist/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
icons: {
cwd: 'app/icons/',
src: ['*.png', '*.svg'],
dest: 'tmp/icons/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'dist-icons': {
cwd: 'app/icons/',
src: ['*.png', '*.svg'],
dest: 'dist/icons/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
manifest: {
cwd: 'app/manifest/',
src: ['*.json', '*.xml'],
dest: 'tmp/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'dist-manifest': {
cwd: 'app/manifest/',
src: ['*.json', '*.xml'],
dest: 'dist/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'desktop-html': {
src: 'dist/index.html',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/app/index.html',
nonull: true
'desktop-app-content': {
cwd: 'desktop/',
src: ['**', '!package-lock.json'],
dest: 'tmp/desktop/app/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'desktop-darwin-installer-helper-x64': {
cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb',
src: '**',
expand: true,
nonull: true,
options: { mode: true }
'desktop-darwin-installer-helper-arm64': {
cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb',
src: '**',
expand: true,
nonull: true,
options: { mode: true }
'desktop-win32-dist-x64': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/',
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.win.x64.exe`,
nonull: true
'desktop-win32-dist-ia32': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/',
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.win.ia32.exe`,
nonull: true
'desktop-win32-dist-arm64': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/',
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.win.arm64.exe`,
nonull: true
'native-modules-darwin-x64': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-darwin-x64.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/',
nonull: true
'native-modules-darwin-arm64': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-darwin-arm64.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-arm64/',
nonull: true
'native-modules-win32-x64': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-win32-x64.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/resources/',
nonull: true
'native-modules-win32-ia32': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-win32-ia32.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/resources/',
nonull: true
'native-modules-win32-arm64': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-win32-arm64.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/resources/',
nonull: true
'native-modules-linux-x64': {
src: 'node_modules/@keeweb/keeweb-native-modules/*-linux-x64.node',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/keeweb-linux-x64/resources/',
nonull: true
'electron-builder-dist-linux-rpm': {
src: `tmp/desktop/electron-builder/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.x86_64.rpm`,
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.x86_64.rpm`,
nonull: true
'electron-builder-dist-linux-snap': {
src: `tmp/desktop/electron-builder/KeeWeb_${pkg.version}_amd64.snap`,
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.snap`,
nonull: true
'electron-builder-dist-linux-appimage': {
src: `tmp/desktop/electron-builder/keeweb-${pkg.version}.AppImage`,
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.AppImage`,
nonull: true
'darwin-installer-icon': {
src: 'graphics/icon.icns',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb',
nonull: true
eslint: {
app: ['app/scripts/**/*.js'],
desktop: ['desktop/**/*.js', '!desktop/node_modules/**'],
build: ['Gruntfile.js', 'grunt.*.js', 'build/**/*.js', 'webpack.config.js'],
plugins: ['plugins/**/*.js'],
util: ['util/**/*.js'],
installer: ['package/osx/installer.js']
inline: {
app: {
src: 'tmp/index.html',
dest: 'tmp/app.html'
'csp-hashes': {
options: {
algo: 'sha512',
expected: {
style: 1,
script: 1
app: {
src: 'tmp/app.html',
dest: 'dist/index.html'
htmlmin: {
options: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true
app: {
files: {
'tmp/app.html': 'tmp/app.html'
'string-replace': {
'update-manifest': {
options: {
replacements: [
pattern: /"version":\s*".*?"/,
replacement: `"version": "${pkg.version}"`
pattern: /"date":\s*".*?"/,
replacement: `"date": "${dt}"`
files: { 'dist/update.json': 'app/update.json' }
'service-worker': {
options: { replacements: [{ pattern: '0.0.0', replacement: pkg.version }] },
files: { 'dist/service-worker.js': 'app/service-worker.js' }
'desktop-public-key': {
options: {
replacements: [
pattern: "'@@PUBLIC_KEY_CONTENT'",
'`' +
.readFileSync('app/resources/public-key.pem', {
encoding: 'utf8'
.trim() +
