
703 lines
24 KiB

/* eslint-env node */
const fs = require('fs');
const sass = require('node-sass');
const webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config');
const postCssReplaceFont = require('./build/util/postcss-replace-font');
const pkg = require('./package.json');
module.exports = function(grunt) {
const date = new Date();
const dt = date.toISOString().replace(/T.*/, '');
const year = date.getFullYear();
const minElectronVersionForUpdate = '1.7.0';
const zipCommentPlaceholderPart = 'zip_comment_placeholder_that_will_be_replaced_with_hash';
const zipCommentPlaceholder = zipCommentPlaceholderPart + '.'.repeat(512 - zipCommentPlaceholderPart.length);
const electronVersion = pkg.dependencies.electron.replace(/^\D/, '');
gitinfo: {
branch: {
current: {
SHA: 'Current HEAD SHA',
shortSHA: 'Current HEAD short SHA',
name: 'Current branch name',
lastCommitTime: 'Last commit time'
clean: {
dist: ['dist', 'tmp'],
desktop: ['tmp/desktop', 'dist/desktop'],
cordova: ['tmp/cordova', 'dist/cordova']
copy: {
html: {
src: 'app/index.html',
dest: 'tmp/index.html',
nonull: true
favicon: {
src: 'app/favicon.png',
dest: 'tmp/favicon.png',
nonull: true
icons: {
cwd: 'app/icons/',
src: ['*.png', '*.svg'],
dest: 'tmp/icons/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'dist-icons': {
cwd: 'app/icons/',
src: ['*.png', '*.svg'],
dest: 'dist/icons/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
manifest: {
cwd: 'app/manifest/',
src: ['*.json', '*.xml'],
dest: 'tmp/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'dist-manifest': {
cwd: 'app/manifest/',
src: ['*.json', '*.xml'],
dest: 'dist/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
fonts: {
src: 'node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.*',
dest: 'tmp/fonts/',
nonull: true,
expand: true,
flatten: true
'desktop-app-content': {
cwd: 'desktop/',
src: ['**', '!package-lock.json'],
dest: 'tmp/desktop/app/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'desktop-update': {
cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/',
src: 'app.asar',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/update/',
expand: true,
nonull: true
'desktop-update-helper': {
src: ['helper/darwin/KeeWebHelper', 'helper/win32/KeeWebHelper.exe'],
dest: 'tmp/desktop/update/',
nonull: true
'desktop-windows-helper-ia32': {
src: 'helper/win32/KeeWebHelper.exe',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/Resources/',
nonull: true
'desktop-windows-helper-x64': {
src: 'helper/win32/KeeWebHelper.exe',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/Resources/',
nonull: true
'desktop-darwin-helper-x64': {
src: 'helper/darwin/KeeWebHelper',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/',
nonull: true,
options: { mode: '0755' }
'desktop-darwin-installer': {
cwd: 'package/osx/KeeWeb',
dest: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/',
src: '**',
expand: true,
nonull: true,
options: { mode: true }
'desktop-win32-dist-x64': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/',
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.win.x64.exe`,
nonull: true
'desktop-win32-dist-ia32': {
src: 'tmp/desktop/',
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.win.ia32.exe`,
nonull: true
eslint: {
app: ['app/scripts/**/*.js'],
desktop: ['desktop/**/*.js', '!desktop/node_modules/**'],
grunt: ['Gruntfile.js', 'grunt/**/*.js']
sass: {
options: {
sourceMap: false,
includePaths: ['./node_modules'],
implementation: sass
dist: {
files: {
'tmp/css/main.css': 'app/styles/main.scss'
postcss: {
options: {
processors: [
require('cssnano')({discardComments: {removeAll: true}})
dist: {
src: 'tmp/css/main.css',
dest: 'tmp/css/main.css'
inline: {
app: {
src: 'tmp/index.html',
dest: 'tmp/app.html'
htmlmin: {
options: {
removeComments: true,
collapseWhitespace: true
app: {
files: {
'dist/index.html': 'tmp/app.html'
'string-replace': {
manifest: {
options: {
replacements: [
{ pattern: '# YYYY-MM-DD:v0.0.0', replacement: '# ' + dt + ':v' + pkg.version },
{ pattern: '# updmin:v0.0.0', replacement: '# updmin:v' + minElectronVersionForUpdate }
files: { 'dist/manifest.appcache': 'app/manifest.appcache' }
'manifest-html': {
options: { replacements: [{ pattern: '<html', replacement: '<html manifest="manifest.appcache"' }] },
files: { 'dist/index.html': 'dist/index.html' }
'desktop-html': {
options: { replacements: [{ pattern: ' manifest="manifest.appcache"', replacement: '' }] },
