mirror of https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb.git synced 2024-06-28 07:50:55 +02:00
2016-03-26 11:57:58 +03:00

392 lines
16 KiB

'use strict';
var Locale = {
months: ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
monthsShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'],
weekdays: ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
weekdaysShort: ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'],
retToApp: 'return to app',
name: 'name',
icon: 'icon',
title: 'title',
password: 'password',
user: 'user',
website: 'website',
tags: 'tags',
notes: 'notes',
noTitle: 'no title',
or: 'or',
notImplemented: 'Not Implemented',
cache: 'cache',
file: 'file',
webdav: 'WebDAV',
dropbox: 'Dropbox',
gdrive: 'Google Drive',
onedrive: 'OneDrive',
menuAllItems: 'All Items',
menuColors: 'Colors',
menuTags: 'Tags',
menuTrash: 'Trash',
menuSetGeneral: 'General',
menuSetShortcuts: 'Shortcuts',
menuSetHelp: 'Help',
menuSetAbout: 'About',
menuAlertNoTags: 'No tags',
menuAlertNoTagsBody: 'You can add new tags while editing fields, in tags section.',
menuEmptyTrash: 'Empty Trash',
menuEmptyTrashAlert: 'Empty Trash?',
menuEmptyTrashAlertBody: 'You will not be able to put items back',
alertYes: 'Yes',
alertNo: 'No',
alertOk: 'OK',
alertCancel: 'Cancel',
alertSignIn: 'Sign In',
alertCopy: 'Copy',
alertClose: 'Close',
appBeta: 'WARNING: beta version, only for preview',
footerOpen: 'Open / New',
footerSyncError: 'Sync error',
footerTitleHelp: 'Help',
footerTitleSettings: 'Settings',
footerTitleGen: 'Generate',
footerTitleLock: 'Lock',
genLen: 'Length',
genNewPass: 'New password',
genPresetDefault: 'default preset',
genPresetDerived: 'like old password',
genPresetPronounceable: 'pronounceable',
genPresetMed: 'medium length',
genPresetLong: 'long',
genPresetPin4: '4-digit PIN',
genPresetMac: 'MAC address',
genPresetHash128: '128-bit hash',
genPresetHash256: '256-bit hash',
grpTitle: 'Group',
grpSearch: 'Enable searching entries in this group',
keyChangeTitle: 'Master Key Changed',
keyChangeMessage: 'Master key was changed for this database. Please enter a new key',
iconFavTitle: 'Download and use website favicon',
iconSelCustom: 'Select custom icon',
listEmptyTitle: 'Empty',
listEmptyAdd: 'add with {} button above',
listGroup: 'Group',
listNoWebsite: 'no website',
listNoUser: 'no user',
listNoAttachments: 'no attachments',
searchAddNew: 'Add New',
searchSort: 'Sort',
searchTitle: 'Title',
searchWebsite: 'Website',
searchUser: 'User',
searchCreated: 'Created',
searchUpdated: 'Updated',
searchAttachments: 'Attachments',
searchAZ: 'A → Z',
searchZA: 'Z → A',
searchON: 'Old → New',
searchNO: 'New → Old',
searchShiftClickOr: 'shift-click or',
searchAdvTitle: 'Toggle advanced search',
searchSearchIn: 'Search in',
searchOther: 'Other fields',
searchProtect: 'Secure fields',
searchOptions: 'Options',
searchCase: 'Match case',
searchRegex: 'RegEx',
searchHistory: 'History',
openOpen: 'Open',
openNew: 'New',
openMore: 'More',
openDemo: 'Demo',
openSettings: 'Settings',
openCaps: 'Caps Lock is on',
openKeyFile: 'key file',
openKeyFileDropbox: '(from dropbox)',
openDropHere: 'drop files here',
openFailedRead: 'Failed to read file',
openNothingFound: 'Nothing found',
openNothingFoundBody: 'No files which could be opened (files are searched inside {} folder).',
openAppFolder: 'app',
openRootFolder: 'root',
openSelectFile: 'Select a file',
openSelectFileBody: 'Select a file which you would like to open',
openPassFor: 'Password for',
openRemoveLastQuestion: 'Delete local file?',
openRemoveLastQuestionBody: 'The file you are deleting is stored only inside the app. Delete it permanently?',
openRemoveLastQuestionModBody: 'The file you are deleting has local modifications. Delete it and discard these modifications?',
openLocalFile: 'Local file',