files: { 'tmp/desktop/app/main.js': 'desktop/main.js' }
webpack: {
app: webpackConfig.config(webpackOptions),
test: webpackConfigTest
'webpack-dev-server': {
options: {
webpack: webpackConfig.config({
mode: 'development',
sha: 'dev'
publicPath: '/',
contentBase: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp'),
path.resolve(__dirname, 'app/content')
progress: false
js: {
keepalive: true,
port: 8085
electron: {
options: {
name: 'KeeWeb',
dir: 'tmp/desktop/app',
out: 'tmp/desktop',
overwrite: true,
asar: true,
appCopyright: `Copyright © ${year} Antelle`,
appVersion: pkg.version,
buildVersion: sha
linux: {
options: {
name: 'keeweb',
platform: 'linux',
arch: 'x64',
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico'
'darwin-x64': {
options: {
platform: 'darwin',
arch: 'x64',
icon: 'graphics/icon.icns',
appBundleId: 'net.antelle.keeweb',
appCategoryType: '',
extendInfo: 'package/osx/extend.plist'
'darwin-arm64': {
options: {
platform: 'darwin',
arch: 'arm64',
icon: 'graphics/icon.icns',
appBundleId: 'net.antelle.keeweb',
appCategoryType: '',
extendInfo: 'package/osx/extend.plist'
'win32-x64': {
options: {
platform: 'win32',
arch: 'x64',
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico',
buildVersion: pkg.version,
'version-string': windowsAppVersionString
'win32-ia32': {
options: {
platform: 'win32',
arch: 'ia32',
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico',
buildVersion: pkg.version,
'version-string': windowsAppVersionString
'win32-arm64': {
options: {
platform: 'win32',
arch: 'arm64',
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico',
buildVersion: pkg.version,
'version-string': windowsAppVersionString
'electron-builder': {
linux: {
options: {
publish: 'never',
targets: 'linux',
prepackaged: 'tmp/desktop/keeweb-linux-x64',
config: {
appId: 'net.antelle.keeweb',
productName: 'keeweb',
copyright: `Copyright © ${year} Antelle`,
directories: {
output: 'tmp/desktop/electron-builder',
app: 'desktop',
buildResources: 'graphics'
fileAssociations: {
ext: 'kdbx',
name: 'KeePass 2 database',
mimeType: 'application/x-keepass2'
linux: {
target: ['AppImage', 'snap', 'rpm'],
category: 'Utility'
rpm: {
// depends: linuxDependencies
snap: {
stagePackages: linuxDependencies
'electron-patch': {
'win32-x64': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/KeeWeb.exe',
'win32-ia32': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/KeeWeb.exe',
'win32-arm64': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/KeeWeb.exe',
'darwin-x64': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/',
'darwin-arm64': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-arm64/',
'linux': 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-linux-x64/keeweb'
osacompile: {
options: {
language: 'JavaScript'
installer: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb': 'package/osx/installer.js'
compress: {
options: {
level: 6
'win32-x64': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64', src: '**', expand: true }]
'win32-ia32': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32', src: '**', expand: true }]
'win32-arm64': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64', src: '**', expand: true }]
'linux-x64': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [
{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/keeweb-linux-x64', src: '**', expand: true },
{ cwd: 'graphics', src: '128x128.png', nonull: true, expand: true }
appdmg: {
x64: {
options: appdmgOptions('x64'),
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.mac.x64.dmg`
arm64: {
options: appdmgOptions('arm64'),
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.mac.arm64.dmg`
nsis: {
options: {
vars: {
version: pkg.version,
rev: sha,
homepage: pkg.homepage
'win32-x64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main.nsi',
arch: 'x64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/'
'win32-un-x64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main-un.nsi',
arch: 'x64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/uninst.exe'
'win32-ia32': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main.nsi',
arch: 'ia32',
output: 'tmp/desktop/'
'win32-un-ia32': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main-un.nsi',
arch: 'ia32',
output: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/uninst.exe'
'win32-arm64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main.nsi',
arch: 'arm64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/'
'win32-un-arm64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main-un.nsi',
arch: 'arm64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/uninst.exe'
chmod: {
