mirror of https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb.git synced 2024-06-24 07:36:40 +02:00

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const DefaultAppSettings = {
theme: null, // UI theme
locale: null, // user interface language
expandGroups: true, // show entries from all subgroups
listViewWidth: null, // width of the entry list representation
menuViewWidth: null, // width of the left menu
tagsViewHeight: null, // tags menu section height
autoUpdate: 'install', // auto-update options: "install", "check", ""
clipboardSeconds: 0, // number of seconds after which the clipboard will be cleared
autoSave: true, // auto-save open files
autoSaveInterval: 0, // interval between performing automatic sync, minutes
rememberKeyFiles: false, // remember keyfiles selected on the Open screen
idleMinutes: 15, // app lock timeout after inactivity, minutes
minimizeOnClose: false, // minimise the app instead of closing
tableView: false, // view entries as a table instead of list
colorfulIcons: false, // use colorful custom icons instead of grayscale
useMarkdown: true, // use Markdown in Notes field
directAutotype: true, // if only one matching entry is found, select that one automatically
titlebarStyle: 'default', // window titlebar style
lockOnMinimize: true, // lock the app when it's minimized
lockOnCopy: false, // lock the app after a password was copied
lockOnAutoType: false, // lock the app after performing auto-type
lockOnOsLock: false, // lock the app when the computer is locked
helpTipCopyShown: false, // disable the tooltip about copying fields
templateHelpShown: false, // disable the tooltip about entry templates
skipOpenLocalWarn: false, // disable the warning about opening a local file
hideEmptyFields: false, // hide empty fields in entries
skipHttpsWarning: false, // disable the non-HTTPS warning
demoOpened: false, // hide the demo button inside the More... menu
fontSize: 0, // font size: 0, 1, 2
tableViewColumns: null, // columns displayed in the table view
generatorPresets: null, // presets used in the password generator
generatorHidePassword: false, // hide password in the generator
cacheConfigSettings: false, // cache config settings and use them if the config can't be loaded
allowIframes: false, // allow displaying the app in IFrames
useGroupIconForEntries: false, // automatically use group icon when creating new entries
enableUsb: true, // enable interaction with USB devices
nativeArgon2: true, // use native argon2 module
fieldLabelDblClickAutoType: false, // trigger auto-type by doubleclicking field label
yubiKeyShowIcon: true, // show an icon to open OTP codes from YubiKey
yubiKeyAutoOpen: false, // auto-load one-time codes when there are open files
yubiKeyMatchEntries: true, // show matching one-time codes in entries
yubiKeyShowChalResp: true, // show YubiKey challenge-response option
yubiKeyRememberChalResp: false, // remember YubiKey challenge-response codes while the app is open
yubiKeyStuckWorkaround: false, // enable the workaround for stuck YubiKeys
canOpen: true, // can select and open new files
canOpenDemo: true, // can open a demo file
canOpenSettings: true, // can go to settings
canCreate: true, // can create new files
canImportXml: true, // can import files from XML
canImportCsv: true, // can import files from CSV
canRemoveLatest: true, // can remove files from the recent file list
canExportXml: true, // can export files as XML
canExportHtml: true, // can export files as HTML
canSaveTo: true, // can save existing files to filesystem
canOpenStorage: true, // can open files from cloud storage providers
canOpenGenerator: true, // can open password generator
canOpenOtpDevice: true, // can open OTP codes from USB tokens
dropbox: true, // enable Dropbox integration
dropboxFolder: null, // default folder path
dropboxAppKey: null, // custom Dropbox app key
dropboxSecret: null, // custom Dropbox app secret
webdav: true, // enable WebDAV integration
webdavSaveMethod: 'move', // how to save files with WebDAV: "move" or "put"
gdrive: true, // enable Google Drive integration
gdriveClientId: null, // custom Google Drive client id
gdriveClientSecret: null, // custom Google Drive client secret
onedrive: true, // enable OneDrive integration
onedriveClientId: null, // custom OneDrive client id
onedriveClientSecret: null // custom OneDrive client secret
export { DefaultAppSettings };