openLocalFileBody: 'You are going to open a file which will be stored inside the app. ' +
'Changes you make will not be saved back to file system. ' +
'To get the file with your data, export it from settings.',
openLocalFileDontShow: 'Don\'t show this again',
openWrongFile: 'Bad file',
openWrongFileBody: 'This file format is not supported. This app works with KeePass database format files (KDBX).',
openKdbFileBody: 'You are opening an old version format file (KDB). This app supports only new format (KDBX), ' +
'please use KeePass v2 to convert between them.',
openConfigHeader: '{} Settings',
openUrl: 'URL',
openUrlDesc: 'https://server/path/file.kdbx, or just file.kdbx',
openUser: 'Username',
openUserDesc: 'WebDAV server username (if required)',
openUserPlaceholder: 'no username',
openPass: 'Password',
openPassDesc: 'WebDAV server password (this is not your file password)',
openPassPlaceholder: 'no password',
openConfigError: 'Error: {}',
openConfigErrorNotFound: 'File not found',
openError: 'Error',
openErrorDescription: 'There was an error opening file',
detAttDownload: 'Shift-click attachment button to download or ',
detAttDelToRemove: 'Delete to remove',
detEmpty: 'Your passwords will be displayed here',
detGroupRestore: 'To restore this group, please drag it to any group outside trash',
detHistoryClickPoint: 'Click entry history timeline point to view state',
detHistoryReturn: 'return to entry',
detHistoryRevert: 'Revert to state',
detHistoryDel: 'Delete state',
detHistoryDiscard: 'Discard changes',
detHistoryEmpty: 'empty',
detHistoryModified: 'modified',
detHistoryRec: 'record',
detHistoryRecs: 'records',
detHistoryVersion: 'Version',
detHistorySaved: 'Saved',
detHistoryTitle: 'Title',
detHistoryNoTitle: 'no title',
detHistoryCurState: 'current state',
detHistoryCurUnsavedState: 'current unsaved state',
detBackToList: 'back to list',
detSetIconColor: 'Change icon color',
detSetIcon: 'Change icon',
detDropAttachments: 'drop attachments here',
detDelEntry: 'Delete',
detDelEntryPerm: 'Delete permanently',
detUser: 'User',
detPassword: 'Password',
detWebsite: 'Website',
detNotes: 'Notes',
detTags: 'Tags',
detExpires: 'Expires',
detExpired: 'expired',
detFile: 'File',
detCreated: 'Created',
detUpdated: 'Updated',
detHistory: 'History',
detNetField: 'New Field',
detAttachments: 'Attachments',
detDelFromTrash: 'Delete from trash?',
detDelFromTrashBody: 'You will not be able to put it back.',
detDelFromTrashBodyHint: 'To quickly remove all items from trash, click empty icon in Trash menu.',
detFieldCopied: 'Copied',
detFieldCopiedTime: 'Copied for {} seconds',
detCopyHint: 'You can copy field value with click on its title',
detMore: 'more',
detClickToAddField: 'click to add a new field',
detMenuAddNewField: 'Add new field',
detMenuShowEmpty: 'Show empty fields',
detMenuHideEmpty: 'Hide empty fields',
detMenuAddField: 'Add {}',
appSecWarn: 'Not Secure!',
appSecWarnBody1: 'You have loaded this app with insecure connection. ' +
'Someone may be watching you and stealing your passwords. ' +
'We strongly advise you to stop, unless you clearly understand what you\'re doing.',
appSecWarnBody2: 'Yes, your database is encrypted but no one can guarantee that the app has not been modified on the way to you.',
appSecWarnBtn: 'I understand the risks, continue',
appUnsavedWarn: 'Unsaved changes!',
appUnsavedWarnBody: 'You have unsaved files, if you close the app, changes will be lost.',
appExitBtn: 'Discard changes',
appExitSaveBtn: 'Save changes',
appDontExitBtn: 'Don\'t exit',
appCannotLockAutoInit: 'The app cannot be locked because auto save is disabled.',
appCannotLock: 'You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Continue?',
appSaveChangesBtn: 'Save changes',
appDiscardChangesBtn: 'Discard changes',
appAutoSave: 'Save changes automatically',
