
157 lines
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import { Color } from 'util/data/color';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
const ThemeVarsScss = require('!!raw-loader!../../styles/base/_theme-vars.scss').default as string;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
const ThemeDefaults = require('!!raw-loader!../../styles/themes/_theme-defaults.scss')
.default as string;
type StyleVar = Color | string | number;
function checkColor(colorVar: StyleVar): Color {
if (colorVar instanceof Color) {
return colorVar;
} else if (typeof colorVar === 'string') {
return new Color(colorVar);
} else {
throw new TypeError(`Not a color: ${colorVar}`);
const ThemeFunctions: Record<string, (...args: StyleVar[]) => StyleVar> = {
'mix'(color1: StyleVar, color2: StyleVar, percent: StyleVar): StyleVar {
if (typeof percent !== 'number') throw new TypeError('percent is not a number');
return checkColor(color1).mix(checkColor(color2), percent).toRgba();
'semi-mute-percent'(mutePercent: StyleVar): StyleVar {
if (typeof mutePercent !== 'number') throw new TypeError('mutePercent is not a number');
return mutePercent / 2;
'rgba'(color: StyleVar, alpha: StyleVar): StyleVar {
if (typeof alpha !== 'number') throw new TypeError('alpha is not a number');
const res = new Color(checkColor(color));
res.a = alpha;
return res.toRgba();
color: StyleVar,
lshift: StyleVar,
thBg: StyleVar,
thText: StyleVar
): StyleVar {
if (typeof lshift !== 'number') throw new TypeError('lshift is not a number');
if (checkColor(color).l - lshift >= checkColor(thBg).l) {
return checkColor(thText).toRgba();
return checkColor(thBg).toRgba();
'lightness-alpha'(color: StyleVar, lightness: StyleVar, alpha: StyleVar): StyleVar {
if (typeof lightness !== 'number') throw new TypeError('lightness is not a number');
if (typeof alpha !== 'number') throw new TypeError('alpha is not a number');
const res = new Color(checkColor(color));
res.l += Math.min(0, Math.max(1, lightness));
res.a += Math.min(0, Math.max(1, alpha));
return res.toHsla();
'shade'(color: StyleVar, percent: StyleVar): StyleVar {
if (typeof percent !== 'number') throw new TypeError('percent is not a number');
return, percent).toRgba();
const ThemeVars = {
themeDefaults: undefined as Map<string, string> | undefined,
newLineRegEx: /[\n\s]+/g, // don't inline it, see #1656
themeVarsRegEx: /([\w\-]+):([^:]+),(\$)?/g,
init(): void {
if (this.themeDefaults) {
this.themeDefaults = new Map<string, string>();
const propRegex = /\s([\w\-]+):\s*([^,\s]+)/g;
let match;
do {
match = propRegex.exec(ThemeDefaults);
if (match) {
const [, name, value] = match;
this.themeDefaults.set('--' + name, value);
} while (match);
apply(cssStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration): void {
const matches = ThemeVarsScss.replace(this.newLineRegEx, '').matchAll(this.themeVarsRegEx);
for (let [, name, def, last] of matches) {
if (last && def.endsWith(')')) {
// definitions are written like this:
// map-merge((def:val, def:val, ..., last-def:val),$t)
// so, the last item has "),$" captured, here we're removing that bracket
def = def.substr(0, def.length - 1);
const propName = '--' + name;
const currentValue = cssStyle.getPropertyValue(propName);
if (currentValue) {
let result: StyleVar = def.replace(/map-get\(\$t,\s*([\w\-]+)\)/g, '--$1');
let replaced = true;
const locals: StyleVar[] = [];
while (replaced) {
replaced = false;
result = result.replace(/([\w\-]+)\([^()]+\)/, (fnText) => {
replaced = true;
const [, name, argsStr] = /([\w\-]+)\((.*)\)/.exec(fnText) ?? [];
const args = argsStr
.filter((arg) => arg)
.map((arg) => this.resolveArg(arg, cssStyle, locals));
if (typeof ThemeFunctions[name] !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`Unknown function: ${name}`);
return `L${locals.length - 1}`;
result = locals[locals.length - 1];
cssStyle.setProperty(propName, result.toString());
resolveArg(arg: string, cssStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration, locals: StyleVar[]): StyleVar {
if (/^--/.test(arg)) {
let cssProp = cssStyle.getPropertyValue(arg);
if (cssProp) {
cssProp = cssProp.trim();
if (cssProp) {
arg = cssProp;
} else if (this.themeDefaults?.has(arg)) {
arg = this.themeDefaults.get(arg) ?? '';
} else {
throw new Error('Css property missing: ' + arg);
if (/^L/.test(arg)) {
const ix = +arg.substr(1);
return locals[ix];
if (/%$/.test(arg)) {
return +arg.replace(/%$/, '') / 100;
if (/^-?[\d.]+?$/.test(arg)) {
return +arg;
if (/^(#|rgb)/.test(arg)) {
return new Color(arg);
throw new Error('Bad css arg: ' + arg);
export { ThemeVars };