files: { 'tmp/desktop/app/index.html': 'dist/index.html' }
'desktop-public-key': {
options: { replacements: [{ pattern: '\'@@PUBLIC_KEY_CONTENT\'', replacement:
'`' + fs.readFileSync('app/resources/public-key.pem', {encoding: 'utf8'}).trim() + '`' }] },
files: { 'tmp/desktop/app/main.js': 'desktop/main.js' }
'cordova-html': {
options: { replacements: [{ pattern: '<script', replacement: '<script src="cordova.js"></script><script' }] },
files: { 'tmp/cordova/app/index.html': 'dist/index.html' }
webpack: {
js: webpackConfig.config(grunt, date)
'webpack-dev-server': {
options: {
webpack: webpackConfig.devServerConfig(grunt, date),
publicPath: '/tmp/js',
progress: false
js: {
keepalive: true,
webpack: {
devtool: 'source-map'
port: 8085
uglify: {
options: {
preserveComments: false
app: {
files: { 'tmp/js/app.js': ['tmp/js/app.js'] }
vendor: {
options: {
mangle: false,
compress: false
files: { 'tmp/js/vendor.js': ['tmp/js/vendor.js'] }
watch: {
options: {
interrupt: true,
debounceDelay: 500
styles: {
files: 'app/styles/**/*.scss',
tasks: ['sass']
indexhtml: {
files: 'app/index.html',
tasks: ['copy:html']
electron: {
options: {
name: 'KeeWeb',
dir: 'tmp/desktop/app',
out: 'tmp/desktop',
electronVersion: electronVersion,
overwrite: true,
asar: true,
'appCopyright': `Copyright © ${year} Antelle`,
'appVersion': pkg.version,
'buildVersion': '<%= gitinfo.local.branch.current.shortSHA %>'
linux: {
options: {
platform: 'linux',
arch: ['x64', 'ia32'],
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico'
darwin: {
options: {
platform: 'darwin',
arch: ['x64'],
icon: 'graphics/icon.icns',
'appBundleId': 'net.antelle.keeweb',
'appCategoryType': '',
'extendInfo': 'package/osx/extend.plist'
win32: {
options: {
platform: 'win32',
arch: ['ia32', 'x64'],
icon: 'graphics/icon.ico',
'buildVersion': pkg.version,
'version-string': {
'CompanyName': 'KeeWeb',
'FileDescription': pkg.description,
'OriginalFilename': 'KeeWeb.exe',
'ProductName': 'KeeWeb',
'InternalName': 'KeeWeb'
codesign: {
app: {
options: {
identity: 'app',
deep: true
src: ['tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/']
dmg: {
options: {
identity: 'app'
src: [`dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.mac.dmg`]
compress: {
options: {
level: 6
'desktop-update': {
options: { archive: 'dist/desktop/', comment: zipCommentPlaceholder },
files: [
{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/update', src: '**', expand: true, nonull: true }
'win32-x64': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64', src: '**', expand: true }]
'win32-ia32': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32', src: '**', expand: true }]
'linux-x64': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-linux-x64', src: '**', expand: true },
{ cwd: 'graphics', src: '128x128.png', nonull: true, expand: true }]
'linux-ia32': {
options: { archive: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}` },
files: [{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-linux-ia32', src: '**', expand: true },
{ cwd: 'graphics', src: '128x128.png', nonull: true, expand: true }]
appdmg: {
options: {
title: 'KeeWeb',
icon: 'graphics/icon.icns',
background: 'graphics/background.png',
'background-color': '#E0E6F9',
'icon-size': 80,
window: { size: { width: 658, height: 498 } },
contents: [
{ x: 438, y: 344, type: 'link', path: '/Applications' },
{ x: 192, y: 344, type: 'file', path: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-darwin-x64/' }
app: {
dest: `dist/desktop/KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.mac.dmg`
nsis: {
options: {
vars: {
version: pkg.version,
rev: function() { return grunt.config.get('gitinfo.local.branch.current.shortSHA'); },
homepage: pkg.homepage
'win32-x64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main.nsi',
arch: 'x64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/'
'win32-un-x64': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main-un.nsi',
arch: 'x64',
output: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/uninst.exe'
'win32-ia32': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main.nsi',
arch: 'ia32',
output: 'tmp/desktop/'
'win32-un-ia32': {
options: {
installScript: 'package/nsis/main-un.nsi',
arch: 'ia32',
output: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/uninst.exe'
deb: {
options: {
tmpPath: 'tmp/desktop/',
package: {
name: 'keeweb-desktop',
version: pkg.version,
description: pkg.description,