appSaveError: 'Save Error',
appSaveErrorBody: 'Failed to auto-save file',
appSaveErrorBodyMul: 'Failed to auto-save files:',
setGenTitle: 'General Settings',
setGenUpdate: 'Update',
setGenNewVersion: 'New app version was released and downloaded',
setGenReleaseNotes: 'View release notes',
setGenReloadToUpdate: 'Reload to update',
setGenUpdateManual: 'New version has been released. It will check for updates and install them automatically ' +
'but auto-upgrading from your version is impossible.',
setGenDownloadUpdate: 'Download update',
setGenUpdateAuto: 'Download and install automatically',
setGenUpdateCheck: 'Check but don\'t install',
setGenNoUpdate: 'Never check for updates',
setGenUpdateChecking: 'Checking for updates',
setGenCheckUpdate: 'Check for updates',
setGenErrorChecking: 'Error checking for updates',
setGenLastCheckSuccess: 'Last successful check was at {}',
setGenLastCheckVer: 'the latest version was {}',
setGenCheckedAt: 'Checked at',
setGenLatestVer: 'you are using the latest version',
setGenNewVer: 'new version {} available, released',
setGenDownloadingUpdate: 'Downloading update...',
setGenExtractingUpdate: 'Extracting update...',
setGenCheckErr: 'There was an error downloading new version',
setGenNeverChecked: 'Never checked for updates',
setGenRestartToUpdate: 'Restart to update',
setGenDownloadAndRestart: 'Download update and restart',
setGenAppearance: 'Appearance',
setGenTheme: 'Theme',
setGenShowSubgroups: 'Show entries from all subgroups',
setGenTableView: 'Entries list table view',
setGenColorfulIcons: 'Colorful custom icons in list',
setGenFunction: 'Function',
setGenAutoSync: 'Automatically save and sync',
setGenRememberKeyFiles: 'Remember key files',
setGenLockInactive: 'Auto-lock if the app is inactive',
setGenNoAutoLock: 'Don\'t auto-lock',
setGenLockMinutes: 'In {} minutes',
setGenLockHour: 'In an hour',
setGenClearClip: 'Clear clipboard after copy',
setGenNoClear: 'Don\'t clear',
setGenClearSeconds: 'In {} seconds',
setGenClearMinute: 'In a minute',
setGenMinInstead: 'Minimize app instead of close',
setGenLockMinimize: 'Auto-lock on minimize',
setGenLockCopy: 'Auto-lock on password copy',
setGenStorage: 'Storage',
setGenAdvanced: 'Advanced',
setGenDevTools: 'Show dev tools',
setFilePath: 'File path',
setFileStorage: 'This file is opened from {}.',
setFileIntl: 'This file is stored in internal app storage',
setFileLocalHint: 'Want to work seamlessly with local files?',
setFileDownloadApp: 'Download a desktop app',
setFileSave: 'Save',
setFileSaveTo: 'Save to ...',
setFileClose: 'Close',
setFileSync: 'Sync',
setFileSaveToFile: 'File',
setFileSaveToXml: 'XML',
setFileLastSync: 'Last sync',
setFileLastSyncUnknown: 'unknown',
setFileSyncInProgress: 'sync in progress',
setFileSyncError: 'Sync error',
setFileSettings: 'Settings',
setFilePass: 'Master password',
setFilePassChanged: 'password was changed; leave the field blank to use old password',
setFileKeyFile: 'Key file',
setFileSelKeyFile: 'Select a key file',
setFileNames: 'Names',
setFileName: 'Name',
setFileDefUser: 'Default username',
setFileHistory: 'History',
setFileEnableTrash: 'Enable trash',
setFileHistLen: 'History length, keep last records per entry',
setFileHistSize: 'History size, total MB per file',
setFileAdvanced: 'Advanced',
setFileRounds: 'Key encryption rounds',
setFileUseKeyFile: 'Use key file',
setFileUseGenKeyFile: 'Use generated key file',
setFileUseOldKeyFile: 'Use old key file',
setFileGenKeyFile: 'Generate new key file',
setFileDontUseKeyFile: 'Don\'t use key file',
setFileEmptyPass: 'Empty password',
setFileEmptyPassBody: 'Saving database with empty password makes it completely unprotected. Do you really want to do it?',
setFileSaveError: 'Save error',
setFileSaveErrorBody: 'Error saving to file',
setFileAlreadyExists: 'Already exists',