'linux-desktop-x64': {
options: {
mode: '4755'
src: ['tmp/desktop/keeweb-linux-x64/chrome-sandbox']
deb: {
options: {
tmpPath: 'tmp/desktop/',
package: {
name: 'keeweb-desktop',
version: pkg.version,
description: pkg.description,
homepage: pkg.homepage,
rev: sha
'linux-x64': {
options: {
info: {
arch: 'amd64',
pkgName: `KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.x64.deb`,
targetDir: 'dist/desktop',
appName: 'KeeWeb',
depends: linuxDependencies.join(', '),
scripts: {
postinst: 'package/deb/scripts/postinst'
files: [
{ cwd: 'package/deb/usr', src: '**', dest: '/usr', expand: true, nonull: true },
cwd: 'tmp/desktop/keeweb-linux-x64/',
src: '**',
dest: '/usr/share/keeweb-desktop',
expand: true,
nonull: true
src: 'graphics/128x128.png',
dest: '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/keeweb.png',
nonull: true
'osx-sign': {
options: {
get identity() {
return getCodeSignConfig();
hardenedRuntime: true,
entitlements: 'package/osx/entitlements.plist',
'entitlements-inherit': 'package/osx/entitlements-inherit.plist',
'gatekeeper-assess': false
'desktop-x64': {
options: {
'provisioning-profile': './keys/keeweb.provisionprofile'
src: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/'
'desktop-arm64': {
options: {
'provisioning-profile': './keys/keeweb.provisionprofile'
src: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-arm64/'
'installer': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb'
notarize: {
options: {
appBundleId: 'net.antelle.keeweb',
get appleId() {
return getCodeSignConfig().appleId;
appleIdPassword: '@keychain:AC_PASSWORD',
get ascProvider() {
return getCodeSignConfig().teamId;
'desktop-x64': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/'
'desktop-arm64': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-arm64/'
'sign-exe': {
options: {
url: pkg.homepage,
get windows() {
return getCodeSignConfig().windows;
get certHash() {
return getCodeSignConfig().microsoftCertHash;
'win32-build-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/KeeWeb.exe': 'KeeWeb',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/ffmpeg.dll': '',
'ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library',
'ANGLE libGLESv2 Dynamic Link Library'
'win32-build-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/KeeWeb.exe': 'KeeWeb',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/ffmpeg.dll': '',
'ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library',
'ANGLE libGLESv2 Dynamic Link Library'
'win32-build-arm64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/KeeWeb.exe': 'KeeWeb',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/ffmpeg.dll': '',
'ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library',
'ANGLE libGLESv2 Dynamic Link Library'
'win32-uninst-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/uninst.exe': 'KeeWeb Uninstaller'
'win32-uninst-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/uninst.exe': 'KeeWeb Uninstaller'
'win32-uninst-arm64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-arm64/uninst.exe': 'KeeWeb Uninstaller'
'win32-installer-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/': 'KeeWeb Setup'
'win32-installer-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/': 'KeeWeb Setup'
'win32-installer-arm64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/': 'KeeWeb Setup'
'sign-dist': {
dist: {
options: {
sign: 'dist/desktop/Verify.sign.sha256'
files: {
'dist/desktop/Verify.sha256': ['dist/desktop/KeeWeb-*']
'run-test': {
options: {
headless: true
default: 'test/runner.html'
virustotal: {
options: {
prefix: `keeweb.v${pkg.version}-${sha}.`,
timeout: 10 * 60 * 1000,
get apiKey() {
return require('./keys/virus-total.json').apiKey;
html: 'dist/index.html'
cmake: {
'native-messaging-host-darwin-x64': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host',
cmakeConfigure: ['-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64']
files: {
'native-messaging-host-darwin-arm64': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host',
cmakeConfigure: ['-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64']
files: {
'native-messaging-host-linux-x64': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host'
files: {
'native-messaging-host-win32-x64': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host.exe',
cmakeConfigure: ['-A', 'x64']
files: {
'native-messaging-host-win32-ia32': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host.exe',
cmakeConfigure: ['-A', 'win32']
files: {
'native-messaging-host-win32-arm64': {
options: {
outputName: 'keeweb-native-messaging-host.exe',
cmakeConfigure: ['-A', 'arm64']
files: {