homepage: pkg.homepage,
rev: function() { return grunt.config.get('gitinfo.local.branch.current.shortSHA'); }
'linux-x64': {
options: {
info: {
arch: 'amd64',
pkgName: `KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.x64.deb`,
targetDir: 'dist/desktop',
appName: 'KeeWeb',
depends: 'libappindicator1, libgconf2-4',
scripts: {
postinst: 'package/deb/scripts/postinst'
files: [
{ cwd: 'package/deb/usr', src: '**', dest: '/usr', expand: true, nonull: true },
{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-linux-x64/', src: '**', dest: '/opt/keeweb-desktop', expand: true, nonull: true },
{ src: 'graphics/128x128.png', dest: '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/keeweb.png', nonull: true }
'linux-ia32': {
options: {
info: {
arch: 'i386',
pkgName: `KeeWeb-${pkg.version}.linux.ia32.deb`,
targetDir: 'dist/desktop',
appName: 'KeeWeb',
depends: 'libappindicator1, libgconf2-4',
scripts: {
postinst: 'package/deb/scripts/postinst'
files: [
{ cwd: 'package/deb/usr', src: '**', dest: '/usr', expand: true, nonull: true },
{ cwd: 'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-linux-ia32/', src: '**', dest: '/opt/keeweb-desktop', expand: true, nonull: true },
{ src: 'graphics/128x128.png', dest: '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/keeweb.png', nonull: true }
'sign-archive': {
'desktop-update': {
options: {
file: 'dist/desktop/',
signature: zipCommentPlaceholder
'sign-desktop-files': {
'desktop-update': {
options: {
path: 'tmp/desktop/update'
'validate-desktop-update': {
desktop: {
options: {
file: 'dist/desktop/',
expected: [
expectedCount: 7,
publicKey: 'app/resources/public-key.pem'
'sign-html': {
'app': {
options: {
file: 'dist/index.html',
skip: grunt.option('skip-sign')
'sign-exe': {
options: {
spc: 'keys/keeweb.spc',
key: '01',
algo: 'sha256',
url: pkg.homepage
'win32-build-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/KeeWeb.exe': 'KeeWeb',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/ffmpeg.dll': '',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/libEGL.dll': 'ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/libGLESv2.dll': 'ANGLE libGLESv2 Dynamic Link Library',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/node.dll': 'Node.js'
'win32-build-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/KeeWeb.exe': 'KeeWeb',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/ffmpeg.dll': '',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/libEGL.dll': 'ANGLE libEGL Dynamic Link Library',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/libGLESv2.dll': 'ANGLE libGLESv2 Dynamic Link Library',
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/node.dll': 'Node.js'
'win32-uninst-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-x64/uninst.exe': 'KeeWeb Uninstaller'
'win32-uninst-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/KeeWeb-win32-ia32/uninst.exe': 'KeeWeb Uninstaller'
'win32-installer-x64': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/': 'KeeWeb Setup'
'win32-installer-ia32': {
options: {
files: {
'tmp/desktop/': 'KeeWeb Setup'
'concurrent': {
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
'dev-server': [
'sign-dist': {
'dist': {
options: {
sign: 'dist/desktop/Verify.sign.sha256'
files: {
'dist/desktop/Verify.sha256': ['dist/desktop/KeeWeb-*', 'dist/desktop/']
// compound builder tasks
grunt.registerTask('build-web-app', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-app-content', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-update', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-executables', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-archives', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-dist-darwin', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-dist-win32', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-dist-linux', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop-dist', [
grunt.registerTask('build-desktop', [
grunt.registerTask('build-cordova-app-content', [
grunt.registerTask('build-cordova', [
// entry point tasks
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Default: build web app', [
grunt.registerTask('dev', 'Build project and start web server and watcher', [
grunt.registerTask('devsrv', 'Start web server and watcher', [
grunt.registerTask('desktop', 'Build web and desktop apps for all platforms', [
grunt.registerTask('cordova', 'Build cordova app', [