setFileAlreadyExistsBody: 'File {} already exists. Overwrite it?',
setFileUnsaved: 'Unsaved changes',
setFileUnsavedBody: 'There are unsaved changes in this file',
setFileCloseNoSave: 'Close and lose changes',
setFileDontClose: 'Don\'t close',
setShTitle: 'Shortcuts',
setShShowAll: 'show all items',
setShColors: 'show items with colors',
setShTrash: 'go to trash',
setShFind: 'search, or just start typing',
setShClearSearch: 'clear search',
setShEntry: 'go to entry',
setShCopyPass: 'copy password or selected field',
setShCopyUser: 'copy username',
setShCopyUrl: 'copy website',
setShPrev: 'go to previous item',
setShNext: 'go to next item',
setShCreateEntry: 'create entry',
setShOpen: 'open / new',
setShSave: 'save all files',
setShGen: 'generate password',
setShSet: 'app settings',
setShCopyPassGlobal: 'copy password (when app is in background)',
setShCopyUserGlobal: 'copy username (when app is in background)',
setShCopyUrlGlobal: 'copy website (when app is in background)',
setShLock: 'lock database',
setAboutTitle: 'About',
setAboutBuilt: 'This app is built with these awesome tools',
setAboutLic: 'License',
setAboutLicComment: 'The app itself and all included components which are not in public domain are licensed under MIT license',
setAboutFirst: 'This is an open-source app created by {}',
setAboutSecond: ' and licensed under {}.',
setAboutSource: 'The source code and issues are on {}.',
setHelpTitle: 'Help',
setHelpFormat: 'File Format',
setHelpFormatBody: 'This is a port of {} app built with web technologies. ' +
'It understands files in KeePass format (kdbx). You can create such files (password databases) either in KeePass, ' +
'or in this app. The file format is 100% compatible and should be understood by both apps.',
setHelpProblems: 'Problems?',
setHelpProblems1: 'If something goes wrong, please {} ',
setHelpProblems2: 'or {}',
setHelpOpenIssue: 'open an issue on GitHub',
setHelpContactLink: 'contact a developer directly',
setHelpAppInfo: 'App information',
setHelpOtherPlatforms: 'Other platforms',
setHelpDesktopApps: 'Desktop apps',
setHelpWebApp: 'Web app',
setHelpUpdates: 'Updates',
setHelpTwitter: 'App twitter',
dropboxLogin: 'Dropbox Login',
dropboxLoginBody: 'To continue, you have to sign in to Dropbox.',
dropboxSyncError: 'Dropbox Sync Error',
dropboxNotFoundBody: 'The file was not found. Has it been removed from another computer?',
dropboxFull: 'Dropbox Full',
dropboxFullBody: 'Your Dropbox is full, there\'s no space left anymore.',
dropboxRateLimitedBody: 'Too many requests to Dropbox have been made by this app. Please, try again later.',
dropboxNetError: 'Dropbox Sync Network Error',
dropboxNetErrorBody: 'Network error occurred during Dropbox sync. Please, check your connection and try again.',
dropboxErrorBody: 'Something went wrong during Dropbox sync. Please, try again later. Error code: ',
dropboxErrorRepeatBody: 'Something went wrong during Dropbox sync. Please, try again later. Error: ',
dropboxSetupDesc: 'Some configuration is required to use Dropbox in self-hosted app. Please create your own Dropbox app and fill in its key below.',
dropboxAppKey: 'Dropbox app key',
dropboxAppKeyDesc: 'Copy the key from your Dropbox app (Developer settings)',
dropboxFolder: 'App folder',
dropboxFolderDesc: 'If your app is linked to entire Dropbox (not app folder), set the folder with your Kdbx files here',
dropboxFolderSettingsDesc: 'Select any folder in your Dropbox where files will be stored (root folder by default)',
dropboxFolderPlaceholder: 'default folder',
dropboxLink: 'Link the app to',
dropboxLinkApp: 'App folder (Apps/KeeWeb)',
dropboxLinkFull: 'Full Dropbox or any folder',
dropboxLinkCustom: 'Own Dropbox app',
launcherSave: 'Save Passwords Database',
launcherFileFilter: 'KeePass files'
module.exports = Locale;